cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         waiting until clarence took a sip of his drink, she remained completely quiet. letting him ramble on, vent his concerns— she was showing none of her own. if he was as cautious as he kept reminding her, he'd have left; she knew he was a degree of interested. reaching out to take his glass, she took a sip from his drink. meanwhile, her other hand scooted further up his thigh. "are you implying that if i approached you with a bag over my head, you'd be doing backflips with excitement at the thought of some company?" giving his thigh a soft squeeze, she set the glass down. "thank you for the compliment on my appearance, i'll at least admit you're handsome in return." wishing he wasn't so uptight, a part of her wanted him to be easier; never having much standards or hope for men, they were easiest to have a hold over. yet, his resistance was only making her more interested. "i joined you because you look capable and i need someone with a brain. i didn't approach you to sleep with you, break your heart and— leave you moping at this bar like some other woman clearly has. no, i want to use you for a job ... considering your connections. connections i know you're desperate to cut ties with, hm?"
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"by the likes of me?" he chuckled. He didn't dare ask what kind of man she thought he was; he already knew. The light touch of their skin made him look at her, and he couldn't quite figure her out. It bothered him. Usually, he could read people easily, understand their motives, but with her, he was struggling. Was she genuinely interested, or was she planning something more sinister? He looked down and smiled, impressed by her keen observation. No ordinary person would pay that much attention to him. She was more than a beautiful face; she was a beautiful rose waiting to prick him. The question was, why? He looked back at her and smiled. Sure, he'd play along. "it's a step forward in that direction," he said, taking a sip of his drink. "yeah, not just you. i guess i have a thing against pretty women who approach me. the most beautiful are often the deadliest," he said, speaking from experience. "i'm curious, what is it about me that attracted you to come join me?"
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cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         the stark difference between their demeanours shining, all carne could do was watch kitty in enjoyment. scrambling, fearing for her life, making excuses— all of the fear was only making him more relaxed. he'd been over this countless times, countless women and for her, in his mind ... she'd fill in with the countless other forgotten, uncared for lives. "you probably should." only speaking those words, he watched in joy as she tried to scurry away. making no effort to move, stop or even try persuade her; he was enjoying her like this. taking a single step forward as she continued to ramble, a hand reached out to prop atop her head. latching his fingers into her locks, holding her firmly in place with ease. "but, who said i was going to let you?" reminding her of her place, he tugged her closer by her locks. forcing the woman's body to his, he leaned in closer— sickly swiping his tongue over her cheek; only toying with her further. all she'd ever be was a game, one he'd grow bored of. "i asked you before on our first date and you never answered, so let me ask again..." whispering each word close to her skin, dragging his lips across her flesh; another quick swipe against her with his tongue. "do you fear death, kitty?"
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she found herself unable to react or process the whirlwind of events unfolding before her. her mind struggled to keep pace with him, his mental game proving far too effective. clutching her arms around herself, she knew it was a feeble defense against him. her wits were razor-sharp, yet she couldn't muster a joke to alleviate her mounting nervousness. left speechless and trembling with fear, she wondered if she had underestimated him. recent encounters had been smooth sailing, perhaps lulling her into a false sense of confidence. acting on impulse rather than careful consideration, she now regretted her haste. attempting to retreat, her knees betrayed her, leaving her rooted in terror. she scrutinized him, praying it was all some twisted jest. but the predatory glint in his eyes, the way they devoured her like a slab of meat, sent shivers down her spine. "i should probably go…" she stammered, sidestepping his inquiry. "we've had our fill tonight, and our minds aren't in the right place to continue," she managed to add, a nervous chuckle punctuating her words. "i'll see myself out. thanks for the evening; it was… enjoyable," she fibbed as she cautiously distanced herself. "let's catch up another time," she suggested, already plotting her escape. "i'll give you a call, though i might eat a lot first, so you're not disappointed," she added, willing to say anything to extricate herself from his presence unscathed.
