cledelune · 2 years
discord 1x1 rp.
refining my ad, so here we are again! i’m putting out some feelers for 1x1/discord lines. i'm open-minded and happy to soundboard ideas, can do idolverse or au, and have some existing au versions i'd love to play again. some fun and beloved genres are sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, mythology, supernatural, band au, and always slice of life, but i'm open to more than this, too.
the fcs i'm mostly looking to play are shinee and bts with a couple of others to pick from that are in the same friendship group. if you’d like to write shineexbts i’d love you forever. of course i’m open to others too!
m/m is preferred, but m/f can work depending on the fcs involved. in general i’d strongly prefer older fcs from 2nd/3rd gen. at the tippy top of my wishlist would be a taemin or a jin for my jungkook. big time!
just please be mindful that i’m an adult with a job and other responsibilities, so i can’t always reply fast. rp is a hobby that i really love, but sometimes things come up that take priority. i try my best to juggle. i’m very patient and don’t mind if it takes a while to get a tag either.
you can reach me at akuyuu#9536 on discord. thanks for reading!
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cledelune · 5 years
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it’s been a hot minute, wow. i’m really blowing the dust off.
i’d really love to start writing again and get back in touch now that i’ve had some time to heal. my muse will probably not go back to being highly active outside of threads due to comfort and time constraints, though. i’m only looking for some plots to relax and have fun with. 
happy to write gen or au, obviously shinee and other people kibum knows would be very much loved but i’m open to anyone and my genre list is wide and varied (fantasy? sci-fi? crime? zombies? to name a few!). romance lines are also fine (he’s still in a primary ship and that won’t change but threads can be their own self-contained thing if desired). 
if that sounds fun to you, send me a message here. feel free to ask for discord or twitter instead, too.
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cledelune · 7 years
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i didn't want to say this on the day. i wanted to say it earlier and catch you offguard. we still have two months to go until it's a year, but whatever.
i want to show you what's in my heart, right now, as i'm feeling it.
shut up. i know it's gross. let me say it for a change.
what we have is special. i really believe it..
i think we belong together.
no.. i know we do.
actually, it’s annoying how well we match.
i've been thinking that way for a while. really, i think about it a lot. how did i get here? how did i get you? why are we so good together? did you know i was gonna be the best thing that ever happened to you? i have no idea, but i want to spend the rest of the days we have together making sure that you never have to doubt how i feel about you.
because every day i've spent with you already, i've been happy. even on the bad days, you're everything i ever wanted. with you i have the coziest home, and the wildest adventures.. and the best partner to enjoy every moment with.
you've given me something really important and i don't even think you know.
you've given me the chance to think about the future again.
because you've shown me what i'm capable of.
you've shown me how deeply i can love someone. and that i can be loved back just as deeply. for the person that i am.
so, thank you for being so gentle with me, for helping me to trust and have faith again and for giving me a chance to become the person you deserve. thank you for letting me into your heart even though you were scared, too. i hope i've done a good job of proving that i'll take care of it. i will, you know.
i'm proud to say that you're mine, and that i'm yours. i wish the whole world could hear it. this is the best i can do now, though.
i love you.
i love you, i love you, i love you.
i love you..
god, i really love you.
you're gonna be the death of me.
but i'm gonna keep living like a fool for you.
happy anniversary, my monster.
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cledelune · 7 years
I haven’t stopped crying. This hurts so much. How much were you hurting, all this time... we only saw the smallest hints, didn’t we? I don’t blame you...
You didn’t know me for more than the few seconds that we locked eyes. But, to me, you’re a friend, an ally and an inspiration, now and forever.
You touched the world, and the world cries for you.
Thank you for your hard work.
I love you dearly, Kim Jonghyun. I always will.
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cledelune · 7 years
“Wont you get in trouble? I have a feeling Dispatch is following already.” She laughs, taking a sip of her drink. She was glad Kibum understood, she liked to think that he was one of those people who truly had an idea what was going through in her world, a similar one to his. “In other words, you shouldn’t go wherever you will be going because I’m going to be here until we knockout somewhere else.” She had a playful tone, though the seriousness was evident.
