cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
Your purpose in life is not to love yourself but to love being yourself.
If you goal is to love yourself, then your focus is directed inward toward yourself, and you end up constantly watching yourself from the outside, disconnected, trying to summon the “correct” feelings towards yourself or fashion yourself into something you can approve of.
If your goal is to love being yourself, then your focus is directed outward towards life, on living and making decisions based on what brings you pleasure and fulfillment.
Be the subject, not the object. It doesn’t matter what you think of yourself. You are experiencing life. Life is not experiencing you.
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
oh hi thanks for checking in I’m still a piece of garbage
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
kinda cool to think how someone somewhere is having the best day of their life today. someone’s hearing “i love you” for the first time today. someone’s gonna meet the love of their life today. someone’s gonna get the job of their dreams today. it’s someone’s best day today. and guess what binch? tomorrow it could be ur best day so keep going
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
Just hold me
And never let go
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
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Have a mini hedgehog hug from a pocket hedgehog! 💕
Loading Penguin Hugs comes out in FIVE days you all! 😍 Just 5⃣ more days until you all can hold 80 pages of motivational Chibird comics in your hands and stick those stickers on your laptops and notebooks. Now’s the time if you were waiting until closer to the date to get it! ⏰
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
i hate when its night time we’re supposed to go to bed…. like did u not realize that 1am-5am are the funnest times to be awake? why is it weird to sleep during the daytime nd do things at night? vampire rights!
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
$0 self-care:
enjoy a long, hot shower after an exhausting day
avoid or cut toxic people out of your life
have a nice, lengthy nap to rejuvinate
go on a sky watching or star gazing
take a break and unplug on social media
unfriend/mute toxic people on the internet
go for a walk or a jog on the park
reconnect with your good old friends
take your dog/pet for a walk
enjoy the sun for a couple of minutes
do a random act of kindness
have a quick movie marathon
try to do something that you used to love
listen to your favorite songs when you were a kid
artist or not, try painting your feelings
for a day, try decluttering your thoughts and stop overthinking
go on a window shopping (even w/o buying anything)  
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
“Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it.“
— Mandy Hale, The Single Woman
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
I know a lot of you guys don’t want to reblog those posts about the wildfires in Greece because they’re too long, so I figured I would make a shorter post for y’all. 
Here is a link on how to help and what the current situations are, and here is a direct link to the fundraiser.
As someone who has personally been affected by fire, I would really appreciate if y’all could sb this??
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
hey so i guess i just started an insta study account! 
I would be really happy if you’ll stop by to say “hi!” 
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
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kanken icons for you and your gang. 
[please reblog if using / do not repost]
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
underappreciated moments of life:
early mornings before everyone’s awake
unexpected sunshine
turning on the radio to hear the exact song that was stuck in your head
noticing flowers on the first day they bloom
sunday afternoon naps
ladybugs/butterflies landing on you
a friend telling you they love you for the first time
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
Manuel Neuer’s goalkeeping skills are the only thing I have faith in in the year of our lord 2018
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
“I want to make beautiful things, even if nobody cares.”
— Saul Bass (via wnq-art)
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
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cmykstudies-blog · 6 years
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