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cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         "i don't care about you, but you're still here ... still a waste of air, still pissing me off more with each passing second." if his eyes could roll back into his skull, they would've. never having time for cindy to begin with, she was only amplifying his disdain the more his sister was brought into question. "my heart is calloused because of my sister. a sister i want dead, put out of her misery— s-she's ill and your pig-headed self is glorifying her?! go and fuck yourself, cindy." spitting the words, he finally stood up. giving into the rise she'd been fighting for, a hand shoved at her chest to forcefully shove her back. leaning over the desk, sparing no mind for the wood separating them both. "the only thing that is getting my attention is the idea of you gargling on your own fucking blood. i'd rather have no leads, die a failure and let her do what she likes for the rest of time than give a useless, self-loving bitch like you the satisfaction or joy of enjoying another persons misery." stepping around the desk as he spoke, he flicked the side of her head; half-tempted to punching her, only restraining out of the little humanity he held. "crawl into a hole, die or wait to be eaten by her— i don't give a fuck, but leave me out of it."
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“who said i’m trying to upset you? it was a genuine question,” she shrugged, a nonchalant smile playing on her lips. “you act like i’m some cannibal who wants a piece of your sister. i simply want to meet her. i’m a big fan.” she scrunched up her nose with a grin. “there aren’t many women with blood on their hands. it’s always the stinky men who get glorified for their sins, but never the women. or maybe that’s because women rarely get caught. boys are dumb, after all.” “yeah, yeah, yeah,” she rolled her eyes and waved her hands dismissively. “you don’t care about me, blah blah. you’ve said that already. listen, you don’t have to help me if you don’t want to. i just thought you’d be smart enough to work with me. if anything, i was trying to be nice since you don’t have a single lead on your sister. and there’s no quarrel; i was just testing if you’d be nice enough to help me, but as suspected, your heart is as calloused as ever.” you’d think she’d be scared of his threat, knowing how painful it could be. she still remembered how the pretty lady whimpered when she did the same. placing a hand on her neck, she smiled at the memory. “you think that would work to get your sister’s attention?” she asked. “i’m up for it if you think that would make her come running.”
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cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥       listening for the first time in his life and certainly during his relationship with nate, he listened. stopping as told and falling completely quiet, his brows furrowed in annoyance at the laugh nate let out. yet, he didn't bark. "i'm calm as fuck, but you're just fucking being a brat." murmuring his words, refusing to take accountability and lacking any anger, his lips curled into a frown at nate pulling away; a touch he instantly regret losing. "nobody fucking told me, but you want to be— i k-know you're desperate to be ... everyone's desperate to be." his ego remaining present, he always knew deep down that nate had wanted more. a stable relationship, a future— all of the things soomi refused to give in a bid to try protect himself. never letting anyone in, even someone as good as nate. listening to nate's words, the mention of respect, his tiredness it caused the smaller males eyes to well with tears. his head tilting slightly, a mix of disgust and confusion across his features at what he'd had to hear. for once, his sadness was genuine. far from a ploy to rope nate back in and keep him close, he was actually hurting. "you sick, dirty, fucking cunt." words laced with hatred, barely a whisper as the two tears broke free from his eyes to trail down his cheeks. "y-yo—," pausing only to reach out and forcefully slap nate's cheek, a wince followed from his own lips at the pain shooting through his palm not even realising he had such strength. "y-you promised you'd be there, care and ... n-not leave me like everyone else, bu— but you're nothing but a lying fuck. i ... i was right to not trust you." slamming his foot down, both fists clenched in temper. inhaling a deep breath, trying to calm himself as he gave a shake of his head. never feeling such a low in his life, such a betrayal he'd never expected his lover to have the self-respect to leave. "i did care, it's why i kept fucking coming back— and you r-repay me like this?! you fucking sick fuck." swinging a leg forward to kick his lover in the shin, it lacked the same strength his smack did; suddenly feeling too ill to continue. "the only respect i'd have for you now is if you drop fucking dead, nathan daniel lancaster." stepping around the male as he spoke, he took a deep as his eyes focused solely on the door to nate's apartment. "i never said this before, but— i actually think i loved you. i never felt that before o-or knew what it was, but ... i t-think i had it with you, eve— even if i was shit at showing it. i tried to love you. d-deep down you were all i fucking wanted, that's why i never cheated or left 'cause your ugly, horrible self was all i fucking needed ... i never expected you to hurt me." moving closer to the door with each word, his skinny fingers fell to wrap around the handle. "at least have the balls to piss off and die like i asked. perks are you get back in my good books and you get to see your fucking brother again."
