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Before and After. I’m happy with this <3 
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I’ve been back on Tom a bit @thexdarkxheir but part of me misses my baby 🖤🖤
Probably gonna try and give her blog a mini makeover when I’m off work.
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Pyper America Smith
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Vogue Russia August 2018
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Send 📖+ an AU scenario to get a glance at what my muse would be like in that universe
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"I heard you were looking to fuck me?"
“And where did you hear that rumour? Hmm?” Not that is was wrong exactly. In fact she was surprised it hadn’t happened yet considering she had slept with many of the boys in the school.
“And what if I said I did?”
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“I just need to be [e m p t y]  Hide from anybody who’ll prevent me  Just fill up on water and shame...
                                 ...Convince myself I’m in {c o n t r o l} and it’s not                                  All that voice that makes me sick.”
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Albus didn’t approve of the Malfoy patriarch’s attitude towards his daughter’s education, to put it mildly.  Their travels often disrupted her studies and left her having to scramble to catch up.  It was lucky that Albus didn’t have much power over anything and that Cleopatra was capable of catching up fair enough.
This time, however, whether it be something that happened during her travels or just sheer stress she was struggling.
“With all due respect yourself, Ms. Malfoy, but your studies are slipping and you seem obviously preoccupied.  You can talk to me.  Whatever it is, I won’t tell anyone else.  Well, unless you’re nearly fatally ill.  Then I’ll insist you go to the hospital wing, as I am rubbish at healing magic.”
Cleo looked down, biting her already worn down fingernails. It was a bad habit that her family was always on her case about, and yet she couldn’t help herself from doing it; especially when she was overly anxious or uncomfortable. It was the only flawed aspect of her appearance. 
It was true that her grades were not doing well, and while her father couldn’t care less... she cared. Slowly she nodded and looked back up at her professor, could she tell him what was really going on? If he really wouldn’t tell.... 
“I... was approached by someone and someone who gave me a proposition.” Biting her lip she found herself unable to meet his eyes while she spoke. “Grindelwald... wants me to join his cause... and support him along with the rest of my family.” 
Of Legacies and Choices
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Callout - Plagiarism - lepidusxmaleficis
So I HATE callouts but my blood is boiling.  lepidusxmaleficis approached me, asking to rp and I kindly went to see their blog only to find their bios contained lines and paragraphs taken VERBATIM from mine. Sometimes the name had not even been changed yet. So I apologize for the long post. but plagiarism is a serious offence in creative communities. 
“THEIR” Bio…
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MY BIO @knightsxofxwalpurgis
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Still “THEIR” Bio…
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MY BIO (from my FIRST and BABY OC) @cleo-j-malfoy
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“THEIR” Other Bio…
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MY BIO @primxandxproper
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This one is almost Identical all the way through so I’ll save the 5 extra screengrabs but have a look at mine [here]
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She composed herself “ please just leave me alone” she begged. She pressed her head into the pillow muffling her cries once more. From the outside a few girls formed “ By Merlin’s beard she’s weak no wonder she’s not gryffindor” said another first year.
That was it, she had had enough. Rounding on the other girls so quickly that her pale blonde hair fanned out around her. “Listen up. She is a Slytherin just like all of us. If you think she’s weak what does that say about you? She’s a first year, she’s separated from her family and she has to deal with complete bitches like you picking on her.” 
She glared up at the other girl, grey eyes shooting daggers. “Why don’t you go do something better with your time like.. hmm I don’t know.. getting a life?!” 
New Friends
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She didn’t know if she could trust her but the other girls stared at her as if she was a pest. Looking back down again she kept her mouth shut. One of the older girls scoffed and rolled her eyes “ I can’t believe they put a Weasley into Slytherin its a break in tradition all Slytherins are rich and pureblood ” she said causing that group to laugh. Finally they reached the common room and everyone was given their room and roommates all expect Adeline the Prefect reached her name “ Weasley you are in room 23 roommates none get used to it because thats your permenate room for the next 7 years ” he said. Causing the others to laugh “ no girl would be caught dead with a Weasley ” said a first year girl. Adeline just left and went to her room locking the door, inside she muffled her cries.
Cleo listened to the others, frowning but not speaking up. They weren’t even right. Not every Slytherin was a pureblood or wealthy. It was just a ridiculous stereotype that no one wanted to counter, because they thought it was a good thing. Later she was sitting with a group of the other first years, except for the Weasley girl. Getting up she went looking for her, knocking on the door. 
“Are you in there?” Pausing she could hear muffled sobs. “Are you okay?” 
New Friends
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The entire Sorting Ceremony was horrific for Adeline. She was the first Weasley to ever be sorted into another house. The whole feast most of the pureblood elite picked and bullied her. A boy, Draco teased her about being poor and how wrong it was to have a bloodtratior among the superior families. To them she was nothing a mere stain a blemish amoung diamonds. The older pureblood students vowed that they would rid her of her family views even if it ment breaking her. She walked behind the rest and finally another girl in her year talked to her. She was a Malfoy she looked up and nodded her head sadly. Adeline couldn’t believe she had been sorted into Slytherin she hoped for Gryffindor like her twin brother, Ron but she was wrong.
“I’m Cleopatra, but everyone just calls me Cleo.” The 11 year old smiled and held out her hand to the other. Up ahead she could hear Draco going on loudly about purebloods and wealth and the “noble history of Slytherin” and couldn’t help but shake her head. 
“I’m sorry the others were terribly rude to you. If it means anything I don’t care if you’re poor. It’s not like you chose to be, just like I didn’t choose to have money, it’s not even mine, it’s my parents.” 
New Friends
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~ Shippy Aesthetic ~ Cleo X ??? ~ 
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❛ Promise me you’re not gonna over-react
“I can’t promise anything before I hear it. I most likely won’t over-react.” 
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Lucky and Pyper Smith
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New Friends
starter for @adelineweasleyhp
The Sorting Ceremony was over, and most students had eaten their fill and were being led to the dorms. Walking through the dungeons, Cleo was caught up looking around and fell a little bit behind the group. This was when she noticed a redhead girl behind as well. 
Red hair, her clothes didn’t look new... Cleo racked her brain for her name from the sorting. Weasley! Of course she was.. She knew her father and brother would never willingly talk to a Weasley but she felt kind of bad for the other girl. 
“Hi.” Cleo took a few steps to catch up to her. “Fell behind the others too?” 
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