cl-0v3r · 8 days
If Mel truly ends up dead my s2, nobody fucking talk to me ever again or else I will physically combust then and there. Someone actually come and stab me with a 15 inch knife actually thanks.
I am WAYYYYYY too emotionally attached to Mel and the amount of theory videos of the s2 trailer there are just skipping over Mel with a "yeah shes probably dead" I've seen?? Its so UGHHHHHH
although I do have my doubts of Mel being dead, her arc isn't over yet, we JUST started learning about her and we don't know anything about her past besides that one backstory of hers in episode 8. And the closeup on her armor was way too significant to be paid off by death, and in the German dub/translation ambessa did say "half your council is dead." So perhaps she could be alive ??
But at the same time it makes sense that she dies because she could have sacrificed herself for some of the others, and Ambessa could have been talking to Jayce aswell.
And I hate the fact that its highly possible, im so close to just killing myself too at this point. This show gives me emotional baggage ESPECIALLY when it comes to Mel Medarda. Like shes such an important character for me, my favorite of all time, yet she never gets much content besides people thirsting for her or mischaracterize her, she barley even has merch or fanart at all. (At least compared to the more popular characters) AND YOU'RE TELLING ME SHE COULD BE GONE FOR GOOD IN S2 😭 ????
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cl-0v3r · 24 days
Mel Medarda wishes everyone a Happy Pride month !!! <33
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Ft. Pansexual Mel
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cl-0v3r · 25 days
Is Mel Medarda a Fox?
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Short answer: no.
I've seen a lot of people calling Mel a Fox by the end of the season, saying "oh she painted over her painting with gold, she's choosing the fox way!"
I disagree with that statement.
The Fox & Wolf tactic is used by the Medarda family, as her mother had told her in episode 8 "You must learn to be both the fox and the wolf" Mel, however, never liked the idea of being a wolf as shown from both her backstory and overall throught the season where she's only ever going to bring the 'wolf' tactic onto the table is if its as a last resort, or an act of self defense/ a counter measure. The idea of taking a life when there was other less-bloody solutions horrifies her, to the point where a single memory of a bloodied necklace LIVES over her bed and haunts her, giving her a reminder of its horror.
so Mel is clearly no way a wolf, she was banished because she did not live to it's standards, and the whole point of her character is to be against that sort of thing.
So is she a Fox? Well, in the beggining, yes.
Mel, influenced by her brother, wanted to do what he was doing after she was sent to piltover, the Fox tactic. talking her way through things without the need of physical violence. And it has worked for the most part, she got a seat on the council and continued to talk and talk, became the richest person there from her sharp tongue, and even managed to make piltover have more importance in the map. And she believed that if she could keep it up, then she could prove to her mother and family that they were wrong, that unessecary bloodshed should not be the first option on the list, that she wasn't as weak as they thought she was and she did everything without the wolf way like how Kino was trying to do.
but when Ambessa came to Piltover to put her hands on hextech weaponry, she told Mel that Kino had unfortunately died because he made the wrong decision, And that changed EVERYTHING. The way of the Fox didn't work.
with the current problems piltover has with Zaun, the fox tactic won't work in this situation, and Kinos death was the proof of that. He never made it, so neither will she.
So if the wolf tactic doesn't work, neither does the fox, where does that leave mel? Should she just let things happen?? Abseloutely not.
To be a Wolf, you must be Violent, Harsh, And Straight forward.
To be a Fox, you must be Sly, Manipulative and sneaky with things.
The fox was never made for peace, no. The fox way was STILL used by the Medardas and they NEVER pushed for peace and mercy, quoting back to Ambessa AGAIN with the same exact line: "if you want to last in this world, you must learn how to be both the fox and the wolf." They did not just stick to the wolf tactic, but the fox too. It's like they either only Wolf, or Wolf and fox. NEVER only the fox. Kino was the only one that had used the fox. Yet he was never banished, and thats because he was a fox and nothing else, was he against bloodshed? Probably, but not completely. he was most likely still harsh with his words, and was not as 'gentle' as mel was. He was not soft towards death. He wasn't Merciful And that was enough for their standards.
So why was Mel banished? Because she was Mel. Mel wasn't like kino, never was. she didn't have his traits despite the fact that she wanted to be a fox like him. She wanted mercy.
And this is an important point.
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Later on, on episode 9, we see Mel painting her canvas with streaks of gold, representing the fact that she is no longer going to let the Medardas stop her from doing things differently, followed by her leaving her ring.
The color gold represents mel, it's an important part of her character, and colors in arcane play a big role in it's characters.
Keep in mind that Red is the color of the Medardas, INCLUDING KINO. Its the color of the wolf and the FOX.