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he stood there, enduring the insults hurled his way. it was nothing new, sadly, a familiar sting he had grown accustomed to. he didn't bother to retort or say anything to soomi; he simply wanted to escape the situation for soomi's sake, preserving the scant respect and care he still held for him. an exhausted smile escaped his lips. he was tempted to pull his hand away; perhaps he should have, but he hesitated, not wanting to be rude to soomi despite his attitude. his mother's teachings about being the bigger person in any situation echoed in his mind, a testament to how deeply her values had influenced him. he let the first slap on his behind go without a word, allowing the other male to have his way, waiting for the moment when soomi would tire of his own voice so he could make his exit. "soomi, please stop," he requested as he gently took hold of soomi's hand to prevent another similar action. under normal circumstances, he might have tolerated or even enjoyed it, but not today, nor anytime soon. "apologize?" he questioned, letting out a laugh at soomi's audacity to request an apology. whether he was teasing or not, what had been said was undoubtedly his breaking point. he had endured much, but bringing his brother into the conversation and echoing the opinions of those around him placed soomi in the same category as them—the people he despised. "i am calm, soomi. it's you who isn't," he spoke gently, his hands moving to delicately free himself from soomi's touch. despite his anger, his actions retained a sense of delicacy. "who told you i want you to be my boyfriend?" he inquired. a day ago, such a statement from soomi would have been welcomed, but their relationship lacked a proper label, leaving him in a state of uncertainty. he silently regarded soomi, feeling remorse for his actions, but he couldn't continue being treated like a doormat, insulted at will. he had allowed soomi too much freedom in that regard, sacrificing his pride for far too long. it was only fair that he reclaimed what little dignity remained. "soomi, i'm exhausted by you. i'm tired of the theatrics, the mind games, and just… you. i care for you, but it's evident you can't reciprocate those feelings, and that's okay. i don't want you to pretend just out of pity or see me as some charity case. let's end this. let's do it while we still have some mutual respect left for each other."
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cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         already proving junsu's point right and melting immediately into his touch, both hands came to cup the males cheeks. squishing them together, puffing out his lovers lips— he leaned in to steal a quick kiss. "i did change, it's your fucking fault. i think you pacified me too much, susu. i'm like a fucking shell of my former self, so we should break up, i'm not enjoying being your docile housewife." never one to lift a finger, he'd always leave everything to junsu to figure out. clinging tightly to his lover, soomi's words came out in a huff. though, a blush rose to his cheeks at the kiss to his temple. "now you're getting too soppy, should i actually be worried you're going to fucking croak it?" murmuring quietly, a hint of worry was in his voice; only ever fearing the one person who mattered. "mhm, you better come find me asap ... i'm still pissed at you for not meeting me sooner, why'd you let me go so long without?"
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꒰ * 。 ˚ . ✧ ꒱ " we'll see how useless i am later, darling. " he says through a grin, knowing how his boyfriend always melted under his touch. his own arms wrap around soomi's middle, holding him close as he reminded junsu of how he changed. he chuckles softly, nodding, clearly remembering it all. " you changed too. always arguing over anything. now it's only every other thing. " he teases, placing a kiss to his temple. " i'd be empty without you.. i'd do anything to be with you again. but in our next life, lets not have crazy family and find each other soon, hm? "
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cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         "it's your book collection ... it sucks." muttering the words in disappointment, chisa glanced down at the book in disgust. "i'd heard good reviews, but it seems like you don't care to buy a duster or— protect them from water damage. the collection itself is good, but— um, do you have any clean stock? if i'm buying something, i'm not paying full price for this quality. speaking of which, your customer service skills could be ... better."
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              “  you look like you've got something to say.  ”
ʚĭɞ  ⊹   ̥  *  closed starter for @cinnamcroll!
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cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         "oh, you needn't worry ... i can see it. it's just unappreciated, because all you fucking do is complain— if you were any way useful, you'd just get on with it and be grateful you're still here."
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . ↪ closed for @cinnamcroll ˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
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"i put myself through hell for you! why can't you see that?"
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cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         "it's not love it's..." falling silent, pam wiped at the side of her lips. "... you've got— mayo? i think. could be cum, but i'm not on the judge. it's a bit distracting, but you are easy on the eyes. kinda, maybe? i guess."
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . ↪ closed for @cinnamcroll ˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
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"you need to stop staring at me, i'm beginning to think you're madly in love with me."
