its-whitetomorrow · 6 months
For me it's both I guess. I can feel kinda weird knowing that I've outgrown JJM, for example, and I love this idea of youth stasis/immortality combined with apparent "cleanness" "freedom" in cartoons. (How it almost seems like they barely need to fulfill their physiological needs or can do stuff we normally can't due to various limitations like health money etc). Even better if we get this and proper character growth/development, regardless of their apparent unchanged looks. (So unlike most of Pokemon)
On the other hand, I can pretty much connect with any character, too. Old geezer, disembodied entity and many others, plus I can indeed think of myself as younger just fine, so it isn't that much of a loss
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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its-whitetomorrow · 6 months
Damn, I only realized it just now, that it was supposed to be Zygarde... Hmm, maybe it's actually a prisoner behind energy barrier and not his? I'm not sure which hero pokemon we're still missing, could Zygarde be one of them?
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So, I'm pretty sure we all assumed this, but the Explorers infiltrate Naranja to keep an eye on Liko. (I'm hoping they meet Raifort there, have them learn about the Ruinous Legendaries.)
And Rakurium? What on earth could that be? :O But the way Gibeon says Lucius's name and the "this adventure isn't over" line has this ring of familiarity to it. (It's curious how he's been alive after what has to be at least 120+ years, like we don't see any wrinkles or anything around his mouth as you'd expect of someone at such an advanced age. Amd what's his relation to Amethio since their hair is similar in how they part it and coloration, and Amethio being referred to as being "pampered"? I'm also curious about Zygarde, since it's more of a "good" Pokemon generally as a keeper of order.)
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its-whitetomorrow · 6 months
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made some really important gifs rq
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its-whitetomorrow · 6 months
I really wonder whether he plans to betray Gibeon or something
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Yea, I think I made the right choice with him being my favorite character this series 🤩
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its-whitetomorrow · 6 months
Yeah, BW was definitely where it all begun. The writers and approaches might have changed along the way, but - either intentionally or by a twist of fate (since I doubt the newest writers would know a whole lot about BW anyway?) - it was that "revolutionary" point for Pokemon anime and its villains. Although I wouldn't say Explorers "do it the best" (at least not just yet). Some of these things can be hard to directly compare anyway, given how much of a "limited" writing the post BW era was, forced TR intrusions included. But still, I'm noticing a few faults and boredoms here, that aren't as exciting and where the pace feels slow. Like Zirc and Onia, yeah, they feel like props, almost needless as characters. Or like someone had an idea to create a replacement "Jessie and James" without Meow and see where it goes but it went nowhere.
One other thing I noticed after binge-watching it just now is how the villains seem to suffer from lack of technology when it relates to their main Pokemon objectives, no matter how well-written or science-savvy and devices rich they are. Explorers/Spinel can hack the news, utilize "BW level" of science and resources, develop special frequency sound waves, have holo conferences and Gibeon-sama is maybe from the future, providing them with some future technology, but they end up trying to capture Rayquaza... in a ball. It's a "novelty" that's a left over from how they've been handling TRio in SM/Journeys (by denying them more advanced methods of going after their targets, for example nets instead of energy fields) but also a bigger insistence on "gamifying" anime in all things where it concerns Pokemon, specifically - it can be seen with Legendary ones. (I guess this approach is also why "nastier" Legends like Eternatus end up woobified rather than effective final foes they should have been, but that's another thing). But truly, the last time we've seen the regional villains use science in conjunction with "capture/control an invincible legend" goal posts (rather than do something that clearly won't work) was XYZ finale with Zygarde and Team Flare. I guess you could also count Matori Matrix vessel in SM/Journeys (however brief and less effective it was) and Black Uniformed TRio's scheme with Dialga/Palkia (even though that one was an anomaly, as far as episodes come), all of which were far from being main antagonists and more like guest villains. Turn the wheel back, even prior to BW, then trying to weaken an invincible legend in a normal battle and then throw a ball (which gets prevented by a mere distraction from the good guys!) pales in comparison with what Giovanni used to do in Mewtwo arc and how Team Rocket usually operated back in OS. Sure, the show is about Pokemon battling, and I guess battling is what they're trying to insistently highlight. But on the other... it's just makes your villains silly or weak in a cheap plot convenient way that affects their image. The way they used to do it in the past was far more effective: use science to weaken it/effectively contain it but still have the villains battle it/battle the goods guys to get some parts of the job done.
