cigarcloud · 2 days
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What Ace needs now is some cuddles. (Crocodile too *lol* Hormones indeed...)
Continuation of the "Stinky Child" comic. (I really need a better name for this X'D)
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cigarcloud · 3 days
one piece got me doing fucked up and evil shit like truly seeing the value of laughter and joy again
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cigarcloud · 4 days
Oh my fucking god I forgot to stay silly
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cigarcloud · 4 days
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Oh how times have changed
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cigarcloud · 4 days
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How do I draw Cross Guild Buggy???
(Also, what is make up and what's tattooed...?)
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cigarcloud · 5 days
Card Shark (18+ Minors DNI)
Word Count: 4000 Ao3 Link Summary: You had never been to a casino before, but you missed playing card games as a kid. Unfortunately (or luckily) for you, you catch the casino owner's attention when your luck runs too high for his tastes. Author’s Note: My first ever reader fic and my first ever smut. I've been addicted to reading One Piece reader fics lately, especially @turtletaubwrites and @discordantwritings, so shout out to them! Content: AFAB!Reader, Fem!Reader, Daddy Kink, Praise Kink, Spanking, Vaginal Fingering, Rough Oral Sex
It could have been the bright, flashing lights and the rolling tick of slot machines with what appeared to be living corpses sat in front of them. Or maybe it was the crowd. The uncomfortable press of strangers moving against strangers, everyone in someone’s way. The harsh clink of glass against glass, the scrape of chairs continuously vacated and filled. You couldn’t pin point exactly which, if any of these, were what overwhelmed you most as you stepped into the casino.
You had never been to a casino before, and to be honest you didn’t know what to expect. Despite living so close to one for a while now it had simply never crossed your mind before. But, you were bored. Life was a monotonous routine. It was one you usually enjoyed, but even creatures of habit needed enrichment every now and then. A memory flitted across your mind, visions of playing card games as a kid. You didn’t know much about casinos, but you knew there were card games. It seemed a good enough reason to finally visit the famous Rain Dinners.
You made your way to a table where people were playing Blackjack, and waited for the game to be over. The dealer glanced your way and shot you a toothy grin.
“First time here?” He asked, and his grin stretched when you nodded. “You’ll need some chips. Anywhere from 100 to 1000 berry per round at this table.” You smiled gratefully for the instruction and took out 500 berry, figuring a few rounds were all you needed to satiate your sudden nostalgic appetite.
It took a bit to get comfortable, but by the third round you felt in the zone. The familiar wave of focus pulled you under as you watched every card, that ability to take it all in and turn it into probability always came to you naturally, and led to you winning damn near every game you played as a kid. The sensory edge the casino has been pressing against you dulled as you honed in, your nerves eased as you settled in to an old routine.
After your first five rounds finished you looked down and realized you had double the chips sitting in front of you. You decided to play a bit riskier for the next few, until you had around ten times your original amount of chips. You lost yourself in the cards again, oblivious to anything around you, effortlessly resetting your numbers when a new deck was brought in. Nothing else was registering to you, until you felt the weight of a massive hand that almost covered both of your shoulders settle on your back. You felt yourself startle, skin shifting against the touch.You turned and found yourself staring into a familiar face.
You may be new to casinos, but you weren’t new to Alabasta. This was Sir Crocodile, pirate warlord and keeper of the peace. You knew he was a big man in the figurative sense, but the physical reality lived up to every modern day fable being whispered in the streets. He towered above you, above everyone in the place, seated or standing. The scar that bisected his face did nothing to diminish his looks, it might have enhanced them further. His slicked back hair was meticulous, his eyes a piercing gray. Those eyes felt as though they were cutting you to ribbons more effectively than his massive golden hook ever could. You smiled up at him quickly, confused and a bit unnerved by his presence.
“Having good luck tonight, aren’t we little lady?” He said around his cigar. You’re pretty sure he’s had a cigar in his mouth in every single picture you’ve seen of him. “Seem to be winning quite a bit.” You smiled a more relaxed smile this time, nodding.
“Yes she is Sir, and getting luckier as the night goes on.” Crocodile’s face twitched ever so slightly hearing about your consistent stream of luck in his casino.
“That so?” He asked, his gravelly voice shooting straight down your spine. Your nerves were ratcheting up again, as the Warlord seemed to be growing tense. You swallowed thickly, waiting for him to speak. “Well, it seems I’ll have to talk to management about hiring dealers who know a card counter when she’s right in front of them.” Your face flushed, not knowing what he meant but getting the clear impression that you were doing something wrong.
