dlewrambo · 4 years
Ready Player one is a movie that portrays and represents the future world. The world be overpopulated and full of pollution because of climate change. The movie represents video games as a virtual reality for characterization and portrayal of the future because it will precisely depicts the bulk neglecting loyalty and faithfulness to save and protect the world because the people was been already addicted to the video games and in social media. They have become so addicted that renders to they don’t want to face the reality of the world.  For a movie that preaches about the dangers of escapism and wasting your life playing video games, "Ready Player One" sure doesn't do a good job of painting a real world worth living in.  Plugging in with Watts, we get to experience the Oasis, a wondrous, enticing world where it's possible to use the DeLorean to outrun a T-Rex, climb snowy mountains with Batman, or watch the Iron Giant go toe-to-toe with a robot Godzilla. It's a virtual delight that's worth the price of admission alone, and serves as a sharp contrast to the bleakness of our hero's real.  It's not new for a piece about virtual reality to present such dichotomy, although the unevenness of the two worlds in "Ready Player One" can leave one scratching their digital heads. In the Oasis, death equals decades of your life lost, time one is never going to get back. Outside of it, people are killed off without consequences. In the Oasis, players get to develop feelings, form lasting friendships. Outside, love is forced through exposition, stripping confessions of any weight. The movie relates on what is happening to us today that how people play video games just to escape the reality.
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dlewrambo · 4 years
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
by: Marweld M. Barillo
Social Media is very broad today especially to those people who were born between 1996 and 2015. Well, we can see that Social Media is a big impact in our daily lives and internet is already part of each one of us. It gives us the ability to communicate, interact, and to connect with other people through social media platforms and discuss or talk about the acquired information if it is true and ethical. There are other social media platform like www.omegle.com that allows you to talk and having video call to the strangers and it can be dangerous because it can cause cyber bullying, which is not good. As well as being a target for malicious account access via phishing emails and texts, social media is being increasingly used to deliver phishing. I’m already a victim of phishing hack and my social media accounts was been hacked and the hacker posted something rude and disgusting.
Social platform attacks target websites with large user bases, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. A majority of current attacks simply use the social platforms as a delivery mechanism. That’s why we should be fully alert to those scammers and hackers. However, social media is good to use too because social media makes our life more contentedly. Without social media, maybe our lives will be miserable. Most of us spend our leisure time on social media because it contains entertainment. You can easily express your gratitude to someone, rapidly because of social media that allows you to communicate with others anytime and anywhere. Social media enables us to build relationship with others, gain valuable customer data, increase customer's loyalty to you brand, and improve customer service. Social media can be a useful tool for businesses, bringing advantages such as engaging with your audience and boosting website traffic. However there can also be disadvantages, including the resources required and negative feedback. 
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dlewrambo · 4 years
“The importance of Media in today’s generation.”
by: Marweld M. Barillo
New media, Print media and Broadcast media is really important to us because without them, we cannot access or acquire information. Imagine the life without media will be a monotonous life. Having the different types of media, you can choose a media on the availability that you have because even though you don’t have an internet connection, you can still obtain an information by listening radio, by watching television, or by reading a newspaper. They are the medium of media that are used constantly and consistently. Print media sets up rightfulness that doesn’t make you to confuse on that information because people believe and trust to the things that are familiar to them. Media procedure does have the same and exact purpose on spreading the information to the people but because of the technology, the methods have increased and is becomes highly accommodating because people can acquire an information precisely, easily and rapidly.
 The possession or accretion of media started from the print media like magazines, books, and newspapers. It is a one-way communication that the audience can just read the information that was given. Next, we have broadcast media that gives huge quantity of people through its mass communication. New media is a two-way communication which helps us to communicate with other people to gather and acquire an information. New media consists of technology that involves electronic devices like gadgets, smartphones, computer, tablet, laptop and by the help of the internet to connect and communicate with other people anytime and anywhere. New media gives everybody the ability to acquire information quickly because most of the people use social media. Anyone can acquire and obtain information rapidly.  Without the media, probably we might be living a life that is miserable because media contains entertainment and full of inexperience and unconsciousness on what’s happening to the world.
