UPDATE: why cats are cold and lizards are warm.
Hey everyone! Just a quick little update this fanfiction is not abandoned as of yet however I recently started college and progress on this will be a bit slow. I am however currently working on chapter 2. I hope all of y'all understand and can be patient. Chapter 2 should be up not too long from now
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Fanfic name: Why Cats are cold and Lizards are warm.
Genre: slice of life, hurt/comfort
Length: 1,003 words
WARNING: This fic will contain violence towards small animals, physical assault and restraint of a minor (by other minors.) It will also include themes of domestic violence (each chapter will have more specific warnings if not specified here)
Chapter 1: Cats and Lizards (more to come)
Description: the biggest misconception that people have about candide Is that she's cold-hearted and evil for no reason but every monster has an origin story... But she's not a monster and this isn't Frankenstein
 Candide hummed softly to herself as she sat quietly at her desk writing down the notes on the board She pretended to not hear the others whisper about her She had already gotten in trouble enough She didn't need her dad yelling at her again although for the life of her she couldn't figure out why she was the one who kept getting in trouble after all she was only defending herself. They gave her some bullshit reason about girls not acting like that and how she had to be the more responsible one and go to an adult if somebody was making fun of her. She squeezed her pencil tighter as she thought about it ‘Go to an adult- what have they ever done for me’ She thought bitterly as the pencil she was clinging on to snapped. Immediately she could feel all eyes on her snickering started from the back of class and rolled it’s way forward the mummers of ‘Freak and weirdo’ started shortly after. Candide bit her tongue as she reached into her school bag and pulled out another pencil. The teacher Who hadn't been paying attention turned around as the mummers grew louder her eyes immediately went to Candide the class ‘trouble maker’  she crossed her arms and looked at the snapped pencil on the floor by her desk. She simply tssked and gave her a glare before turning back around. Candide sunk into her sink her embarrassment turning to rage them back to embarrassment As she knew there wasn't much she could do without facing big trouble at home.
Around 30ish minutes later the period was over and the class lined up by the door to Go outside for recess as they made their way out of the classroom kids immediately scattered in every direction forming little groups of friends and as always Candide was alone Not that she really cared She mostly spent her outside time looking for lizards and geckos she found them really cool and love to tally up how many different ones that she could find. So She reached into her pocket and pulled out a little notebook where she kept it all written down. She went over to a patch of grass and began to look for them It didn't take long for her to spot a little crested gecko, she smiled as she picked up the lil guy. “I think I’ll name you Steve” she said as she  gently pet it’s head. She had almost forgotten all about earlier when she felt a quick and sharp kick to her ribs as a hand grabbed the lizard by the tail. She grunted and tried to get up “Get up lizard girl”  she recognized the voice as Derek’s  she got up and immediately balled her fist. “Give him back Derek '' she said, trying to give him exactly one opportunity to put  Steve down. Derek pressed his lips and hummed “Give who back hmm?” he said, swinging the poor lizard back and forth by his tail. “You’re hurting him! Let Steve go!” Candide cried desperately as she went to tackle him. Only for his two friends who had been waiting grabbed her by the arms. “Steve?” Derek snickered “You give them names? I’m not surprised that you’re  so stupid its just a dumb lizard” he said still violently swinging the lizard. Candide thrashed against the hands that held her trying to break herself free. “Hmm you know what guys-” Derek said as he looked at his two friends his eyes going over to the ‘schools’ cat a stray who stuck around the school and was loved by most- except for Candide she hated the damn animal it was always eating the lizards that she found. Her eyes widened as she realized what Derek planned to do. Her thrashing grew more sporadic as their grip grew tighter on her arms. She resorted to kicking her legs trying her best to angle it so that She could at least hit one of them in the groin. Derek had bent down beside the cat and was lowering down the lizard in a slow and teasing manner just to piss candide off. After a few more brief seconds of struggle she broke free. She first turned to the boys who had her by the arms. She swung her fist and punched the one to her left first causing him to stumble back holding his now bloody nose she then lifted her leg and delivered a swift kick to the other one's balls.  Once both were down she ran over to Derek. He looked up at her and smirked as he fully dropped the now highly distressed lizard In Front of the cat who promptly sunk its claws into the poor thing. Candide felt the rage in her reach a boiling point…..
