charmedreincarnation Ā· 1 month
I also forgot the monologue from the doctor in earthworm man 3.
ā€œDuring the years I served as a doctor, saving lives, I found myself arriving at this question again and again. Where does a person's life, their soul, actually reside?ā€
That's when I realized it! The shape of one's soul creates the body!ā€
Mahito: Which do you think came first, the soul or the body? Come on, you know, like the chicken or the egg. Does the soul reside within the body? Or is the body built around the soul?
Nanami: I'll humour him, I guess. The former.
Mahito: Bzzt! The answer is the latter. The soul always exists before the body. The shape of the body is defined by the shape of the soul.
Law of consciousness king okay ! šŸ¤“šŸ‘† I remember watching that scene a couple of months ago and giggling to myself because Mahito knows whatā€™s up for real for real.
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 1 month
Mahito: Which do you think came first, the soul or the body? Come on, you know, like the chicken or the egg. Does the soul reside within the body? Or is the body built around the soul?
Nanami: I'll humour him, I guess. The former.
Mahito: Bzzt! The answer is the latter. The soul always exists before the body. The shape of the body is defined by the shape of the soul.
Law of consciousness king okay ! šŸ¤“šŸ‘† I remember watching that scene a couple of months ago and giggling to myself because Mahito knows whatā€™s up for real for real.
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 1 month
ā€œHealth, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind-that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.ā€ā€” Neville Goddard
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 2 months
hey charm !
i have known about manifestation for years now but i still have a problem with it. so basically, i know for sure that iā€™m going to enter the void but i donā€™t know when. everytime something happens in my life, iā€™m like "it doesnā€™t matter anyway bc iā€™m going to manifest my dream life". i have been daydreaming all the time for years so itā€™s very natural for me. as i see myself in stories that my brain creates, i started doing the same for my dream life. now, i know exactly what it will look like and i live those scenarios in my head like if they were really happening.
the problem is that when i want to enter the void, iā€™m always trying (i donā€™t really see myself succeeding) bc iā€™m scared that if i put too much effort in it or if i really believe it and i donā€™t succeed iā€™ll be discouraged.
i really donā€™t know what to do bc i realized that if i continue just trying and thinking "iā€™ll get my dream life later" iā€™ll never manifest it. also i donā€™t understand the wish fulfilled state bc i feel like iā€™m already doing it by daydreaming and being sure that iā€™m going to have my dream life. i want to convince myself that i can enter the void and get everything i want RIGHT NOW and not "later if iā€™m lucky enough". i feel stuck and i donā€™t know what to do anymore to keep going.
iā€™m sorry for the long ask and my bad englishā€¦
thank you šŸ¤šŸ¤
Hi love, first and foremost your English is even better than mine so donā€™t apologize, and secondly I struggled with this so badly I completely understand.
It's easy to feel stuck waiting for what you want to come to fruition. Even though you might sense that your desire is on its way, it can seem far off, like it's in the future instead of the present. Time passing can make this feeling even stronger, even though time is always moving forward, which makes it even more contradictory. But feeling comfortable and sure that what you want is already yours is the important feeling. By focusing on the idea that your desire is already part of your life, you will shift from waiting for the future to feeling like your desires are already here and now. That's why it's emphasized in the community that you should allow yourself to believe deeply in the fulfillment of your desires right now.
When you really embrace the natural feeling of knowing that your desire is already a part of your life, you will naturally align your thoughts and feelings, with the state of having what you want regardless of the method or technique youā€™re using to achieve it. Thatā€™s what helps me feel confident about making my desires a reality.
seriously understand what you want isn't just something for the future; it's a part of your life right now.The process of manifestation isn't just about daydreaming or imagining your desired reality though that helps. It's about deeply believing that what you want is already real. Shifting your mindset from waiting for luck to deserving and capable of having your dream life will always give you comfort. Also to overcome feeling stuck, i liked practicing mindfulness and using affirmations. Being mindful will help you stay focused on the present, while affirmations helped strengthen my belief!
