clover-mittens · 1 year
Arthur Pendragon x f!OC
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Summary: Rabia came to Camelot with one objective, and that one objective only. Protect Merlin, yet that quickly proves to be a seemingly impossible task as that boy always finds some way to put himself in danger.
Words: 2.6k
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Bloody Hands
part three: The poisoned chalice.
After receiving the weapons from the warrior elf Arthur kept asking Rabia questions, like why she had the weapons on her in the first place, in all honesty, he just wanted to spend more time with her. He kept catching his eyes slowly falling to the slits on either side of her dress, the ones that exposed her legs from the thighs and down. "Your gown; it's quite unusual. I've never seen anything like it around here.", he admitted.
"It's nice when traveling. I'm very flexible in case I need to run or fend for my life, you know? Those heavy chains aren't any good unless your main goal is to defend yourself and not just quickly kill.", Arthur is taken aback by this. He never imagined the small woman in front of him to be a killer. "I go straight in with the blade, no need to give them a chance."
The knight is about to ask further questions about the subject but is cut off by the door to Gaius' chambers being opened. "Merlin?", the elderly man looks confused. "Rabia, what are you doing here?"
Rabia had never met Gaius before, as far as she knew, so how did he know her? "Merlin's out polishing my armor. I'm assuming you sent for Rabia?"
Gaius nods hesitantly. He had not sent for her, but he thought it made a more believable story for the girl whom he knew wasn't supposed to be in Camelot. "Yes, I've been needing her help around here, sire. I didn't expect her here so soon, but I'll take it up with your father later."
"See, I'm totally safe, so I'd actually like it if I could have my sword and bow back, please.", Arthur nods before giving the woman her weapons back.
"Now with all due respect, I have business to attend to with Rabia.", Gaius said, asking the boy to leave. Arthur does as told, excusing himself quietly, and closing the door on his way out. "What are you doing here? Where's your mother?"
"How do you know me, again? We've never met.", Rabia claims. Not actually being sure if the words she's saying are of any truth.
Gaius chuckles. "Right, you wouldn't remember. Most of your people used to live here up until about twenty years ago. You were born here just a few months after Arthur."
"You must be mistaken. I was made in my village. My mother made me with magic."
"And so she did, but here before all the witches and warlocks had to flee from Camelot. You were very young, I shouldn't have expected that you'd remember - the mind works in a funny way, either suppressing the traumatic events or never letting go of them."
Rabia looked around the room quickly before getting closer to Gaius. "Does that mean you know what I am?", Gaius nods, making the girl let out a sigh of relief. "Merlin can not know, got it, not about why I'm actually here.", Gaius is getting concerned by the second, thinking of all the worst-case scenarios. "Hunith sent me, so you can calm down - I can feel your heartbeat from here."
"What did she want from you?"
Hunith had come to Rabia's town to find a protector for her son, she feared he'd get into all sorts of danger while having to save Arthur. "She needs me to look after Merlin. Please, let this stay between the two of us. He'd ignore me if he knew the real reason I'm here."
"So what does he think you're here for?", Rabia's lips turned into a thin line. She knew that when Gaius had helped her with Arthur he never meant it. He definitely didn't need another assistant when Merlin was around.
She looked down at the ground. "I need to be as close to Merlin as possible so I can keep an eye on him at all times. It's my duty as a protector. Hunith wouldn't know what to do with herself if anything happened to that boy. Please, Gaius, let me stay here with you."
"I'll see what I can do. There's been a lot going on around the caste since Merlin got here, I'll find out what to say to Uther. Till then I'm assuming you have a place to stay?", Rabia nods. The tavern will do for now, at least she's nothing but a quick sprint away from Merlin at any given point. "There's a peace treaty later, leave the bow and sword here and go find Merlin. He'll be your way in."
"Thank you."
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"Merlin, there you are!", Rabia said with a bright smile on her face as she found the young boy standing outside, polishing Arthur's armor. "Gaius told me to come to help you, can't have you missing the peace treaty. Besides, Arthur's-"
"Right here. I'm gonna be needing Merlin now. You can finish those later.", Arthur came up behind Merlin, grabbing his ear and dragging him along with him. Rabia quickly followed the two as they made their way inside and up to Arthur's room. "Merlin'd helped me get dressed, he won't be needing your assistance for that, darling."
Darling; the word made Rabia's blood boil slightly. "I'll be waiting outside then, Sire."
"I wasn't complaining, you can always come to watch. It's really a one-man job though.", Arthur winked as he pushed Merlin inside and shut the door behind them, knowing that the girl would take his offer as a joke. Arthur was only half kidding, he'd love nothing more than for her to see him getting dressed, but in a different circumstance maybe. He'd love it more after having just made love to her than while he was getting dressed like a man baby by another man - another man who he felt slightly threatened by. Rabia had just shown up and he admittedly knew nothing about her, but it seemed to him as though Merlin and the woman had a certain bond. Over what he had no idea, which also threatened him; how was he supposed to compete with something he had no idea what even was? "Beautiful, isn't she?"
