cobalt-cougar · 3 months
Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
"Agreed," Howlback says. suddenly aware that she has ranted--and to one of Ratchet's friends, but oh well, surely he's heard it before.
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
"I have never understood why Ratchet went Bot," Howlback says, and launches into a rant she has clearly ranted on many occasions.
"When my sister Ravage was sold to Senator Ratbat, he almost killed her. It was Ratchet who put her back together and removed her I/D chip, then put her in Deadlock and Gasket's safe keeping. My brother Glit was Ratchet's apprentice. Ratchet had to bribe Dominus Ambus to get him properly tested and freed, and even after that no journal would publish research he was credited in. When I worked for Prowl, I used to warn Ratchet when we were informed that people were going to go down to Rodion and tear the place up, so that his clinic would be prepared for the rush. The only person I've ever been madder at over Autobot service was Grimlock, and his reasons were better. I still didn't speak to him after he left until the day he agreed to spy for us."
She swallows. "Well, and also I was mad about Prowl. But I also kind of expected that because Tumbler couldn't have fucked up his head anymore if he'd skull-spiked him. Anyhow. Ratchet is lucky that Deadlock is still madly in love with him."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
"So was Soundwave. But it didn't do them much good when they stepped out of line. Jets weren't supposed to be scientists, and music boxes were meant to be bartered between noble houses as trophy conjunxes--not fall in love and elope with 'the help'."
Howlback shrugs. "Soundwave's older brother was a Senator, before they replaced his head and his hands and sucked all the emotions out of his brain. The caste system was cruel to people at every level of society, only in differing ways."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
"We all miss friends," Howlback says. "Maybe some of yours will apply to come back when they realise none of the things they were scared of have happened. As for Optimus..."
She sighs. "Optimus was one of the original members of the Conclave, when he was still Orion Pax. When he took the Primacy after Zeta did and didn't immediately shut down the Senate and change the laws, and took all of those people with him...he started the war, when he could have prevented it.
"Imagine: what would have happened if he had named Megatron Lord Protector, dissolved the Senate, and declared Functionism a heresy? Megatron would have bristled at theocracy, and demanded that everyone be allowed to participate in elections, and he and Optimus and Soundwave and Ravage and Magnus Ambus would have had shouting arguments about how to restructure the government...and there might still have been violence, but it wouldn't have lasted four million years. Megatron hadn't gone bad back then, and with a proper government, even if he had, we wouldn't have had permanent martial law to contend with and no way to unseat him."
She shakes her head. "From a Decepticon point of view, the war was very much his fault. If everyone who had been opposing the Senate had been able to stay united this world would look very different today."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
Howlback giggles a little, which is a weird sound, and rarely heard in the previous two million years. "Well, yeah. You wouldn't be here if you hadn't. Actually I'm glad that most of the Autobots did stay, once they realised we weren't actually going to do all of the stuff they were scared we would do because that was what their government used to do. We were afraid that a lot of them would go back and just start the war all over again from somewhere else. I'm sure that's what some of them still want to do, but there aren't enough of them."
She sighs. "Megatron had lost his mind and Starscream and Soundwave did what they had to do. But no matter what Megatron did on organic planets, he wasn't going to reinstitute the theocracy. Actually, the big problem with Megatron was that all he knew how to do was fight, not govern."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
"As long as Ratchet and Glitterbomb know that," Howlback says, "everything'll be fine. Everyone has access to care, especially little ones. Glit's astoundingly good at communicating certain necessities to Starscream, and...the rank and file medics know when to refer up the chain to Glit and Ratch."
She sighs. "Primus knows we've all been through 83 million shades of Hell...and we've all done terrible things. But here we are on Cybertron, and there are gardens and newsparks and schools that are open to all...there are people out there I can't forgive, but you're not one of them, and I know that if not for even the ones that I can't, we might not be here now."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
"They are," Howlback agrees. "And Grim and me--we made 'em. Their sparks, anyway." She's ridiculously proud of them. Being lead enforcer for the Empire of Cybertron sometimes seems like something she barely does, could not do at all without Grimlock and Prowl, because she has so many newsparks'.
But she does it, somehow. And she's sorry they were ill-done-by by Shockwave, but glad that she didn't have to carry them--or let Grimlock do it, during the war years when he was pretending to be a mercenary who was sometimes an Autobot, and she wouldn't have been able to see them for years at a time.
"You and Shockwave did good work, too, I guess...at least in this case." She's smiling because she means it.
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
Howlback grins up at him. "Good, you. Don't be a stranger. We shouldn't ought to have to develop anomalies to get you to come and say hi." A flock of winged saurians fly overhead. She waves to her children. "Look at 'em go!"
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
"You're very welcome, but...it was Glit and Thundercracker that did most of the organising, because Glit knew about it but the old tyrant wouldn't allow him to stop it, and well...Glit and the seekers, you know how that goes."
Howlback offers him a hug, though of course she's much smaller than he is. She likes Wheeljack. Sometimes he's a certified idiot, but Vortex and Dead End are among her closest friends, too.