It's also helpful to detach from the need for immediate results. By letting go of the pressure for instant success, it should reduce your anxiety and allow your inner world to work its magic while staying true to your intentions. Because regardless of how long you think it will take, if you understand itā€™s immediate and time is passing regardless you will stop trying to fight with the concept of ā€œwaiting.ā€ I also recommend reading my time post and this one as well!
Regardless It's natural to feel unsure at times, but start by nurturing your belief in the wish fulfilled state and keep doing what else keep your mind at bay with knowing you really donā€™t have to do anything unless you want to. Because youā€™re always doing eveything right
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 2 months
Hi charm. Your posts have helped me lots! Im keeping consistent for once and understand the law and shifting properly. My question is that Iā€™ve been trying to considerate my understanding and application of states and A+P. This sounds stupid but I go back and forth and try to apply them, but the debates about them donā€™t make sense to me. I think rn I reinstate more with states but some I do prefer to just affirm and Iā€™m just curious on which one you ā€œpreferredā€ and how you applied that to shifting. Thanks šŸ˜Š
I think it really does depend. I love the law of consciousness, and under that really anything goes. But for me personally, I really do think thereā€™s a point of no return when it comes to A and P and states. Just in my experience, feel free to believe and do what you like. First and foremost, your beliefs are more important in your reality. But I feel like everyone says that so often. If you donā€™t understand that, it's not really my job to coddle anyone at this point šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ everyone is their own god and thatā€™s the most important thing to understand.
But I started my journey back in 2020 when I was 16, and I manifested so much with mirror work and affirmations because I didnā€™t know about the law, and honestly I barely knew anything about manifesting either. I was only a shifter. And all my shifting friends, not on Tumblr, who shifted pretty easily and I consider "master shifters" (not that it exists or matters), honestly didnā€™t get into LOA either. They just affirmed (but used LOA, by knowing theyā€™d wake up in their desired reality without knowing). Ever since then, they donā€™t gripe in the community because sometimes ignorance rlly is bliss. If I was in 2020 and stuck with that, I would have gotten everything so easily. But looking back, somethings happen for a reason because the desires and drs I wanted at 16 are nothing like the life/drs I want and have right now. Iā€™m so grateful I struggled for a bit; it was a blessing in disguise šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.
Around that time, I hated LOA because I talked about this in a different ask, but my favorite master shifter on Reddit (Iā€™m an OG Reddit girl) who brought LOA to Reddit eventually left because she claimed she thought she was mentally ill, and shifting is psychosis. So I hated Neville and LOA for a while, which is so funny, because what did he do? I also didnā€™t like states because none of my shifting friends knew about that, and all shifting was just knowing and affirming. I wanted to do that too, not live in my head or whatever I understood states as.
I obviously eventually learned about LOA properly and learned so much about the "mechanics" and origins and over-consumed, just like a lot of you guys. When I tried to go back to A+P, I struggled so much because I really did believe in states. I thought about my horrible childhood, but how I got through it was knowing and believing in magic and my eternal happiness. From ages 9-14, I was a very happy and lucky child despite my circumstances and depression, because I was in the state of someone who had it all. I always knew life was more than what we can see with our eyes, so really, I knew A+P wasnā€™t really what was working, it was my state. But I refused to admit that for a while and got mad when my affirmations stopped working (thatā€™s what I mean by point of no return).
Also, my shifting friends are using states, and when I started asking them about it, they started talking learned about their methods and how they suceeed easily. Most of them used some variation of SATS without knowing and music to fulfill their inner man and know that, regardless, theyā€™ll wake up in their desired reality. So I started doing the same, and thatā€™s how I manifested my first shift.