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cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         "i'm asking you to fake being with me for a week. you're cute, i'm cuter and— i dunno, we fake being a power couple for a weekend. oh, until i accuse you of cheating and slap you for being a slut! i won't go hard. if you want, we can practice. no need to be such a prude, i'm not asking to see your pussy or nothing."
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . ↪ closed for @cinnamcroll ˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
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"w-wait, pause! you want me to do what?"
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cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         "you're gonna stab me? you about to match my freak? i'd call us blood brothers, but i haven't gotten my period yet. get me right in my guts ... then, we can arrange for me to all up in yours."
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" what are you— oh my god, you are so... yeah, it's true i have no soul. so i'll have no issue stabbing you if you continue talking the way you're talking. "
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cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         "don't care and didn't ask, pink dick. i thought it was a twink in a wig and you were going to record a new fraternity x video as pride promo." refusing to even look at the male, hana's eyes remained glued to her computer screen. "some of us have tits, so it wasn't my cup of tea and—," finally turning to look at rhys, her eyes dropped to her chest. "—your moobs are growing ... you order that ozempic? or you jacking up on 'roids as some form of twink death metamorphosis? this why you're so aggy when nobody asked, bitch?"
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . ↪ closed for @cinnamcroll ˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
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"we were never nothing serious, i don't know why you're getting on me for taking her to the party."
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cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         "g-good?! n-no, it was god awful! s-sorry for my blasphemy, s-skye." hands clutching together to mimic a quick prayer, he gave a bow of his head. his heart only palpitating further, a short breath emitted from hope's lips. "an o-ocean is never good in a dream— it means being o-overwhelmed! which, i-i am. b-besides, i don't think any water is g-good in a dream ... you can uh, pee yourself. tha— that's a wet dream, skye! i c-can't be having wet dreams about m-my friends!" completely misunderstanding the actual meaning, a hand came to clutch his chest; nails grazing over shirt. in hope's mind it was a mild heart attack, only spurring on his loss of breath further. "y-you'd save them for me?! n-no, that ... i think that's why marie antoinette died, skye. i— like cake, but i d-don't want to eat cake. i'm t-turned off since that old man asked if he could eat my cake, t-then wiggled his tongue at me ... i didn't even have any cake! i d-did— i didn't go back to the homeless shelter, t-that was my first time going ... b-but, i'm not a communist for not w-wanting to help anymore, am i? t-they scared me."
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skye knew hope well enough at this point to know that he was a bit more on the nervous side, and she tried to be a calming presence to him whenever the two spent time together. she wasn't sure if this conversation was something that was necessarily bringing calmness to him, though. "how am i supposed to know we should be talking in code? i speak in medical term, not... this," she responded, still trying not to laugh but knowing she was going to fail sooner or later. in a weird way, she was going to take his statement about the ocean as a compliment, although now wondering why he was having such dreams about her. "well-- at least i ended up getting to be the ocean. that's a good dream for you, right?" she asked, nudging his shoulder gently. hearing his next ramble, she shook her head instantly, chuckling. "i don't think it would be worth it-- i'll just save all of those lives for you instead, no big deal." / @cinnamcroll
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cinnamcroll · 8 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         focusing only on the stranger, she flinched at the sound of tanvi's voice. never expecting the other to speak up, her head slow-panned back to her direction. "i have a knife in my bag," muttering the words, she quickly turned back to the stranger; eyeing their every movement. "want me to follow them and slash their tires?" happy to just cause damage to a car, it was also her loyalty to tanvi. never wishing for anyone to speak upon the only friend she'd made away from her group. "don't ask why i've a knife, it's better for you to be left out of stuff sometimes." clutching the strap of her satchel tightly and patting over it, she flashed a wide smile. "signing yourself up for?! the greater good, tanvi! freedom for the people, healing the world and— after death you can return to the mother tree to be born anew. healed, focused, replenished and live with wealth, health and happiness. all for a measly lumpsum of cash ... it's worth!
