clockwatchman · 3 months
Oblivion Library X
I live the hollow shell of inadequacyDreams reflected in shattered privacyWaking to the slow, beastial churnSenses evaporate nighted and pacifiedWithered to the touchOf close jestered ponderanceNo daring imaginings to sooth the augury No tales to unbind the hands thatTremble free like unbonded boundaries
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clockwatchman · 3 months
Oblivion Linrary IX
O tiresome theatrics of the soul!Winged apothecary’s burdenRun shipshod, bloated on the dissonant beachesLike lovers’ quarrels scripted in bloodTankards upended in backgammon parlorsBards smuggling paradise omensAnd quantums thereof lacking solaceDice making gods of evening’s perilsTo satiate the whims of theivery’s grim illusion
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clockwatchman · 3 months
Oblivion Library VIII
O mischief of hindsight!Heaven’s gates clang upon my weary browThe salacious globes ofGalaxies’ gardensLinger like forgotten delightsMy dregs becometh drained of wholesome magistryImpaled upon the battered walls of indecent foul mercyBloody, foolproof, and obsoleteI chain my sullied soul to the outrages of oblivion
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clockwatchman · 3 months
Oblivion Library VII
O breath of insanity!Where is the the lightIn this dark corner of my life?Besieged by the wanderings of my mindI wade amongst the plague-lake of regret’s reminiscence
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clockwatchman · 3 months
Oblivion Library VI
O dreary squalor!Fastidious in my wretched stateWedded to the wry overtures ofYesterday’s misfortunes Mark of the unburdened beastSymphonies halo’dHarnessed, horned, and hardenedPredictably irrationalRioters race to the furnace Left, bereaved, forlornTime awaits the watch of theMercantile executioner’s behest
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clockwatchman · 3 months
Oblivion Library V
Sweet delirium perspective!Angles in archangels’ requiemThroes of fallen ashLitter the sins of cities soaked in ruinOblivion curtailedTasked with the birthrate gilded in legend
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clockwatchman · 4 months
Sarah the Magical Spider
Daily writing promptWho do you spend the most time with?View all responses I have this pet hallucination crawling around on my shoulder most of the time. Her name is Sarah, and yes, she is magical. She weaves her little webs and whispers nonsense in my ear. She controls what comes in and out of my mouth and most of my thoughts. I wake up with Sarah, and I sleep with Sarah. I owe her my life.
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clockwatchman · 4 months
Masturbation, Cats, Ice Cream, & Video Games
Daily writing promptDescribe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.View all responses There are few things that have consistently brought joy and happiness into my life. Jerking off is the first thing that popped into mind. But cats, ice cream, and video games also make the list. Never caused me any trouble. Nope.
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clockwatchman · 4 months
Money Between Friends | Rich Friends | Loser Friends
Daily writing promptWhat quality do you value most in a friend?View all responses I value a friend who will lend me 20 bucks here and there. But more importantly, I value a friend who will pay me back the 20 dollars he owes me when he goddamn said he would. I’m talking to you Jonathon! You son of a bitch!
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clockwatchman · 4 months
Master of None
Daily writing promptWhat jobs have you had?View all responses What jobs have I had? I’ve had hand jobs, blow jobs … just kidding. As a lifelong, diehard alcoholic fuck up, I have had (and lost) more jobs than I can keep track of. My resume is an absolute fucking disaster. I’m writing this under a pseudonym, but if you know my real name, you could google it and find multiple inconsistent…
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clockwatchman · 4 months
The Firmly Selfish Firm's Self | The Economics of Buy-Here-Pay-Here Car Dealerships
Buy-here-pay-here car dealerships finance vehicles directly to customers with poor credit scores. Prices, interest rates, and rates of repossession are all very high at these sort of car dealerships. I was a sales manager at a buy-here-pay-here car dealership for a while. I will describe how the company’s self-interested, rational, profit-promoting actions had both positive and negative effects…
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clockwatchman · 4 months
Oblivion Library III
Growth is the minor exodus of the spiritPain, the impetus that swellsBetween the borders, incubating silenceWherein the feinting feeling dwellsMasters of manipulationGrave, we came to griftNeeded a reason toNeeded a reason to not toNeeded a liftForays into the junkyards of our pastsSoil soaked in the Irish oils of oblivionRuddy footnotes scraped on the drunken dog’s leashBones of the caged birds…
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clockwatchman · 4 months
Practice Makes Perfect
Daily writing promptDo you practice religion?View all responses As they say, practice makes perfect. However, in the case of religion, practice only makes you more annoying and stupid. To be fair, I do dabble in eastern religions. Forgive me for being an American stereotype, but eastern religions are just so exotic and peaceful. Excluding Islam of course, that shit is violent as fuck. Practice…
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clockwatchman · 4 months
The Serpent | Poem by Iris Smith
The Serpent The serpent paces.Waiting reminds him that clarity is painful But his pain is unreadable,Obscure, chiaroscuro to their human senses.In time they will misread his gait,His moon-mad eyes,The almost gentle way his coils caress the glass.In time they will take himFor something else–Without history,Without the shadow of being,A creature without the penance of living.They will read only his…
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clockwatchman · 4 months
Smoking Flowers
I’m smoking flowersIrises blossom from my lipsI vomit daisy petalsAnd I cough up rose hips Your tits are a mountainsideNipples flowing riversI’m choking from the donkey punchesKidneys, assholes, livers Https://oblivionlibrary.com
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clockwatchman · 4 months
The End of the World
I was raised with the not-uncommon notion that the world is totally fucked and close to an apocalypse. This is ordinary Christian thought, although my brand was Jehovah’s Witness. They believe in a paradise earth after Armageddon, which is their number one quirk and number one selling point. “Would you like to live forever on a paradise earth?”. The idea never appealed to me. I’ve always been a…
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clockwatchman · 4 months
The Invisible Hand Job: The Hard Economics of Free Market Prostitution
The Invisible Hand Job: The Hard Economics of Free Market Prostitution by Clock Watchman Government policies that seek to restrict or eliminate the supply of certain goods tend to lead to the creation of black markets. Black markets are unregulated markets where goods and services are traded illegally. Supply is restricted by government policy, but demand remains high. As such, the invisible…
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