#so much saber
cj-kenobi · 8 months
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So I learned what a bear otter was the other day. Time for BIG otterwan
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arcanejude · 25 days
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pretty people we love you
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padmestrilogy · 1 month
u can’t tell me the acolyte’s cancellation is a win when the mando movie is currently shooting,, the show had problems yes but this clearly wasn’t a decision made abt quality. what was once a franchise where you could set any kind of story, have any kind of adventure, is now a bunch of increasingly niche tie-ins about the same few characters, hesitantly branded as the “mandoverse”, made by the same few guys (who, most importantly, suck at this). the acolyte made important steps for representation, yeah, but it was also just plain NEW. even andor was a spin-off of a spin-off. you could watch the acolyte if all you knew was a guy named luke blew up a death star once. certain brilliant stuff like visions will always lurk at the dubiously-canon edges of star wars—the acolyte could’ve started a new era of the franchise. even if you didn’t care for the show, this is such a loss
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dailyarturiartfgo · 5 months
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It took me way too long but my boy is now NP5!!!
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poorlittleyaoyao · 3 months
because Qinghe Nie is the most haunted and thus most interesting sect and I love hearing what people do with the bits of worldbuilding we have for it...
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cupidsbeaux · 4 months
i've been thinking a lot about teeth in the suckening. Arthur starts off with purposefully dulled teeth, meaning that he had to rely on Void to properly bite into whatever he'd hunted. when he gave up his appearance his teeth grew sharp and grotesque, preventing him from properly hiding behind the same facade as before.
Shilo's teeth resemble a classic vampire look with just sharpened canines, but he refuses to use them. he's disgusted by the idea of biting into someone; he feigns humanity by drinking from a cup and willfully ignoring that the blood is still from a person even if he doesn't have to use his teeth.
I think Emizel's teeth are the most interesting since every tooth in his mouth becomes serrated from the moment he becomes a kindred. he didn't make much effort to hide his vampiric abilities once he got them, but he couldn't even if he wanted to because his teeth made it obvious that he was no longer human. plus, edward removed all his teeth that one time, wasn't that cool.
there's no point i wanted to make here, these are simply my ramblings. i just think teeth are cool and that it's neat how they reflect aspects of their respective characters.
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samipekoe · 10 months
if this read more disappears the moments I hit post I'll have to delete this so fast or my heart will explode
now you will bear witness to my twisted mind (the mildest nsfw known to man)
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just occurred to me this may look like a sequence no they arent fucking after Kaya walked in on them these drawings are UNRELATED!!! Anyway, I'm dying
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jingyi-ma-boi · 1 month
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I saw this and decided not to rb with my own piece bc op’s notes are already being bombarded. We all know this is practically canon in MDZS for nieyao. That’s what happened.
What other reason would JGY have to hide Da-ge’s head in his secret chamber? We know that even in death, they tormented each other in that coffin. Not even death did them part.
But of course, this reminded me of that fierce corpse!NMJ AU idea I wrote about not so long ago (this one rotates in my head from time to time. I’m a sucker for dark and twisted 19th-century-style romanticism) and the og post that spurred said idea:
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Imagine if JGY succeeded at reanimating NMJ's corpse and instead of the vitriol, the hate, the continued murder attempts, he finds that Da-ge is bent on pleasing him from the start. That he and XY haven't fucked up, and that NMJ's has regained abilities he had long-lost due to the saber curse when he had been alive.
Imagine JGY feeling that this monstrous version of the man he once idolized before everything went south should hate him for having murdered him in cold blood. That NMJ should keep tormenting him as much as he had tormented himself in the spare moments he allowed himself to feel sick with the knowledge that he was killing the man whose life he tried to save in the past.
Imagine JGY thinking at first that NMJ is only doing this to drive him crazy, to taunt him and play with him because now that he’s recovered his lucidity from before the SSC, he is able to recognize the feelings that his Deputy once harbored for him.
Now he is receiving from Da-ge everything he had once dreamt of and more, and it won't make JGY feel better at all.
On the contrary, he feels so much worse for having killed the one man whose hate and disdain affected him the most. Because if the hate remained, his actions would have felt justified. Because if he kept trying to kill him, he could revel in ordering him around as a way to taunt him.
JGY is convinced that they made a mistake, that even if they're here now, reunited past death, he doesn't deserve to let go of the turmoil. He doesn't deserve to feel relieved.
This is not his Da-ge, but a puppet that took his image and now bows down to him out of a twisted sense of gratitude that only makes the weight of fate feel heavier. Either that, or NMJ is willingly choosing to do this just to torment him and test how far JGY will go before he snaps.
He chooses to believe this because he knows that the alternative is even worse of a punishment. A part of him knows deep down that if this puppet that is so eager to please, so eager to show the limitless extent of his worshiping devotion, has regained long-lost abilities that have now been amplified without the restraint of mortality, there's the slim chance that this is real. That this was real before. What does this mean? he wonders.