Sooyoung’s body moved along with the beat, trying not to do any fast movements and lose him to the crowd. She leans closer to ask more about his life, how everything has been since they have both left each other’s radar. “An athlete? Ah, that sounds terrible, seems like it’ll be cruel of me to do such thing, but then again, Papa had mentioned I was a bad omen.”
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"No. Dispatch knows I'm a false alarm," Kibum explained with an eyeroll, a succinct explanation that didn't lend to details. He'd always had a lot of girlfriends, to the point that sometimes he could sometimes have an entire entourage, and that meant there was just no telling when something transcended the line of friendship into something more. If they tried to talk about it, the coverage would be laughed off as foolish anyway. There had been only one incident, but Kibum didn't talk about that anymore.
"A bad omen?" he snorted, mid-swaying to the music, not quite as into it because of the conversation, but the pulse of the beat was hard to resist. "What does that even mean? People who hook up with you end up unlucky? What is that?" Teasing her, he reached out mid-step to jab at her waist playfully.
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cledelune · 7 years
If I'm a three year old, how old are you turning? 50?
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i’m gonna tell mom you’re bullying me again!!
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cledelune · 7 years
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     Ever since the news broke out, Jinki remained rather silent throughout the entire matter. For him, it was a serious issue he would have liked to be dealt with properly as much as possible, hence why he himself insisted on pursuing investigations further. And he didn’t want his mistake to affect anything he was involved with, especially since everything had still been fresh to anyone’s minds back then. The most difficult he had to make, however, was dropping the Tokyo Dorm concerts of SHINee in order to keep a low profile, as well as self-reflection. He felt guilty to have dropped in one of the upcoming dramas he was looking forward to work in, but he figured his role could be replaced by another talented actor. Although in SHINee… even he knew he was the one and only Onew. SHINee wasn’t four, only five. 
     It pained him to leave his members to themselves; to be selfish and quiet throughout everything. It wasn’t that he couldn’t depend and rely on his members, he just thought and felt that this had nothing to do with them– especially since they were busier than ever with their own individual projects. Who was he hold them back? And they understood that, even with subtle expressions and words. Nevertheless, Jinki deeply felt he let his members down, even though he was handling the matter maturely and formally. At least they knew what to avoid even more in the dangerous world they worked in. Then again, he preferred to be the one in this in situation rather than any of the other members. The pain would have been unbearable for him by then.
     And for the first time in the twelve years they were together, Jinki could feel the tense and awkward atmosphere between him and Kibum. He was eating instant ramyun when the other dropped by for a visit. The leader appreciated it, but this wasn’t a drama where he could melodramatically apologize for everything. This was his true self; guarded and keeping things to himself, while being willing to listen to his members’ problems every single time. 
     “Mm. I watched clips sent to me our manager hyung, and you guys did amazingly as usual. I found myself singing too, even though my voice was already there.” His lips curved into a small lopsided smile.  “My birthday? Yah, it would have the best birthday ever. But you enjoyed it, right? A Dome Concert always feels so surreal~”
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Of course, Kibum understood Jinki's nature well. He had always been good at understanding people's depths, for better or worse. Just because he wasn't that young, immature person who liked to push buttons for play any longer didn't mean he didn't know where they were anymore. So of course, he understood. But that didn't make Jinki's behaviour any easier to handle. It was quite a visual response, the way that he exhaled out a long, exhausted-sounding sigh, pressing his fingers into the tendons lining the back of his neck as he rolled his head against them, trying to release the tension that the situation had him carrying. If only all of them could act so calm and casual without eyes on them, like nothing was unusual, like there was no cause for concern. It only made the elephant in the room seem like more of an eyesore to him.
