Five reasons Salmond is secretly hoping for a 'No' vote
Five reasons Salmond is secretly hoping for a 'No' vote
He has made realising the dream of an independent Scotland his life's work. But as cheap air jordans for sale the nitty gritty issues behind that dream have been debated endlessly over recent months deep down is the leader of the 'yes' campaign is having second thoughts? Here are five things that maybe keeping Alex Salmond up at night, and why he may be secretly praying his countrymen vote No tomorrow.
1) He's taking a huge gamble on oil. All of the Yes Campaign's budgeting for the future depends on the ability to raise a certain amount of revenue from North Sea Oil. But that is horribly unpredictable. All of the published predictions both optimistic and pessimist are just that: predictions. It's a pretty scary thing to base the future of an independent country on.
2) He can't guarantee NHS spending in an independent Scotland despite what he's said. The NHS north of the border faces the same problems that it does in England a rising elderly population, new and expensive treatments and restricted money to pay for them unless you put up taxes. While the rest of the UK is giving a chunk of money to the Scottish cheap jordans online Government he can blame them for the cutbacks. When that stops he can't.
3) He knows but can't admit it in the campaign that the rest of the UK will never accept a currency union. Pressure on English politicians will be too great from the rest of the country ever to agree to a union where England takes responsibility for another country's debt but has no control over its spending. Even if it was the sensible thing to do the politics of England in a post independence world are cheapest jordans such that it would never happen.
Read moreScottish independence live
4) In the short term some businesses and maybe a lot of businesses will reduce their presence in Scotland. Negotiations for independence will create uncertainty, and businesses whose only loyalty is to their shareholders hate uncertainty. They will not wait to 'see how things turn out' they will unsentimentally make plans for the worst, and implement them before a final agreement over separation is reached. That will not be poplar in Scotland.
5) But if it's a no vote then none of this is a problem. His Government http://www.upsmould.com gets more power, more money and can carry on blaming London if things go wrong. The SNP will cruise to another victory in the Holyrood elections on the back of the independence campaign which he will be seen to have won even if he loses. He maybe scathing about Devo Max now but just two years ago he wanted that to be an option on the referendum question. He may be secretly hoping that's what he gets now.
Scottish independence: What will happen to key British institutions?
If it votes for independence, Scotland won't leave the union until 2016 meaning, under current arrangements, that if Scots decide to go it alone they will still vote in the 2015 general election. The possibility of Scotland swinging the vote in favour of the government with which it will negotiate their independence has cheap jordan shoes led some to call for the elections to be delayed. Downing Street has said, however, that it has no plans to postpone the election despite claims a yes vote could lead to a constitutional crisis.
The No Campaign is hoping that doubts over whether or not Scotland will be able to keep the pound will sway the referendum in its favour. George Osborne has said that the UK will not let Scotland keep the pound if it votes to leave the union and the leader of the Better Together coalition, former Chancellor Alistair Darling, has called the Yes campaign's suggestion that it keep the currency "mad". Alex memphis chiropractor Salmond has claimed repeatedly that Scotland will be able to retain the pound and has said speculation to the contrary is little more than fear mongering.
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Five Reasons Men Cheat
Five Reasons Men Cheat
If you've ever been the victim of infidelity, the one thing you've likely wondered is, memphis chiropractor "why did he cheat?" You've asked yourself that question dozens of times and may even think that learning the reason for the affair will keep it from happening again or relieve the intense sense of betrayal you feel.
The truth is, knowing mont blanc pens "why" won't keep it from happening again and it won't lessen your pain. Why not? Because you are not a cheater. If you have respected the boundaries of your marriage it is likely that you will never fully be able to comprehend why a man would go outside the marriage for sex.
The reality is that you can't control what a cheater does by understanding "why" the cheater cheats. And understanding "why" won't lessen the pain over his betrayal.
The reason the cheater cheats is because he has an internal character flaw that keeps him from being able to exert self control. He functions on the mistaken notion that going outside his marriage will solve problems in the marriage or fulfill his needs in http://www.bestmemphischiropractor.com some way.
The men I've known who cheated had poor impulse control; they allowed their cheap jordans online emotions to dictate their behaviors. They gave into their weaknesses instead of identifying them and trying to improve on them. These men, when faced with marital problems or stresses in life, aren't able to look at a negative situation and envision a positive solution. Instead of seeing their infidelity as contributing to or worsening their problems, they use infidelity as a distraction to keep from dealing with their problems.
Unlike you, the cheater isn't worried about "why" he betrays, his concern is replacing his problems with a distraction. In cheap jordans for men other words, he will sell you and his marriage short if it means him not having to admit to having a problem and investing time, ego and energy into figuring out how to deal with the problem.