One could also argue they've lost the pacing that made BW so good, in terms of its villain arc. We could have seen a bit more of Amethio training before he showed up here, plus other Explorers behind the scenes. You don't have to reveal the whole plan but create the anticipation and maybe develop them in small ways outside of their interactions with the good guys. It was always a good thing to see Jessie, James and Meowth in BW in those short scenes at regular intervals, even if just for anticipation factor. It started on a similar note with Explorers but the "drought" before the latest two-parter felt more like they used to do it back in AG/DP with their respective villainous teams, especially that the two-parter itself wasn't all that "epic" and "new." It moved some intrigue forward but essentially it all boiled down to "just another attempt at facing off against Rayquaza." Also, we've kinda lost contact with the grandma, no? Even though she was supposed to be investigating but I guess we'll get to it.
That being said, an actual finale of this particular series have a potential to be bombastic, with all sorts of unexpected things. Maybe.
I can't look back on Ash's ending with any sense of nostalgia because I'm still not over how genuinely, atrociously bad the way TR were treated was.
It was so empty and pointless that it ruined their entire legacy for me. Ash might have gotten an open ending, but he also got an actual character arc that reflected his progress toward something that could be considered a conclusion. TR got reverted to the very barest skeletons of themselves, had what development they did get reversed, and their "conclusion" was nothing but a reheated filler plot that had been done to death already.
Those last few weeks, I was just ready for the Ash era to end already.
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its-whitetomorrow · 6 months
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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its-whitetomorrow · 1 year
It's curious though. The dub done some meddling but a Japanese watcher who is catching up is gonna feel the exact same thing we did back then, like it's a feature. Well, at least they have the scripts now, to immediately fall on :D
Unpopular Opinion Re:Pokemon
So, after a long time and a lot of hard work, we finally have the scripts to the legendary lost Best Wishes anime two-parter, “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!”  We’ve got the whole story.
I wish the 3/11 disaster had never happened…mostly because so many people would still be alive today and so much damage to Japan would not exist, but also because these episodes could have aired. And I wish the staff’s original plan for the overarching story for Best Wishes based on the Black/White games could have come to pass, as it would have been amazing.
However, in the end these wishes are hollow Ideals, and we have to face the harsh Truth. And part of this Truth is that Game Freak passed on doing a Gray version in favor of doing Black 2/White 2, which means the staff’s plan was going to be scuttled regardless of whether the 3/11 disaster transpired or not. They would’ve done Episode N and just placed Reshiram putting a halt to N’s coronation in the present day rather than two years prior. So that’s why….
….I’m kind of, sort of glad that “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!” never aired.
Don’t get me wrong! The executives in Japan not allowing the full episodes to be released in any capacity in favor of remaining Lost Media just because their events no longer line up with subsequent canon is stupid. They have lots of grown-up viewers who understand the facts and still won’t mind…heck, probably lots of kids as well! However, the episodes not being broadcast and being relegated to a nebulous space in Japanese canon ended up working to the series’ advantage when Tomioka and the other writers were freed up to recycle elements from them. Most specifically, in the Operation Tempest two-parter, which is honestly an even better pair of episodes than “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!” and I just have a hard time imagining them in any form other than the one they’re in now. If not for what transpired with “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!”, we might have never been blessed with this scene:
Pikachu using a giant Electro Ball on a nuclear space rock just doesn’t hit the same way that him using it on Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket whom Ash had never faced up until now and whom had always doubted Pikachu’s abilities when Jessie, James and Meowth talked them up. Pikachu doing it to save not only the entire Unova region but also Meloetta, a character that we’ve come to love and care about, is also far more dramatically satisfying.
Really, I’m more sore about how the show’s third year turned out due to Junichi Masuda’s Gen VI-related meddling (since it really should have been something more like this) than I am about “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!” and the intended arc it was setting up. As great as it would have been to see, it just wasn’t in the cards and, unlike said Gen VI-related meddling with the third year, I don’t believe that Best Wishes suffered all that much from its removal.
Tl;dr - I’m honestly kind of cool with this as all we have now.
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its-whitetomorrow · 1 year
I love the fact that the old guy actually went out to dirty his hands. I mean, we have another Zager. Though I really hope he does NOT fly a vehicle.
Honestly I'm super duper excited to see the climax of this arc! From the character interactions to lore expansion and the battle scenes, not to mention the upcoming clashes!!
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its-whitetomorrow · 1 year
Obligatory happy anniversary to Pokémon Best Wishes (aka Pokémon the Series: Black & White)! Thank you for being one of the more unique series and trying new things. I never expected to love you so much and your characters. Even your relatively minor one-time characters. :) I can't believe it's been 13 years.
