city-elementals · 6 years
Going on Hiatus
I’ve only got so long left till the end of July and I really want to get some of my personal projects finish. So for now, I’ll be in hiatus till August.
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city-elementals · 6 years
"Nice t'meet you Ms. Belle", the salamander smiled as he held out his hand for a shake. "My name is Brix Immup, but Brix is fine. I'm guessin you're rather fond of that song, ain't ya?", he smiled before taking a sip of his drink. "Does it have a deeper meanin to ya or you just like it a bunch? I mean it's gotta be good if you're singin it in public, right?"
“ so trade the typical for something colorful. “
“Like what?”, the salamander laughed as he stared at the other confused and intrigued. “Colorful an typical seem rather broad don’tcha think? Come on, be more specific with me.~”
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city-elementals · 6 years
"S'that right? Was wonderin why it had a beat to it", the salamander laughed! "No need to be embarrassed little lady, I liked your voice. I use t'do some singin m'self before my current job. So what's your name, kid?"
“ so trade the typical for something colorful. “
“Like what?”, the salamander laughed as he stared at the other confused and intrigued. “Colorful an typical seem rather broad don’tcha think? Come on, be more specific with me.~”
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city-elementals · 6 years
"Yup, like that! The only difference is that we can make physical contact safely if we will it." Steve chuckled.
It was the large cat's explanation of themselves that threw the jinn for a tiny loop. "You were human once?..." , a hint of worry escaped him as he thought back on someone else who'd told him a similar, but vague response. "Hey, is it common for folks to be turned to monsters around here without consent? I know the question is sudden, but I work in law enforcement. So if there's anything we can do, I want to know, ya know?"
It was a hot morning. Cars flew by as a blue jinn jogged hastily down the sidewalk he leaping over and weaving through pedestrians. Steve had highly stressed. Having a "master" was definitely not what he'd envisioned happening much less to whom. With so much pent up frustration he thought a jog would do him good. Turning a corner, he ran into someone large and soft before falling on the pavement. "Sorry, I didn't see you at the turn.." He wheezed as he slowly sat up, dizzy and eyes spinning.
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Tick was enjoying the morning of their first day off from running their new business by, oddly enough, walking there to hang out and keep an eye on the staff in case they needed help. They were off in thought about something when suddenly someone ran into their stomach and was knocked down before the Tikkat could catch them causing the grey/black cat monster to startle. “Oh gosh are you alright?” They asked offering a hand/paw to help the stranger up “It’s alright, I wasn’t paying much attention either. Nothing too scraped up, is it?” They asked concernedly looking the other over for injuries.
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city-elementals · 6 years
"Yeah, it's a pretty forgotten language in this age.", He mused before a sudden thought intruded. "Wait, so how do you know Latin?"
(Sleep deprivation starter :3c) “You look absolutely terrible...”, Steve winced as he approached Belle. "You feeling okay?"
“I’m fine. I’m fine. I just didn’t sleep well last night.” She said, waving off his concern.
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city-elementals · 6 years
“ so trade the typical for something colorful. “
“Like what?”, the salamander laughed as he stared at the other confused and intrigued. “Colorful an typical seem rather broad don’tcha think? Come on, be more specific with me.~”
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city-elementals · 6 years
A pretty, but suspicious looking white cat has sidled into the large furniture store. She has a manila folder in one hand, and her cellphone in the other, as she scans the large area looking for an attendant. - alabastarcharlatan
The portly salamander notices the feline from afar. There’s something about her that seems a tad off, but the salesman thinks it might be his own growing guilt over the treatment of his recent roommate. He casually walks towards her, putting a grand smile on his face as he calls out in an almost singing tone, “You need help finding anything?~”
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city-elementals · 6 years
