clockworksylph · 4 years
moved to @clockworkflicker~!
go give @clockworkflicker a follow for more of my regular snzfuckery. I’ll still keep an eye on this blog but I’ll only really be active on my new blog
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clockworksylph · 4 years
moved to @clockworkflicker~!
go give @clockworkflicker a follow for more of my regular snzfuckery. I’ll still keep an eye on this blog but I’ll only really be active on my new blog
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clockworksylph · 4 years
me, a week ago: I can't possibly be bothered to make this blog my main blog. It'd be such a pain to have to log in and out all the time between this and my vanilla blog.
me, this morning, suddenly overcome by the need to follow and reply from my kink sideblog: FUCK why doesn't tumblr have any convoluted methods for turning a sideblog into a main blog???
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clockworksylph · 4 years
💔 for manon? Thank you!
She looks absolutely knackered. They should probably head to bed. She’d be comfier in bed...
Alex had thought it silently to herself, but visible concern clouded her features as she glanced down where Manon’s head lay, fever-bright and hot to the touch, in her lap. Fingers ran through sweat-damp tangles of hair, and the recipient nuzzled into the touch with every swipe.
The room was dark but for the soft glow of the TV, and despite Manon being sick, was bathed in a comfortable kind of silence. The type you’d still call ‘silence’, but had space for mundane, atmospheric noises. The rumble of the tumble drier going in the kitchen, cars passing by on the road outside, Manon’s laboured breaths in and out, punctuated by miserable, unhealthy-sounding sniffles.
Normally Alex was so ‘go, go go’ as a person, fiercely independent and individual, and found it hard to just slow down and be. Got bored when she was sitting still for too long, both literally and figuratively. With Manon was different though. She made her want to savour the quiet moments, drink in every minute they had together just existing comfortably in each other’s presence like this. Even when one was laid up with a horrid, lingering flu.
It’s so quiet and she’d floated so far down the path of her own thoughts she’s a little taken aback when Manon pipes up from below her, eyes shining with uncharacteristic self-pity.
“I’b so tired that I want to go to bed, but also too tired to physically get up and go there”
She sounded so weak Alex’s chest ached a little in sympathy. Her hand stilled in the other girl’s hair and Alex displaced Manon’s head from its perch with an apologetic kiss on the forehead, before standing up. She stretched out her muscles and watched with increasing concern as Manon tried to sit up. It was like she’d been sapped of all her strength though, her normally graceful movements sluggish and heavy, even just pulling herself upright looked like a bit of an ordeal.
Alex tutted gently and reached out to put a hand on Manon’s shoulder, stopping her from getting up any further.
“Oh, darlin’. C’,mere...“
She secured her arms around Manon’s torso and under her legs, then scooped her up, blanket and all, and carried her to bed. Manon’s arms slipped easily around Alex’s neck, and she felt the other girl heave a tired sigh against her chest. With it, she felt Manon’s body relax against her own, as if her body didn’t have the energy to hold onto any tension.
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clockworksylph · 4 years
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Anyone up for a group photo of the Gross Disgusting Nasty Club?
@sanquintina has incredible ideas for t-shirts and I, for one, am wholeheartedly on board
Reblog this and add yourself to the group photo!
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clockworksylph · 4 years
They just can’t shake this thick, drippy cold. They soaked through the last of their tissues hours ago, and have been forced to resort to frequent sniffling to keep their nose at bay.
A twinge in the back of their sinuses catches them by surprise and ignites into a wet, shivery sneeze against their wrist. It’s not particularly forceful, but their poor nose is so full of cold that it all comes gushing out anyway. They make a quiet noise somewhere between a sigh and a moan, not really sure what to do with themself.
Without any options for cleaning themself up, they resign to a drawn out, soupy sniffle against their wrist, followed by an exhausted guh. Their nose still itches a little, so they press it a little more firmly against their damp skin and give it a good rub back and forth. They wince at the slight squelching sound this produces, though it’s admittedly nothing next to how obnoxiously and audibly sniffly they’ve been all day.
