cinnamon-pigeon · 5 years
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U.S.- Mexico Border
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cinnamon-pigeon · 5 years
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I want Tom Kenny and Jack McBrayer to voice Cuphead and Mugman! That’s all I really want.
Quotes from Cuphead are: Commander Peepers - Wander Over Yonder / SpongeBob - SpongeBob Squarepants / Flambo - Adventure Time / Jake - My Gym Partner’s a Monkey 
Quotes from Mugman are: Wander - Wander Over Yonder / Kenneth the Page - 30 Rock / Fit it Felix jr. - Wreck it Ralph 
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cinnamon-pigeon · 5 years
okay y’all i’m gonna do you an art learn
You know when some people say all you need to draw a figure is a line?
Well, they wrong as all get out, what you need is this.
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Yup, an arrow. Not only is it easy to draw, it also gives you the places to draw arms and legs, like so:
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Now it’s lookin’ like a person, isn’t it? And the cool thing is is you can do it to ANY LINE. so you get stuff looking like this.
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‘But Wormbo, what about the head?’ I gotchu my dude, just add a circle!
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This can also help you with poses you’re having trouble with! Such as I, for instance, have trouble with sitting. So what I do is find a nice stock photo or take a picture of someone doing the pose I want.
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So now i’ve got basically everything I need. On digital, you can just draw over it, but on paper, putting the paper over the picture and tracing is perfectly valid and acceptable. 
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So now we’ve got this, and then we just take the photo away and PRESTO!
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Perfect pose reference! 
Now if you want to get more detailed, you can just do that and add specific shapes for the body type you want, like this:
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Then outline it, adding more necessary details!
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And then BOOM!
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That looks like a pose to look off of, now doesn’t it! 
So you can go to stuff like this
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And turn it into this:
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In just those simple steps!
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Sorry for the long post everyone, just thought this was worth sharing!
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cinnamon-pigeon · 5 years
What I feel: I love this character very much because they’ve helped me flex my creative muscle and extend my understanding of what makes a character enjoyable and unique, as well as giving me comfort during rough patches and allowing me to relate to them emotionally
What I say: hgngnhg son
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cinnamon-pigeon · 5 years
i’m living out my pop punk kid dreams of travelling around the country seeing pop punk shows and eating fried chicken
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cinnamon-pigeon · 5 years
When you cant choose between a star or an angel so you go with both
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cinnamon-pigeon · 6 years
“Fan fiction is what literature might look like if it were reinvented from scratch after a nuclear apocalypse by a band of brilliant pop-culture junkies trapped in a sealed bunker. They don’t do it for money. That’s not what it’s about. The writers write it and put it up online just for the satisfaction. They’re fans, but they’re not silent, couchbound consumers of media. The culture talks to them, and they talk back to the culture in its own language.”
The Boy Who Lived Forever | Time Magazine
This is probably the best, non-judgmental description of fan fiction I’ve ever heard of in main stream media. (via concerninghumans)
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cinnamon-pigeon · 6 years
I literally only have one rule in my writing and it is this:
No matter what I put my characters through, they make it. They get to make it to the end of the story and have everything work out and be ok.
Because that’s the story I need. So it’s the kind I write.
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cinnamon-pigeon · 6 years
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cinnamon-pigeon · 6 years
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cinnamon-pigeon · 6 years
not to sound like an absolute john green protagonist irl but my favorite thing about the guy i have a crush on is that we're just on the same wavelength a lot of the time. sometimes it's a "talk about different cultural conceptualizations of infinity" vibe. sometimes it's "let's be inarticulately angry at capitalism". other times it's "getting stoned and watching jurassic park" or "rant about superheroes while eating vietnamese food" it's just always a good time and idk if anything gonna happen with us but im so here for that
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cinnamon-pigeon · 6 years
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It’s been a good 3 years since this episode aired, but from the very first time I heard it this has been one of my absolute favourite literary(?) quotes of all time and finally, after a couple years of procrastinating I finally finished illustrating it =u=
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cinnamon-pigeon · 6 years
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happy halloween!!!!! this month has taken me down to hell and back and i hope to have more time to draw soon. in the meantime please accept this little doodle :3 
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cinnamon-pigeon · 6 years
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name a more iconic duo, i’ll wait
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cinnamon-pigeon · 6 years
What's the GRE?
the GRE="Graduate Record Exam"! it has sections on english language and math/mathematical reasoning. it's mandatory to apply to some graduate programs ^^ (i still have to sign up and take it and i'm dragging my feet and groaning loudly bc i have too much work to do lately)
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cinnamon-pigeon · 6 years
i'm sorry for not posting art in awhile, i've been:
-getting my dog home from 400 miles away where he was living with my mom for the summer
-studying for the GRE
-making my first conference poster which meant trying to pin down a distracted PI
-getting ready for a new tech to shadow me at work
-negotiating a promotion???
im gonna get back to drawing soon these past few weeks have just been.......;w;....i'm still trying to find my footing....i'm writing this post while sitting in my car before work eating jack in the box
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cinnamon-pigeon · 6 years
i'm bored and grumpy today so i'm gonna try something
i'm just not going to smile to make people feel more comfortable. nobody else in our group does it. being smiley and cheery isn't a part of my job description. i'm too tired and headache-y this week to deal with trying to make people i don't know feel at home at work amongst people who aren't very friendly
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