Merlin nodded in agreement as he opened the box on Arthur's table. It was filled with clothes. "A bit strange how she just showed up out of seemingly nowhere, don't you think?", Arthur had thought about that, but he always pushed the thought away as fast as he got it. He didn't want to believe her to be a threat. "Especially after what happened with the water supplies."
"You don't think she had anything to do with it, do you?", is a thought that had never entered Arthur's mind. Merlin shrugged, not wanting to say anything without actually knowing. But having her life in the same castle as the guy he was meant to protect could come in as a bit of a challenge if she was actually the one who'd been causing havoc in the town. "Maybe I should alert father."
"No. Not until you know anything for sure. I just thought it was a weird coincidence. Who's even to say she'd a witch. What witch would willingly live here, right?", Merlin had not forgotten their talk earlier. There was no doubt in his mind that she was a witch, and probably a powerful one too. Merlin could not take that fight if it came to it. All he could do now was hope that it never did come to it. How would he protect Arthur? "She doesn't look like one.", he knew, probably better than anyone in Camelot, that witches and warlocks had not one thing in common to spot when it came to appearance. Anyone could be a magician, looks have nothing to do with it.
"I guess you're right. She's way too pretty to be a witch."
"Pretty for a maiden, I'll admit."
Arthur's eyes widened at Merlin as if he'd just said something completely out of order. "Pretty for a maiden? She's pretty for a princess, let alone a maiden.", Arthur probably should not be saying these things, especially about a woman of her standard - an herbalist, what should he do with an herbalist by his side. There was no doubt in his mind that he could never marry a woman like her, but that didn't stop all of the other thoughts from taking over all of the intelligent ones; the ones made by his brain. "Father would hate her. Gaius will have a hard time convincing him once he sees her."
"You scared she'll get executed for wearing that dress?", Merlin says jokingly. Arthur knew his father was very fast to execute the people he didn't like, but killing a woman for the way they'd dressed was against his better judgment. He'd never do it, but now Merlin had planted the seed in Arthur's head. "I was kidding, Arthur. Now let's get you dressed, eh?"
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Rabia is standing behind Gaius as Bayard and his people arrive. After waiting outside of Arthur's door for a while she got impatient and went back to Gaius. He'd told her that Merlin would be her way in, but so could he, besides, Merlin wouldn't get hurt with Arthur around, not seriously hurt at least. "Now, she's pretty.", Merlin whispered to the servant standing next to him, he was looking at one of Bayard's maidens. She was a beautiful girl, even Rabia could admit that with the blue scarf on her head, matching her blue eyes. She wasn't looking, but Rabia knew that she was fully aware that Merlin was looking at her, she could see it in her eyes.
Meanwhile, Rabia was completely oblivious to the prince catching short glimpses of her over his shoulder whenever the chance came. He wanted to make sure that she was still there, but after what Merlin had said he felt the need to keep an even closer eye on her.
The girl Merlin had been talking to came and stood next to Gaius and Rabia as the boy kept staring. " and though we remember those who have died, we must not allow any more to join them. As a symbol of our goodwill, and of our new-found friendship, I present these ceremonial goblets. To you, Uther, and your son, Arthur, in the hope that our friendship may last.", Bayard explains as he takes out the chalices one of his servants brought for him. Rabia was so caught up in the speech that she didn't even notice Merlin getting dragged out of the room by the girl with the blue scarf. "Tonight, we toast a new beginning for our peoples. We look to a future free from the toils of war." Bayard is a great speaker, or he's great at speaking. Rabia has found herself getting bored with Bayard's long speeches for the past while since they got here.
But just as Bayard is about to finish his speech something interesting happens, that yet again grabs Rabia's attention. Merlin runs back in, although she'd never actually seen him leave. "Stop! It's poisoned. Don't drink it.", the young warlock yells before quickly grabbing the chalice from Arthur's grip.
Everyone's certainly surprised by the boy's sudden outburst. "Merlin, what are you doing?", after Merlin yet again claims the goblet to be poisoned, Bayard and his men all pull out their swords, causing Uther's men to do the same. At that moment Rabia was happy she'd gone back to the chambers to retrieve her sword, just in case someone actually tried to kill the young boy she was here for.
"Order your men to put down their swords. You're outnumbered.", Uther says as the witch makes her way closer to the scene unfolding before her, she needs t be close in case anyone tries something. Bayard's not happy with the accusations being put against him. "On what grounds do you base this accusation?", for some reason the fact that Uther actually questions the servant is shocking to Rabia, she thought he would have just had him killed.