But everyone is so different. Like look at all the success stories. Some people just use science and logic with lucid dreaming steps. A lot of people in LOA now didnā€™t even use LOA to manifest at first or get into the void or whatever. Some people shift without knowing or by accident, etc., etc. The point is understanding states helped me because thatā€™s the type of person I am; I like knowing the mechanics behind the seemingly magic. But maybe you donā€™t, maybe you donā€™t care about states, you know theyā€™re behind everything but donā€™t care. Thatā€™s all good too. I donā€™t care how anyone achieves or understands the law to get their dream life, as long as theyā€™re not spreading misinformation. The law is about you and understanding what fulfills you; you donā€™t need to follow debates to fulfill yourself.
A lot of people feel very strongly about their beliefs because itā€™s what helped them achieve their dream life, so theyā€™ll die on hills for it. And I honestly get it; thatā€™s how you feel about shifting. So I really donā€™t like when people try to dunk on it or like "debunk it." And thatā€™s how everyone feels for their beliefs; itā€™s the human in us, we feel strongly about our passions. But donā€™t let people make you feel bad about your beliefs. Sometimes Tumblr can get like middle school-esque with the labels and drama, but again, itā€™s a good reminder that no matter how godly you are, we still have our human shell, and thatā€™s oddly comfortable to me so I donā€™t care that much tbh. Just do you girl, at the end of the day itā€™s your happiness that matters
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 2 months
Random shower thought and I know this has already been said many times, but your desires are seriously already here. To the hundreds of asks, asking the same thing.
ā€œIf we can manifest anything immediately why am I waitingā€
ā€œwhere are my desires, I have tried everythingā€
ā€œI have done everything right, why do I still fail.ā€
The other day, like any other day, I ordered a bunch of stuff online because I love online shopping and I always use the sped-up deliveries because I hate waiting. Whether it's manifesting or anything else in life, I am very impatient unless I forget about said action.
Anyways, there was a specific package that had to take more than a couple of days even with the fastest delivery option because it was from another country but I was so excited about it. Like most things in life, I forgot after like the second day because of my atrocious memory but yesterday I was like wait, I ordered this thing a week ago where is it, it should be here by now???
My mom didnā€™t tell me I had any packages and she usually picks them up because my brother and I get some every day. And I asked everyone and they said nope, nothing. I checked my email and it said it had been delivered days agoā€¦ I was so annoyed because I was like wow now I need to reorder it and get a refund. But before I started the process of that I was like idk.. I never deal with stuff after the law I tend to be very lucky, I rarely face little inconveniences like this so I did the logical thing and checked in my mailbox and of course voila, it was there and so was a week worth of packages that no one had been checking (my mailbox is very large and my parents have all their bills on auto pay so they rarely have to check the mail either) but usually packages are just left on our doorstep so I donā€™t usually check there. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Anyways, like my package, a lot of the time itā€™s already there, maybe you canā€™t find it but you know itā€™s there like I knew my package was going to be in the mailbox you just have to know your desires are there or are on their way, like you canā€™t fail if you ordered it if you put the intention and know your desire will come like I ordered my packages, it will come. No but when, if, why. And once you know itā€™s coming there may be a wait period or whatever but you know itā€™s coming. So take a deep breath, calm down, your mind has misplaced your guaranteed success but you cannot fail. If it didnā€™t come ok refund and reorder, revise. Thatā€™s all there is to it.
Like Neville Goddard's said: you cannot fail unless you fail to convince yourself of the reality of your wish !!!This is a reminder of who we really are and the power we hold within ourselves. Just as I was sure my package was on its way, we should also be certain that our desires are on their way.
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 2 months
Stalking my own tumblr to see how yā€™all perceive me šŸ˜’šŸ˜’
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 2 months
hey i finally entered void after 4.5 months!! i canā€™t believe my life is so so fun now!!!
what i used :
ā€¢ tumblr for resources; i learnt a lot from bloggers post which introduced me to void.
