Signif of print, broadcast media and new media
Broadcast media is a consist of programs that  produced by television networks and  radio stations.  Radio, television, these are forms  of broadcast media . The television can help you to get an information or news about the COVID pandemic. And also you can use a radio if you have no TV the radio can help you to get information. These type of media  do not rely on the production of distribution of physical copies. They distributed  their message over the air. their  programming can viewed  by multitudes at once, media like radio and tv  have been a traditionally accepted as the most efficient way to transmit message.
Print media  is the oldest type of media,entering use in the  earliest days of writing languages itself. And it has evolved  considerably .print media evolved books news papers and magazines.print media is also known as” press”  which refers to material that are written  and are physical distributed. And the new media . Print media  is important because some of the  student are choose to modular they can help the student in printing the modules.the importance of new media to us  because we can use it to get information and news and we can use it to communicate. New media is useful to us.
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New media is theorized to eventually replace print and broadcast media.
New media Has evolved because of the technology. New media is a great tool for us because We can use it to communicate and to get some information,. A distinction between an old media and an new media is that the old media is for the most part of a mass media. Each form of new media is highly interactive,while old media is not. The users of new media is active about information.New media, it is the media that we are using right now. It is also interactive, with two way communication in the form of comment,tweet, like facebook, Twitter, Youtube,and instagram and etc..Broadcast media,this type of media is not focusing on producing and distributing physical copies as much as print media because they distribute the messages over the air. It have been a traditionally accepted as the most effective way to share a message . Print media is the oldest type of media and writing use in language it is also known as press which refers to materials that are written and are physically distributed like books, newspapers, and magazines.
New media also has a dis advantage that can caus an issue like an fake information and a fake news.New media has played a major impact on how we receive our daily news. Many people decide to get the news from apps that are on their phone because it is convenient to read. With this increase in the use of digital media as a news source, it is interesting to consider whether print media will become extinct. New media is a good thing because we can use it to communicate and to get an informationAnd we can use new media to easily get or to collect data in your research. This media is always be a part of our communication because of books and newspapers. Because of new media we can easily get a news because of the new technology we can use our cellphone and use it to get a news in social media.
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Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy in the Midst of Social Era
Information literacy  is important for today’s learners because they  promoted  to students to seek answers, finding information and evaluate sources.  Information literacy have a set of a skills that require to identify, retrieve, organize, and analyze the information. Information literacy is  the ability to recognize if the information literacy is needed and if it is an effectively use. Having an information literacy they help us to identify the fake news and fake information . Information literacy can help us to  understand the information literacy, to evaluate and  analyze the  information we get in social media. Information literacy help students to  recognize misleading, or false information  we get in social media. Information literacy helps us to sort through data  and interpret it intelligently.
Information literacy is important for today’s learners because information licteracy can help us to  easily get the information through social media like Facebook, Twitter  and etc.  information literacy have an ability  to know when their is a need for information,  to be able to identify, to locate,and to evaluate and effectively use  that information  for the issue or problems. Information literacy empower people’s to seek, evaluate,use and create information effectively to  achieve their personal, and educational goal.
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“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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The media and government in the Philippines this two has  a power to manipulate people .The media and government they  give us information about what’s  happening  today in our world. Without media we couldn't’t receive an information, while the government they  are there To discipline us and to guide us what is the correct and  not, without government no one  will lead to the right path, thanks to the government because they are their to lead,guide,and to discipline  us. Media is there to give us information and a latest news about what happening in our world. The media and government  have a conflict because people are saying that the news is a biased,yet the government says that it is not.  As a result the people manipulate because some people post their own opinions on what is happening around them, because of these, people are divided . Some of them is on the media and  some of them is on the government .
The love and hate should be a lesson to us because of the media they give us information The media serves us as a guid  or like a CCTV  to inform us on what’s happening in our world and also they give us a latest news, news about what is going on in our world. and because of government they lead us to the right path. even though they have a conflict sometimes, without them, our life becomes a harder  for us. Because we don’t know what’s happening in our world and we couldn’t get information because media and the government do not exist. The government cannot handle so many people to the right path so  they need a help and a help they need is the media.
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“The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual”
The value of being a media and information literate individuals  since in the beginning, we people started sharing with imformation  from tribal age , pre Industrial Age,Industrial Age,electronic age and  Information Age. they  always keep updated And to be prepared in a problems that coming so that  we could adapt the different situations Like problems. The value of being a media and information literate individuals can helps us In our modern minds to become functional, efficient, and skillful in both the physical and Digital  society. Value of being a media and information literate individuals is important Because they give us knowledge and information on how to deal with things. Being a  media and information literate  they develop a person’s skills  such as critical thinking for effective use for the other information. The value of being a media and information they make someone to actively participate on the different topic and issues.the value of being a media and information literate individuals we are going to value this because they help us to develop our skills and knowledge.
The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual this is important to us because information and literacy enables us to show and make informed judgment as users of information and media. As well as to become a skillful creators and producers of media and information. Media literacy emphasizes the ability of the students to understand the function of media on how to perform and use this to a self expression. Whil the information literacy emphasizes the importance to inform and to evaluate the uses of information. The importance of being a media and information literate is a very crucial nowadays because we are living in the 21st centuries which is the new technology was evolved such as television,computers,cellphones,and radios to get the information easier because we can get an info in the TV, cellphone,radios. The value of being a media and information literate have a benefit such as to improve our quality of mind for our life and to improve learning. Today’s generation media and information is considered as a crucial competence in today’s generation.Media and information helps us in our dauly lives  because they keeps us to be updated.
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