cloudykinnie · 5 years
just kidding guess who's wifi is bad and is taking for FUCKING ever to download this thing
-mod penny
should be able to crank out some aesthetics tonight because guess who got (legal) photoshop for christmas! yay!!!!
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
should be able to crank out some aesthetics tonight because guess who got (legal) photoshop for christmas! yay!!!!
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
Hello! I'm getting into other types of divination than my pendulum, and I'm making my shufflemancy playlist. Is there? Anything I should make sure to do? How many songs should I have on there??
hi anon! i don’t think im the best to ask for advice on this kind of thing haha because i really just... do what feels right for me! i don’t think there’s anything in particular you need to do for your playlist! i know some people collect certain songs for things like relationships and make several playlists for different categories, but me? i have a huge 7000+ song playlist called “everything” and i just usually shuffle through that.
 remember to have fun with it! it’s also okay to be wrong or confused. you might need to re-do them if they don’t sit right with you at all, but remember, you can interpret songs that don’t feel like they would work for relationships as relationship songs, and songs that are about relationships for any other context! it’s basically all about the way the songs feel and the lyrics and metaphors that stick out to you. im in ap lit is that obvious
good luck anon! 
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
hey, this is a canon call. i'm tex from red vs blue and i'm looking for church. my memories are either fuzzy or kinda out there depending on timeline but hit me up if you want to talk nonetheless. you can message @renegadessystem for that. i just turned 18 if that bothers anyone.
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
PENNY i just want to say you're doing awesome and i really appreciate everything you do, honestly. you're just such a sweetheart
this is from seven months ago  oh anon this still means so much to me!!! even if it was from forever ago messages like this help remind me about why im doing this and how much i love and appreciate all of you!!!
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
Hey, I'm Betty Cooper from the Archie Comics/Riverdale, i was wondering if i could get either a pendulum reading or tarot reading (whichever is easier for y'all) about If i'll find Jughead again!
hi betty! i seem to have misplaced my pendulum (im sad about it) so i’ll just do a simple yes or no tarot reading! 
i drew... the reversed seven of pentacles!
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overall, for this moment, this is a pretty negative card representing putting too much investment into something that it turning out negatively, so i’m getting a no, at least for right now, anon ): 
however, this card could be telling you not to put too much thought or effort into it at this moment, as it could be better to invest in it at a later time. so don’t stress about it! you’ll find him when the time is right
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
Can I have a shufflemacy for my relationship with H as P? Thank you so much!
hi yes! with 16 skips, i got i was all over her - salvia palth.
ok. i love this song so much it’s one of my fav songs i think haha. nyways the dreamy, hazy vibe of this song gives me the idea that you considered your relationship with h to be very dream-like and melancholy. this is one of those songs that don’t have too many lyrics so it’s important to think about the instrumentals too. i think you really liked h a lot, but they never really reciprocated feelings because you didn’t know them for a long enough time to really get to know them.
don’t know what I wanted, i have a memory /  back at that party i was all over her
maybe you didn’t really want a romantic relationship, or anything like that. it’s possible you were just interested in them as a person. they intrigued you to a point where you were just really into being around them, even if you weren’t talking. the “i have a memory” line implies that this didn’t last for a very long time. you might have ended up reminiscing about it a lot.
we didn't make out, or do anything / i just remember i was lonely
you didn’t really have any kind of physical relationship with them, but talking to them and being around them made you feel better. 
i guess i am always, it's not a problem / it's just something, I got used to it
you got used to your lonely feeling. you didn’t really mind, but you were happy when you found h, even if it wasn’t for that long of a time. there was a comfort in them. 
every stranger makes me feel safer / and every person seems more beautiful
even if they were relatively a “stranger” or just a person you never got super close to, they were almost like a security blanket to you. or maybe you got to know them more and they helped you get past your loneliness and insecurities. 
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
hey! can i have a shufflemancy about how my canon went? maybe about something h did? thanks in advance, sorry if this is too vague!
with 8 skips, i got kill all your friends - my chemical romance!
(off to a great start.)
ok! so from the overall tone of the song, i get the idea that tragic things just kept happening in your canon. this led to a sense of camaraderie with all of the people in your canon, as you all united against feeling too bad, but then this led to just feeling worse when something bad would happen. now you know your canon better than i do, but i have a feeling that h was possibly the one causing all of the tragedies? so that’s the lens i’ll be analyzing through, partially because thats a fun analysis and i vibe with it! but overall you can interpret it however you’d like!
 well, you can hide a lot about yourself / but honey, what’re you gonna do? / and you can sleep in a coffin / but the past ain’t through with you
in your canon, the past had been difficult to deal with. it’s possible that you or others tried to escape the idea of tragedy and feeling sad, but all of the tragedy just kept coming back to haunt you- both past tragedies and current ones. 
‘cause it’s tragic with a capital ’T’
relatively self-explanatory. maybe it was lots of death, betrayal, or just general emotional trauam; this wasn’t a fun timeline for you all. 