“Sorry, Sir!” The dealer responded, much more alert to the precarious mood of his boss. “It won’t happen again, Sir!” Crocodile chuckled, before he took a deep drag of his cigar. You felt your eyes track the movement before you forced them back to a more neutral position. Now was not the time to be taken in by a handsome face.
“No, it certainly won’t. Get out of here.” He spoke to the dealer, but his gaze burned into you.
“Now.” He spoke again, finally breaking his eyes away to shoot the dealer a look of absolute venom. You felt just a bit more relaxed now, knowing that he didn’t look at you with nearly that level of contempt. The feeling was fleeting though, as his gaze drifted back. He certainly didn’t look at you like that, no. How he looked at you was far worse.
He looked starving .
After a few tortuously long moments of silence you decided to speak up.
“I can stop playing if I need to, but I don’t know what you mean by counting the cards? Like adding up the numbers? How else would you play?” That earned a bark of laughter from the man towering behind you, and a more genuine smile graced his features.
“Well, then. Seems you don’t even know what you’re doing.” You huffed at the idea that a simple game like this was above you, but you didn’t dare interrupt. “In any case, might want to go exchange these for berry.” He nodded at your chips. “Quite the winnings for a first timer.” You looked down at the chips in surprise.
“I get to exchange these back?” Another laugh erupted from his throat, and you felt the massive hand squeeze you lightly.
“Oh sweetheart, how’d a girl like you end up here?” He asked, taking a drag of his cigar. He gestured for you to stand and led you to a counter, his hand on the small of your back.
While it was certainly embarrassing to be asked to stop playing and clearly shown to not know anything about how casinos function, it might have been worth it for the warmth of the hand that seeped into your body. Sir Crocodile was certainly attractive, and his attention, now that it seemed wholly positive, felt nice to have.
“So, sweetheart,” He said, and you felt yourself flush at the endearment he once again used. “What’s your name?”
You grabbed the berry the worker behind the counter handed you and peered up at Crocodile. “Y/N.” You responded, hoping your voice wasn’t too quiet for him to hear with the wave of nervous excitement that passed over you.
“Hmm.” He hummed. “Well Miss Y/N, I am Sir Crocodile. A pleasure to meet you.” He grabbed your hand and bent down to put it to his lips, looking straight at you. You gave a nervous laugh at both the gesture and the entirely unnecessary introduction.
“I’ve heard a lot about you.” You replied. As he raised to his full height again, he flashed you a grin that had you recalling childhood tales of big bad wolves.
“That so? Well, I’d love to hear more about you, and that funny little talent you have. I happen to find myself unusually free this evening. Join me for a drink?” He asked.
Well, saying no to a warlord didn’t seem like the smartest idea, and besides, there was no harm in a drink. You nodded and let him guide you, relieved that he seemed content to let the conversation wait while the two of you walked. Your mind was racing and you had to admit to yourself that your body wasn’t in any better of a state.
You startled when you returned to yourself and realized the noise of the casino was much quieter. You were leaving the floor, entering an empty hallway and walking decidedly far away from the bar. You felt a flightiness settle around the edges of your mind. You were so focused on the attention of a good looking man that you forgot he was a killer. A government supported killer at that. Also, the owner of the casino you seemed to have done something offensive in. You swallowed thickly and paused, but Crocodile’s firm hand pushed you forward, causing you to stumble just a bit.
“Something the matter, doll?” His words were ice water over you, but despite the situation heat simultaneously rose to your cheeks and dropped to pool between your thighs.
“I, uh- just realized we aren’t going to the bar.” You replied, and you held no illusion that your nerves didn’t shine through every detail of your face. This earned another laugh and a squeeze, although this time much lower than your shoulder. His hand was just high enough to say he was not cupping your ass, but it was a near thing. He might as well have been, for the effect it had on you.
“Distracted are we?” His raspy voice sen t a shock through your spine, and your thoughts were starting to get completely out of control. The voice in your mind telling you this is dangerous was getting quieter and quieter by the second. “Such a gorgeous girl deserves my full attention. I’m taking you to a private room for our drink .” The way he said it seemed to imply so much, and you were left numbly following him to wherever he decided to take you. You didn’t think your voice would have worked, even if your mind could have come up with a response.