Before Merlin gets to answer, Arthur jumps in. "I'll handle this.", he walks up to his servant, making Rabia grab ahold of her sword, not daring to pull it yet. "Merlin, you idiot, have you been at the sloe gin again?", he asks him as he brings him closer to his father.
"Unless you want to be strung up, you'll tell me why you think it's poisoned - now."
"He was seen lacing it.", Merlin explains. Rabia looks around the room, noticing that the girl with the scarf is nowhere in sight, she now knows who put this information in Merlin's hands.
"By whom?"
Merlin takes a short break, thinking. "I can't say.", this time Rabia agrees with Arthur. What an idiot.
Bayard sighs in annoyance, catching everyone's attention as the sounds bounces off the high tall walls. "I won't listen to this anymore."
"Pass me the goblet.", Uther orders Merlin before making his way around the table to where Merlin, Arthur, and Bayard are standing. Rabia's standing between the ends of Bayard and Uther's tables, yet no one has yet to question her involvement. Arthur takes the goblet from Merlin, passing it to his father. "If you're telling the truth...
"I am."
... then you have nothing to fear.", Uther tells the king in front of him. Bayard quickly puts away his sword, before motioning for Uther to pass him the goblet. "No - if this does prove to be poison, I want the pleasure of killing you myself.", Arthur is watching his father closely as he turns towards Merlin. Panic grew inside Rabia as we watched everything slowly unfold in front of her. Merlin couldn't drink that, he'd die and Rabia would have failed. "He'll drink it."
"But if it's poisoned, he'll die.", the concerned prince protests.
"Then we'll know he was telling the truth.", Uther states.
"And what if he lives?"
Uther is keeping a close eye on the goblet as he hands it to Merlin. "Then you have my apologies, and you can do with him as you will."
It doesn't take long before even Gaius has had enough to jump in and defend the boy. "Uther, please, he's just a boy, he doesn't know what he said."
"Then you should have schooled him better."
Seeing no other ending than one where Merlin drinks from the goblet Arthur decides to jump in again. Arthur says a lot of mean stuff about his servant, but he'd never want him to die while trying to protect him. "Merlin, apologize. This is a mistake. I'll drink it!"
Arthur is about to pull the goblet away from Merlin, but that only gives the boy more of a reason to drink it. "No, no, no, no! It's all right.", Rabia swallows the lump in her throat as Merlin put's the goblet to his lips, looking directly at Gaius, telling her that the goblet is in fact poisoned and that he's counting on Gaius to save him this time. Everyone's silent as Merlin drinks. And then, just like that, he's finished it, showing no sign of being poisoned. Rabia lets out a sigh of relief. "It's fine.", the boy sounds ashamed and embarrassed.
"He's all yours.", Bayard pulls his sword back out, but the same instant he does that, Merlin puts his hand to his throat as he starts coughing, and just like that, Merlin falls to the ground. First to his side, as Uther's guards seize Bayard, is Arthur, quickly followed by Rabia.
"We have to get him back to my chambers. Bring the goblet. I need to identify the poison."
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clover-mittens · 1 year
Arthur Pendragon x f!OC
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Summary: Rabia came to Camelot with one objective, and that one objective only. Protect Merlin, yet that quickly proves to be a seemingly impossible task as that boy always finds some way to put himself in danger.
Words: 1.6k
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Bloody Hands
part two: Finding the boy.
After staying at the beach for a few days, Rabia decided to make her way to the town to find a tavern or an inn to stay at. People were giving her all sorts of stares as she walked through the town. She knew she wasn't dressed the same way they dress around here.
Rabia's hometown is a lot more progressive when it comes to what is deemed appropriate since she's from an all-women elven village. People around the world still have no idea that elven people actually exist, but they do, even though they've been close to going extinct a few times. Rabia has been trained in combat from a very young age for this exact reason. Any weapon is deadly when put in the hands of Rabia or any woman in her hometown - which primarily is why she's here. A woman from Ealdor sent a letter to the elven town, asking for them to send an elf to protect and keep an eye on her son Merlin, all Rabia has to do now is actually figure out who Merlin is, which could prove to be a tough challenge. Camelot is a lot bigger than the young woman had originally thought.
As Rabia walked around the town, doing her best to ignore the looks she was getting she stumbled upon a tavern, hidden nicely in an alleyway that leads to the town's center. "Good morning!", she says, announcing her presence to the elderly man behind the bar. The man looks like he's been through hell and back - a traveler. The tavern is currently empty, but that's because everyone in town is out tending to animals and farms. "Your finest room, please.", the tone in her voice is joking, there obviously isn't a fine room in this tavern. This is the rundown side of the town, the part of the town that's hidden away in alleyways, shops that don't get the same attention, love, and care as all the over shops.