'cause we all wanna party when the funeral ends / and we all get together when we bury our friends
however, once again, you did not want to feel too bad for too long. you wanted to move on from the deaths and tragedies and keep moving forward. however, the good part was that all of these difficulties brought you closer to your canonmates.
and you’re walking away / and i will die in this place 
i think h was the outlier here. while everyone else was walking away from the tragedy, they stayed in it. again, im not sure if they were maybe a bad person all along, or maybe they betrayed the group? im getting vibes for the latter but once again you know stuff better than i do. 
sometimes, you scrape and sink so low / i’m shocked at what you’re capable of 
h mightve been hurt by the fact that everyone else seemed to be able to brush off all of the events so easily. they might have taken these events personally, while you and the rest of the group seemed to move on pretty easily (of course, i think that was more of a way to cope than anything). 
so tell me all about your problems / i was killing before killing was cool / you’re so cool, you’re so cool, so cool!
the way i take this line is sort of. sarcastic. nobody talks about the issues, because everyone really knows about them and they all are trying to move past them. if h maybe betrayed you, this is the point where they reveal that betrayal. again i take the “you’re so cool” to be sarcastic, h is insulting everyones “cool” demeanor. 
you’ll never take me alive, you’ll never take me alive / do what it takes to survive, 'cause I’m still here
and finally, all the tragedy and apathy has finally broken them. they’re out for revenge with a hardened heart, warning the group to be careful, because they won’t show mercy. 
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
i'm hoping to uh clear out the inbox and then!!! go from there <3
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
please could i get a shufflemancy for my relationship with ws? thanks in advance.
ok! with 23 skips, i got dead girl in the pool - girl in red. 
this song describes the aftermath of a party. viewing it from the perspective of it being about a relationship, the lyrics can take a very different connotation. overall, i get the feeling of a relationship that, while it was fun, it ended up messy, damaging, and left you feeling figuratively (or, perhaps literally?) dead. because i’m a little torn between the literal vs figurative meaning, i’ll analyze both!
empty bottles everywhere / people sleeping on the stairs /  got something stuck in my hair / no idea how it got there 
a very typical after-party scene. the relationship was like a teenage party; it was fun but short-lived and ended up causing more damage than it was worth. the something stuck in my hair could be a metaphor for lasting emotional damage that was left there by ws. 
this is the morning after / the house is such a disaster
the “house” in this context is the relationship. everything is a mess. 
there’s a dead girl in the pool / i don’t know what to do /  i'm the dead girl in the pool 
at first, she states that it’s somebody else in the pool, but then clarifies that it is her. you might have been pushing or projecting your bad feelings upon ws. you might have been thinking that they were the one feeling bad about the whole thing, when it reality it was you all along and you didn’t want to admit it. or if you were literally killed by this person, you possibly didn’t realize you were dead.
i can't stop staring at my face / my summer tan has begun to fade / is this real or is this fake? / a creepy dream i can't escape
after you clean up the immediate disaster of the relationship’s fallout, you end up reminiscing a lot about how the relationship changed you. you almost feel like a completely different person, and you don’t like it. you feel like the old “you” has died and now you’re almost a ghost of your old self. if you take your death as literal, then, uh, i think that’s sort of obvious. 
my mind is such a disaster
essentially, whatever happened in this relationship left you confused, disoriented, and lost. you probably thought things were going well until it ended in disaster. or the death thing. 
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
Can I have a tarot for my relationship with M?
i drew...
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the upright eight of wands.
what a dynamic card! the eight of wands is typically about progress, moving forward, bringing change. i get the vibe that your relationship was fast moving *(in a positive way) and exciting! since it also represents seizing opportunities, i think you (or M) very quickly jumped to making progress in your relationship; there was a very intense bout of infatuation in the beginning stages!
i get vibes that it was always an extremely fun time when you were with this person! and that it was full of surprises. however, this relationship was also very draining. with all the fast movement, you or M ended up giving up a lot of yourself! one of you got carried away by the fast movement and infatuation. 
despite that, neither of you ever felt trapped by the other person. it was an interesting balance of being very obsessed with the other person but at the same time always feeling free as a bird. in fact, the other person might have helped you find freedom when you were least expecting it!
because of how much energy and effort is being put into this relationship, i feel like down the road, even when all the infatuation has worn off, you two learned to find a good balance of putting a certain amount of yourself into the relationship and focusing on other things. you two have similar goals but also retain your personal freedoms!
basically, this relationship was fiery and passionate, fast-moving and full of surprises. a problem you two had, at least in the beginning, was dedicating too much of yourself into the relationship, as you two were too busy feeling the effects of cupid’s arrows to really pay attention to too much of anything else. however as time passed you were able to wield great results, resulting in a powerful relationship even as time went on!
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
am i about to answer asks from upwards to 7 months ago? yes. 
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
wait am i still alive?!??!! maybe! maybe i am. i might renovate this blog. we will see! in the meantime, i lost my pendulum and i'm a bit pressed about it. hhhhmmmmmm.
-mod penny (who might change her name to mod five or mod cass idk we will see)
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
oh please could you be tender i love you most ardently and i will sit close to you i’ll take coffee and talk about nothing i love that after i spend a day with you i can still smell your perfume on my clothes i love everybody because i love you and it’s not because i’m lonely i’m sick of meaning i just wanna hold you i want i want i need you out here i want your midnights because i think i loved you because i think i still do does it need saying i picture it soft and i ache 
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
ah. I am home from camping! and visiting mod archie!!!! i maybe will be able to do stuff now after work! if I'm not dead tired from working 7 and a half hours
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
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aesthetic for tucker from red vs blue with bright colors, themes of being bullied and anxiety, and also themes of being helped by friends for @tuckerkinnie!! 
hi again tucker !! i hope you like this one!! thanks for requesting and if you need anything else dont hesitate to ask <3!
-mod penny
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cloudykinnie · 5 years
thanks!! could i get a moodboard for tucker from red vs blue again but this time with bright colors, themes of being bullied and anxiety, and also themes of being helped by friends? thank you so so much!!! [@tuckerkinnie again!]
yes! posting rn!
-mod penny
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