After another minute of walking in silence the two of you stopped at an elevator with gleaming gold doors, an intricate pattern engraved on them. Somewhere in your mind you found space to wonder why even the elevators had to scream his wealth and power. He pressed the button to go up and gently guided you in once the doors opened.
You felt completely suffocated in the small space, and completely unsure of how to stand, or what to do with your hands, or if you should try and make conversation. You risked a glance up and find the man was true to his word, his attention was entirely on you.
“Uh… so… what do you like to drink?” You ask ed , your voice barely a squeak. You stare d straight ahead, unable to meet that intense gaze for another second. God this ride is taking forever .
“I prefer whiskey myself.” He responded, and his voice was so taunting as he said it. “And what does my little card shark like?” He asked, as the elevator came to a stop and the stupid golden doors mercifully opened.
“Um, ciders, usually.” Not that you drank much at all, a fact that you were sure he picked up on. You wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d managed to know everything about you from the few words you spoke.
“Here we are.” He said, showing you to a lavish room with a plush couch, a bar in the back, and a massive desk set before a wall made entirely of glass. The entirety of the room was lined with bookshelves, and you caught a few titles about the history of Alabasta that looked interesting. You could see the skyline through the glass. You wondered if you could pick out your neighborhood, but he startled you out of your dissection of the space before you could truly try. He gently grabbed your hand, and took you to the couch.
“Is this your office?” You wondered aloud. He nodded in response, before leaving you to go behind the bar. There was the opening of a door and the sound of clinking as he collected glasses from a cabinet. He poured whiskey into both and brought them over, while you tried not to stare too openly at his massive hand that made the two glasses in it look like children’s toys.
I’d need prepped to even take a finger .
“Afraid I don’t carry fruit juice in my office.” He teased as he handed you your glass. You accepted it with a smile, but didn’t move further. His gaze sharpened a bit as he raised his drink. “Go ahead Y/N, I’m sure you can handle it.” You felt your stomach flip at the sound of your name leaving his lips, and the innuendo that might have been entirely in your mind, and you were certain you couldn’t handle any of this.
“Thank you.” You murmured, bringing the glass to your lips and taking a sip. It burned going down, but you weren’t so unaccustomed to liquor that you coughed. You licked your bottom lip to clear it of a stray droplet, and watched as Crocodile’s silver eyes followed the movement.
“Gorgeous.” He sighed, as his hand moved to your hip. “So, what’s a little doll like you doing bleeding me dry?” He asked, his thumb drawing circles on the fabric of the skirt you wore.
   "Uh, sorry Sir." You managed to get out, albeit breathless. "I just missed playing as a kid, that's all really."
   “And how did you get so good playing toddlers?” Crocodile replied, curiosity in his eyes. You wanted to look away, feeling every bit as overwhelmed by him as the entire casino downstairs, but you were trapped.
   “I don’t know. It’s just an easy game?” He took another drag of his cigar. “I just keep track of all the cards that get played, and after a few rounds its easy to guess if you should hit or not.”
   “Mmm, little card shark. Not supposed to do that in casinos.”
   “Wouldn’t that make it hard to win?” You questioned and he chuckled, blowing out more smoke.
   “That’s the point, sweetheart. Casino only works if the house is winning.” You took another sip of your drink, with the hope that it would help you relax. It didn’t, but Crocodile seemed to enjoy watching you. “Poor thing, probably felt so embarrassed at that table. Didn’t even know what you were doing.” His hand moved up to the hem of your shirt, and you were sure that if you could get any more red you did. His voice was so condescending, but it was going straight between your thighs.
   “I, uh-” You were cut off by him pushing your shirt up, his fingertips resting just underneath your breast. “Oh!” You squeaked, jumping a bit. Unfortunately that movement was enough to get his fingertips decidedly on your breast. He brought his hook over and you felt yourself stiffen as it caught your shirt collar.
   "Such a good little mouse, you look so pretty when you freeze.” You couldn’t help the sharp intake of breath, and you barely managed to keep it from escaping as a moan. “Let’s see how you look without this, hmm Y/N?” He didn’t wait for a response, tearing your shirt off in one fluid motion. You gasped and moved to cover your breasts, but he caught both of your wrists with ease in his right hand. He pulled them up over your head, admiring the view. “Now, now… be a good girl for me Y/N.” He said sternly. You wriggled a bit, trying to free yourself, but in the privacy of your mind you knew you didn’t want to go anywhere.
