cloudskat3r · 1 day
I find it funny that we can likely attribute the common misspelling of "never mind" as "nevermind" to Kurt Cobain. Heck, Kurt said he picked the title because it was grammatically incorrect, so I wouldn't be shocked if the wrong spelling rose in popularity alongside the album.
I find it even funnier that Tumblr's own post editor is underlining "nevermind" in red, yet I just saw a button in one of Tumblr's own menus that said used that same spelling.
For shame, Tumblr, for shame.
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cloudskat3r · 1 day
Hi, I have a question about an old The Szuters CD you archived and uploaded to youtube awhile ago. On the CD “Demos for New Album”, it says that the song “Forever and a Day” is the second song on the CD. Do you have a recording of that song from the CD in your posession? Thank you.
Hey so the reason a few songs are missing from those uploads is because I was later told that those songs were apparently ripped directly from the old Outta the Blue tapes, and were just thrown on that disc as "demos" for the sake of it. We gotta remember that those discs were never meant to be public so if the band wanted to chuck a few shitty recordings off of their old cassettes on there and call them new, then they could. Essentially, they are not The Szuters demos, they are much older Outta the Blue songs.
In reality, the whole archive of all those discs, though I still have the files, was not good. I had no clue how to properly archive media at the time and ripped them with iTunes in AAC format, rather then FLAC using Exact Audio Copy. Luckily CDs are some of the easiest things to correctly preserve, I just need to get the CDs back from Charlie so I can do so. I have been trying to do so for a while now, but due to recent changes in my life it may be a while before that ends up happening. I will sort it all out eventually though, I promise.
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cloudskat3r · 1 day
Thank you so much for the stickers, Zilluuuuuuuuuwu
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a perfectly fluffy pair
a perfectly fluffy pair animated emotes for cloudskater! thank you for supporting me <3
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cloudskat3r · 3 months
I made a Lemon Demon cover!
Forgot to post it here, but I covered Party on the Moon by Lemon Demon recently, with amazing art by @zilluzion to top it off!!
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cloudskat3r · 3 months
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i love getting to create artwork for music! this one is for @patrickcake's cover of cloudskater's "you're so precious"
the song releases TODAY, RIGHT NOW! so definitely give it a listen to support both of these amazing talented people <3
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cloudskat3r · 4 months
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Comm for @cloudskat3r
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cloudskat3r · 4 months
Made a cover of Bo Burnham's song Biden in the past four days or so. I started it as a "why not" decision and I never expected to finish it, but then I just kept liking it more and more and now here we are. Hope someone else likes it too.
I'd upload it to Newgrounds, but they hate covers lol
This'll be going on a B-sides collection someday tho.
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cloudskat3r · 4 months
Welp guess I have a Tumblr now
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