Changing of the guard
Two days ago I was prescribed and started taking the anti-depressant Citalopram after a long period of managing my depression through lifestyle changes. I intend here to share my experiences, as a means to vent and perhaps help out anyone else thinking of taking this big step.
I did not expect the drug to have an effect so quickly, and am cautious as the whether it actually is or I’m overanalysing normal events and attributing them to the drug.
I feel as if I’ve become much more forgetful; in the past two days my purpose for entering any given room has become a playful sprite, dancing out of my awareness as I cross the threshold and back in as soon as I’ve changed floor. My mouth already feels drier, and stubbornly resists watering.
I occsasionaly feel vaguely disconnected —a very mild vertigo feeling but with accute awareness that it’s happening.
Emotionally I feel slightly volatile but not to any great extreme. The most notable events have been a few random spikes of I suppose sadness, tied to nothing at all and presenting as a lump in the throat. I have also found a few things unduly funny, and reflected a great deal on my love of my son.
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