   “Let me see how you really feel about this.” Crocodile said, and brought his hook to your skirt. Once it was torn away, nothing stood between his gaze and your soaked panties. He smiled that sharp, animalistic smile at you, and this time you couldn’t bite back a whimper. “Mm, seems you like my attention. So stop squirming.” His voice took a hard edge to it and you went still. “Good girl.” You were getting wetter by the second, and the building fear that sent fire dancing over your nerves was only increasing your arousal.
   “Uh… Crocodile-” The hook went straight to your throat, the point turned away so as not to hurt you, yet.
   “Sir or Daddy. Take your pick.” You moaned at that, and the feeling of the cold steel against you.
   Something is seriously wrong with me.
   “Yes, Sir.” You said quietly, and he hummed his approval, taking the hook away and leaning forward to kiss your forehead. “Can I please have my hands back, Sir?” You asked, looking through your lashes up at him.
   “You are asking so nicely. Promise to be good?” He tone was deceptively gentle now, and you nodded. He raised a brow before you realized what he wanted.
   “Yes, Sir.” He released your wrists and cupped your chin instead, pulling you into a kiss. You felt suffocated in a somehow pleasant way, and when he silently asked for entrance into your mouth you gave it to him.
   As he explored your mouth with his teeth and tongue, his hand released your jaw, lowering to your thighs. You moaned as he ran his fingers over your slick-coated underwear, your legs parting of their own accord.
   “Good girl.” He murmured into your mouth. He moved your underwear to the side, a giant finger teasing along your entrance. You gasped as he gently pushed in, breaking away from the kiss with a string of saliva still connecting you.
   “Fuck…” You bucked your hips forward, taking the rest of his finger inside. It was stretching you out with a slight burn, and you had to wonder what the night had in store for you if just one finger could do this. You let your head fall back as he pumped it in and out of you, his thumb coming up to circle your clit.
   He curled his finger a bit, and you were seeing stars. His thumb kept rubbing up against your swollen nub, and you could feel the waves of pleasure building, ready to crash.
   “Mmmm, please!” You cried out. He pistoned his finger faster, watching you come completely undone against him. Your breath grew ragged and slower as you came down from your orgasm, looking up into his heavily hooded eyes.
   “Did you like that?” He asked, his voice was gravel across your skin, and you whimpered. “Use your words, sweet girl.”
   “Yes, Cro-” You yelped as you were bent over his knee in one fluid motion, the air knocked out of your lungs with a harsh gasp. A hand rested over your ass, only a thin layer of fabric covering you. That was quickly removed, your underwear now shoved down past your thighs.
   “I believe I already told you, Sir or Daddy.” A swat landed on your ass and you gasped. His giant hand covered you entirely, even your thighs stung a bit. “You gonna be a good girl for me?”
   “Yes, Daddy.” You moaned, cursing yourself for such a slip up as his hand picked up a steady rhythm. Soon your ass was raw and scorching under his touch, and tears pricked at the corner of your eyes. “Sorry Daddy.” You choked out, and at last his hand paused in its movements.
   “It’s okay, sweet girl. Daddy knows you didn’t mean it.” You couldn’t help the whine that escaped your lips, followed by a new flush of embarrassment over your chest. “Took your punishment so well, you deserve a treat.” The sweet, low rasp of his voice put you in a daze as he maneuvered you like you weighed nothing. You found yourself on your stomach, face to face with his belt buckle.
   “Fuck, Daddy.” Your voice came out as a thin whisper as you took in the tent in his pants. Like everything else about him, it was larger than you were used to. “S’too big.” You whined, looking up at him through your lashes.
   “Won’t know until you try, will you sweetheart?” He emphasized this with a tug at his belt buckle, looking at you expectantly. “Don’t want to disappoint me, do you?” His hook crept back up to your neck, applying a gentle pressure.
   “No, Daddy.” You couldn’t believe all it took was a finger for you to forget who you were in the presence of. You most certainly did not want to disappoint this man, or become boring to him. Boring cheaters probably received a much worse fate than interesting ones. You intended to remain interesting.
   You unbuckled his belt and tugged at his zipper, moving his pants just enough for his cock to spring free.
   The pants had been hiding a lot . It wasn’t big, it was absolutely massive . You swallowed thickly, before moving your mouth over the tip. You took the base in your hand, another wave of fear-excitement-arousal coursed through you when you realized you couldn’t circle your fingertips. You took a breath before letting your tongue fall out, licking across the tip.