"Yeah, surreal. It was definitely surreal..." The atmosphere had been surreal. The way there was an obviously missed presence, not like when one of them had been injured or had a conflicting schedule. No, it was something entirely different. Something they definitely hadn't really felt before. The only thing that came close that he could think of was a few years ago... when they had worried that Jinki might not have come back with the full strength of his voice. Swallowing down a remark about that, he turned back to look at him again, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hyung... I understand why you're doing this. But isn't there a point where you're just punishing yourself when the only people who really wanted to see that are..." A pause, and Kibum tried to find a less abrasive way of phrasing it than what first came to mind. "...not the kind of people we should be catering to. I really don't get this."
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cledelune · 7 years
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Though Kibum had a certain abrasive quality to his exterior, the people that he was close to in life sometimes discovered how much of a pushover he really was. He would joke about not footing the bill, about acting the wingman so that even his loneliest companions could have someone to stroke their ego all night, even that any attention was a compliment. But the truth was, he was soft when it came to those people, and he would never leave them to get harassed, or to feel alone. He took care of people quite a bit more than expected. And, perhaps tonight, he was more openly warm towards his companion than he would've been if it hadn't been such a long time since they'd seen each other. That was surely why there was so little fight in him when she coerced him away from his drink and his seat, surrendering to the embrace of a slow dance on the quiet, deserted floor.
"You're lucky to have memories like that... I don't even know if my parents were so romantic with each other..." he laughed, soft, breezy and respectful of his close proximity to her ear, leading the easy sway. "What would you sing to someone...?"
.&starter for @cledelune
it’s late, the bar has only the dwindling customers left; an older couple sitting aside, talking to each other deep in conversation and there’s a few others finishing off the last of their drinks. the lighting low and soft, wall-lamps casting their illumination towards the ceiling - she’s full of sweet wine and whiskey, happy in her glittering gown and dreamy in her intoxication. their night of catch-up was tying up nicely, but as per-usual, jessica’s rules were concrete. she was not to leave without at least one dance before the music ended.
it was roy orbison’s ‘dream’ that was playing in the swaying room, and she’d bullied him onto the dance-floor for their parting dance. her chin rested on his shoulder, eyes shut and breathing softly, humming along to the old tune. they were the only one’s left on the dance-floor but jessica hardly cared. like the queen she was, she wasn’t moving an inch without her dance and escort. 
“my dad used to sing this to my mom in the kitchen.” she ponders to him, their pace slow and easy in time with the music. 
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cledelune · 7 years
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(/Her mouth falls open after hearing what he said, letting out a few laughing huffs) You better watch your words Kim Kibum or your ass is going to be on the floor. I am be pregnant but I can still kick your ass. Even if your my favorite. (/Bora holds her head up higher as she crosses her arms, facing away from him to ignore him) I may do it again just for that comment… 
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yaaaaaah, yah. don’t push yourself, i don’t wanna be responsible for anything that’ll have your husband punching out my car windows. (` he’s still teasing, dryly, with his hands held up in a truce. obviously, because he wasn’t scared of bora. please. )
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cledelune · 7 years
aesthetic asks
raindrops: what’s your favourite song to unwind?
scented candles: do you enjoy reading? if so what’s your favourite book?
chai latte: your starbucks/coffee order?
fairy lights: do you sleep with the lights on or off?
peaches: do you enjoy photography?
summer nights: summer or winter? or perhaps something else?
neon lights: describe what you’d do at 2am with your best friends
winged eyeliner: do you wear makeup?
bath bombs: what’s your favourite lush product?
soft kisses: ever kissed someone of the same sex?
fire crackles: describe your ideal winters evening
spring flowers: what’s your favourite flower/plant?
messy buns: if you could dye your hair any colour what would it be?
warm tea: what’s your favourite tea? if you don’t like tea, what’s your favourite drink?
full moon: do you prefer the stars or the moon? tracing constellations with your eyes or picking the petals off of flowers?
constellations: do you have freckles? any that resemble anything celestial?
young love: have you ever fallen in love? if so describe how you felt
holding hands: kisses or cuddles? stay-at-home dates or out-and-about ones?
cold mornings: what time do you wake up? are you an early bird or a night owl?
sleepy cuddles: lace or silk? nights in sheets with the one you love or afternoons hand-in-hand?
