clockbook · 2 years
Might be rebranding this blog soon,, I’ll still be posting g/t Art when I can, but it probably won’t be fanart anymore?? I’m more focused on my own stories and ocs now, but I know a lot of people followed me for fanart, so feel free to unfollow if you’re still looking for that!
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clockbook · 2 years
Okay how about this. Villain whumpee and hero caretaker but the twist is it's also tiny whumpee. Villain got hit with a shrink ray or something of that nature. Takes the already good whumpy feelings from villain being scared hero is gonna hurt them / hate them because of their prior relationship, but amplifies the vulnerability tremendously!
villain whump and tiny whump?? fantastic. amazing. showstopping. wondering. you've combined two of my favorite things.
it sure does amplify the vulnerability
villain afraid that hero is going to hurt them, but in even crueler ways than they could have imagined possible before
villain thinking of all the worst case scenarios and stressing themselves into a panic, hyperventilating with their tiny body
villain shivering "like a leaf" hero says, because villain is the size of one
villain glaring at hero even tho hero seems like a giant to them from this vantage point
villain picking up a needle to use as a sword
villain aware of their own uselessness now that they are so small, that any attempt to defend themselves can be easily crushed (just like them)
hero picking villain up, pinching in between their pointer finger and thumb, and villain is terrified that hero is going to drop them and step on them, grinding them into the ground with their heel
villain despairs at dying a horrific, painful death that is also intensely humiliating to them for being taken down so easily because of this form's size
hero gently placing villain in their palm to get a closer look at
hero telling villain how cute they are now
villain bites hero's finger / thumb
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clockbook · 2 years
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A young spirit decides to emerge from his puddle for a day of meditation, and somehow he gathers quite the audience of demon officials…
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clockbook · 3 years
Nobody can walk in on me feeling an Emotion
I can and will combust
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clockbook · 3 years
tinies be practicing submission holds just to hold their s.o's hand
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clockbook · 3 years
Could we see the aftermath of the “Accuse” short? Love your writing! 💕
(a sequel to this!) Maddox’s heart weighed heavily in his chest as he watched Duncan shakily climb onto his palm. He had often teased the shrunken man, finding much amusement in playfully spooking him, but the fear written on his little face now only brought with it a distinct discomfort  To hurt Duncan had never been his intent, but he’d never thought to account for his own carelessness. The cursling’s raw, frightened words still rattled around in his head. You always know where I am! You always know! Just the tiniest distraction had almost lead to Duncan’s death. Sighing morosely, he made sure to cup the little man securely in his hand, eyes focused on nothing but him as he stood up back to his full height. He saw Duncan brace himself, felt his little hands grip tightly to the fingers that surrounded him--he didn’t like being held, never did. Maddox lifted him higher and higher until they were at eye-level. Ruby eyes took in his tiny friend with deep concern, trying his best to discern if Duncan had been harmed in any way from this little mishap. Well, of course he was harmed...just not in a way easily fixed. “...Don’t mother hen me, Mads. You’ve got a customer waiting.” Duncan said. Though his glare was sharp and expression still weary with fear, it wasn’t as intense as it had been before...and the witch could not help the little smile he held when he heard his nickname. “He can piss off for all I care--” “Hey, remember all those bills you have to pay? Like rent in a week? You can’t tell rent money to piss off. Now, come on. Put me on your shoulder.” Maddox chuckled and acquiesced, glad that he apparently hadn’t frightened Duncan enough that he wanted to run off and hide from him--an often occurrence, early in their friendship. Carefully, he lowered his hand to his shoulder, watching with rapt attention as Duncan made his way to the crook of his neck and settled there. The pair left the backroom, and the witch went back to dealing with his rather ornery customer. After what seemed like a lifetime of haggling and insults thrown his way, he finally managed to make a sale and get the pest out of his shop. Mentally exhausted, Maddox all but fell into his seat, sinking into it as if it would ease any ounce of his suffering. Duncan, still sitting on his shoulder, snickered softly. “Didn’t think the Other Side had Karens.” The cursling said. “...His name wasn’t Karen?” Maddox responded, turning his head to peer down at his friend, clearly puzzled. “No, no, it’s...never mind. Mortal joke.” The witch hummed in acknowledgement, a grin pulling at his features. “Fine. Guess he was a Karen.” As he sat there, he could feel Duncan rise from his spot on his shoulder, and carefully climb his way down the witch’s arm. Eager to assist, Maddox extended his arm down to the nearby desk so that the tiny man could finally stand on solid, safer ground again. Silence passed over the pair, and the witch had been close to nodding off where he sat before he heard Duncan’s voice pipe up once more, quiet and hesitant. “I’m sorry for going nuclear on you like that.” He said. “It’s fine, Duncan. Really, I should have been paying attention--” “No, it’s not fine. I...I know you’d never try to kill me or anything, and I shouldn’t say shitty things like that just ‘cause I got freaked out, okay?” Maddox leaned forward, laying his arms on the table and resting his head atop them. The pair were more or less eye-level again, and Duncan walked forward. Without hesitation, he reached up to put his tiny hand up against Maddox’s cheek, giving it a little pat. “...You’re not some monster I should be scared of, Mads. I know that now. Don’t ever let me forget it.” Smiling fondly down at his friend, he reached a finger over to ruffle Duncan’s hair, relishing in the amusement it painted on the cursling’s face. “And you’re not just some jackass with more brawn than brain...Don’t you ever let me forget that!” Duncan rolled his eyes and sat down on the desk, leaning his back against Maddox’s arms. “Mmm, nah, I’m still a jackass, aren’t I? Must be, if the curse is still there...” The witch chuckled and closed his eyes, unwilling to let the contentment of this sweet moment be broken just yet. “You’ll get there, darling. One day.”
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clockbook · 3 years
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Anxious tiny and empty headed giant is one of my favorite dynamics, I will never not be soft for it
Now, back to my hibernation
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clockbook · 3 years
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clockbook · 4 years
Could y’all send me some g/t drawing prompts? Because I highkey want to draw but everything I come up with is dead in the water
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clockbook · 4 years
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*autotuned baby voice*
“i jUSt wAnTed a gOdDaMN oREO”
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clockbook · 4 years
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clockbook · 4 years
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Will you tell him or does he already know?
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clockbook · 4 years
Are we vibin tonight because I want to vibrate out of existence
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clockbook · 5 years
hey yall! comissions are open! . im trying my best to save up for christmas gifts and holidays .
but if you cant thats fine i totally get it, its a tight pocket time:) just dm me if your interested. thanks!
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clockbook · 5 years
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*cue screaming montage*
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clockbook · 5 years
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It’s been 87 years since I’ve posted and my art skills have gone to the dogs but have some gay fish
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clockbook · 5 years
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Messy follow up to my previous post
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