“ ladies and gents, this is the moment you’ve waited for. “ “ and all that is real is left behind. “ “ the runaways are running the night. “ “ and the sun can’t stop us now. “ “ this is the greatest show. “ “ it’s everything you ever want. “ “ it’s everything you ever need. “ “ this is where you wanna be. “ “ and it’s here right in front of you. “ “ i’m watching it come true, it’s taking over you. “ “ i close my eyes and i can see the world that’s waiting up for me. “ “ and it feels like home. “ “ they can say it all sounds crazy. “ “ we can live in a world that we design. “ “ a million dreams are keeping me awake. “ “ i think of what the world could be. “ “ there’s a house that we can build. “ “ however big, however small, let me be part of it all. “ “ share your dreams with me. “ “ you may be right, you may be wrong. “ “ ‘cause you know you’re just a dead man walking. “ “ go and light your sky, let it burn so bright. “ “ because you’re dreaming with your eyes wide open. “ “ and you know you can’t go back again to the world that you were living in. “ “ but don’t you stay that way. “ “ you can prove there’s more to you. “ “ right here, right now, i put the offer out. “ “ i don’t want to chase you. “ “ so trade the typical for something colorful. “ “ don’t you want to get away from the same old part you’ve gotta play? “ “ it’ll take you to the other side. “ “ suddenly you’re free to fly. “ “ i hate to tell you but it just won’t happen. “ “ i enjoy the life you say i’m trapped in. “ “ but i live among the swells and we don’t pick up peanut shells. “ “ so go and do like you do, i’m good to do like me. “ “ if i were mixed up with you i’d be the talk of the town. “ “ but you would finally live a little, finally laugh a little. “ “ why not just go ahead and ask for nickels on the dime? “ “ all the stars we steal from the night sky will never be enough. “ “ these hands could hold the world but it will never be enough. “ “ i’m not a stranger to the dark. “ “ i’ve learned to be ashamed of all my scars. “ “ no one will love you as you are. “ “ for we are glorious. “ “ i am brave, i am bruised, i am who i’m meant to be. “ “ i’m not scared to be seen. “ “ i make no apologies. “ “ i won’t let the shames begin. “ “ look out cause here i come. “ “ i’m marching on to the beat i drum. “ “ this is me. “ “ you know i want you; it’s not a secret i try to hide. “ “ what if we rewrite the stars? “ “ nothing could keep us apart. “ “ no one can say what we get to be. “ “ you think i don’t want to run to you. “ “ you’re going to wake up and see that it’s hopeless after all. “ “ no one can rewrite the stars. “ “ how can you say you’ll be mine? “ “ it’s not up to you, it’s not up to me when everyone tells us what we can be. “ “ all i want is to fly with you. “ “ all i want is to fall with you. “ “ nothing can keep us apart because you were the one i was meant to find. “ “ but i can’t have you. “ “ a man learns who is there for him when the glitter fades and the walls won’t hold. “ “ from now on these eyes won’t be blinded by the lights. “ “ from now on what’s waited for tomorrow starts tonight. “ “ i drank champagne with kings and queens. “ “ for years and years i chased their cheers. “ “ but when i stop and see you there i remember who this was all for. “ “ and we will come back home. “
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city-elementals · 6 years
“Oh! I mean... I think I’m the one who should say sorry.” Steve chuckled nervously as he backed off. “I kind of assumed and everyone knows what they say about folks that assume... Heheh... I need to stop doing that.” The jinn put his hands on his lap, looking down as he twiddled his thumbs before looking back up. “You want some tea? It might wake you up, unless you want coffee. That will REALLY wake you up.”
(Sleep deprivation starter :3c) “You look absolutely terrible...”, Steve winced as he approached Belle. "You feeling okay?"
“I’m fine. I’m fine. I just didn’t sleep well last night.” She said, waving off his concern.
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city-elementals · 6 years
“.... I’m an electric being, not an ancient guardian. What’s that even mean?” Steve asked in a huff. The jinn crossed his arms before leaning forward to align his middle eye with her own. “I don’t know if you smart mouthed, but other people would assume something worse was said, ya know?”, he finished in a bit of a miffed tone.
(Sleep deprivation starter :3c) “You look absolutely terrible...”, Steve winced as he approached Belle. "You feeling okay?"
“I’m fine. I’m fine. I just didn’t sleep well last night.” She said, waving off his concern.
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city-elementals · 6 years
*leans in* What’s a Zookie?
“Huh, I guess the godzilla cartoon wasn’t as popular as I thought it was.”
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“A zookie or, as he goes by in the show, Godzookie was a popular character in the old Godzilla animated cartoon. He was smaller than a kaiju, yet larger than the average human. After a while it became a popular term coined by most of the more reptilian monster species. Thus the ‘zookie’ size became a  marketing term for medium-large monsters. Fancy history, ain’t it?~”
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city-elementals · 6 years
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Reblog this post if you’d wanna RP with an OC monster in theatre!