   It tasted like salt and musk, and you needed more. You relaxed your jaw as much as you could and slowly worked your way down. The tip wasn’t too difficult, but you only made it about two inches down the shaft before the girth started giving you trouble.
   “Pretty girl, I’m not known for being patient.” His voice startled you, and you jolted forward. His cock hit the back of your throat, and you were barely halfway down. You forced yourself to stay put as you caught your breath, then started moving up and down.
   The weight against your tongue was addicting, and you closed your eyes as you began to suck in earnest, swirling your tongue around to catch the tip every time you pulled back. Slowly as you bobbed your head you began to take more of his length.
   “Good job.” He groaned, and the praise shot through you as adrenaline. “Keep your mouth open, Daddy wants to use you properly.” You groaned at that, doing your best to keep your jaw relaxed and your breath steady. He grabbed the back of your head and began fucking into your mouth, letting himself bottom out.
   Tears gathered in the corner of your eyes and you could feel bile rising as his groin pressed against your face. You desperately swallowed against it, breathing harshly through your nose. He didn’t relent for a second, using your throat just as he promised. He was brutal, and it contrasted deliciously with the sweet words spilling from his lips like honey.
   “Such a good girl for me, so sweet. Perfect little angel, gonna keep you forever.” Your eyes rolled back in your head as he thrust even more sharply. He lasted only a few more before he was spilling cum so deep in your throat you didn’t have the chance to taste it.
   He pulled you off, and you somehow found it within yourself to still feel embarrassed when a wet pop accompanied the motion. Your jaw ached, your ass was sore, and you knew it would only be worse tomorrow. Still, you felt alive.
   “Well, sweetheart. Now comes business.” You blinked up at him slowly, your brain sluggish and body tired. “Gonna have to ban you from my casino, card shark.” He chuckled, wiping saliva from your chin.
   “Wha- then what was this?” You asked, voice pitching up as you realized he wasn’t letting your entirely accidental cheating go.
   “You getting bratty with me?” His voice dropped an octave and you felt his hand inching towards your already abused backside.
   “No!” You yelped quickly. He raised an eyebrow at you for a long moment before you realized your mistake. “No, Daddy.” You amended. His hand abandoned it’s journey to your ass and instead ran along your side.
   “Good. This was just the consequence of being such a pretty thing in my presence. You still have to make amends for cheating me out of berry.” Your eyes widened, and you were barely able to stop the protest that wanted to make its way out of you. “Oh, don’t look so scared little mouse.” He grinned wide, not helping your fear at all. “How about you make it up to me by letting me take you to dinner.”
   “Dinner?” You asked, completely lost now. “Like a date?” He laughed, giving your side a squeeze.
   “Sure, sweetheart. A date.” You gave him a tentative smile in return and nodded.
   “Uh, yeah! I mean- yes, Sir.” Your mind was now working into overdrive, trying to understand the situation you found yourself in. “Do I have to call you that in public or?” You trailed off, and his predatory grin was back in full force.
   “You can try and find out.”
   You weren’t sure whether you wanted it to be a threat or a promise. One thing you knew is you wouldn’t be bored any time soon.
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cigarcloud · 6 days
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You know growing up Luffy must be hard af haha
Anyway, another revolutionary crocodile au piece!
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cigarcloud · 6 days
Some tips for using a few words to describe voices:
1. Tone Words: Use tone words to convey the emotional quality of a voice. For example, you can describe a voice as "melodic," "soothing," "sharp," "gentle," or "commanding" to give readers a sense of the tone.
2. Pitch and Range: Mention the pitch and range of the voice. Is it "deep," "high-pitched," "raspy," or "full-bodied"? This can provide insight into the character's age, gender, or emotional state.
3. Accent and Diction: Describe the character's accent or diction briefly to give a sense of their background or cultural influences. For instance, "British-accented," "Southern drawl," or "formal."
4. Volume: Mention the volume of the voice, whether it's "whispering," "booming," "murmuring," or "hushed."
5. Quality: Use terms like "velvet," "silken," "gravelly," "honeyed," or "crisp" to convey the texture or quality of the voice.
6. Rate of Speech: Describe how fast or slow the character speaks, using words like "rapid," "slurred," "measured," or "rambling."
7. Mood or Emotion: Indicate the mood or emotion carried by the voice. For example, a "quivering" voice may convey fear or anxiety, while a "warm" voice may express comfort and reassurance.