So for her to cover the painting of those red ships with gold, means that she is choosing to no longer be a Medarda. No longer someone that takes and takes, not a fox, nor a wolf. she is doing things the mel way, pushing for peace and mercy and nothing else. She isn't mel medarda anymore, she is Mel.
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And that means that if she dies, she doesn't die a medarda like kino, but rather dies as MEL. Her ring being taken off is a symbol that she's not a fox nor a wolf, Not Ambessa nor Kino.
The Wolf way? Harsh and bloody
The Fox way? Sly and manipulative
The Mel way? Peaceful and merciful.
Now, Mel is Mel, and in that last episode of season one, she used the same tactic that got her Banished.
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I really hope this made sense.
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cl-0v3r · 26 days
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Hello ! I am Cleo, but I do go by other names too, you can call me Cleo, Clover, Cl for short, or Zuu.
I enjoy drawing, writing, and talking about my interests like there's no tomorrow.
Although I'm currently fixated with Arcane (and will continue to be so) I'm also interested in other media, especially the following:
• I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
• Castlevania + Castlevania Nocturne
• Lies of P
• Spiderman Into & Across the Spiderverse
• Blue eye Samurai
I am a HUGEEE Mel Medarda lover, a big kinnie too, I literally adore Mel and she's honestly my favorite character of all time, I talk about her a LOT and im sure my friends here know how much I do, I'd genuinely die for her and her character and everything about her is HHHGGHDJD
I also do love Meljay and Jayce as well (he is also one of my favorite characters !) So do expect to see some content of him too.
I am VERY focused and fixated on Mel, Jayce, Sky and Viktor out of the whole show, don't expect to see much content of the other characters (as much as I ADORE almost every single one of them, these four are my top favorites)
What to expect:
Doodles, a lot of doodles. Normal art as well (often sketches), doodles, did I mention doodles?
Potential Fanart of Various characters from the fandoms I've noted above.
Rants and Takes on things (that are possibly unpopular opinions)
Posts of Nonsense (AKA: SHITPOSTS) due to the fact that I AM a hyper person and I mash my keyboard to express myself as well as say random things out of pocket.
Potential 'Fanfics' or writing (however do keep note of the fact that English is not my main language, Grammatical errors are inevitable !)
Writing Alternative universes of said favorite fandoms.
You HATE/DISLIKE any of the following characters:
• Mel Medarda
• Jayce Talis
•Sky Young
• Ellen (IHNMAIMS)
•Hobie Brown
•Gwen Stacy
•Akemi (BES)
•Annette (Csv-N)
•Sophia (LoP)
You love Ambessa Medarda (this is for your sake, I abseloutely HATE Ambessa with all my heart.)
You Glorify AM and ship him with any of the 5.
You have no media literacy, like at all. Please don't talk to me if you can't understand basic things in several medias.
You can't withstand heavy and dark topics.
You can't handle 'cringe' things. (Like Headcannons)
You're Homophobic, Racist, Sexist, Misandrist, generally a disrespectful person towards things that aren't harming you or doing anything to you at all.
You joke about serious topics like SA or Abuse, or glorify/romanticize said serious topics.
♡ FYI: I am not very active, I am busy with my own life IRL so please do not expect to see content very often
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cl-0v3r · 27 days
Forgive my lack of activity, I wanted to be more active on this platform with meljay content and other things of that sort but unfortunately life is smacking me in the face like a tennis ball 😞
HOWEVER I am cooking some stuff up that I will eventually post (Or try to at least)
As for now, here's a wip \/
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Mel is harder to draw than you think :,)
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cl-0v3r · 1 month
There's this one song called "Bernadette" by IAMX and whenever I listen to it I just get an image of Meljay I DON'T KNOW WHY, BUT ITS SO GOOD WAHHHHHH LIKE ONE OF THE LYRICS ARE
you are my liberty" AND LIKE IM IM I CAN'T
meljay is living in my head rent free
I'm going to draw something soon so you can see EXACTLY what I'm envisioning, so stay tuned for that (and manifesting that it won't turn out crooked)
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cl-0v3r · 1 month
Midnight Mj doodles because I'd die for them
I couldn't sleep and I HAD to get this finished TONIGHT or else I wouldn't be able to close my eyes
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They're my sillies 😞❤
I CANNOT wait to see them again next season oh my god I cannot explain how much I adore them like- id need at least a whole year for that.
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cl-0v3r · 1 month
I made Mj chibis WUAHHAHDJA
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I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, although as much as I love jayce, his hair gave me an existential crisis
(Don't repost anywhere without credit)
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