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city-elementals · 6 years
“Oh! I guess I shouldn’t assume my kind are super common”, Steve chuckled. “I’m an electric jinn, meaning I’m a walking bolt of lightening in a way?...”, brows furrowed, his lower eyes wandered about in thought as his third eye kept contact with Tick. “While I try to simplify that without sounding like a walking fly zap, I was wondering what you might be?”
It was a hot morning. Cars flew by as a blue jinn jogged hastily down the sidewalk he leaping over and weaving through pedestrians. Steve had highly stressed. Having a "master" was definitely not what he'd envisioned happening much less to whom. With so much pent up frustration he thought a jog would do him good. Turning a corner, he ran into someone large and soft before falling on the pavement. "Sorry, I didn't see you at the turn.." He wheezed as he slowly sat up, dizzy and eyes spinning.
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Tick was enjoying the morning of their first day off from running their new business by, oddly enough, walking there to hang out and keep an eye on the staff in case they needed help. They were off in thought about something when suddenly someone ran into their stomach and was knocked down before the Tikkat could catch them causing the grey/black cat monster to startle. “Oh gosh are you alright?” They asked offering a hand/paw to help the stranger up “It’s alright, I wasn’t paying much attention either. Nothing too scraped up, is it?” They asked concernedly looking the other over for injuries.
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city-elementals · 6 years
“That doesn’t sound like fine to me.” the jinn smirked. However, his middle brow twitched as he attempted to not look so concerned. “Wanna talk about it?”, he asked as he dragged a seat over before plopping himself on.
(Sleep deprivation starter :3c) “You look absolutely terrible...”, Steve winced as he approached Belle. "You feeling okay?"
“I’m fine. I’m fine. I just didn’t sleep well last night.” She said, waving off his concern.
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city-elementals · 6 years
Gonna start setting up a queue since I’ve been busy so everything flows out in the order I get them in. uwu;
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city-elementals · 6 years
“I will..” Brix said as he forced a smile from the request. He’d really have to lie through his teeth with this one regarding his kind. “Though I will be back sooner than you think, my roommate can sometimes have a sweet tooth worse than I.” Why’d he say that? Maybe it was his guilty conscious from being ungrateful. The salamander brushed it off with a flick of his tail before heading out to leave. “You take care of yourself, ya hear?” and with a hearty laugh the firey newt was gone.
A hummed tune and the soft thumping of paws could be heard on the floor as Brix browsed through the bakery's confections. It was a miracle he'd escaped his "guardian's" watch, but it was more of a miracle that he'd made it this far without being spotted. Having found something doused in cinnamon, Brix's tail began to wag in excitement. He'd been craving something like that.. At least he could have sworn he had. "Is anyone here? Hello?"
A large beetle monster stepped out from the back of the bakery, he was currently carrying a tray of pretzels, only half filled, he set it down onto the counter and dusted his hands of flour onto his apron“Ah welcome, Nice to meet you, sorry for the delay back there, was working on some cinnamon sugar pretzels for the display, anyway, what can I do for you, do you like those rolls there?”
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city-elementals · 6 years
“I… I’m fine, I don’t scratch easy. Should have been watching where I was going, that’s for sure!”, Steve smiled sheepishly as they accepted their paw. “I’m hoping I didn’t shock you, sometimes we electrics discharge a bit of static when we’re caught off guard.”
It was a hot morning. Cars flew by as a blue jinn jogged hastily down the sidewalk he leaping over and weaving through pedestrians. Steve had highly stressed. Having a "master" was definitely not what he'd envisioned happening much less to whom. With so much pent up frustration he thought a jog would do him good. Turning a corner, he ran into someone large and soft before falling on the pavement. "Sorry, I didn't see you at the turn.." He wheezed as he slowly sat up, dizzy and eyes spinning.
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Tick was enjoying the morning of their first day off from running their new business by, oddly enough, walking there to hang out and keep an eye on the staff in case they needed help. They were off in thought about something when suddenly someone ran into their stomach and was knocked down before the Tikkat could catch them causing the grey/black cat monster to startle. “Oh gosh are you alright?” They asked offering a hand/paw to help the stranger up “It’s alright, I wasn’t paying much attention either. Nothing too scraped up, is it?” They asked concernedly looking the other over for injuries.
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