Five common reasons men cheat:
1. Some men cheat because they are not getting their needs met inside the marriage. They are under the skewed belief that going outside the marriage is justifiable if they aren't getting sex in the marriage. They get their "needs" met, their marriage stays intact and they delude themselves into believing that as long as their wife doesn't know, no one is being harmed. Marital problem solved. in their mind.
2. Some men have no respect for boundaries. They know that with marriage comes certain sexual boundaries. But, they have little guilt when it comes to stepping over those boundaries. The more you try to explain to a cheater that he should treat you with love and respect, the more you devalue yourself in his eyes. And, the more likely he is to cheat again and again and again.
3. Some men like the thrill of having something extra on the side. They don't know how to pass up an opportunity to get a little "thrill." The act of cheating has more to do with the fact that cheating is taboo than the actual act of sex.
4. Some men think they are not real cheap jordans men if they turn down a sexual invitation. They define their "manhood" by how attractive they are to the opposite sex. The more attention and propositions they get, the more manly they feel. These men are bankrupt in the self esteem department.
5. Some cheat because they are hiding a secret. For example, a man may be bisexual and hasn't disclosed this information to his wife. He may love his wife and want to keep his marriage intact but will get his sexual needs met outside the marriage.
Whatever the reason, the cheater owns it. I don't believe in being a victim and I don't believe in taking responsibility for someone else's actions. When you ask yourself "why" or put time into understanding the reasons, you are setting yourself up for taking responsibility for a problem that is his.
If your husband has cheated and tries to tell you it was because there were problems in the marriage, remind him that you were living in the same troubled marriage and chose not to cheat. A choice he could have made himself. A choice he is responsible for, not you.
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Five promising summer share buys
Five promising summer share buys
Ignore the tired annual debate over whether you should 'Sell in May and jordan shoes for cheap go away, stay away till St Leger Day'.
Rather than dig up this old chestnut, it's better to focus on the shares that are tipped mont blanc pens to do well this summer and beyond, however the wider market performs.
Looking back on past years, it has been possible to predict the summer share winners, with sport and entertainment related firms doing well. Here we recap how summer share tips from last year performed and offer a fresh batch of five shares that look a good buy right now.
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'Emerging markets have suffered since last summer, mainly because of money flowing www.trpanj-dubrovnik.com back into developed economies like the US.'
Helal suggests that due to recent strength in sterling, domestically focused UK firms are likely to do better http://www.partydressuk.com than the big FTSE companies which rely on international revenues and will be adversely affected by this currency trend.
'We have already seen some of that in the big quarterly statements of FTSE 100 companies,' he says.
Leger refers to the last race of the British horse racing season, which
is run in mid September.
Helal adds that a current source of uncertainty in markets is when central banks will start raising interest rates again.
'I think markets will be fairly happy if we stick to the path currently predicted for interest rate rises,' he says. 'If we have very good or very bad memphis chiropractor economic data that is bad for stock markets, because uncertainty around interest rates is created.'
So which shares does Helal think will outperform the market this summer and beyond? His favourites are:
William HillThe World Cup will be held in Brazil from June 12 to July 13 and there is bound to be a pick up in betting during the tournament, says Helal.
A hike in duty on gaming machines in UK betting shops has hit the industry and sector share prices since it was announced in the Budget, which he admits makes William Hill 'a bit of a contrarian idea' at the moment.
But he says: 'The long term picture has been relaxation of rules on betting, especially in the US. The market has really opened up for them over there.'.
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Five officers killed and six wounded
Five officers killed and six wounded
Five police officers have died and wounded seven others were injured by snipers on Thursday during protests in Dallas that called for justice jordan shoes for cheap after the police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota this week.
Two others were taken into custody early Friday morning, and during a standoff with police, a fourth told officers bombs were planted all across the city.
Earlier, he said "more will die" and claimed to have planted explosives throughout the area.
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No explosives were found in two searches of the downtown area, Major Max Geron said.
Another suspect labeled as a "person of interest" willingly turned himself into police. He was on the ground when shots first rang out, according to several reporters at the scene, and was later released by police.
"We still don't have a complete comfort level that we have all the suspects," Dallas Police Chief David Brown told reporters earlier."We will continue a rigorous search of downtown until we are satisfied that all suspects have been captured."
Chief Brown said that two suspects were perched atop downtown parking garages and had purposely targeted officers."They planned to injure and kill as many law enforcement officers as they could," he said.
"We are reaching out to the families of these officers and bring them to the hospitals," Chief Brown said during a press conference. He also encouraged anyone with information on the attacks to come forward.
Brent Thompson and Patrick Zamarripa were the first victims to be named.
At least two civilians were injured during the attack.
One of them, Shetamia Taylor, was at the protest with her four sons, who are 12 through 17 years old.
Her sister said Ms Taylor threw herself over her sons when the shooting began. She was undergoing surgery after being shot in the right calf.
