ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
What's this I hear about wanting to be flung into the sun and bullies? Give me some names and I'll have Jim to talk to them, darling. -The Woman
Of all the replies I'd expected to receive for that statement, I certainly didn't expect this. Umm, I guess I'll text both of you the details? Sebastian Wilkes uhhh, nevermind, I'll just ignore them.
Quick question: how are you and Jim so dauntless and resolute all the time? I may or may not have just been lectured by Mycroft about being more like you.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
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Pretty much the same. They also think I'm a stalker.
Don't let it get you down, though. Ignore them. Never let them affect you, because you're stronger than them, that's what I've learnt. Nobody should be calling anybody a freak. The joke's on them.
Who is your least favourite person at school?
I can't tolerate bullies. I don't understand their MO, either. Let's just say I hate them.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
Who is your least favourite person at school?
I can't tolerate bullies. I don't understand their MO, either. Let's just say I hate them.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
I'd rather like to be flung straight into the sun, at the moment.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
Why did you want to solve the case of Carl Powers? How did you notice it? And how did you find out about his shoes?
Finally someone's asking the right questions! Even the police did not ask that.
Carl was a swimming champion, having won multiple competitions. For someone with his abilities, the chances of death by drowning are low. Really low. Also, he was on a school trip to London. There was no way his shoes would be missing from the crime scene. It sounded like an absurd detail to everyone else, but really, when you think of it, where on Earth could they possibly go?
As for how I noticed it, the news made front page headlines. Postmortem said it was an accident and the case was closed rather quickly, but I tried to get the police interested. They wouldn't listen to what they called a "delusional kid".
...I hope I hadn't piqued anyone's interest with my attempts, though. Wouldn't want the actual murdered having a grudge on me.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
If someone is rude to you, what do you do?
Well, initially, I used to deduce them immediately; use my strengths against them. That was always my defence mechanism. However, more recently, I've begun to ignore the insults. I realised that it's the deductions that started them in the first place.
If this question is you seeking for advice, I'd suggest you try your best to ignore whoever it is and move on. Most of these people gain some sort of pleasure in seeing their rudeness affect you. Don't give it to them. Show them you're stronger, they'll tire out eventually.
If you trust somebody enough, try talking to them. My mum helped me a lot on those days when their words used to get to me.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
At school, what is your favourite lesson, and what is your least favourite lesson?
My favourite would be Chemistry. I'm planning to major in it when I go to university.
Least favourite? Probably PE.
Definitely PE. Well, I'm glad I don't have that now that we're all online.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
Heads up, Tumblr has reformatted asks so that they no longer show the asker name or bubble off the question. At the moment, Answer posts currently look like a post you wrote yourself, just spaced out by a paragraph. I know you're super careful about the way you handle replies, so I thought you should know. Best wishes!
Thank you for letting me know.  That’s tedious and annoying, but not the fault of anyone using this site.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
@itsgreglestrade @thatsilentgirlinyourclass
((thank you so much for your help yesterday!!❤❤❤❤❤))
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
Ah, well. I've heard Jim say that he had his theories about that, actually. Well, whatever you identify as, I support you, Mr Holmes. - The Woman
...thrilling to know you've all been debating.
Oh, and thank you.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
You don’t have those kinds of needs? I’m almost too certain that you’re lying. - The Woman
It would seem I don't.
It's called asexuality, I believe.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
Have I rendered the great Sherlock Holmes speechless? By the way, please do share whatever it is they told you once you've composed yourself. It would certainly amuse me. - The Woman
Unfortunately, you'd be right to assume that, yes.
Uhh- they told me it's about a certain... biological... need? -that some people have? I don't think I do, but...
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
I just remembered one time I askes you for ideas so I could write a fic but here I am hahaha just having a hard time with school tbh I will tag you if I ever write
Hello, again.
That's not a problem. I'm having a hard time with school too, in fact.
Maybe I'll write a "fic" too, one day? Who knows? I'm too sleepy, right now.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
You know, you really don’t need to ask any of them if you are as smart as you claim to be, Mr Holmes. - The Woman
They just told me what you were implying.
Well, I certainly didn't expect that.
I don't know what to say.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
are you taking good care of yourself? eating, sleeping, not doing drugs?? I worry about you kiddo -GL
To an extent.
Why are you worried? I'm fine, Grant. You're the one who's sleep-deprived and running on coffee, if I'm right.
P.S. your girlfriend's sleeping with Philip Anderson.
(I miss you, but I won't admit it.)
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
I’m sorry but I like really wanna date you👉👈💖🥺
By "date", do you mean when two people who like eachother go out and watch boring, dull, and predictable movies or have dinner?
I'd prefer if we solved a case together instead, or atleast an escape room. Now, that sounds fun.
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ask-teen-sherlock · 4 years
I-I love you... when i hear your name i blush. It’s foolish, i know but... i cant just deny it. If you are to reject me, fine. Go ahead. But i dont think ill ever stop loving you. I want to hear you call my name. Feel your hair in the morning... be with you every day. Learn so much about you. Share secrets together. Do anything, nothing, and everything. You can forget me but I’ll never forget you. -Secret admirer
I have a secret admirer?
Why, hello there, secret admirer.
I haven't the faintest clue as to who you are, but from what you've written, chances are, I probably like you too.
Maybe not in the way you'd imagine, but you are still loved, in whatever way I know to love others.
I hope you have a lovely day. Maybe we'll solve a case together sometime.
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