8. Resonance: Describe the resonance of the voice, such as "echoing," "nasal," "booming," or "tinny."
9. Timbre: Mention the timbre of the voice, using words like "rich," "thin," "clear," or "smoky."
10. Cadence: Highlight the rhythm or cadence of speech with descriptors like "staccato," "lilting," "rhythmic," or "halting."
11. Intonation: Convey the character's intonation by saying their voice is "sarcastic," "apologetic," "confident," or "questioning."
12. Vocal Characteristics: If applicable, mention unique vocal characteristics, like a "lisp," "stutter," "drawl," or "accented 'r'."
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cigarcloud · 7 days
The Sun Hardly Touches Me - Ch. 3
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Word Count: 2000 Ao3 Link Summary: Crocodile confronts his past to try and make a better future. Author's Note: This chapter was like pulling teeth, but she's here. Thanks everyone who has read so far, it means a lot!
   “You look beautiful.”
    “I’m soaked in sweat and you just had to clean up my shit.” Dragon laughed, and Crocodile was far too tired to fight a smile in response to the sound. His gaze drifted down to the small bundle he held. Their baby. Their son.
    “And yet you look beautiful all the same.” Dragon kissed the top of Crocodile’s head, and breathed out softly as he looked don at their baby. “And you! Look at you, so handsome ! Somebody gave you good genes , huh?” Arms wrapped around his back, a chin landed on his shoulder. Crocodile snorted.
    “Hope you’re not referring to yourself, uggo.” Dragon laughed, peppering Crocodile with kisses, ignoring the performative disgust that followed.
    “Never, Wani.”
    “ Can you get that shit out of here?” Crocodile asked, looking at the thankfully now unshackled sea prism stone handcuffs. The birth had been a trial, and Crocodile hadn’t been able to control his body’s natural urge to shield itself.
    “I can’t exactly touch it myself, love.” Crocodile groaned, before deciding there were more pressing matters.
    “ What are we gonna name him?” Crocodile asked, letting himself lean back on Dragon.
    “I was thinking-” A loud crash interrupted Dragon, and he whipped his head towards the door. “Stay here.” Crocodile sighed. Dragon had been growing evermore paranoid over the past week. The Wind Granma had been anchored close to an island for far longer than usual. Ivankov had insisted that they needed to be ready for anything to go wrong during the birth. Dragon had agreed, though not without reservation.
    “It’s almost certainly Ivankov’s fat head knocking something over. Come back.” Dragon shot him a strained smile.
    “Well then, I should only be a minute.” With that he left, closing the door with the lock clicking into place . Crocodile rolled his eyes and looked down at the baby with a smile.
    “Just you and me for a minute, kid.” The baby yawned and stretched a tiny little fist out. “Can’t believe I let you kick the shit out me for so long, brat. No one else would get away with that, you know.” But there was no malice in his voice. “How did I make something so sweet, hmm?”
   Instead of quieting down the clamor was only growing louder. Crocodile looked towards the door, anxiety finally rising to overcome exhaustion. He took a deep breath before using every ounce of will he had to stand, his legs shaking. He turned and put Luffy on the bed, and stood guard over him. It was easy to hear now that there were intruders on the ship.
   “I’m going to look in here!” A voice called out, followed by the rattling of clumsy hands picking a lock.
   As soon as they burst in, Crocodile attempted to whip his sand towards t he intruder. His eyes widened as nothing happened. He was too exhausted, and he hadn’t fully recovered from the sea prism stone. The intruder grinned at him. She was wearing a World Government logo on her jacket, most likely a Cipher Pol agent.
   Crocodile did his best to assume a fighting position, and fended off the first few attacks from the agent. He was still covered in sweat, and his sand was of no use to him now. He managed to get a decent kick in, but it wasn’t nearly as forceful as it typically would be. Crocodile lost his balance as his baby began to wail.
   The agent took the opportunity to swipe her leg out, causing Crocodile’s knees to buckle. He grabbed her ankle and pulled, but as she crashed to the ground there was a wild grin on her face.
   “Got a little one to protect, do you?” She asked, voice vicious. Crocodile lost all composure and screamed.