Next thing she knew she was in the office being yelled out about something. She wasn't sure what though as her head felt fuzzy and all the voices were kind of blurring together. "Candide Sampson! You sent that boy to the hospital!" For some of the first words that she could make out whenever her head finally stopped ringing. "Hospital?" She asked weakly to herself as everything that had happened came flooding back to her. The lizard, Derek, the fight- She snapped her head up "He deserved it! He killed Steve!"  She said, stomping her foot. The principal slammed his hands down on the desk and raised his voice "GET OVER IT!.NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR DAMN LIZARDS CANDIDE! YOU SENT A KID- ONE OF OUR BEST STUDENTS TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL" he screamed in her face. She was thankful that she was sitting down so He couldn't see how much her legs were shaking from the yelling. Instead she bit her tongue So hard she could almost taste the blood. The principal adjusted his tie and sat back down as if he didn't just yell at a 10-year-old girl. "Candide Sampson You've been suspended for 2 weeks any further mishaps from you and you'll be expelled from every school in the state. Go back to the classroom and gather your belongings your father will be here shortly to get you" 
Candide sucked a sharp breath in when she heard that she'd have to spend next two weeks at home, still she begrudgingly walked out of the room dragging her feet behind her She made her way back to her classroom and got her backpack out of the cubby ignoring the stares and whispers of her classmates she got what she needed and left.
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Relationship: Joan and Candide
Word count: 963
Summary: Joans still not used to being 20 years in the future
Joan stomped her foot angrily as She took her pointer finger and violently swiped at the screen "Ugh!" She groaned as she threw her phone across the room almost immediately regretting the decision as she realized they weren't nearly as strong as they were back in 2003. Still angry and stomping her feet She went over to grab her phone which now had a spider webbed crack in it "stupid phone I wish toots hadn't lost my damn Nokia now that was a good phone-" She said with a smile on her face almost reminiscing. She paused as she looked at her new iPhone x- something or another her foster mom (candide Sampson) had gotten for her claiming it was one of the newer ones. Joan knew logically that she should be grateful and that it was probably quite a bit of money (even though that never seemed like an issue for Candide) still Joan didn't like it. It was far too hard to use and it made her physilly legs act up whenever somebody tried to explain a new feature to her. All she wanted from a phone what's the ability to call her friends and play Snake. That game didn't even seem to be so popular anymore. It was all very upsetting and distressing to Joan. It made her want to cry and at the same time it made her so angry she could cuss.
Candide walked in to see her daughter (er- foster daughter-) holding her phone and looking at it Like it was going to give her some disease "what?" She said her voice, sounding gruff "something wrong with the phone I got you?" Candide Asked thinking it was going to just be some boring teenage drama shit like Joan being upset that the phone wasn't the brand newest one on the market. "You know if you don't like the phone I got you I can always give you a damn flip phone-" She said preemptively Just assuming what Joan was going to say and she wanted to be the one in control in the situation.
Joan had mainly not been listening to her foster mom. She just stared at the phone, her leg twitching as she reminisced. Only for her to immediately be snapped out of it by the 'offer' of a flip phone. She looked up at her wide eyes, dropping the phone on the ground again. She rushed over and hugged her without almost a second of hesitation, completely misunderstanding the tone that candide had taken.
"Yes! Yes! Please!"
Candide was almost immediately uncomfortable with a hug not being the touchy feely person nor did she understand why Joan was so happy at what she was trying to make into a punishment. "Ew first of all do not touch me" She grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her off and took a few steps back to establish a distance. "Secondly, do you even know what I said?" She asked raising an eyebrow
Joan nodded "mhm! You said that if I don't like this phone You'll give me a flip phone- I don't like this phone, I don't like it at all! It's too confusing!! And too fragile I don't get how much of it works! I just want my old phone back! That was simple. It was easy. I don't know why I need this new thing. My old phone worked great!" The more she talked about her old phone the more her legs started to twitch. "Everybody else is so happy with their new technology but I don't need it! It's stupid! Stupid! Back in my day-" her leg was twitching violently at this point
Candide Who was just watching her rant began to grow increasingly concerned (totally not because she cared but because Joan was the top candidate for operation spread eagle) grabbed her by the shoulders ``calm down! Calm the fuck down soilder!" She snapped her voice, sounding as if she was a sergeant in the military with the amount of power she carried in that one command. Joan almost immediately stopped and looked up at her like a deer in headlights. "Dear lord Joan, if you wanted a different phone that bad all you had to do was ask-'' she sighed and grabbed her by the wrist as she dragged her upstairs and into her bedroom. "Sit on my bed and Wait"
Candide then went into her closet rummaging around for a little bit and emerged with a box. She sighed and looked at Joan "this has all of my old phones in it, they all still work fine and come with the chargers they've all been completely reset as well.So go wild" She placed the box beside Joan.
Joan looked up at her glancing a few times at the box then back up to ask "I-i can I have one?" She asked, almost crying.
Candide groaned clearly annoyed "one? I'm Giving you the box. You can work your way up to new technology or whatever or keep the old one- I don't really care but I don't want to see you throwing around 900 dollars worth of technology again!" She said pinching the bridge of her nose causing her glasses to slide up slightly
Joans face twisted into a massive smile as she tackled and hugged her from the side. The sudden movement caused the box of phones to fall off the bed. Candide giggled softly small enough for it to not even really be registerable as she hugged her back. And looking down at the box both knew not one was cracked.
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