They’re contemplating where they can find some tissues or toilet paper or something when a second sneeze sneaks up on them, soggy and miserable, nostrils overflowing all over their wrist. Another useless snurffle.
A stranger taps their shoulder, extending a small packet of tissues. “Hey, you sound like you could use these.”
They give the stranger a small grateful smile and accept the tissues with their free hand. “Thangk you.”
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clockworksylph · 4 years
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Anyone up for a group photo of the Gross Disgusting Nasty Club?
@sanquintina has incredible ideas for t-shirts and I, for one, am wholeheartedly on board
Reblog this and add yourself to the group photo!
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clockworksylph · 4 years
Really, it just helps warm someone up. A person’s hands and feet are a good way away from the vital organs where most body heat is concentrated, and given that one’s limbs have a higher surface area:volume ratio than the rest of their body, they lose heat faster too. And because of the way bloodflow and heat exchange works in the limbs, there’s surprisingly little transfer of heat from the core to the limbs. So if you’re cold enough, it can be really hard to warm one’s feet back up without an external source of warmth.
What's your take on the old "feet in hot water to treat a cold; -trope? I am unsure. I generally love all the cold-tropes, but this I am on the fence with. Sure it looks cute, but what's the idea? I guess if someone has perpetually chilly feet, it might feel nice, and the steam rising up might help with congestion.
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clockworksylph · 4 years
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Sadly I am still thinking about the evolution of sneezing and the scientific discourse surrounding “sneezing” sponges
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clockworksylph · 4 years
We all love the terrible horrible godawful no-good cold here, though I have to say I also have a soft spot for like. Y’know how some people, after getting, like, a flu shot, will be just a little achy, feverish, and useless? Because that’s what a normal immune response looks like for them? I love that. They’re still fine, but they’re tired and sore and a little out of it, and they just wanna sprawl across your lap while watching a mediocre movie with you.
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clockworksylph · 4 years
Y’know what really butters my biscuit? When someone sneezes, like, messily against their wrist, and they have a moment of not really knowing what to do with themselves because they don’t have anything on them to help clean themselves up. So they just kinda. Sniffle. Very wetly and uselessly. Against their wrist. And it does absolutely nothing for them because there’s already copious mess coating their wrist and pouring from their nose.
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clockworksylph · 4 years
Everyone: What do u do Me: *opens my dramatic 2am cellphone notes* I’m a writer actually
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clockworksylph · 4 years
Tissues and handkerchiefs are lovely, but I’ll never forget the time I witnessed someone who was wearing a bandanna over their head untie said bandanna and use it to give their nose a gurgling blow. What a look.
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clockworksylph · 4 years
Of all my posts, I think this is the last one I expected someone to be like “oh this is so relatable!!” on, but I’m glad! The world needs more dorks who will write an entire wall of tags about sponges and the scientific discourse around whether or not we consider them to be an animal with the capacity to sneeze, lmao.
Being both a biologist and a snzfucker is very inconvenient because questions like “when did sneezing evolve?” and “did sneezing evolve multiple times independently?” and “broadly speaking, across multiple species, how is a sneeze defined?” are keeping me awake all night.
The worst part is that an hour of googling has given me somewhat inconclusive results.
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clockworksylph · 4 years
Being both a biologist and a snzfucker is very inconvenient because questions like “when did sneezing evolve?” and “did sneezing evolve multiple times independently?” and “broadly speaking, across multiple species, how is a sneeze defined?” are keeping me awake all night.
The worst part is that an hour of googling has given me somewhat inconclusive results.
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clockworksylph · 4 years
When a kink post gets reblogged by a vanilla 
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clockworksylph · 4 years
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via @n0seferatu
Holy shit so today I learned that graffiti was a respectable form of writing in the Roman world. People would just like write reviews of a city on the walls.
But it gets worse because they also used graffiti to flirt. Apparently there’s actual graffiti that reads, and I quote, “Health to you, Victoria, and wherever you are, may you sneeze sweetly.”
Like you go, ancient snzfucker! I hope your girl sneezes sweetly too!
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