clueeulc · 5 years
GoT 8x5
So a lot of people have been hating on the 'sudden' madness from Dany this episode and saying stuff like 'it's come out of nowhere' and 'it's a bad choice from the writters' and 'they only did it to further Jon's claim' and other stuff too. The thing is, Dany has been power mad from the start of the series pretty much.
After she kills her brother (odd that that is just a tame thing to say) and becomes the last Targaryen, she is set on a path to take the Iron Throne in a county that she had never set foot in while an adult and to rule a people she doesn't know (a place she doesn't belong, in shorthand)
Before doing this she liberates several cities of slavery and saves millions from that horrible fate, actively becoming a queen in the process. But it's still not good enough that all those people have called her their queen, she needs to have the chair too because for about 3 series before this is completed she's been told its hers. When it isnt.
Robert Boratheon took the Iron Throne from her father. She lost all claim to it there and then. It's never been hers rightfully, the only way she has a claim to it is the same way Robert initially did. By wanting it and having people believe in her to be able to take it.
So when it comes to this episode and she's completely uncaring for the destruction she is reigning on Kings Landing (the place she wants to rule btw) or who she kills in the process, it's not a surprise. Dany is a tyrant. Flat out, a tyrant.
- Threatens to kill Tyrion if he fails her again, even though he had no hope of controlling what would happen in those situations.
- Uses her dragons to burn people alive when they disagree with her and is then SUPRISED when people don't love her like they did in Mereen and Pentos (Mainly because she just murdered those people, not executed them).
- Murders the innocent just because they happened to be in her way, or below her running for their lives.
- Begs a man (who she 'loves') to not explain to his only remaining family (excluding her) about his birth and have them know hes their cousin not brother ONLY because it threatened her claim to the throne. If she really did love Jon, she would want him to be able to talk with his family about where he really came from (basically having been adopted by them).
Also another point on the above -, in that scene she openly admits to not wanting him to tell because it means she would lose legitimacy and then orders him as his queen to not get closure. That's clearly the mark of a great ruler and a person who loves you when they order you to keep a secret because they out-rank you.
But the real kicker is that even when several of her advisors have begged her to not do something, dont kill if they surrender (which they did), she ignored it, even though she called Jon a traitor for doing that exact thing (ignoring a begging person).
So yeah, it's not come from nowhere, Dany has always been a tyrant. This post isnt to say that the Lanisters are any better rulers mind, we could all see those wildfire pops of green while Dany was exploding the place she wanted to call home. Just that people shouldn't be complaining about it. It's been coming for a long time if you've been reading between the lines.
Also its been really confusing thinking people were angry with Dungeons and Dragons after this episode, might want to think of a different tag for the company for on here with such a big tag for very different things becoming GoT focused the last day over.
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clueeulc · 7 years
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Brad has arrived, ready to help or hinder the party as he sees fit. Hopefully the next shall be out sooner.
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clueeulc · 7 years
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Its been a while but here he is in all the suns glory. Azir, Emperor of the Sands. Next up is bard, and judging by my rate of upload you can expect him sometime in 2021.
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clueeulc · 7 years
Learn de wae my bruddas
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Way of De Way Monastic Tradition. Be a proud Ugandan Warrior and defend your homeland while you seek De Queen and help others find De Way.
Obviously don’t take this one seriously. Boredom and Memes are a powerful force of inspiration. If you haven’t seen this meme yet I don’t know where you’ve been but VRchat is hilarious to watch or play.
Homebrewed for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition by me. 
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clueeulc · 7 years
D&D Russian Roulette
Context: On the journey back from a vendetta mission the group decided to have a bit of fun and play russian roulette by shooting their feet, the players were a Gunslinger, Rogue, Beastmaster and a Druid.
*Gunslinger puts a blank in the gun, hands it to rogue*
Rogue Ooc: i point it at my foot and pull the trigger *nothing happens*
Beast master Ooc: I point it at Rogues foot and pull the trigger *Nothing happens*
Druid Ooc: i walk in pick up the gun *Gestures putting it to his head*
Druid: Is this thing real *Pulls trigger, gunshot occurs and everyone dies of laughter*
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clueeulc · 7 years
"Something else"
So, my something else is a bit different from the league champs. I am a massive fan of the Fallout games, and decided to make some rules for playing a Fallout themes dnd. 5 months down the line and 24 pages later ... I'm not even close to done
For those who want to see what I have so far, follow this link : homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/BJcsDtREb
As I said It's nowhere near finished yet, mostly its monster stat blocks that need making, but thats gonna take a while. I am constantly updating it, so if youre intrested keep the link handy.
Goodluck in the wasteland guys, you'll need it :)
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clueeulc · 7 years
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Despite me trying my hardest I couldnt get it to say actions above his actions, but oh well. Aurelion Sol, Space Corgi revealed. The "something else" will be released later :)
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clueeulc · 7 years
Thursday 16th
Sorry for the wait guys, Aurelion Sol will be released on Thursday 16th, as well as with something else i have had in the works for a long time. Look forward to it
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clueeulc · 7 years
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Ashe joins from the Freljord, Space Dragon will be out soon (I hope) :)
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clueeulc · 7 years
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Annie (late i know) the dark child join the fun. Anyone seen her bear?
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clueeulc · 7 years
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Anivia storms onto the rift, joining the rest. As I said Annie (and Tibbers) will be out tomorrow :)
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clueeulc · 7 years
Again, sorry
Sorry for the delay guys, I got hired recently and work has been pressing. Dont worry though I'm still going to finish this. Anivia will be done by the 5th at the lastest, and as an appology for the lateness Annie will be out on the 6th :)
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clueeulc · 7 years
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The cursed child (finally) joins the crew. Next up will be Anivia, the Cryopheonix
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clueeulc · 7 years
Sorry for no Amumu when promised guys, ive recently bought PUBG and became slightly addicted. Worry not, for I have been to rehab and am back on track. Amumu will come out by Sunday, as i have some work to deal with in the week :)
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clueeulc · 7 years
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Alistar, The Minotaur ready to smash through some parties plan. Next up is Amumu, the Sad Mummy who should be out by the 11th, maybe the 12th :)
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clueeulc · 7 years
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Akali, The Fist Of Shadow. Next up is Alistar, The Minotaur. Should be out on the 9th :)
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clueeulc · 7 years
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Here we go. Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox ready for fighting (or more accuratly charming) her foes. Next up is Akali, the Fist of Shadow (should be done by the 7th at the latest).
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