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its-whitetomorrow · 1 year
This one was weird, lol. At first I was almost sure he was a pretender but then again, the Charizard was also there soooo
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its-whitetomorrow · 1 year
Made me go and watch the preview. Looks like, while we're getting a more action packed climax episodes with the full set of villains, the next "story chapter" doesn't really change much other than the title. Explorers and their unrevealed leader will be still a thing, the mystery of the pendant/hero will be still a thing.
Ah we're reaching the end of the first story chapter of Horizons, the next arc is climax for "Liko & Roy Set Off". Most likely meaning new opening and ending after it!
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its-whitetomorrow · 1 year
OK, guys, but what if... assuming the episodes actually aired and the original plan wasn't immediately flashed down the toilet and put into jeopardy (with Ghetsis actually introduced as the mysterious leader of Team Plasma, the hero being mentioned and Team Plasma debut in their original uniforms). Whatever shape and form it would take, I doubt they would just suddenly act and pretend Team Plasma were always just black uniformed ones, like they did in that short coronation flashback of Episode N, something they could only get away with because they never aired the lost episodes.
Also, don't forget B2W2 actually included two Team Plasmas, with one being the old uniformed reformed version. While I doubt they would be willing to overcomplicate things with too large cast of characters/two differently uniformed Plasma agents (...on top of Team Rocket already being villains of the series), I guess they would be able to easily transition to the second Team Plasma following the failed plot of the original one.
Let's say the episodes aired and perhaps we even get to see the original writers' plan unfold with a second (or third?) BW Plasma appearance (or N appearance in a lone episode?) before the word gets out the plans have changed. At this point, with one episode alone, they could just work in new elements that push it in a whole different direction, with BW Team Plasma falling apart for one reason or another, N disillusioned, maybe an early hint of Colress (just show some Looker investigation into a hidden lab, like they used to do with him for Galactic, and, if those two episodes had aired, Looker would have been set up for an inevitable return in relation to Plasma) and the true evil face of Plasma (black uniforms) revealed, perhaps with Ghetsis' face revealed for the first time. Then they're out of the picture along with Ghetsis, to regroup (kind of like Giovanni himself was out of the picture for a long time in Unova) until they return after the league. Plus, they would have the time to also take care of Team Rocket and get them out of the picture before they have a whole B2W2 based arc, although yeah, possibly Operation Tempest wouldn't exist as it exists now. But for Plasma stuff shown before their actual B2W2 arc truly kicks off - it would just go in place of some of these boring fillers that we got, no? Say, the Black Stone episode. Or damn. Team Vanillite! I don't think it would have been that terrible and perhaps more sense/nuance for the following B2W2 plot than what we got in Episode N - with this totally out of whack Reshiram/Ghetsis backstory told to us in 2 seconds.
That being said, the finale at the league that incorporates parts of both BW1 and B2W2 would have been sick. Jumping to conclusions and speculation, Lysandre bragging to Alan about the end of the world and putting him down on his knees did felt kind of like it could have been Ghetsis at the overview of the league revealing the true face of Team Plasma to N, with mind-controlled Pokemon possibly wrecking havoc on the city. But it's more along the lines of whether it was an egg or the chicken that was born first. Whether, at some point, they truly entertained such scenarios and there was a real chance for it during Best Wishes if only there wasn't as much meddling (and mother nature's meddling). Or whether it was something that Tomioka conceived (or suddenly realized, just no shit) only after the fact and when Best Wishes was already over.
By the way, the Japanese editions still show the previews and/or Ash flying off to investigate with Juniper, right? This gotta be the best part in all of this. LOL.
Unpopular Opinion Re:Pokemon
So, after a long time and a lot of hard work, we finally have the scripts to the legendary lost Best Wishes anime two-parter, “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!”  We’ve got the whole story.
I wish the 3/11 disaster had never happened…mostly because so many people would still be alive today and so much damage to Japan would not exist, but also because these episodes could have aired. And I wish the staff’s original plan for the overarching story for Best Wishes based on the Black/White games could have come to pass, as it would have been amazing.
However, in the end these wishes are hollow Ideals, and we have to face the harsh Truth. And part of this Truth is that Game Freak passed on doing a Gray version in favor of doing Black 2/White 2, which means the staff’s plan was going to be scuttled regardless of whether the 3/11 disaster transpired or not. They would’ve done Episode N and just placed Reshiram putting a halt to N’s coronation in the present day rather than two years prior. So that’s why….