The Dallas Public Transportation System (Dart), announced on Twitter that all bus and rail services had been suspended after the attacks. The Federal Aviation Administration also issued a temporary restriction on all flights over the downtown area.
Facebook has also activated its www.trpanj-dubrovnik.com Safety Check feature to help people living in the area.
Several videos with audible gunshots surfaced on social media showing police, bystanders and reporters scrambling to take cover from the gunfire.
This is a little bit cleaner clip. Shots fired at the blacklivesmatter protest. Both incidents were captured on video and quickly made headlines due cheap air jordans for sale their graphic nature, fueling movements calling for cheap jordan shoes racial equality and unbiased policing across the states.
President Barack Obama addressed the nation on Thursday night calling for the elimination of racial bias in policing across the country.
"To be concerned about these issues is not political correctness. It's just being an American," President Obama said while visiting in Poland. "And to recognize the reality that we got some tough history and we haven't mont blanc pens gotten through that history yet."
The first victim, 37 year old Alton Sterling, was pinned down to the ground by two Baton Rouge Police officers on Tuesday morning when he was shot multiple times in the chest and back. He was pronounced dead a the scene.
The second victim, 32 year old Philando Castile, was fatally shot by an officer on Wednesday in Falcon Heights in front of his girlfriend and her 4 year old daughter. Diamond Reynolds live streamed the incident http://www.upsmould.com on Facebook while the officer still held his gun on her deceased fianc.
Thursday night'sprotests were organized by the Next Generation Action Network, not Black Lives Matter as there is no local chapter in the city, Dallas Morning News reports. Still, leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement condemnedthe violence.
"BlackLivesMatter advocates dignity, justice and freedom," they wrote on Twitter."Not murder."
Richard Adams, a witness to shooting in Dallas, said the protests were "peaceful and lovely" until he heard what sounded like "a bunch of firecrackers going off."
"Women with children and babies and everybody was chaotically running," Adams told WFAA. "Then I was a half a block away, calming down a little bit when we heard it again. There must have been five times tonight whenever we thought we were safe, people said 'Run, people were shot!'".
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Five of the best current accounts to get more from your bank
Five of the best current accounts to get more from your bank
How hard does your bank account work for you? Hard enough to give you free travel insurance, cashback on your household bills, or simply standout customer service?
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Five noted directors who committed suicide
Five noted directors who committed suicide
French director Max Linder committed suicide in 1925.
The world of cinema is still reeling with the news of the apparent suicide Sunday of "Top Gun" director Tony Scott.
Over the decades there have been several high profile filmmakers who have committed suicide, often in connection with depression or another illness. Here is a look at five noted filmmakers who killed themselves:
Max Linder (1883 1925)
The famed French silent movie clown/director battled chronic depression and other health issues after witnessing the horrors of combat as a dispatch driver between Paris and the front lines during World War I. His depression got so bad that at times he couldn't work. In 1923, he married Helene "Jean" Peters, who was 18. They made a suicide pact in 1924. After one unsuccessful attempt at suicide, the two committed suicide in 1925. He was http://www.upsmould.com 41.
James Whale (1889 1957)
The acclaimed British director, who helmed such classics as 1931's "Frankenstein," 1935's "Bride of Frankenstein" and 1936's "Showboat," suffered strokes cheapest jordans and depression in 1956. He took his life by drowning in his swimming pool. He was 67. For years, it was considered an accidental death because his companion held on to the suicide note until just prior to his own demise three decades later. Ian McKellen earned an Oscar nomination for best actor as Whale in the 1998 film "Gods and Monsters."
"Woody" Van Dyke was mold components one of MGM's top film directors, earning an Oscar nomination for 1934's "The Thin Man." He also directed 1932's "Tarzan, the Ape Man," 1934's "Manhattan Melodrama," 1936's "San Francisco" and six musicals starring Nelson Eddy and Jeanette MacDonald. He was already battling cancer and heart disease when he directed his last film, 1942's "Journey with Margaret." A devout Christian Scientist, Van Dyke refused treatment and was quiet about cheap jordans for men his condition. He committed suicide to end his suffering. He was 53. He made several films with his girlfriend Kim Novak, including her first film, 1954's "Pushover," as well as 1958's "Bell, Book and Candle," 1960's "Strangers When We Meet" and 1962's "The Notorious Landlady." His last completed feature was 1979's "The Prisoner of Zenda" with Peter Sellers. Suffering from depression and health issues, he died of a self inflicted gunshot wound. He directed the Julie Christie 1977 thriller "Demon Seed" and the 1987 horror thriller "White of the Eye." His last film, 1995's cheap jordans online "The Wild Side," was re cut without his permission by the producer and premiered on cable television. Friends said he had been depressed about the film being re edited and died memphis chiropractor of a self inflicted gunshot wound. He was 62.
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