Where does that place us and everything that happened between us? Did he love me even as he casted me away? Or was his love conditional to my adjustment to his idea of me?
He could ask, but he fears the answer just so. He's already torturing himself with the whole reality of this, wishing that they hadn't been able to perform the ritual successfully.
He can't help but think of how he fantasized about finally having his Er-ge's attention all to himself without NMJ's incessant pestering every time NMJ kneels before him, closing his eyes in what he has figured is now his way of expressing bliss and contentment whenever JGY's praises his work.
He can't help but think of how he dreamt of returning Da-ge's slights towards him tenfold every time this giant of a man curls in the floor around his feet asking for forgiveness.
He can't help but think of the intense disdain and murderous intent he felt after NMJ kicked him down the stairs in the middle of that one qi deviation he had at Jinlintai every time they tread through paths that threaten to soil his golden robes and this corpse that looks like his Da-ge decides to lift him of the floor, saying that his feet don't deserve to touch such filth.
He tries to avoid these thoughts so hard, but he can't. And he feels like this is his righteous punishment for daring to reclaim his birthright as NMJ looks at him dead in the eye and confesses that he loves him.
He feels an intense pain forming in his chest as this wrong version of Da-ge says that even if his skin remains now cold to the touch, the light graze of their fingers on those long nights of warfare in his tent made him feel incensed all over.
He feels nauseous as this twisted version of his Sworn Brother says that even if his heart cannot beat anymore, the sight of his real smiles, the ones that he had thought once he’d been the only one privileged enough to see, made his heart want to jump out of his chest. Made him now want to carve it out and gift it to him if that’s what he wanted.
He doesn’t allow himself to think this is anything other than divine retribution. Mostly because the idea that it could be real, that in another life without war, without the saber curse, NMJ would have loved him like this or even with just a quarter of this intensity, it’s worse. It makes him wish to go back in time, try and change things just so he could get a taste of what is like having NMJ’s love in life as he has in death.
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darkveracity · 1 year
Say what you will about fate/stay night's sex scenes but playing the game without them means you miss out on the critical information that under all that armor Saber looks like a crossdressing twink in a trap doujin. She has the body of a skinny teenager on three months of HRT. Anyone who draws her with tits is a coward
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haloangel21 · 1 year
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OP’s disbelief and confidence disappearing at the sight of the Star Saber sword shattering into pieces is a nice detail I hadn’t appreciated before—
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enquire · 1 month
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I imagine anyone following this series could probably guess who I was doing next. Yep, it's Utsuro. This one was kind of interesting. I'm not super sure about the markings (they might be a little too complex? still thinking about it) and his hair was a pain to translate into pony form for me. No clue why he gave me more trouble, but I might end up changing that aspect later because it still feels a little off to me. Also, the markings are sort of part of his cutie mark, kind of like how Luna's is. I kinda wanted to give the vibe of his cutie mark being invasive/changing him. Like his coat has been symbolically tainted or burned from it. He always had some spots and freckles, but after he got his mark, the darker markings + patches/shadows over his flanks and legs appeared.
Anyway, let's get into things...
Kismet was an ordinary earth pony who lived with his family somewhere in Equestria. Like most ponies, he was excited to get his cutie mark, and curious about what it would be.
When an oddly foreboding black mark appeared on his flank one day, strangely accompanied by several new markings, at first, Kismet was just as overjoyed as any former blank flank would be.
However, as time passed, it became clear that Kismet's cutie mark was unique, to say the least. Because no matter what kind of trouble came his way, somehow, it would pass him by completely unharmed.
Good fortune and success followed him wherever he went. Kismet prevailed whenever he attempted anything, and those closet to him were often granted the same blessings.
Soon, everypony wanted to have Kismet around. In the beginning, Kismet was happy to suddenly have so many friends. But eventually, he began to realize that nopony wanted his companionship because they cared about him or enjoyed spending time together.
When a team wanted to win an important game of hoofball, they invited him. When his town's mayoral election came around, the two candidates fought for his support. And the few friends and family Kismet had cared about slowly began to treat him differently.
It shouldn't be a surprise, then, that Kismet came to see the mark as a curse. Once he realized the fortune tied to him was the root problem, he tried everything he could think of in order to make it stop. But no amount of bad luck charms or attempts to control it himself affected the endless good luck.
In the end, Kismet gave up entirely. He left his hometown behind, and started covering up his cutie mark and going by various aliases during his travels. (His current being "Sunset Shores," and using a cutie mark belonging to somepony too distant from him to have the identity theft be an issue)
He tried a few times during this period to start new lives for himself. But inevitably, his good luck would start affecting things around him and the ponies he had met. And in the end, the connection would be made between the two, and Kismet would quietly vanish.
Being alone was somehow more tolerable than being lonely while surrounded by others. So Kismet simply drifted from place to place, not making connections, and never allowing anyone to really get to know him.
On a few instances, his path led him to several other outcasts. Ponies who had nothing, were failures, or had nopony to trust or rely on. Kismet couldn't help but see himself in them. And the ways in which his fortune changed those ponies' fates were some of the only times Kismet ever felt anything positive about his mark.