"Never did I ever think I'd see an elf in my tavern.", he says, catching Rabia by surprise. As she opens her mouth about to deny it, he cuts her sentence short. "Oh don't worry, as a magician your secret is safe with me. We gotta stick together.", till now Rabia didn't know how the town felt about magic, but apparently not well at all. In fact, any sort of magic had been banned by the king long ago.
"How many are there around here? Warlocks and witches I mean."
The elderly man shrugs. No one could ever know for sure how many magicians truly lived in Camelot. Even a man as wise as Alvaro could never know with certainty. "Now, about that room; follow me, please.", Rabia did as told, following Alvaro up a few sets of stairs, leading her to a small room at the end of a hallway. Inside the room, there's a window pointing towards the center of the town. "That window, right up there.", the elderly man says, walking to the window, and pointing towards one of the castle windows. "That right there is Gaius' chambers, he's the court physician. You'll find what you came for if you go to him."
The young woman was beyond confused. How did he know her intentions of coming to Camelot? "How?", she didn't really need to ask, he's a warlock so however, he did it, he'd already found out what Rabia's purpose of coming here was. "Actually, never mind, I'd just have to take your word for it. So before I go - how much do I owe you for the room".
"Not a dime. Like I said; we've ought to stick together. Now go on."
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Rabia's shoes clicked against the ground as she made her way up the stairs leading toward Gaius' chambers. Her small, rough, yet feminine hands knocked on the wooden door - when getting no reply she decided to just walk in. A wonderfully messy room meets the woman's eyes. "All this equipment.", she whispers to herself as she takes in everything around her carefully. Rabia lightly runs her fingertips over a few books before she stops at one of them. A magic book - laying out in the open. How careless could he be?
The young woman's head snaps towards the door as it's opened. She quickly hides the book behind her back. "Who are you? And what might you be doing in here alone?", it's a young boy who immediately makes Rabia's eyes widen. Merlin. Rabia and the other women in her hometown are all prime protectors. Anyone with knowledge of her people and village knows that there are no one better to recruit.
"Um... I was, as a matter of fact, looking for Gaius."
Merlin steps closer to the woman, closing the door behind himself. "Yeah? Well to me it would look as though you're stealing. Now answer me truthfully or I'll have no choice but to call for the guards."
Rabia let out a sigh, putting the book back down on the table. She didn't need it, she just had to be sure that whoever entered was someone with the power of magic. "I wasn't stealing, I swear, I was making sure no one came in and saw a magic book laying around."
"You can read that? The stuff in the book.", Rabia nodded, taking Merlin by surprise. "I guess that's all fine and dandy, but who are you?"
"My name is Rabia, I came to Camelot to look for Gaius, he's a legend and I want to work for him.", the young woman lies. Merlin can not know that she's actually here to take care of him for his mother. "So, where might he be?"
In all honestly; Merlin had no idea. Gaius was usually in his chambers, but not today apparently. "He should be back soon.", the boy sounded unsure and quite confused, yet Rabia still took his word for it. At least she now had a reason to spend time with and get to know the young warlock. "You can wait here.", Merlin wanted to get to know more about Rabia. It wasn't ofter he came by a real witch - or what he thought to be a witch.
Before the woman even had a chance to talk, she was interrupted by the door yet again being opened. Merlin quickly pushed the magic book, along with a few others, off the bench and onto the ground. "Merlin! Where have you been? I've- oh.", Arthur hadn't expected to ever see the young maiden again after she'd upped and left the beach, but here she was, standing in front of him in her revealing black dress. Around her waist hung a scabbard, containing a beautiful sword with flowers carved into the side. "Sorry, Merlin, I didn't expect you to have company."
"He didn't expect it either - Rabia Thunder, herbalist. I've come to Camelot to hopefully work for Gaius.", her words take both of the boys by surprise.
"He's already got me."
"Yeah? Well, I guess I've traveled this far for nothing, what a shame."
"NO!", both of the boys exclaim in unison, making the woman chuckle. Arthur had just noticed her a few days ago and she'd already managed to become the one thing on his mind, the fact that she was standing right there was enough to pique his interest enough to not be able to let her get out of his sight. "Erm... I bet Gaius could use another assistant, the one he has now is highly stupid."
Merlin shoots the young knight a wide-eyed look. "What did you come here for anyways, Arthur? If you came to insult me-"
"I didn't actually. My armor needs shining.", Merlin sighs before excusing himself and leaving the room. Arthur says behind for once - odd, he usually never stays in Gaius chambers when Merlin leaves, but as a knight, he can't just let a stranger stay alone in here, what if she did something? At least that's what he told himself. "So Rabia, why would you wanna work for Gaius? And at my father's kingdom at that."
