clouddrinkstea · 29 days
I don't know any other tea lovers, so it's always beginners, which is really fun! I do it to tell my loved ones I care about them if that makes sense?
Teafriends, what are your thoughts about gongfu tea sessions? Are there any parts of the ceremony you love/dislike/don't participate in? If so why. What got you into gongfu?
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clouddrinkstea · 1 month
Oo I almost always drink gong fu cha! It's such a nice moment for relaxation and introspection, and I love taking some time to pay attention to my senses and the differences in every brew.
If I have the time and energy I like to do a full session with notes and all, but even just drinking straight from the gaiwan is lovely too. My favorite thing is treating other people to a gongfu session and introducing them to teas.
Teafriends, what are your thoughts about gongfu tea sessions? Are there any parts of the ceremony you love/dislike/don't participate in? If so why. What got you into gongfu?
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clouddrinkstea · 1 month
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Today I'm feeling very thankful for my teajourney, that it led me to so many cool people, that I found a new passion in the pretty boring life I led, and that I can keep learning something new.
Tea is a very cool thing, not only is it a tasty treat, but it can also improve ones health and wellbeing. You can use it as your meditation, your ritual, powerbooster, etc.
Whether you enjoy pouring its sweet drops onto a teapet with gratitude or you'd rather save every bit to yourself, doesn't matter, ceremony is yours and only yours to enjoy.
I think tea is one of those things that taught me to be grateful for the little things in life, and kind of stay in the moment,
and for that im grateful.
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clouddrinkstea · 3 months
Milky oolong (Nai Xian). One of my alltime faves, but only had it in tearooms, my bf bought some for me recently and now I can enjoy this bby at home too! Lovely condensed milk smell and very light flavour.
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clouddrinkstea · 3 months
Da Hong Pao (大紅袍) (ft. New tea pet!)
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Today I was feeling a bit low so I treated myself to some of my Da Hong Pao (Big red robe) oolong. This is my first tea session with my new tea pet! It's an unglazed red clay fish which I found at a ceramic's stall in a market. I love incorporating small memories in my tea sessions, and I feel that this fish will work wonderfully as a tea pet.
I used 5 grams of leaf for 100 ml 95-100 degrees C water. Strong, dark and fragrant, with very forward woody and earthy notes and a sweet stone fruit-like aftertaste. Lovely as always <3
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I still need to come up with a name for my new tea pet tho...
Have a lovely day and enjoy your tea! 🍵
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clouddrinkstea · 4 months
Dongfang meiren (東方美人)
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Aaand I’m back on Tumblr! With a really exciting tea session nonetheless. 
Today I finally got to try the classic but super interesting Dongfang meiren, or Eastern Beauty oolong, which I’ve been wanting to try for years!
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If you don't know, it's a Taiwanese, heavily oxidized oolong, made with the buds and first two leaves of the plant which are bitten by tea jassids, a type of insect. These bites, draining the leaves of phloem-tissue, promote the plants defense mechanism of producing terpenes, which results in a honey-like flavor.
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I really enjoyed this tea! The liquor had a deep amber color, tasting of stone fruits and raisins, with subtle flowery notes of rose and lavender, and a strong notes of nordic syrup rye bread. It had a smooth, relatively thick texture, with a slightly woody finish.
To summarize: A proper treat!
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clouddrinkstea · 4 months
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clouddrinkstea · 4 months
2018 Shu Pu'er Beeng Cha
No photo today :( But I had a really lovely 2018 shu Pu'er Beeng Cha! Deep and smokey, with a more earthy flavor than my other shu pu'er teas, but with sweet notes of rosehip and like mango rice pudding after 7 brews?? Amazing.
My chronic pain is really flaring up as of late, but today's gongfu session cheered me up.
Have a lovely day, and take care of yourself 🍵
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clouddrinkstea · 4 months
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Today was a playing with new teaware type of day
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clouddrinkstea · 4 months
Shan Lin Xi
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Calm afternoon gongfu session with Shan Lin Xi Oloong from Nantou, Taiwan.
Very smooth, with milky and floral notes.
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clouddrinkstea · 4 months
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Couple of tea sessions from the tearoom i work at <3
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clouddrinkstea · 5 months
Xiao Qing Gan
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Today i tried a Xiao Qing Gan, or a Pu'er tea orange for the first time! Definitely not the best Pu'er I've had, but still delicious- The earthiness of the tea works wonderfully with the fresh sweetness of the citrus.
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The tea was super smooth and had a lovely red color. Very fun way of making tea!
Have a lovely day <3
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clouddrinkstea · 5 months
Hi hello!
I'm Cloud, an artist who absolutely loves tea! I've been drinking gongfu-style pure teas for a few years now, but my experience is relatively limited since I'm a student, and from a country without a strong tea culture. I am using this side blog to document my tea journey and different tea sessions + reviews.
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