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dlewrambo · 4 years
“Evolution of Media as innovation emerge.”
by: Marweld M. Barillo
We live in a constant world that encircles the technology. The internet is already part of our lives and media transmits and delivers information to us in various ways. Media before was only consists of paper works up until the television and radio invented. Because of technology, new media can deliver the information easier and quicker because it is highly interactive as the communication. Even though new media is rampant in today’s generation, some people tends or chooses to gather information on where they are familiar with and they only trust on what is familiar to them, yet the new media can’t be trusted at all because there are some people who posts irrelevant information and anyone can post on the internet anonymously. But we can see that most of the people use new media comparing to the other types of media it’s because that new media can reach a huge number of people.
 As we can see, the number of people who uses new media arises but maybe 5 to 8 years from now, print and broadcast media will be decreased because of people who choose to use new media because of its advantage from the other types of media. I believe that in the future, there will be more inventions and discoveries that print media is no longer accessible up until it will bygone exist. Libraries will decrease and will be have less people because there’s much better for acquiring information. New media is very rampant and everyone experiences cyberbullying that dragging down someone’s reputation and maybe in the future, it could be much worse that we’re experiencing today. People will be contingent on new media and will probably forget how to use the new media in a proper and ethical way. The procedure of acquiring information will maybe exceedingly change but the broadcast and print media will always be considered as the part of the development of media.
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dlewrambo · 4 years
“The value of being a Media and Information Literate Individual”
Being a Media and Information Literate enables people to make informed judgments as users of media and information. Before taking that responsibility, you must ensure that you are already capable of being literate in Media and Information. You shouldn’t be a biased to the other structure and you must be honest with your relevant information even though you’re against with the result of the interview or not because posting hoax, false information and irrelevant news is not a joke. It can mislead the others and carrying that false info on their own. If you’re not satisfied to the information, you must think first that you should not try to attempt changes because it will still consider as an irrelevant. You can be put to jail too if you did was too worse that it doesn’t bring good to the community and society.
 Even you can’t acknowledge by the people, you must bear in mind that at least you helped a lot of people because news and information are really important to us to know what is happening and to guide us on that current situation. Integrity and Honesty must be in Media and Information literate. You must learn to think critically, recognize the point of view, create media responsibly and identify the role of media in our culture. Technology is evolving and changing rapidly. Technology today is part of our daily life. Its advancement is always parallel in Media. Information literacy promotes problem solving approaches and thinking skills. It helps to cite the point of view which is an important tool in studying. It is really important to be precise and profound to the information that you are citing and making it real or giving appearance of reality because everybody knows that they are so many biased news that the media cannot be trusted at all but there are others too that was been fool and it really unethical that they received a false info.
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dlewrambo · 4 years
“Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy in the Midst of Social Era”
Information literacy is relevant especially now in this social era. It is the ability to recognize when the information is needed and Social Era is more likely connecting things and ideas through internet. Having in touch with the other people requires sufficient and more adequate information. By the help of Information literacy on having the ability that helps us to locate and evaluate the ideal information. It makes more effective in communication and in communicating or connecting with other people. It helps us too on where or when we will apply or include that said information. The expansion or the spread of information has become quick because of the technology today and of the new types of communication like the social media applications that makes it easier, less hassle and comfortable for connecting with other people to share our thoughts, feelings and ideas that we want to share to them.
We need to be responsible in the media like we must know the proper ways of communicating with other people and the actual usage of that information. Having that responsibility is not undemanding. The technology we are using today gives us more capability to share the information to the others but we must be more extra careful whenever or wherever we share our thoughts or information to the others. Whatever you share, you post or you say reflects on who you are and what type of person you are. You must think carefully and wisely before posting information because I believe that repentance is late. The importance of knowing Information Literacy didn’t become less important yet it became exceedingly indispensable or necessary. For that reason, I can say that Information Literacy is still relevant and maybe it will always be a relevant because we need to be sure that all we share has a reliable information.  
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