ā€¢ subliminals on youtube: i just listened to it twice daily but i think u can skip this step
it was such a struggle at first but i let all the tension go away for me to embody itā€¦
what i manifestedāœØ
height and face; i was 5ā€™11 before but i wanted to be shorter cause i didnā€™t like being tallest amongst all girls and even guys. i changed it to 5ā€™3. now i think i look like cute. for face - foxy or siren eyes, positive canthral tilt, fuller lips, no eye bags, sharper nose. i think i might play around my facial features a bit more until i am satisfied with it haha.
avatar editor irl: i used to play sims 4 a lot a lot !! since 5 years iā€™ve been playing it. if you play it too you know thereā€™s a CREATE A SIM page. itā€™s somewhat like that but for me in my phone as an app. i can choose clothes or facial features and it changes my face or clothes or accessories irl!! if ur a shifter its like a ā€œLIFA APPā€ as youā€™ve heard.
gaming; i am a gamer and i can enter any gaming world at anytime instead of playing it on screen and let me tell u girl!! life has been so fun since!! but dw i donā€™t ā€œdieā€ in it i just respawn and also pain setting is 0 i dont feel pain when i enter games. sorry but i also play shooter games haha, dw theyā€™re NPC AS THEYRE IN GAME THEY DONT FEEL HURT.
be a good student; i didnā€™t cancel school cause i just love the drama thatā€™s going on loll, and i love outshining people. so i just manifested that i become a good student. whatever i read once i can remember without any revision required. also be more logical to solve math. cause girl i used to FLUNKKK!!
Boyfriend!!: holy i should have put it in number one!! THIS ONE OF THE BESTEST!! heā€™s literally in the kitchen making me dumplings cause yk- i made him a chef!! btw i made him from scratch from CREATE A SIM lol!! i revised that he has always been going to my school and one year older than me. heā€™s so handsome istg!! kind of a combination of jacob elordi and jungkook? i canā€™t explain!! u get it tho!;) and heā€™s also so respectful to women ! oml! almost opposite of those red pilled men (yuck!!!)
friend group: theyre so kind and diverse!! itā€™s vast !! (17 people incl me) and everyone is so amazing kind talented and everyoneā€™s from a diff countries!!
language : i can speak korean now, fluently!
there is so many other minor things but these r my faveee!!! ty ty ty for reading and all the bloggers who have helped us.
and if u havenā€™t entered, what r u even thinking! u have and youā€™ll change ur life in a split second like me!! donā€™t worry about taking too much time luvzzz!!
seee u!!!!
So happy for you love šŸ’• congrats, and thank you for the tips. Also youā€™re real for making your bf from scratch šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 2 months
can I shift to a WR then shift back to a reality where I have all my desires and make it my original reality? Ik how to shift but I can't get into the void
Yep šŸ‘
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 2 months
Anytime I go to YouTube, I see people making videos about shifters and such calling us mentally ill. Even in the LD community and subliminal community they say the same thing tho eveything is shifting adjacent. How do i stopped feeling discouraged and angry.
Well, for starters, the LD and Subliminal communities are perceived just as delusional as the Shifting community in every other communityā€¦.so, they're not any more realistic in that sense. Secondly, you donā€™t have to watch those videos. You have free will and I donā€™t know why youā€™d want to make yourself angry. If itā€™s discouraging, don't click on those videos. If a creator is making fun of shifters, mute or block them. If a community reposts the Shifting community to ridicule them, donā€™t visit that community.
This applies to everything. If a subliminal blogger says shifting isnā€™t real, donā€™t follow them and block them. If a shifting blogger says something you donā€™t agree with and holds limiting beliefs, donā€™t visit their blog anymore. You donā€™t have to engage with anything you donā€™t like. I know some of you guys want to prove them wrong or get mad when they talk about you as if theyā€™re superior and youā€™re a mentally ill child, but if thereā€™s one thing you should take from religious people, itā€™s to not give a fuck.
When people laugh at religion, religious people just say theyā€™ll pray for them. When people call religious individuals mentally ill, they donā€™t care they still assemble to church every Sunday. Itā€™s not your job to police other people or convince them. Itā€™s your job to have faith and thatā€™s all. Thereā€™s no reason to make yourself upset for no reason by purposefully engaging with people who donā€™t agree with you and will just ridicule you and make you even more upset.
