clonedcaptain · 10 years
Okay quick survey. Reblog this if you would see a Young Avengers movie
And I would sob grossly the whole time I watched it.
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clonedcaptain · 10 years
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clonedcaptain · 10 years
Reblog if it's okay for someone to reply to your starters/memes/etc. whether they've been following you for 2 months or 2 minutes.
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clonedcaptain · 10 years
Sarah sat down in the seat opposite Peggy, her eyes following the darker haired woman as she moved, "Thank you for seeing me on short notice." she replied, taking her eyes away from Peggy to look out the window.
Peggy didn't recognize her. She supposed she should have expected that - and she did marginally. She wasn't particularly a very good clone.
Finally I get a chance to meet you //Peggy and Sarah
Peggy sat in her office looking over a few files that laid on her desk. She wrote down some quick notes as she reviewed them. Everytime she was done writing she put the pencil in her hair. She never liked paperwork but it was proper to always study up on a mission first. 
She then heard the door open, it snapped her back into the real world. She smiled up at her “Hello there!” She then got up leaning over her desk extending her hand for a handshake. “Hello there, I have been expecting you. I am Peggy Carter.” She smiled she then ushered to the other seat “Please, please have a seat.”
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clonedcaptain · 10 years
ahh thank you so much <3 <3
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i n t r o d u c t i o n
when i started this blog, i had no idea what to expect or even if people would want to roleplay with me. and now i have so many awesome followers who  wanted to thank. whether we write or just mutually appreciate, you have all made this experience absolutely fantastic and so this is mine and steve’s way of saying thank you and we love you all very much ♥
m y b u c k y
the bucky to my steve, the reason this blog even exists and the best writing partner and friend i could ask for. love you bb
l i l  c u p c a k e s {aka the people i feels with regularly and are the best rp partners i could ask for}
ironladytonistark , haphephxbia , shieldsandarcreactors , whydcallmewhenyourehigh , prestoxmagic , iwillkillformoney , glitter-inthe-gutter , russixnvdova , swordmaidensif , shadowofmemory , theirmiracle , nigrumxx, the-girl-from-the-red-room
l i l  a n g e l s {aka those i write with and hope to do so more}
wanderlustxmrsxclaus , nixparemlanaevocatae , fistofhydra , orwhatevxr , clonedcaptain , theatricalreality , donotcallmelittlefox , alisegarrowayandcedricdarcy , troia-forever , ameliarolarchwood, leelamarch , noworldnomad , the-optimistic-misanthrope, curseoftheredskull
l i l  c u t i e s {aka people on dash i admire from a distance}
betedanslabeaute , callitcoulson , honeybucky , spywitharedledger , conniexmcguire , myownrpworld , onlyslightlysmarter , purevibranium , angrygreen , peggycartxr
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clonedcaptain · 10 years
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"What’s with the accent Queen Victoria? Thought I was signing up for the US Army."
10K notes · View notes
clonedcaptain · 10 years
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39 notes · View notes
clonedcaptain · 10 years
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clonedcaptain · 10 years
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clonedcaptain · 10 years
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clonedcaptain · 10 years
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clonedcaptain · 10 years
marvel isn’t an interest, it’s a lifestyle
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clonedcaptain · 10 years
And you will be added to the List.
Reblog if you are an INDEPENDENT roleplayer
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clonedcaptain · 10 years
Rp wishlist  
Sarah going to Stark Tower, and finding Tony not Howard.  Sarah meeting one of the other avengers and ends up being a roommate - neither of them knowing who each other are. This would open the way for plenty of more threads :3 Just plenty of threads.
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clonedcaptain · 10 years
{Back! Anyone want a starter at all?
0 notes
clonedcaptain · 10 years
{So I'm off to my martial art class. be back in 1-2 hours ish. Like for a starter?
0 notes
clonedcaptain · 10 years
Sarah took his hand and shook it, "Really?" a note of surprise passed through her voice, "I was named after my mother." Steve Rogers? That name sounded very familiar to her, but she just could not remember.
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"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you Steve."
Steve accepted the sketchpad handed back to him, smiling shyly in response to the compliment. “I’m alright.” He responded, no sense of self-deprecation in his voice. Steve knew that he could be better, would have been better if he’d ever had the chance to finish art school like he’d originally intended.
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"That’s a fine last name. My mom actually had that exact same name." He smiled, extending a hand in greeting. "I’m Steve. Steve Rogers."
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