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tanvi nodded her head, fully familiar with reincarnation. she was pretty positive she believed in it too, but wasn't sure if she could even think of if she had a past life. knowing kirby, she assumed she didn't either. she didn't bother to apologize to the staring stranger, because she probably deserved it and kirby was just standing up for her. "yeah, walk the hell away," she decided to chime in, focused back on kirby after a moment. her proposal made her raise a brow playfully, tilting her head to the side. "what else is in it for me? better yet, what's the fine print here? what am i signing myself up for?" / @cinnamcroll
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cinnamcroll · 9 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         speechless at the turn of events, her eyes widened at the offence taken. lips pursing, she fell silent momentarily. trying to choose her words carefully, an argument was the last thing she wanted; remembering quickly why she never gave input. "do— are your words resonating with yourself, thea? maybe, you should ... not jump into relationships, not fall so head over heels? take time to get to know people." her voice almost sheepish, already expecting her counter to go unappreciated— her brows suddenly furrowed in frustration. "i'm sorry, but i'd appreciate if you didn't take that tone with me, thea. the only one who related you to your failed relationships is yourself. i at least had the backbone to accept your failed relationships, but it seems like you can't— h-have you ever tried being alone?! for more than three-to-five business days. it wouldn't hurt, because you may learn something about yourself ... or try understand where a friend is coming from."
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"i don't think i was implying it." arms crossing over her chest, thea's shoulders actually square to oppose yuro's stature. "how can i want to hear you out when it sounds like you're saying i'm the problem? i'd not like i actively seek out shitty people. i just happen to find them and like them and before i know it, they're revealing their true nature. if i knew in advance i wouldn't get into those situations!" with a deep breath, she puffs a loose curl out of her face and effectively calms. "i am not my failed relationships, yuro. you're not actually giving me any useful advice here."
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cinnamcroll · 9 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         "my chisa, i'm not trying to be anyone else." giving a nonchalant shrug, her smugness was short-lived at the next jab. trying only to get under tamsin's skin for fun, her tormenting was working as much in return. "you can't talk shit if there's truth behind the words, tamsin. there's a difference between washing your hair and owning a bottle of head and shoulders for guests, but— talking shit? let's double back to that, because some of us are factual. literate, even. i'm safe to assume when you hear of 'little women' you think of handmaidens with dwarfism riding their horse carriage into town, correct?"
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"amish debbie harry? as opposed to your what?" idly, her hand waves in chisa's direction as she momentarily struggles to find the words, "your prissy, fresh out of the box aesthetic? i wash my hair plenty, i'll have you know. are you sure it's fermented cheese and not shit? after all, your nose is right above your mouth and you certainty talk plenty of it..."
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cinnamcroll · 9 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         "i'm not homophobic, i'll fuck a pair of tits right now to prove you wrong. it's more homophobic to be offended being called gay, cass. you afraid of twinks?" pulling her own face in return, her own arms immediately loosened; not wasting a second to mimic him further. "you are some people. all you are is some guy. some guy in—," glancing down at his thighs, she roughly swatted his legs. "—mom jeans?! stand the fuck up, i wanna see how it grips your bussy." slapping down roughly a second time, lacking any energy to try force him. "wow. it's 2024. misogyny is out. is that why you're gay? you fear women, cass? see us as lesser beings, huh? scared of milkers?" reaching out, she flicked one of his pecks. "ironic to fear milkers— considering your fucking moob's. block me i-r-l, you'll come runnin' back. a beta always does, b-bu— get me my sandwich first ... you make nice ones."
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"wow. it's 2024. homophobia is out. did i say i did? i said some people! i prefer going to the gym at night but i'm sure that is too much for you as well." he pulled a bit of a face at her mockery, arms loosening from being over his chest. "i'm about to just ignore you. permanently. how do you like being ghosted to your face? soft blocked i-r-l. your words cannot hurt me, bitch."
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cinnamcroll · 9 days
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         "they could probably match each other's freak, couldn't they? until ... they forget mid-orgasm, that is." pondering the idea for a moment, a hum left her lips at the mention of purple prose. "big shakesy-p? is that what we're calling your strap now? eh, fitting. to be fair, i still liked jiggle dick ... not sure why you treat it like a wacky, waving, flailing, arm waving tube man, but each to their own. i think remembering that was quite intelligent, do you beg to differ? or, do you want to yap more about flowery jumbo-munters or whatever it was you said?" you feeling like a munter these days, lula?"
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"are alzheimers patients horny...?" her musings to herself are promptly cut off as she offers a grin. "i'm so smart. i just don't do all your flowery mumbo-jumbo. you know, they say the use of purple prose is the first sign of having nothing actually intelligent to say. do you not have anything intelligent to say, ahra? i believe in you but you're certainly sucking all the joy from me going on about the big shakesy-p."
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