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 3 months
If youā€™re stuck in the pattern of feeling like you have to do something or take some sort of action in order to get what you desireā€¦
When I get stuck in this mindset, which is easy to fall into, since itā€™s what is drilled into our minds from the moment we are born, I create a sort of ā€œmethodā€ for myself. For me personally, methods are just physical actions that aid me in my path to knowing that what I desire is already mine. What does this mean? It means that the specifics of what I do isnā€™t important. The method has no power on its own. The source is me, so as long as I assume that doing somethingā€”anythingā€”means what Iā€™m manifesting is already mine, then it will ā€œworkā€ (for lack of a better word).
You donā€™t need methods, and you donā€™t need to take any kind of outward action to manifest anything (and I mean anything), but I do find that itā€™s easier for me to expect some sort of ā€œeffectā€ from my own personal ā€œcauseā€ that I make for myself when Iā€™m struggling to incorporate a new belief.
The cause can be as simple as clicking a special pen, or as complex as mixing a bunch of kitchen herbs together in a jar. It doesnā€™t matter what you do, itā€™s the intention, the purpose, of getting yourself to believe that it is done. There is nothing else for you to do, because it is done. What you desire is yours and all you need to do is persist in that assumption until you see it in your outer world.
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 3 months
Hi Charmed, I've entered the void state and manifested my dream life! I used Celestial Subliminals, their void state, and lucid dreaming subliminal for the past week. This was combined with your intention-setting method and affirmations that I always lucid dream and enter the void state consciously. I also performed reality checks before I did anything. After struggling for four years, I did it in just two weeks!
I also shifted to JJK and made a coquette dr where I'm immortal to serve as my home base. I was inspired by you! It has my friends from all my fav realities and other shifters to talk too.
Of course, I also manifested my dream life here. I had a detailed list of 400 things I wanted, but I don't want to write an essay. However, my life is better than I could have ever imagined. I'm still in such shock and bliss. I finally did it! I no longer need to mindlessly scroll through shifting and manifesting media. I am going to just live the life Iā€™ve created for myself now
I just wanted to thank you! I also want to thank all the people and anons who have answered my questions! I don't have any tips, but remember, we are all gods and can have everything we want. We are the universe and its infinite abilities! Have fun and don't forget your power.
I'm very proud and happy for you! You deserve all the success and more šŸ«§šŸ«§Thank you for sharing, and I hope all the universes you explore bring you endless joy šŸŖ.
The intention setting method theyā€™re referring to is in the LD guide
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 3 months
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So, I was watching ATLA and LOK for the millionth time, and there are so many elements in these shows that I have applied to my life, it's not even funny. This isnā€™t even really meant to be particularly educating but honestly I could have used atla and lok alone at the beginning of my journey and still come to the same conclusions as I had today. Theyā€™re both some of my fav shows since I was a child, and looking back and seeing its influence on me is very nostalgic. Also the live action is getting produced soon so I canā€™t think of a better time to make this post.
Anyways In Avatar: The Last Airbender," Aang learns about chakras from Guru Pathik. Chakras are like energy points in our body. Each one is linked to a different part of life, such as love, truth, or survival. When Aang clears blockages in these chakras, he can use his Avatar powers better. I had made a post about I will link here but honestly watching the scene in a kids show is more appealing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Meditation is used a lot in the Avatar series. It helps characters like Aang to focus, feel calm, and understand themselves better. In real life, meditation does the same thing! It can obviously help reduce stress, improve focus and make us feel happier. In both shows I saw characters use meditation to induce a plethora of things.
Talk to Past Lives: Aang uses meditation to talk to his past lives for advice.
Ask for Help: Aang meditates to ask spirits for help.
Clear Minds: Characters meditate to think clearly and make good decisions.
Astral Projection: Aang and Jinora can travel as spirits, separate from their bodies, and etc
Yin and Yang
Avater uses the Moon (Yin) and Ocean (Yang) spirits to symbolize balance. Yin (Moon spirit) is like the subconscious mind, it's quiet, internal, and creative. Yang (Ocean spirit) can be seen as the conscious mind, it's active, external, and logical.