   His movement grew sloppy as he tried to push her away from the bed, away from his baby. She pushed forward, and withdrew a dagger. Crocodile attempted to lunge for her but she side stepped him easily. Crocodile's eyes widened as she lifted the dagger over his son's prone form. Crocodile did the only thing he could, throwing himself on top of his baby. There was a sickening sound of blood spray, and Crocodile felt his entire left arm go numb. When he looked over, his wrist had been cleanly severed.
   “Look at that! Ha! Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of-” Crocodile used her distracted state to grab the hand holding the dagger and twist it back into her throat. He caught his breath as she hit the ground with a dull thud.
   The baby’s cries grew louder, and Crocodile snapped back to attention.
   “Shh, it’s okay baby. I’ve got you.” Crocodile looked down at the little bundle, barely bigger than his hands.
   The thought drifted across his mind with no real emotion attached to it yet.
   He watched in fascination as the wails died down and his baby smiled up at him. His face wasn’t one known for its calming effect , but the baby didn’t seem aware of that.
   Dragon burst into the room, the door blown off it’s hinges. He looked over at Crocodile and the baby, relieve covering his face.
   “Wani, thank goodness I-” His sentence ended in a choke as he took in the bloody stub awkwardly cradling their baby. “Wani!”
Crocodile shot up straight as he woke up, breaking the silence of his ship with a gasp. No one else was on board, but it was small comfort. He was covered in a thin layer of sweat, his hair caught on his skin as he turned his head. He moved quickly and silently to the bathroom, finding a towel. It raked across his skin until it was raw and red, and most importantly dry.
In the best of times he never liked being damp, but after he had this particular nightmare it was always worse. It unnerved him. T o o similar to when he was at his weakest. T o o similar to when he almost lost his baby. To when he did lose his baby, really.
He kept Luffy alive that day, but Dragon had all his worst fears proven true. It wasn’t safe to keep him.
   “I’ll contact my father, he’s… a good man.” He whispered softly, flinching as Crocodile reflexively took a step back.
   “How long?” Crocodile whispered, hating the way his voice cracked. Hating the way this little brat had already rendered him so weak. He was pathetic.
   “He’s been in the New World before, but he spends most of his time in the East Blue. Probably a few weeks.” Crocodile’s arms circled their baby tighter. “We didn’t get to name him…” Dragon whispered, and Crocodile shook his head.
   “Don’t tell me. Whatever you pick just… don’t tell me.”
And so he hadn’t. Not when he sent their baby away, not when Iva had finished his transition and Crocodile stepped off the Wind Granma for the last time, not once in those seventeen years that followed. It may have been at his request, but Crocodile couldn’t help but be furious.
Not now, after he had pulled all his lingering connections together to gather information o n Luffy’s life thus far. Not now, after he had read the tale of Roguetown. His baby on the scaffold, until he seemed to literally catch lightning in a bottle. It was Dragon, Crocodile was sure of it. Which meant there was no possibility he didn’t know that their baby was a pirate, entering the Grand Line. A place where Crocodile was very publicly executing rookie pirates left and right. Not a damn word to him, and their son almost payed for it.
If Crocodile hadn’t been high on the near completion of his plans, it wouldn’t have been almost. He was sloppy in his final moments in Alabasta, and that saved Luffy’s life.
He gazed down at his newest picture of Luffy, and the article attached. The boy had already returned to Marineford, to make a statement . What a statement it was. A funeral, a show of respect, a declaration of war, a signal to a new era. One his son was sure to helm, in time. 3D2Y. Crocodile had heard Luffy talking about his crew, their agreement to reunite. It made it quite clear what his message was. Two years. Crocodile had two years before his baby reemerged and had the whole world against him.
He walked to the upper deck of the ship, his gaze scanning the horizon. His target was close now. When he saw the outline of the distinctive figurehead, he dissipated into sand, speeding towards the ship.
It was far too easy to slip in under the cover of night. Dragon was still sloppy with security. Most wouldn’t dare attack this ship directly, but Crocodile wasn’t here to kill the revolution. Probably. He maneuvered his way down the all too familiar halls, right back to the door that got him into this lifelong mess. He opted to scatter, easing himself under the door and reforming on the other side. He knew Dragon’s haki was too strong to truly sneak up on him, but he wanted to hold out for as long as he could before hearing that voice.
His eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room, and he stared down at Dragon laying in his bed.
“You know, few would dare to come to the most wanted man’s bedroom all alone.” He said, his eyes still closed.
“That supposed to be a pick up line?” Crocodile growled, frustration growing as Dragon remained still and relaxed.