Rabia shrugs. She had heard about a physician in Camelot who helped the birth of Arthur the great, but never would she ever have known that he was Gaius till now. "He's quite a legend, you know? It's been a life dream of mine to work for a man like him."
Arthur doesn't buy the young woman's story. No herbalist needs a sword like that, or the bow and quiver hanging on her back either. "And the weapons? I'm surprised the guards even let you up here with all of that. And I'm afraid I'll even have to confiscate  them till I know you're not here with ill intentions."
"Are you kidding? If I wanted to kill anyone here I would have done it already. You don't get this kind of sword if you aren't worthy of it.", the young woman protests, but Arthur's not having it. He's enjoying her fiery voice though. Arthur shrugs, holding his hand out to receive her belongings. "Fine! Don't lose them, they're important to me, got it?", Rabia got her first real sword when she turned thirteen and later got the flowers carved into it when she turned eighteen to celebrate her becoming an adult. The bow was one she got from her mother when she was just ten years old. Her mom thought it was important that she knew how to hunt, just in case she ever found herself out in a forest with nothing to eat and no village close.
"I wouldn't dream of it."'
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clover-mittens · 1 year
Arthur Pendragon x f!OC
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Summary: Rabia came to Camelot with one objective, and that one objective only. Protect Merlin, yet that quickly proves to be a seemingly impossible task as that boy always finds some way to put himself in danger.
Words: 1k
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Bloody Hands
part one: Girl by the shore.
Rabia Thunder had been walking for days and was beyond tired and extremely sore in her legs when she finally reached her destination. Or at least close enough - for now all she wanted to do was keep an eye on the boy from afar, before making her presence known. Luckily there's a small cave right by the ocean shore below the castle. Unfortunately, all she has is a blanket, but it'll have to do for the next couple of days.
Not wanting to alert anyone of herself she decided not to make a fire - she already ate at the next town over, so it's not like she'd be going to bed starving or anything. But the least she could do is wash up in the water before getting comfortable in the rocky cave. Besides, it had been just over a week since she last had the opportunity of washing up. Usually, she'd just use the pond in her home town, but obviously, she couldn't do that while traveling.
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Just a day ago was when Arthur noticed the dark-haired maiden who'd taken shelter down on his father's beach. He'd noticed her while sitting in his room, speaking to Merlin, yet hadn't said anything to him. The woman seemed caught up in her own world, barely even acknowledging the large castle above her. There was no doubt that she was beautiful, but he was most intrigued by why she was there. Why would a seemingly young woman like her be staying alone at his beach? No matter the reason, she didn't seem to be bothering anyone, so he wasn't about to send down the guards. They'd just accuse her of being a witch and a spy.
One night while Arthur was sitting in his room, once again keeping an eye on the girl, she'd walked into the water. The still and cold water reached her to the knees. She was holding up her dress, showing off the bottom of her thighs, just above the knee. It felt wrong to look, but he also couldn't look away, she just made it harder when she proceeded to pull the flowy dress up and over her head, revealing her undergarments as she threw the dress back on shore. Arthur took in every little inch of her body, he'd never seen a woman like that. Every once in a while he'd see some of the maidens at the castle in their undergarments by accident, but this was different. Hers was shorter and a lot more revealing. Like short, thin pants, close to what men in the village would wear, but fit for a woman, and a corset, tightly sitting around her torso.
Arthur felt special like he was the first man to ever be blessed by this kind of view. When she started taking off her undergarments too he really thought that maybe he should just stop watching, but he couldn't. Arthur was drawn to the young woman, bathing herself in the seawater. He couldn't help the feeling of excitement that spread, at a rather fast pace, through his body. A feeling he wasn't used to, but one he enjoyed. It wasn't till his door was busted open that he stopped looking at the woman - his cheeks turning red as he looked at Merlin who had a concerned, yet confused expression on his face. "I did knock.", Merlin informs his friend, smiling.
"Sorry, I was- uh, looking at the seagulls, yeah.", Arthur quickly closes up the curtains, making sure that Merlin doesn't have a chance to confirm his rather unbelievable statement. Arthur never cared for seagulls, rather the opposite actually. He'd only ever complain about how loud they could be. Before Merlin starts asking questions, he diverts his attention. "What did you want anyway? I was about to go to bed actually."
Merlin is still rather confused with how his friend is acting but decides to ask him about it some other time when he's not as flustered. Arthur is doing his best to hide the red color in his cheeks, but Merlin has always been able to see right through him. "I just wanted to check if your armor needed polishing, but I suppose it can wait for the morning.", Merlin gives Arthur a quick nod before leaving the young male's sleeping chambers.