Just like in Neville Goddard's teachings, both aspects need to work together for balance. In the show, when the Moon spirit is killed, chaos ensues because the balance is disrupted. It's only when the Moon spirit is revived that harmony is restored. This is similar to how our subconscious (inner self) and conscious (outer self) minds need to work together to achieve our desires as we want to experience both of the worlds as they work in unison.
Astral realm and the sprit world
Atla and lok also talks about a spirit world. This is like another dimension filled with spirits and mystical beings. It's similar to what we call the 'astral realm' - so a space beyond the physical world where our consciousness can go. Also Jinora, a character in "The Legend of Korra," has a unique spiritual ability that allows her to astral project. So she can separate her spirit from her physical body and traverse both the physical and spiritual worlds in her spiritual form.
Jinora displays astral projection abilities multiple times. For instance, in Season 2, she uses this skill to guide Korra, who is lost in the spirit world, she also uses it to find and save Kai in seasons 3. Her astral form appears as a glowing butterfly-like spirit, and she used it multiple times to lead her friends to safety.
The Void state
In lok a character named Zaheer learns to fly. He was put in jail for trying to kidnap the Avatar. But he obviously didn't waste time while in jail. Instead, he used it to meditate and try to reach enlightenment. He does this by entering a 'void' state when he meditates. He lets go of all his earthly attachments and desires, and this makes him weightless. His ability to fly is deeply intertwined with his spiritual beliefs and his interpretation of the teachings of Guru Laghima, an ancient Air Nomad.
In the show Guru Laghima, who lived 4,000 years before Zaheer's time, was the first airbender known to have unlocked the ability to fly. According to his teachings, one could achieve flight by "entering the void" - which meant letting go of all earthly attachments and desires to attain true freedom. When his gf dies This emotional event helps him truly let go of his last earthly tether, thus allowing him to "enter the void" and unlock the ability to fly.
Reincarnation and the avatar cycle
I knew the shows were probably based of real life because Iā€™ve seen aot nomad clothing, and I know monks are very closely reflected onto the show but really every aspect rings true and is similar to beliefs in Buddhism. This is especially true when looking at the Dalai Lama, who is a spiritual leader in Tibetan Buddhism.
People believe that the Dalai Lama is a new version of Avalokiteśvara or Chenrezig, who is known as the Bodhisattva of Compassion. When a Dalai Lama dies, it's believed he comes back to life in a new person. Then, high-ranking lamas look for signs to find this person.
This is like the cycle of the Avatar. When an Avatar dies, they come back to life in a new person from the next nation in a set order (Air, Water, Earth, Fire). The new Avatar is found using different tests, which is much like how the new Dalai Lama is found.
But there are some differences. For example, the Avatar can remember their past lives, but the Dalai Lama usually doesn't say they remember theirs. Also, the Avatar is special because they can control all four elements, which is a fantasy idea and doesn't have a real-life counterpart in Buddhism.
I was researching my a specific Lama and his story was a reflection of Korraā€™s character. It's interesting to note that both the Dalai Lama and Korra knew from a young age that they were special. In the show, Korra knew she was the Avatar when she was very young. Similarly, the Dalai Lama also recognized his identity at a young age.
Honestly, it's just a really good show to watch. I probably even missed some elements from the show bc Iā€™m more concerned about watching it than learning something. But I love both ATLA and LOK and I've even shifted to LOK and will shift to ATLA as well! I really suggest watching its so good yā€™all. Byeee
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 3 months
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I did a Q and A on amino a while ago and I answered a lot of questions in detail that I feel like a lot of you guys ask here! Iā€™m gonna like the post here for all the new asks Iā€™m getting from people new to shifting or LOA. Hope this helps ! itā€™s so much easier to answer mass questions on amino than tumblr so for all the asks I probably canā€™t get to, your answer is in here
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 3 months
Pls Iā€™ve been here for almost a year now and I am still not aware of that many shifting accounts šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ does shiftumblr even exist
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 3 months
Hi love your blog! do you feel older with shifting, do your other drs affect your personality, how do you deal with memories, whatā€™s your favorite way to shift
Hi love!
