chubyuri · 7 years
Okay but imagine having a bff like that, that you’re so close with that it’s normal to just be touchy like that
Taehyung touching and kissing Jungkook’s ear is what I live for
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And now most recently:
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chubyuri · 7 years
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victor is that friend that looks good in every picture
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chubyuri · 7 years
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last art for 2016! pushed beds ✨ ✨ and here’s to us, for being the better part of 2016. happy new year, everyone xo
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chubyuri · 7 years
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‘But then I realized that Minako-sensei, Nishigori, Yuuko-chan, and my family never treated me like a weakling. They all had faith that I’d keep growing as a person and they never stepped over the line.’
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chubyuri · 8 years
“Then it’s settled.” Yuri smiled at him but it was only a half smile, shadowed with the anxiety they were both no doubt feeling over this coming competition. He could tell Victor was worried about this as well, they’d spent enough time with each other it would be stranger if he couldn’t notice.  “We’ll go together...We’ll face this together. We’ll be careful while we’re over there and avoid going out, it’s just for three or four days right? then we come back here.” When he realised how much he did like Victor he’d looked into the laws of homophobia in Russia and none of it was good news. They’d just keep their heads down and hopefully everything would go smoothly.
Meet me in the Middle
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chubyuri · 8 years
Of course Victor would notice, it shouldn’t have surprised him that he couldn’t hide much from the other man, ever since Victor had arrived here Yuuri had been under his careful eye trying to learn everything about him while Yuuri still felt as if he knew very little about the older man. “I’m okay.” He assured him with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes but there wasn’t much more that he could say. It was Victor’s gentle and reassuring touch that got him to relax a little but that didn’t keep him from worrying. “Will you be okay? We leave for Russia soon... I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want to go.” He didn’t want Victor to go through anything he didn’t want to and Yuuri felt strong enough he could go to the competition on his own although of course he would prefer Victor there. “I can be a protective boyfriend as well you know.” He whispered gently with a little genuine smile.
Meet me in the Middle
The Russian could feel his body warming up a little more now that he was inside the house. It was so relaxing after feeling the slight chilly wind outside. Leaning his arm on the table in front of him, he awaited their food to be brought in.
When Hiroko returned, carrying their food in, Victor felt his mouth starting to water at the sight and and gorgeous aroma coming from it. Immediately, he tucked in, eating as if there was no tomorrow. “Vkusno!”, he called out in Russian. By now, everyone knew what it meant, thankfully.
The rice went so well with the vegetables, and Victor was loving each and every bite. He listened to the mother and son chattering to one another as he ate. “It’s going to get cold if you don’t eat your food soon”, Victor commented in a hushed voice to Yuri. Lifting a piece of carrot between his chopsticks, Victor held it to Yuri’s lips. “Open wide”, he told him.
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chubyuri · 8 years
The thing about Viktor was it was just so easy to be around him. His touches were gentle and comforting and he wanted to lean into every one of them and he did more often than not. Their closeness to each other had long become some what of a norm for them both over the last six months together. “Mum says hi.” He smiled a touch but for all intent and purposes it never reaches his eyes, he was exhausted.  “Viktor we-.... have to talk.”  They hadn’t even gotten the chance to yet with the reporters, the ceremony and the lack of privacy but he needed to know what Viktor was thinking.
“About the kiss.”  He continued to clarify his thoughts and looked down at the menu Viktor had in his hands mostly to distract himself from seeing the expression on the Russian skater’s face, he was afraid marginally that the kiss was going to be over looked by Viktor, maybe he’d just been in the heat of the moment and he was ready to forget about it and brush it off but Yuuri wasn’t.