Arthur nods back, letting out a sigh of relief before going back to the window to find that the young woman is nowhere to be seen, making him admittedly disappointed. But it's for the best, he shouldn't have been watching her in the first place while in a state that vulnerable. But was it wrong when it felt so right? Maybe, yes, but it made it a lot harder for him to stop.
As the boy laid himself down on the bed he couldn't stop thinking of the girl, or rather her body. A beautiful woman with long dark hair going down her back and a perfect built. Never had Arthur ever seen a woman that exposed before and he had no idea what to do with this penned-up excitement - except for one thing. A thing he didn't do very often at all, it wasn't something he was proud of; touching himself like that, but it was the only way to get the thoughts to stop.
His breath started catching up to the pace of his hand as pictures of the woman flashed in his mind. It didn't take long at all before the young man let out one last grunt, followed by a few exhausted sighs as he quickly hid the evidence in a shirt laying on the ground next to the bed. Was he ashamed? Yes, but to him, it was worth it. Although it hadn't exactly taken her off of his mind, it still felt better than ever before. She was still the main thing he was thinking about, but now he didn't feel as uncomfortable as he drifted off to sleep, with her in his thoughts.
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clover-mittens · 1 year
The place to be when searching for a story.
Pedro Pascal;
All About Pedro f!OC
ongoing (new part every Monday)
Part one: The actor and the waitress.
Part two: The return.
Arthur Pendragon;
Bloody Hands f!OC
ongoing (old - originally written on wattpad)
part one: Girl by the shore.
part two: finding the boy.
part three: The poisoned chalice.
updating slowly.
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clover-mittens · 1 year
Pedro Pascal x f!OC
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Credits to gif maker!
Summary: Shane Andrews, a young woman from Georgia now living on her own in the center of the universe -- New York. Being on her own Shane suddenly feels more lonely than ever; that slowly starts to change, as she realizes she was never as alone as she had thought.
Words: 1.4k
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All About Pedro
part two: The return.
Pedro never did come back. The next day when I'd come in to work, he wasn't sitting in his usual booth, which had made me worry a little, yet it wasn't a big deal -- he never showed up, and that's when it became a big deal. He had me waiting excitedly the whole day just to disappoint me.
That was three months ago. To be honest, I had almost forgotten about him when I got to work today -- almost. That was until I heard the bell above the door to the diner ring. As I turn to greet the visitor my eyes land on a familiar face. Instead of my usual greeting, I just turn right back to the family I was about to serve.
I know I have no reason to be mad at Pedro; after all, he is just a familiar stranger -- I'm not, I am, however just a little disappointed that he never came to say goodbye or anything, especially after he said he'd come back the very next day. "I'll have that right out for you.", I say in a smiley voice, walking off behind the counter to give Greg the order I wrote on a note.
"Big actor guy is here.", Greg announces as if I hadn't already noticed. I nod knowingly before turning away from the kitchen, picking up a pot of coffee and an empty mug, and going to Pedro's table.
Pedro was deeply focused on his iPad, or so I thought until I was standing right next to his table, making him look up at me in an instant. "Shane.", he says my name with a smile on his lips.
I place the mug in front of him before filling it up and taking a seat opposite him. "Pedro.", Pedro looks challenging at me, licking his plump lips. "Long time no see.", it comes out sounding more like a question than anything.
The man nods sighing quickly before saying anything. "I'm sorry. I know I said I'd come back, I guess I just got my days mixed up. I got a call from my PA when I got home asking if I was ready for my flight the next day. It was an accident, I'd never knowingly lie to you, Shane."
Staying mad at that man isn't easy, my serious expression quickly turns into a smile as I am just really happy to see him again. Pedro is a very interesting guy and I really want to hear more of his stories. "So tell me, how was it? Are you done filming?"
Pedro shakes his head. "Not yet, we're going to Italy next. I just had some time off so I decided to come home for a bit.", Italy -- I've always wanted to go to Italy, it looks so beautiful in pictures. "The time we spent filming in England was great though, the rest of the cast and crew are really nice.", this prompts me to ask a different question, one I ain't sure if he can answer.
"Who else is in the movie? Anyone I might know?", Pedro's head tilts to the side as a coy smile spreads on his lips. Either he doesn't want to tell me or he isn't allowed to tell me. This just further proves to me that this movie might be a pretty big deal. "Okay, fine. I get it.", I raise my hands up in front of me.
"Shane, you're on the clock!", I hear Greg yell from the kitchen as he rings his bell, letting me know that the food for the family is ready. I quietly excuse myself, my cheeks bright red.
I quickly pick up the plates of food for the family, apologizing to them which they just shrug off with a laugh. My eyes scan over the diner, checking for customers who need help or dirty plates, it's pretty late and we close soon so the diner is emptier than usual. There are a few dirty dishes on one of the tables that I pick up before wiping down the table and bringing the dishes to the back. "Sorry, Greg."
