cirquevalentine · 4 months
Okay, so hear me out: What if the characters of the greatest procedurals ended up in Twisted Wonderland?
One stormy night, The BAU, Monk, Natalie, Sharona, Randy, Stottlemeyer, and the Jeffersonian and Psych all ended up at NRC?
After the initial panic, The entrance ceremony is put on hold as the body of a reporter is found ritualistically killed surrounded by the bones of a long-dead alumni.
The groups, along with Yuu and Grim take the case and after solving it in a single night, they’re given Ramshackle which is fixed quicker than in canon, and they and the TWST Boys solve various crimes around Sage’s Isle and Twisted Wonderland.
Riddle would HATE Monk and Psych because Shawn, Gus, and Monk each tickle a particular irritation. Shawn and Gus are just Adeuce without magic and somehow both smarter AND dumber. While Monk just tries to make Heartslabyul even and neat.
Derrick Morgan and Leona would frequently butt heads, but at the end of the day, have some begrudging respect.
Azul is euphoric from the groups using his Mostro Lounge as a meeting spot and getting info on the various goings on
Kalim LOVES solving the various mysteries, and Jamil constantly panics from trying to keep Kalim safe
Vil’s studio and agent constantly call him and ask him to star in a procedural based on his new adventures in being a detective, and Neige admits he’s kind of jealous that Vil is such a good detective, especially when someone else tries to kill Neige during the VDC
Idia is a nervous wreck, and Penelope’s comments DO NOT help his social skills. It’s funny to make him stutter and go pink though!
Malleus is intrigued by the whole thing and is one of the groups most staunch supporters.
Ace, Deuce, Jack, Sebek, Silver, Epel, and Grim all get extra credit since the First and Second years are the ones who help the detectives the most and start to mature a LOT throughout the events and year.
While some of the antics the detectives get up to can annoy the teachers, at least their presence means Crowley has to actually do SOMETHING instead of just flitting about.
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cirquevalentine · 5 months
(All credit for art goes to actual owner.)
Yuu wasn’t sure how to deal with being Isekai’d to a world of arrogant mages. NRC was notorious for students with bad personalities, but in her opinion, the rumors about RSA were worse. It was one thing to be seen as lesser, but here they’re honest about it 75% of the time. At RSA it feels like they treat magi less people like children that need to be coddled with a condescending compassion.
TL;DR, Mages sucked. And now here she was watching a red ruler throw a temper tantrum, when something horrific happened. The world seemed to shatter like glass, as the blot in the air flew towards Ace, Deuce, Cater, and Trey. The blot knocked them on their asses, covering them completely as they let out muffled screams and struggled against the malevolent ink. Suddenly Yuu heard a voice all around her: “Oh, Alice… What have you done?”
Suddenly, the blot covering her friends disappeared, and in their place was what could only be described as dark parodies of them. With a snarl, Ace and Deuce charged towards Riddle, raising their weapons as Cater and Trey aimed bows made from blot. Yuu still barked out orders, and they seemed to listen, but then again Yuu was running off of adrenaline and fear.
When it was all over, and the boys were passsed out on the grass, Yuu had noticed a change: All the boys involved grew two heads taller, and were absolutely SHREDDED. Ace and Deuce were ecstatic for different reasons, Cater immediately started posting, Trey showed nothing other than mild surprise, and Riddle? Well let’s just say his embarrassment from having his new dorm and school uniforms still strain against his new muscles and Yuu’s blushing made him VERY self conscious.
I decided to combine Cards Guards from the game Alice Madness Returns with the boys from Heartslabyul
It turned out very interesting
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Cards Guards from Alice Madness Returns
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cirquevalentine · 1 year
Twisted Psyche: Criminal Minds AU
-Yuu Valentine is an extremely young SEAL training graduate/rookie FBI profiler who is transported to twisted wonderland along with the BAU after catching Frank Brietkopf, who’s plan was ultimately foiled in this canon, as well as saving Hailey from Foyet.
-As a result, Gideon never leaves, but he does bring Rossi onboard because he feels that he can’t do it without him anymore, and Hotch has someone to care for Jack in case something happens to him.
-After the fiasco involving the chandelier, A group of Heartslabyul students beg the BAU for help with Riddle, who has suddenly closed off the dorm and is keeping Ace hostage.
-This épisode would be titled something along the lines of, “All Mad Here”.