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Yuuri was exhausted, he could feel it in his bones like he’s never experienced before. He didn’t sleep all night and then the emotional stress of today and the general strain on his body had completely wiped him out. Even someone with stamina like Yuuri’s own couldn’t keep up and as soon as they made it back to the hotel he dived into bed, falling flat on his stomach in the middle of the mattress. He knew Victor was saying something, he’d been talking the entire way up here but Yuuri was hardly paying him any attention. He felt off, strange even. He played with the silver medallion that hung from the strap his neck and rolled onto his back to look up at the other man. Victor so naturally ended up in his bed now they hadn’t bothered getting two beds and with Victor paying for the accommodation Yuuri wasn’t one to complain.  If he was honest sleeping with Victor would be a relief tonight with everything else weighing on his mind. Most of all the kiss. He sat up to peer at Victor, it was like Victor hadn’t even changed, he was still the happy go lucky dork with a sharp edge to him that could arise at the strangest moments. Yuuri wasn’t sure how he should even attempt to bring up the kiss but they had to talk about it, he could still feel the lingering touch of Victor against his mouth and no doubt people would be talking about them. First things first he needed to ring his parents and then he really needed to change out of these clothes. “I have to call my parents.” He announced and got out his phone, he knew he was acting a little strange and withdrawn but he was looking at the medal against his chest and he couldn’t quite believe he was here, with Victor. He talked with them for only ten minutes, it was getting late here and his mother expressed her concerns for his sleep but he knew Victor wanted to celebrate and he was just glad he’ managed to convince him earlier on the way up here that they could celebrate in the hotel room and not go out. He promised her he would, and flusterdly promised that he’d say hello to Victor for her, the entire conversation was in Japanese so he was doubtful Victor could even understand and he hung up with a sigh, turning his phone off. He didn’t want to look at the media right now or talk to anyone, tonight was about relaxation.
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chubyuri · 8 years
yuuri: three words and i'm yours
viktor: pork cutlet bowls
yuuri: that's exactly it, let's get married
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chubyuri · 8 years
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put it back
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chubyuri · 8 years
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chubyuri · 8 years
Yuri was pulled away from his conversation with his mother by Victor’s voice and he turned to him who was close to his side, holding out a piece of carrot out between his chopsticks toward Yuri. He felt his heart swell a little and what else could he do in that moment with such soft blue eyes looking at him than open up his mouth. So after only a heart beats hesitation he obediently opened wide, wrapping his lips around the food Victor offered and sliding the morsel into his mouth. He was blushing, he could feel it on his cheeks but it was so beautifully mundane and domestic he hadn’t been able to refuse. He realised he very much liked being this way with Victor, as a lover he supposed. “R-right...I’ll eat now.” He promised him and picked up his own bowl of rice and started to eat. he didn’t want to worry anyone but he really wasn’t feeling that hungry, he still felt all the nerves from the interview earlier
Meet me in the Middle
The Russian could feel his body warming up a little more now that he was inside the house. It was so relaxing after feeling the slight chilly wind outside. Leaning his arm on the table in front of him, he awaited their food to be brought in.
When Hiroko returned, carrying their food in, Victor felt his mouth starting to water at the sight and and gorgeous aroma coming from it. Immediately, he tucked in, eating as if there was no tomorrow. “Vkusno!”, he called out in Russian. By now, everyone knew what it meant, thankfully.
The rice went so well with the vegetables, and Victor was loving each and every bite. He listened to the mother and son chattering to one another as he ate. “It’s going to get cold if you don’t eat your food soon”, Victor commented in a hushed voice to Yuri. Lifting a piece of carrot between his chopsticks, Victor held it to Yuri’s lips. “Open wide”, he told him.
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chubyuri · 8 years
Yuuri was exhausted, he could feel it in his bones like he’s never experienced before. He didn’t sleep all night and then the emotional stress of today and the general strain on his body had completely wiped him out. Even someone with stamina like Yuuri’s own couldn’t keep up and as soon as they made it back to the hotel he dived into bed, falling flat on his stomach in the middle of the mattress. He knew Victor was saying something, he’d been talking the entire way up here but Yuuri was hardly paying him any attention. He felt off, strange even. He played with the silver medallion that hung from the strap his neck and rolled onto his back to look up at the other man. Victor so naturally ended up in his bed now they hadn’t bothered getting two beds and with Victor paying for the accommodation Yuuri wasn’t one to complain.  If he was honest sleeping with Victor would be a relief tonight with everything else weighing on his mind. Most of all the kiss. He sat up to peer at Victor, it was like Victor hadn’t even changed, he was still the happy go lucky dork with a sharp edge to him that could arise at the strangest moments. Yuuri wasn’t sure how he should even attempt to bring up the kiss but they had to talk about it, he could still feel the lingering touch of Victor against his mouth and no doubt people would be talking about them. First things first he needed to ring his parents and then he really needed to change out of these clothes. “I have to call my parents.” He announced and got out his phone, he knew he was acting a little strange and withdrawn but he was looking at the medal against his chest and he couldn’t quite believe he was here, with Victor. He talked with them for only ten minutes, it was getting late here and his mother expressed her concerns for his sleep but he knew Victor wanted to celebrate and he was just glad he’ managed to convince him earlier on the way up here that they could celebrate in the hotel room and not go out. He promised her he would, and flusterdly promised that he’d say hello to Victor for her, the entire conversation was in Japanese so he was doubtful Victor could even understand and he hung up with a sigh, turning his phone off. He didn’t want to look at the media right now or talk to anyone, tonight was about relaxation.