He shrugs as he's taking off his apron. "As a more formal apology, you can close up on your own.", I raise a brow, keeping my eyes on him as he gathers his stuff, getting himself ready to leave. It wouldn't be the first time that I close the diner alone, but it usually doesn't happen without reason. "What?"
"Who is she?"
Greg tries to hide it, but my question had made him blush -- hard. "Shut up.", he hushes me and then throws me the bundle of keys to the diner.
When I get back out of the kitchen I find Pedro sitting at the counter chairs instead of at his usual table. I guess a lot can change in three months. "Thought I'd come closer so you can do your job while I tell my stories.", he says with a grin on his face before taking a sip of his coffee. I scan the shop again checking if I'm in the clear, then I lean myself against the counter, getting ready to listen. "Right, hm... I don't know how much I'm allowed to spill, but I can tell you a bit about my whip training.", my eyes widen, glowing. "My character has this cool whip. Everyone else has these futuristic spy weapons and such, so a whip doesn't really sound too cool in comparison. Trust me though, one day when the movie comes out you'll see just how awesome it is.", Pedro's right; a whip doesn't exactly sound cool, like at all.
I look intensely at him, making it very obvious on purpose. "Hmm... I'm not sure if anyone can make a whip look cool.", I say, jokingly doubting him. In reality, if anyone had to make a whip look hot it would be Pedro -- he just has that cowboy vibe with his mustache.
Pedro's hand flies to his chest, acting hurt over what I'd just said. "Manners, Shane. Can't be talking to your elders in that way.", he pretends to be offended, making me chuckle.
As I'm laughing at Pedro the father of the family comes up to the counter, taking my attention away from Pedro. I look at the clock above the door realizing it's closing time and that the man is up here ready to pay. He hands me his card to pay before putting a tenner in the tip jar. "Thank you, sir. Have a great night.", I tell him as I hand him his card back. He gives me a gentle smile before he and his family leave.
Pedro looks down at his watch surprised. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. I guess I didn't realize how late it is. I went straight here after getting off my flight, guess I'm a little confused and jetlagged.", he admits.
"No, no, don't worry. You can stay and finish your coffee while I close up if you want.", not just for him, but for me as well -- mostly, actually. My offer makes him smile which I take as him accepting it.
"What have you been up to?"
I'm surprised he's even asking me when he's the one doing the interesting stuff. "Every day looks the same for me. Wake up, work, eat, sleep -- oh, and playing with Tucker."
Pedro's eyes follow me as I go to lock the front entrance, his brows furrowed. "Tucker? I didn't realize you were a mom-"
This makes me chuckle. "Do I look like a mother to you?", he shrugs making me gasp. "Seriously, I'm twenty-one, definitely not! Tucker's my dog."
"I love dogs.", he says in awe. "My dog's name is Edgar, he's gonna be so sad when I tell him I went to see you before picking him up from his dog-sitter.", I can't help but laugh, Tucker would have been a bit annoyed as well. "We should take our dogs for a walk in the park one day before I leave."
The simple thought of that idea makes my cheeks a bit red, which reminds me to go turn on the dishwasher. "Yeah. I think Tucker would love meeting other dogs.", I yell from the kitchen as I fill a few dirty dishes in the washer, trying to make it seem as if I didn't think the idea was for the two of us, and instead the for dogs.
"I'd like it too.", he admits. I look over my shoulder, seeing him leaning in the kitchen doorway with his now empty mug in his hand. "Here.", Pedro puts the mug down on the kitchen island before sliding it toward me, just close enough for me to grab it but far enough away that it doesn't fall off the edge.
I quickly put the mug in the dishwasher before starting it. "Come on. I'll just grab my things then I'm done."
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clover-mittens · 1 year
Pedro Pascal x f!OC
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Summary: Shane Andrews, a young woman from Georgia now living on her own in the center of the universe -- New York. Being on her own Shane suddenly feels more lonely than ever; that slowly starts to change, as she realizes she was never as alone as she had thought.
Words: 1.1k
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All About Pedro
part one: The actor and the waitress.
"Good morning, Greg.", Shane chimes as she walks through the employee's entrance at the back of the small diner she works at. The diner is family owned and has been running for almost a hundred years, yet it still sits somewhat quietly at the very same corner it was built on.
Greg looks behind him, towards the sweet voice of the young woman he'd hired just a few months back, yet she had already made such a huge impact on his family's little diner. "Morning, Shane.", a smile spreads on his lips as his eyes land on the woman, putting on her apron.