Though after the connection was made, and things began to deteriorate, Kismet would disappear again. The gratitude and reverence was overwhelming. That being said, he never regretted them, and eventually, he came to realize that somewhere along the way, one pony whose path had crossed his was different. There was one pony who he had helped, who had seen what he was, and yet still saw him before any of the rest.
Perhaps that is why she, and she alone, was able to find him again. After traveling halfway across Equestria, the two of them met once more. And so, Kismet no longer travels alone.
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Also, above are examples of what it looks like when he covers up his original cutie mark.
Right: "Sunset Shores" with Clover Shore's cutie mark. Left: Blank flank version. (he doesn't always bother with replacing it)
Last few notes: Kismet's fortune is probably a little different given the universe and how cutie marks work. It still makes his life miserable but doesn't necessarily completely drag the meaning from everything. At least not quite to the degree divine luck does. Just a *bit* less intense but still a curse.
And there isn't a despair cult, world-ending tragedy, nor any killing games in the works here, so there's that too...
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 month
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🍒 summer fun 🍒
+ bonus
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nox-sssscraps · 9 months
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THE FINAL STRETCH. Unfinished/unposted art from July-December!!!!!!!!!!
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thewriterowl · 1 year
Luke Skywalker is Mand’alor
Now that season 3 is done and I was able to stew over it, I find myself liking it more than the initial watch (not in love but I know it is that final scene that has made it loads better/worth it)...but I LOVE the idea more on Luke is the rightful ruler of Mandalore due to the ridiculous line of defeat of the Darksaber
Can you imagine?? We’ve had so much fun watching Din “my god let me just be a side character in my own show” Djarin do his thing...but Luke?? The guy who keeps getting pushed as the center of the galaxy? The poor guy. He already has to deal with being a “shared” Chosen One with his formerly very evil father, seen as a galactic hero who “single handedly” (he keeps saying this is not the case) took out the Empire, reviving a culture that was genocide-d basically on his own (his aunt seems to not be very involved in his life???), going on near-death missions still after doing his Chosen One duties...and now is a king by some weird technicality??
Do you know how DONE he would be???
Because he defeated his father, who defeated Kenobi, who defeated Maul? Or because he defeated his father who defeated the Emperor who defeated Maul? OR  because he defeated his father who defeated Ahsoka who defeated Maul? 
Luke would try to say, “The Emperor defeated me!” or “I didn’t win against my father, technically!” or “Weren’t at least one of those previous matches a draw or something???” or “Surely with all the hands it’s been passed around to the line was officially broken?????”. And like all of them have a counter-argument that still leads back RIGHT TO HIM because, even IF Anakin defeated the Emperor who defeated Luke, he still ADMITS that Luke defeated him by saving him from the Darkside with like his dying breath!! Or, even better because it is the words from Din in the season, he defeated the enemy who defeated/captured/cornered Din & Bo-Katan on the cruiser--cause, within the scene, it is heavily implied they were all about to die (aka be defeated) if he hadn’t shown up!
There is like literally no escape from it!
He literally just wants to be a teacher, like a pre-school teacher at this point and do fun flips over rocks while doing things to make people happy and not kill any more.
And he is made to be a king of a “cursed” planet of a former enemy.
Because of COURSE a Skywalker would have that luck.
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apchi-hba · 15 days
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If you don't have any art according to your OTP, then you have to make it yourself! Yes, this is a sketch Diarmuid/Waver based on the wonderful fanfiction "For want of a relic" by f0xh0undvix3n. I love this AU very much and I'm sad that this peering is not so popular! Seriously, I've seen art on GilWave, but nothing on DiaWave? We need to fix this! If you haven't read this, you've lost so many guys, it's a diamond and nothing less!
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tired-reader-writer · 4 months
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A very very late birthday gift for my dear friend @sanhatipal , a fanart of one of her favorite characters! Saber from Fate/Stay Night (I know Saber or rather Artoria is in many fate franchises, hush). I wanted to do a “historically inspired” look of sorts— what w the cloak and tunic and penannular-ish brooch (some liberties were taken). The pattern on the brooch is the same one from her canonical armor! I also wanted to give her a more... dignified, mature sort of expression— based on a post I saw about some extra sketches of her by Takeuchi having an “older woman vibe”. I can't find the post again, but I know it exists out there somewhere.
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It was the ones w the earrings specifically that the OP of that post pointed out, though I ended up not giving her earrings here, whoops.
I kept to her canon palette at least with the clothes, I may have ended up making her hair more golden to give off the feeling of grain fields at sunset, a splash of some shine to catch the eyes. (It was also to make her look less like Bedivere, lol)
Also there's a star because she's repeatedly associated with a star in Stay Night's songs. It's pretty neat!
Some close-ups:
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Also here's her without the background:
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Anyways, happy late birthday (14 days late, to be exact! 😭), my friend! I hope you like this lil gift from me.
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