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cledelune · 7 years
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cledelune · 7 years
I wasn’t going to write a letter for you but since you were nice enough to write a birthday letter for me last time, I felt like I had to now. x) 
How old are you now? Growing grey hairs yet? Did you cry when you watched your children go to daycare for the first time? 
In all seriousness, I love you to death. Even though you would leave me for Dasom, I will accept this one sided love. But you already know that. TT
You have grown a lot since the first time we met but your still the same Kibum. You drive me crazy and annoy me on a daily bias and yet I still like you. Yes I know, I don’t get it either. But that’s life for you. 
Anyway I should end this like a normal birthday letter. 
Happy Birthday~! Don’t drink too much wine! And don’t eat too much cake or your manger will kill you ;) 
The one and only, 
Bora Quinn <3 
P.S: I actually made you a Gucci cake but it looked poor for my artist skills so you got cupcakes instead. Strawberry Gucci cupcakes~! 
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cledelune · 7 years
i’m not sorry!! he needs to put them away or get stripper pasties or SOMETHING!! this is too much for me.. i can’t look at this anymore.
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cledelune · 7 years
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          There was no denying what had been said– he very clearly recalled saying it, even if it had only came to mind suddenly. Taemin wasn’t particularly known to have a filter, especially after opening up this much to someone. He wants to be frustrated with Kibum, and he is, just a little, but only because he thinks Kibum is actually mad at him. She was irrelevant to him, he had no intentions of ever seeking her out, but he understood why what he said was upsetting, especially based on Kibum’s past relationships. Now is the time to approach the situation calmly, with logic; he’d let his love for him outweigh his frustrations.
          “I wasn’t drooling–” Taemin pouts, moving now to stand up so that he could try and reach out to him, even if a hug right now probably wasn’t the answer. This was something only words and reassurance could fix. ‘I have to fix this and apologize properly, he deserves it. I need to think on my words more carefully.’ He repeats to himself over and over, silently though. Before he can speak up again Kibum is storming off into the Kitchen, he follows behind him, moving to peer around the corner, frowning.
          “Not like that– yah, you’re already attractive. You always have been! She isn’t– like you. She’ll never be you. She’ll never give me the same comforts. My heart will never go to her direction. Just because she was cool while swinging a blade, doesn’t mean I’ll automatically take back my love for you, or my sweet words. She won’t get those. Can I say sorry for admiring her? Even if it’s like this. You’re upset so–” His lips are pursed now, gaze wandering down onto the tiles of the floor.
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Kibum was known for theatrics. That was nothing new. More often than not, he didn't mean anything by them, because if something really bothered him, he wouldn't be theatrical about it. But they did have a known habit of things being melodramatic for fun turning into real bickering, though that behaviour was usually something that followed their game nights. For a moment, at least, their conflict was forgotten as he turned his attention to the pasta on the stovetop, giving it his attention until Taemin tailed him inside to reclaim it.
His head tilted as he turned, folding his arms over his chest as he listened attentively to his 'explanation', something that was entirely unnecessary on such a serious level and it showed in how Kibum's efforts to stay mad crumbled in the wake of a laugh. "Yah... yah, stop," he sighed out a second chuckle, holding up a flattened hand, the other scratching at his scalp. "You're being way too serious about something like this. I don't really think you're gonna dump me for a fictional character, you know." A pause, and he canted his head the other way, teasingly. "Let’s be real, I don't even think you could get her, anyway. A person like that isn’t a threat."
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cledelune · 7 years
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cledelune · 7 years
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cledelune · 7 years
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Make me choose:      ↳ maknaenim: married to the music or tell me what to do
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