After putting on her apron Shane walks out into the diner, quickly picking up a pot filled with newly brewed coffee, and making her way around the counter. Like every other day her first stop is at table four, where the same mustached man sits, just like yesterday and the day before that... without asking Shane refills his half-empty mug with new, warm coffee. "Thanks.", he nods at the gesture not looking up from the papers in front of him.
"What are we reading today?", she asks, making small talk, keeping her eyes and attention on the man as she walks a few tables away to pick up an empty and dirty plate.
The man lifts his head, focusing on Shane as he rests his head on his hand. "Script; just this thing I'm working on.", the diner is quiet, except for the older man there are just a couple of teenagers looking all lovey-dovey at the other end of the room.
Though this man sits here for at least a few hours every morning Shane still doesn't know his name; she has never had the nerve to even ask him. "Exciting. Something you wrote... or?", she presses for more information. Exchanges like this, with random people, is partly why Shane loves working at Joana's, she enjoys conversations with strangers from all sorts of different places and backgrounds. Working at a small diner like this gives her time to sit down and just chat for a while.
He shakes his head, before taking a big gulp of his black coffee. "Definitely not. It's for a movie I'll be working on; we start training next week."
"Training? Like choreography and such?"
"Yeah, kind of -- like stage fighting."
Shane's eyes must be glowing with envy at this point, her mother grew up acting, and so did Shane for a few years of her life when she was younger, but when her mother got into a horrible life-changing accident Shane's dad decided that acting wasn't for his daughter. If it wasn't for the fact that it would disappoint her family she would have gone back into acting again, on her own terms this time. "Well, ain't you just the coolest person ever.", though her southern accent may sound sarcastic to some, she means every word. She can only dream of being a movie star, even if the role is small.
The man sits up fully just to lean back in the comfy booth, leaving a red mark on his cheek from resting it on his hand. Shane chuckles lightly. "So," the man double-checks Shane's name tag, even though he's known her name from the first time she filled up his mug. "Shane, where do you come from? With an accent like that I know it ain't from here.", he tries to impersonate her southern accent.
"Georgia -- born in California, but I grew up in Georgia.", she specifies, making the man nod, now understanding the rather strong accent.
Shane nods lightly toward the man, motioning for him to take his turn telling about his upbringing. "A bit messy. I was born in Chile, lived in Denmark for a bit while in political asylum, but then ultimately moved to Texas where I grew up.", the woman's eyes widen. "Now I'm here.", he announces proudly.
"That you are. Are you filming the movie here?", Shane's voice indicates that she's assuming it's just a small role in a minor movie.
"No, I'll actually be flying out to England in a few days. Depending on the movie I sometimes get to travel quite a bit while filming.", this has Shane absolutely starstruck, she is completely in love with whatever life it is that this man lives. "I'll come back though; New York is my home and I've fallen slightly in love with this place.", he says, this place being Joana's. He takes a quick look at his watch, realizing how long he's been at the diner already. "I should go now, but I'll see you tomorrow.", with that he stands up, taking his script with him as he walks towards the exit. "I'm Pedro by the way."
The young woman is left swooning in the booth, almost forgetting that she's here to work. Shane just got a whole lot more dream material and she finds herself excited for tomorrow when she'll see Pedro again, ready to hear more about him and his life as an actor. She's so in her own world that the sound of her boss calling out for her makes her jump slightly. She looks dumbfounded at Greg, he rolls his eyes at her. "Table eight.", he says, slightly annoyed, motioning towards the dirty table the two teenagers had been sitting at.
Shane's standing outside her apartment, unlocking the door when someone calls out her name from down the hallway. "Shane, hi. Sorry if I frightened you.", it's her sweet old neighbor, Mrs. Williams.
"That's quite alright. What's up?", Shane asks, having already noticed the foil cover plate in her wrinkly hands.
Mrs. Williams hands Shane the lukewarm plate, it's not the first time the elderly neighbor has brought food for Shane since she moved in next door. "Made a bit too much food; sometimes I forget it's just Darren and myself.", the old lady says as if she doesn't do it on purpose to make sure that the young southern woman is eating well.
A smile spreads on Shane's lips. "Thank you.", a genuine one at that. Shane knows she doesn't feel like making dinner herself when she gets home from work late, so she's beyond grateful to have such lovely neighbors. Mrs. Williams nods at Shane before walking off to her own apartment. Shane keeps an eye on the old woman before she too gets inside her home.
Inside, it only takes a few seconds before she's practically tackled by Tucker, her golden retriever. "Hi, buddy, did ya miss me?", Shane puts the plate of food down on the small table standing in her entranceway before throwing herself to the floor to greet her excited dog. "I have a lot to fill you in on. Come on.", she boops the dog's nose, making him sneeze before she gets up from the floor and takes her food from the table, bringing it into the living room, Tucker quickly following behind her.
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