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chubyuri · 8 years
"We're later than she thought we'd be." He explained shortly to Victor as they both sat down and Victors closeness was somewhat normal for them now after spending close to half a year together now. "They've already had dinner.... They haven't said anything should I ask them?" He wasn't sure why he thought asking Victor would help but he was at a loss. His mother had left the room to grab their dishes and came back with two bowls of rice, soup and some steamed veges on a tray for them both.
"Itadakimasu!" He said before he started eating, picking up his chop sticks and had some of the broccoli on the plate in front of him. He looked at his mother who watched them fondly. He knew that they already knew of their relationship but now they were public. "Mum you watched Victors speech at the end?" He asked in Japanese and it caught his fathers attention as well and they both confirmed. "Gomen." He said quietly. "I'm afraid it might mean reporters will be bothering us here." He continued, he'd fill Victor in on the details later and both his parents tried assuring him it would be okay. Any publicity of the onsen would be good but Yuri hated putting his family in this position.
Meet me in the Middle
Victor gave Yuri’s mother a cheerful greeting, and pried his poodle off him. Obedient now, Maccachin followed Victor and Yuri towards the room, but as the reached the room, the Russian crouched down in front of the canine. “You’ll need to wait here, Maccachin. You can come with us to bed in a bit, alright? Good boy”, he praised him as the dog sat down, giving a soft whine. After petting the poodles head, Victor stood back up and headed in to the room, pulling the sliding door shut.
He padded over towards where Yuri was sat down, taking a seat beside him, shuffling a little closer. “I can’t wait to have a bite to eat, I’m starving”, he spoke. Hearing the apology and seeing the sheepishness on his boyfriends, Victor tilted his head. “ what did she say?”, he asked him.
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chubyuri · 8 years
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chubyuri · 8 years
phichit and yuuri headcanons
because i haven’t spoken of my love for phichit lately (even though i just wrote a fic ha)
Phichit was the first openly not-straight person Yuuri ever met
Phichit isn’t even sure what to call his sexuality and explained that, “It doesn’t really matter as long as you’re good to each other.”
their room in Detroit was decorated with posters of figure skaters
Phichit would put sticky notes with extremely suggestive comments on the Viktor posters and Yuuri angered the neighbors from shrieking so much
Phichit and Yuuri kissed once and it was probably in that moment when Yuuri realized, hey, it really doesn’t matter who it is
They never had romantic feelings for one another but their levels of bro are off the charts
Yuuri learned how to lose his personal space thanks to Phichit
Phichit often gave Yuuri’s feet and legs an intense deep massage after a tiring day
Phichit teases Yuuri about being unable to handle spice and heat that he swears is sprinkled in milk for Thai babies
Yuuri tried so hard to explain the beauty in the simplicity of traditional Japanese food; Phichit thinks it all tastes like plain rice. Except for katsudon and anything yoshoku. He laughs at “spicy” Japanese curry though.
Phichit dragged Yuuri into a gay club once. They’re not sure what happened but thank the gods they woke up in their apartment the next morning. Naked and in the same bed, but they swear nothing happened.
Phichit is envious of Yuuri’s relationship with Viktor. “I want my ice prince to sweep me off my skates, too.” Yuuri is not sure if Phichit has someone particular in mind.
Yuuri: “You’re already a prince so of course a prince will come for you.”
Phichit: “It’d be sexier if he was an enemy soldier.”
They whispered to each other the plot of Phichit’s fantasy love story over Facetime, with Viktor trying so hard to sleep in bed behind Yuuri.
Eventually Viktor joins in and asks Phichit straight up if the soldier is Seung-gil.
Yuuri has never heard Phichit screech like that before.
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chubyuri · 8 years
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*quietly slides more viktuuri cuddles across the table*
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chubyuri · 8 years
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It survived
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