“Even fewer who would come to my chambers with that in mind. Just who are you?” He asked, a smile growing on his face.
“Could it be you’ve forgotten your precious little Wani ?” Crocodile spit. He watched with dull satisfaction as Dragon’s eyes opened, wide and frantic. His stoic mask cracked, if only for a moment.
“Wa-” He stopped himself staring up at the hulking figure next to his bed. “Crocodile.” He stood, and Crocodile cursed his luck that Ivankov’s transition left him one inch shorter than the man. “What are you doing here?”
“ You know exactly what.” Crocodile snarled.
“If it’s about Luffy-”
“What the fuck else would it be about?” His hand raised to shove Dragon, but he faltered before making contact. He couldn’t bring himself to make contact. It only annoyed him that Dragon relented and stepped back, giving him space.
“You asked me not to tell you anything.” Dragon pointed out, arms crossed.
“You knew he was entering the Grand Line. I heard about Roguetown.” Crocodile stepped back into Dragon’s space, his hook pointed at the man’s chest. “You should’ve told me then.”
“Perhaps you are right-” Crocodile growled, but Dragon didn’t waver.
“But I cannot change the past. Luffy survived you, and he survived far worse.” Crocodile scoffed at the insult, and turned away. “Do you want to be near me or not?” Dragon’s voice was light, teasing.
The audacity.
“Shut up.” It was weak, not even really a retort. Crocodile didn’t care.
“ I can’t bring myself to believe you invaded my bedroom just to yell at me for a few minutes. Why are you here?” Dragon asked, and while the teasing tone was gone there was a warmth that made Crocodile’s throat itch.
“You needed yelled at.” Crocodile said. There was a long pause, and Crocodile sighed as he forced himself to continue. “Luffy has declared war on the World Government. There was the Enies Lobby incident, and apparently he punched a Celestial Dragon a few weeks ago.” He could hear Dragon smile at that. “So, when he recovers, the weaker the World Government is the better.”
“Are you offering your assistance?” Dragon asked, and there was a note of hope in his voice Crocodile had to place under his boot.
“ Financial assistance. Possibly information as well, although I won’t speak to you .” Crocodile knew just how immature he was being, he didn’t care. Anything to keep away from Dragon’s stupid voice and ideas and intoxicating charisma. He struck that last thought out with a slight shake of his head.
“How kind. I’ll let my Chief of Staff know, you can coordinate everything with him if that’s more comfortable.” Crocodile kept his eyes at the wall as he heard Dragon lay back down in bed. “You’re welcome to st-” Crocodile dispersed into sand before the quite frankly egregious offer could be finished, and pretended not to feel the heat in his face after he reformed, Dragon’s laughter ringing in his ears.
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cigarcloud · 9 days
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Mihawk and perona girldad moment 👻🦇
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cigarcloud · 9 days
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Precious things.
Maybe the first time, but not the last. ;3
(Once again, I have no excuses.)
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cigarcloud · 9 days
luffy is such an interesting character because while his idiot/silly boy act does hide how dangerous he is, it’s not intentional. he IS smart (emotionally intelligent and has good observation skills ie figuring out crocodile’s weakness in one fight). he IS dangerous. and especially before he made a name for himself, he was constantly underestimated. but it’s not a cheap ploy to get peoples guard down. luffy just genuinely finds so much joy in the world around him that he can’t contain himself. he chooses to see the best in things and embrace them until someone or something tries to force him to not to
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cigarcloud · 9 days
I show up blurry on cameras ever since I ate that bigfoot berry
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cigarcloud · 10 days
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He's taking the stinky child back to the village.
Ace is confused that biting didn't deter Crocodile from picking him up. He doesn't know what to do now.
Continuation of this comic where Crocodile encounters a feral child in the woods (or rather, mountain bandits put a feral child in his path *lol*) ♥♥
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cigarcloud · 11 days
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That's your stinky child now.
This is very silly, I apologize~ Like many of my other doodles, this is probably an AU where Luffy has parents who raise him (at least for a while?).
I'm not good at drawing comics/ sequential art - both consistency and transitions between panels aren't my forte, but I hope you can still follow along! I also hope Dadan is somewhat recognizable in my style.
I might be coming back to this for edits to fix some of the inconsistencies since Crocodile looks different in each panel *lol*
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cigarcloud · 12 days
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guys he just hasnt cleaned his ears in 5 years
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cigarcloud · 12 days
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She slays
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