clan--urdnot · 10 years
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I have some concerns
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
One of the best out takes from any television show, ever. 
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
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Growing up doesn’t mean giving up childhood favorites. It means I buy my own damn fruity pebbles.
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
i hear muslims all the time go "Islam is against terrorism!" but i never see any proof of it so
literally maybe u dont see it because your eyes are so far up your ass
murder is strictly forbidden in islam. “If anyone slays a person, it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.” [5:53] and “Even if you stretch forth your hand against me to kill, I will not stretch forth my hand to kill you. Surely, I fear Allah, the Lord of the entire universe.” [5:28]
forcing someone into the religion/ harming if they are non-muslim is forbidden in islam “There is no compulsion in religion. The right way has become distinct from error.” [2:256]
engaging in aggressive war (as in not defense of own national security or other legitimate safety reasons) is forbidden “But if the enemies incline towards peace, do you also incline towards peace…” [8:61] also “Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God does not love aggressors.” [2:190]
terrorism, or hirabah, is specifically pointed out as LITERALLY one of the highest possible sins in Islam, like literally the punishment for hirabah (rape, murder, robbery, ANY harming of national or individual security) is so terrifying in order to scare the people into not even engaging in terrorism in the first place google it its [5:32]
"sneak attacks"/ambushes are forbidden. Muslim commanders must give the enemy fair warning that war is imminent. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) at one point gave 4 months notice to an opposing army.
the Prophet (pbuh) narrates “Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well, and that if they do wrong you will do wrong to them. Instead, accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong (even) if they do evil.” [Al-Tirmidhi] this speaks enough for itself
Allah swt said “O my servants, I have made oppression upon myself something impermissible and I have made it impermissible for you to oppress one another. [legitimate sourcing, recorded by  Muslim, Aḥmad , al-Tirmidhī]
“And do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness.” [5:8]
bonus: if we’re getting into the technicalities of it, in islam not just anybody can declare war. war must be declared by the rightful leader of the nation, meaning since these terrorist groups are in no way leaders of their nations, regardless of everything above they are not allowed to call for and engage in war (aka mass murder of innocent peoples that they call war) anyways
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
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"You realize grown men are childs at heart when the whole fireteam keeps purposefully smashing into each other when riding sparrows."
DESTINY confessions
Image credit: [x]
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
I am always some degree of horny.
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
fun statistics for adults! “when I was a kid, I had no help with college tuition, I was hardworking and paid it all myself” -Annual tuition for Yale, 1970: $2,550 -Annual tuition for Yale, 2014: $45,800 -Minimum Wage, 1970: $1.45 -Minimum Wage, 2014: $7.25 -Daily hours at minimum wage needed to pay for tuition in 1970: 4.8 -Daily hours at minimum wage needed to pay for tuition in 2014: 17.3
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
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133 notes · View notes
clan--urdnot · 10 years
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
If you're feeling down, I'll go down on you.
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
petition for mockingjay part 2 to skip that one scene where that one thing happens to that one character
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
Or you could grow the fuck up and let them rot like they deserve
I feel so useless sitting here. What can I do to help Ferguson??
there’s a bail and legal fund that’s been set up for those who’ve been arrested 
this person is trying to organize a food drive for school kids in ferguson. 
national moment of silence 2014 (for victims of police brutality) 
share the following: 
videos of what has happened
links to articles
how to make a tear gas mask
livestream link to the peaceful protests
Ferguson Police DepartmentEmail (taken off the site) 
222 S. Florissant RoadFerguson, MO 63135
Ph: 314-522-3100Fx: 314-524-5290
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
Thanks to my brother who has this habit of starting meme wars over stupid shit, I have more that 200 anime-related memes on my computer
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
Reblog if you think tattooing is an art form
Trying to prove a point
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clan--urdnot · 10 years
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Manatee Effect
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