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
"I thought they were forged? Their sparks were naturally produced, even if most of us weren't allowed to remember producing them."
Howlback shrugs. "Doesn't matter, but i didn't think cold constructs grew. That's why my sibs and I looked like adults and were treated that way long before it was true."
She leans in a little.
"I wouldn't go informing other people of the hand you may or not have had in how they got their bitties. Some of them might take offence. I'm difficult to offend because I was built, but some of the people who weren't might not be."
Not much bothers Howlback; she's pissed off about the fact that her newsparks were taken by Shockwave, but she couldn't have carried them anyway. Ravage couldn't have, either. Grimlock and Soundwave could have, but...that's all long over and they have their offspring now.
"What Shockwave did was very much against Decepticon law. They didn't shoot you or anyone else who had to work for him because it wasn't your choice to do newspark experiments. But I wouldn't go reminding people that you were involved. I would rather not get complaints and have to arrest you, even though I know you would get a fair trial that would take that into consideration."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
Howlback giggles. "Prowl is not the most parental figure in the world. Unless you're Viridian, who sits quietly across the table from him and lets him beat her at strategy games so she can learn to use her tac net that she wasn't supposed to have." She sighs. "It's just proof that they're really Grim's and mine. They look like a mini-Volcanicus."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
"Prowl desperately wants to forget the whole mess, because that's how he Deals With Things." Howlback shrugs. "The bitties are all fine. Several of mine--the ones Shockwave named in Urayagi, for some reason--figured out that they're a combiner. Do you know what it's like to have a combiner who is also five years old?"
After a moment, she laughs. "I kept telling them that is Viridian's tree and they need to get used to not being on it during the time when the tree was off limits. Cybertronian trees are tough, but when they're grown their combined form is going to be at least as big as this house."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
"No. I don't want that anywhere near my house. If Soundwave had wanted it, he would've left it in his front yard and just put a fence up around it," Howlback grumbles.
"I don't want that thing near my bitties. And his bitties and my bitties think we all live in the same house that just happens to be connected by a tiny bit of outdoors. They run in and out all the time and sometimes I have to do headcounts. Or ask Wave to do mindcounts." She thinks for a moment, then huffs. "Give it to Tara. It might have escaped from their lab in the first place. Only Tara wants slag like that. But make sure Tara knows, from me, that they can't bring it with them to come visit Prowl, and also to keep it the fuck away from Ostaros."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 3 months
"...please tell me you are not going to put that on tarnbay..."
"So, uh... Who wants a packaged up anomaly?"
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cobalt-cougar · 5 months
Howlback shakes her head. What is it with Primalists and cannibalism? She'll never get it. Her father was religious only for his own advancement, after all.
"Glitchmice exist to be eaten. The only other purpose they serve is fucking things up. And that little buzz of static when you crunch them is such fun." She rubs her face against Prowl's. "Maybe you'll want to share my petrorabbit someday, but you're not going to want to eat people, it was never really your thing."
She lets out a long sigh. "Megatron's sire protocols are out of control," she says. "But Ravage and Soundwave have lost so many emberlings before, and he played a big role in keeping this one going. Even if they weren't all married, she's as much his as theirs. Anyhow...not to defend him, he's being ridiculous...but I can ride in you, and then you won't be alone, and if you need your own thoughts, I can be quiet."
"Or Swoop could fly above you," Grimlock offered. "I'm sure he would."
Howlback sends a quick comm to Airachnid and Grimlock, then nods.
"Airy thought you might hurt yourself before i could get here. I can ask my sister to send us a glitchmouse, but there aren't any here. I have six little saurians running around since the eggs hatched and most of them aren't herbivores. If we had any here, the emberlings would be picking them out of the walls."
Once Grimlock's slipped into the room, she removes the cuffs, gently, rubbing his wrists.
Checking to see if he's got any marks on him, there or anywhere else she can see.
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cobalt-cougar · 5 months
Howlback sends word to her sister--Ravage, Soundwave and Megatron are cocooning with their new daughter, but that house is full of people who will be happy to bring over some mice.
To think that there were people who didn't want them to bring any! Turns out a little taste of Cybertron means more to some folks than they thought it did.
"Someone will bring us some," she says gently. "Probably more than one. They know I like them too, and the babies..." She notices his tension drop when she touches him and instinctively jumps up to sit close to him, then beckons Grimlock over. Grimlock smiles at him. "You're going to be okay," he says. "They really fucked with you, but you're safe now."
Howlback sends a quick comm to Airachnid and Grimlock, then nods.
"Airy thought you might hurt yourself before i could get here. I can ask my sister to send us a glitchmouse, but there aren't any here. I have six little saurians running around since the eggs hatched and most of them aren't herbivores. If we had any here, the emberlings would be picking them out of the walls."
Once Grimlock's slipped into the room, she removes the cuffs, gently, rubbing his wrists.
Checking to see if he's got any marks on him, there or anywhere else she can see.
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