I solely use intention now but I like to recommend Lucid dreaming, state akin to sleep , and the 5 sense method to others.
For the first two questions, no and no. I keep my DRs separate! The only place I'm going to start keeping all my memories is my WR for personal reasons. I think the belief that your DRs have to affect yourself here is based on the notion that this reality is your true reality or that like this is the OG. This is not the OG nor the realest, it's just the one you're aware of right now. Consciousness has no original or real reality; awareness is the reality. You can shape that reality however you please. So, I don't feel older, nor do my personality changes. I am Maya here, and though your personality will and can change especially if you don't want to mesh your realities, the truth is it will be just like here. Your likings and beliefs will be based upon your upbringing, environment, and of course, your script if you want that to be a part of your DR.
About how I deal with memories. Memory suppression exists, and once again, I prefer to only remember general things because I like my life here and I just want to live without being influenced by my DR. Plus, it gets annoying when you've shifted somewhere and you watch the media and others dictate somewhere you've actually been like it's a TV show. It is a TV show here, but you know it's actually your life, but you can't explain that to people. So memory suppression, which everyone has, helps with that. Personally, I think if you don't know about the law or shifting, you just reincarnate. So the truth is we've probably all lived before; we don't remember, but that's why things like Deja vu exist. But imagine remembering every single day of every single one of your lives? Most people can't even remember their dreams from the previous night or what they had for lunch two days ago. Your mind here would literally explode, so that's a good thing! Same with shifting. The same way you can't tell me what you were doing on October 13th, 2011, I can't in my DRs. Except in my WR because I scripted that memory suppression doesn't exist and it's perfectly fine. But yeah, it will be different for everyone, to be honest, but that's how it is for me! Hope that helps.
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charmedreincarnation Ā· 3 months
Hello, I have a question and it is that states are very complicated for me. I would like to know if this way I can enter the state of wish fulfillment. I first choose my desire or desires, I prefer to use general statements and say "it's done" after I choose my desire or desires, and then I continue with my day as normal? Or do I need to say that I already have it every time I think about my desire and if so, should I do it naturally or set reminders to affirm that it is mine? Sorry if there are any misspelled words, English is not my native language. I appreciate your response.
You are doing eveything right. What do you want to do? Which one fulfills you? You already have the premise down, donā€™t confuse yourself even more by making it seem I have the ultimate no fail rule book of manifesting. Are you fulfilled? Do you know you are god and the creator? Do you understand nothing can hinder your success unless you assume so and choose to be aware of failure? Do you understand that itā€™s your life so your rules? If you said yes to all of that youā€™re more than Perfect. The rest is up to your preference. This is your life, it will be your success story, and your victory, so why do you want me to tell you what will work better for you. I know what will work better for me, because Iā€™m god of my reality and know what fulfills me. This is the same for you and your life! This applies to the myriads of ask Iā€™ve gotten asking the same thing as well.
ā€œHey maya can I do this and thisā€
ā€œDo I have to do this if I donā€™t want to?ā€
Whoā€™s forcing you besides yourself. Of course not
ā€œIs this possibleā€
ā€œCan I change this method to fit my presences betterā€
who said you canā€™t besides yourself, ofc you can
ā€œThis blogger said that, this anon said this, that coach said no to thisā€
Youā€™re not being held against your will to listen to other influences.
ā€œI want to use the void but everyone is against. I want to shift without changing my realities. I want to go back in time without leaving people in my realityā€
Who is enforcing anything on you besides yourself?
At the end of the day we all have so many questions I understand but it gets redundant. You get one question answered and just form another redundant one, you find faith in yourself and it takes one person to ruin that for you. Say enough is enough and start creating your reality and accept you are the operant creator.
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