clate68 · 5 years
Oh i feel bad for him...
Makorra joins Zutara in the “Should’ve been Canon” category. But you know that’s why Fanfics & Fanon [fan canon] is for. So we can make whatever we want. Unlimited possibilities for a possibly unlimited imagination.
Also this vid is great even tho it’s old.
Show it some love would ya?
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clate68 · 5 years
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Avatar Korra training.
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clate68 · 5 years
better than korrasami.
I still ship Makorra.
Fucking fight me fandom.
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clate68 · 5 years
Korrasami is not a good pair in my opinion. I think the representation is trying to put out is good, but I think korra as a character works a lot better alone. This is because most of her developement is seen when she is single. And I think I would love to see her in another relationship again with another person. Asami ahs nothing new and just feels dry in her romance even Mako was better (even though the writing wasn’t great tbh). It’s just that whenever they are both together their dialogue doesn’t bounce off each other properly in a natural way for both characters to develop. 
I’d love to see her with Mako again since i think there was a great oportunity for a great relationship there and even the little gimpleses we got at the beginning of the show with their relationship it for sure was better than Misami. I like what the writer is trying to do here, but I just wish she would get someone else, I think korra needs another character for proper developement. And her falling in love after everything she had been through seems not logical to me but who am i to judge.
It’s truly a shame because the whole show has great writing but these two characters don’t belong together and it’s clear in the comics like Tuff Wars.
There are a lot of shippers who will come after me for saying these but i’m not the only one who things this way about this couple. I wish there would be someone else in the romance beside Asami, but knowing the public opinion and how praised their LGBT relationship is even though it’s not dynamic and well developed like the others, they won’t break them up. Cause you know. Shippers would go crazy crying or even call them homophobes. This is what happened to me when I gave my opinion on their relationship. And why Makko was better. I couldn’t care less, Asami could’ve been Asamo a boy and i would’ve still pointed out what my thoughts were.
As a writer myself (I write in spanish so this isn’t my mother language, so forigve me for errors). I think this relationship needs to end to favour the character of Korra. And I get shippers go crazy in panels in tuff wars when they kiss and stuff like that. But their dialogue isn’t dynamic in my opinion.Unlike Makko at the beginning of their relationship (cause it later did had some problems) When we learn about Mako’s past and how it contrasts with Korra’s way of living. Then we got korrasami, the interactions were them talking about their problems and saying things like “i got you” or just being there for them seems to be enough.  Fans were teased with a Mako/Korra reunion, so that's the route I thought they were taking.
People in Tumblr are always shipping characters, normally into LGBT relationships. It wouldn’t suprise me if the writer wanted to please fans, (cause that’s what we sometimes love to do since we own them everything). But I think this wasn’t the good call. I still think Mako and Korra have much more to offer together than Asami. There are good things about these? Of course, how Korra basically likes being the heroine and protecting Asami and Asami says she doesn’t need overprotective Korra. That’s a good dynamic in my opinion. But the bad outweights the good in this in my opinion. First is Mako, we see him get the big F to his character with their relationship, It’s actually the first time i feel bad for a fictional character in a long time haha. He dated both, now they are both dating, and he is alone haha. I just thought it was hilarious and sad. Mako was written dirty. He was such an interesting character in book 1. I think fans may have complained over how Korra wasn’t the dominant one? It’s the only reason i can think of why his character was made blander in Book 2. or why out of nowhere the Korrasami shippers came from. 
I’ve seen a lot of people dislike this relationship, but most are afraid to post their opinion because they would be call “Homophobes”. Now I think Tokuga was well written. 
I think LGBT relationships are all over the media and they are good, like for example, Adventure time MarcelineXPrincessBubblegum and Tracer, korra. Sara Lance, Josh, Soldier 76 between many others. And a lot of them are well written and great. But I think Mako and Korra should have stayed because their relationship was more organic and Mako was actually going somewhere as a character. Right now, he has no personality. None. Actually 0. It feels like the character has no purpose now. And bolin is all over the place, he is doing too much that is nothing at the same time.
I love Avatar and the universe. And i love the character of korra. But I think these new comics don’t have much to offer for her developement as a character and Mako’s reduced to dull personality, which are the main reasons I won’t continue to buy them.
Thanks for reading my opinion on new Avatar comics.
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