-Riddle’s profile is that he is a “Wound Collector,” meaning he overreacts to perceived violations and attempts to “fix” them. He would also be diagnosed by Reid as having Intermittent Explosive Disorder, characterized by extreme, inappropriate amounts of rage over minor aggravations.
-It turns out that Mrs. Rosehearts is the UnSub, who is attempting to “discipline” her son via torture and continued abuse, and has kidnapped his classmates and threatened to kill them if Riddle deviates from her rules. Yuu shoots Riddle’s tyrant mother, but the trauma of the event, along with his mother’s death, causes Riddle to overblot.
Sorry for the post, but after watching some CM and reading up on IED, Riddle seemed like a perfect UnSub, and the BAU coming together to help him deal with his traumas would just be heartwarming material.
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cirquevalentine · 2 years
Silent Hills: Madness Reigns
-Yuu Kamikagi is a social butterfly, befriending the boys and getting through their harsh exteriors
-Cirque Valentine is a social pariah, and barring Yuu, is universally HATED back home and in Twisted Wonderland.
-Before the fateful unbirthday party Cirque discovers fourteen doors that are covered in chains and locks.
-It seems they only open for him and their “host” though other people can enter once the door is opened.
-Door one is a beautiful rose maze/garden, but when a radio tower in the distance activates, the flowers rot, the grass decays, and the sky becomes black with rainclouds.
-The radio tower has four sirens, and the gaps between the girders and supports are filled in with televisions, cell phones, speakers, smartphones, and bullhorns. The sound changes depending on the room, except for the air raid sirens.
-Cirque is terrified of the doors, but hears children in each “room” and goes to help.
-Cirque only knows people hate him, but can’t remember WHY.
-Meanwhile Riddle overblots, but instead of being cured, he disappears.
-Panicking, the students and staff search the campus, and Crewel says he can sense Riddle in Ramshackle.
-Ace and Deuce bust down Cirque’s door, but find nothing.
-Suddenly a loud scream pierces the air, as Trey runs to an open door with a rainy beautiful rose maze.
-As the group travels through the maze they see that his mother was more than just strict, she was downright EVIL.
-ANY act of Riddle’s that she didn’t like was met with swift and severe punishment. If riddle didn’t score perfectly, she’d whip him til the lashes matched his score, if he couldn’t perform well in practical exercises, she’d DRUG HIM WITH STEROIDS.
-All this abuse created two particular entities: Infanticides and the Hysterical Matron.
-Infanticides are monstrous, deformed infants that seemed to fuse with their afterbirth, and are covered in their own filth. They are born out of Riddle’s hatred toward his younger self, seeing himself as the monster and horrible one in the past.
-The Hysterical Matron on the other hand, is a large, slim figure in a dress that resembles a rose, blood and dirt covering the entire dress. Her fingers are syringes, and her “legs” are vines that lash around and hit everything in their path. Her face is covered in “eyes” made out of pages from Riddles old textbooks, and she constantly swings between manic joy declaring she loves Riddle, to hysterical fury saying he should have been aborted.
- Riddle is crying and trying to block out the Matron’s voice, whilst Cirque is fighting her and manages to destroy her.
-The trauma of the monster and Riddle’s past leaves the group shaken, and Crowley says to reconvene tomorrow as Trey takes Riddle to Heartslaybul.
So what do you think, should I continue?
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cirquevalentine · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland: Clock Tower panic modes (Ramshackle and Heartslaybul)
Yuu: Due to being hunted by Bobby and other stalkers most of her life, she’s used to having to run. Her panic is used productively, solely for fight or flight.
Grim: Horrified, he’d frequently burn, or rather attempt to burn, the stalker. Once that fails, he will flee as fast as possible, yowling all the while.
Ace: At first, he has a cocky sort of bravado, taunting the stalker, but as it becomes clear that his life is in danger, his bravado quickly turns to whimpering and stammering.
Deuce: At first, attempts to fight off the stalker, only to quickly realize how outmatched he is. Tries to protect fellow students, only to find them either dead or terrified. His panic mode has him terrified and calling for help that will never come.
Cater: His persona is almost immediately demolished by the stalker, leaving him using his clones as sacrifices. Only, he can suddenly feel every bit of pain the clone feels as they are violently murdered. Cater is left terrified of ANY physical touch.
Trey: Left lost and horrified, his magic suddenly overwrites his vision with that of what seems to be Riddle’s corpse. Trey is left unhinged, and becomes a new stalker.
Riddle: he is reduced to a terrified child, screaming and begging for help that will never come. The events leave him nothing more than a crying mess.
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