….I’m kind of, sort of glad that “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!” never aired.
Don’t get me wrong! The executives in Japan not allowing the full episodes to be released in any capacity in favor of remaining Lost Media just because their events no longer line up with subsequent canon is stupid. They have lots of grown-up viewers who understand the facts and still won’t mind…heck, probably lots of kids as well! However, the episodes not being broadcast and being relegated to a nebulous space in Japanese canon ended up working to the series’ advantage when Tomioka and the other writers were freed up to recycle elements from them. Most specifically, in the Operation Tempest two-parter, which is honestly an even better pair of episodes than “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!” and I just have a hard time imagining them in any form other than the one they’re in now. If not for what transpired with “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!”, we might have never been blessed with this scene:
Pikachu using a giant Electro Ball on a nuclear space rock just doesn’t hit the same way that him using it on Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket whom Ash had never faced up until now and whom had always doubted Pikachu’s abilities when Jessie, James and Meowth talked them up. Pikachu doing it to save not only the entire Unova region but also Meloetta, a character that we’ve come to love and care about, is also far more dramatically satisfying.
Really, I’m more sore about how the show’s third year turned out due to Junichi Masuda’s Gen VI-related meddling (since it really should have been something more like this) than I am about “Team Rocket VS. Team Plasma!” and the intended arc it was setting up. As great as it would have been to see, it just wasn’t in the cards and, unlike said Gen VI-related meddling with the third year, I don’t believe that Best Wishes suffered all that much from its removal.
Tl;dr - I’m honestly kind of cool with this as all we have now.
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its-whitetomorrow · 1 year
Oh, the moon!
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its-whitetomorrow · 1 year
Wow, that was a lot. Well, you're mostly not wrong about this one thing and that's something I never actually deny: It's not like this series has some perfectly established continuity. It's all fleeting mess sometimes, with different writers having their go at it and yeah, clearly they cared very little about TR since Shudo's departure. I wish we had a series with TR with better standards and more interesting progression. Imagine that... if only...
Since I don't just invalidate faults or try to pretend the sun doesn't shine when it does, it was always difficult in the fandom yeah. But with me it mostly comes down to 1) Being aware it's all shit, series after series of episodic formulaic episodes with little-to-no larger continuity 2) At the same time, appreciate some of the little things that could actually make sense or go along well enough for continuity, with some of these things even intentionally written that way (presumably), with the caveat being that the general (shitty) rule that always guided this franchise is *do not confuse new viewers, past does not matter except when we want it to matter* Yeah, it's shitty and always has been, but what can you do. I assume this is also why we couldn't get the version of the scene you proposed, with there being more context that's outright spelled out, with spoken/behavioral hints of Jessie and James knowing each other as old friends in Training Daze.
Well yeah, dub isn't sub, and some of these things, let's say what you said about Jessie and Cassidy, are actually made a bit more clear in the subs. OS Jessie actually knows Cassidy (in the subs) and mentions they always competed and that Cassidy was annoying which was back then in Indigo League, so how they portrayed it in Training Daze isn't wrong, with the bitchiness and all. As for James, he hardly knew the two. Anyway, as I said, it's all shit, in the end :P So we might just talk our own preferences and ideas here but most of it works because it was never too clearly defined in the first place. For example, you said you think it destroyed what Meowth was supposed to be to the boss in the first place but I don't think that way. Like, come on, Persian was always Giovanni's pokemon, if you go by the games, so somehow it's hard to imagine he just caught him at the beginning of Indigo, and then you also have the Mewtwo movie and the related comics/radio drama, where it's implied he had Persian at least for some time now before the events of Indigo even take place, so there is that. In my mind, I guess it would be more like Meowth becoming his favorite Pokemon for a time (akin to how Jessie and James were implied to be agents of some renown in his eyes) and yet, as indicated, Meowth was still a field agents so the relationship would probably work differently than Meowth sitting on his lap 24 h a day. Maybe sit on his lap and do some stuff in his office while at HQ at times and otherwise more of a field talker via transmissions but enough cat appeal for Giovanni to be completely disinterested in his Persian he owned. When Meowth's team started to fail and bore him, well, he just has the Persian out of a ball and finds his cuteness more appealing now, in his own words. But yeah, like, not even in Indigo everything is very detailed and makes perfect outright spoken sense.
And I like the Bike Gang or even the idea they might have been pals before Meowth. I'm just not sure it's very convincing when it's just Bike Gang alone because of the gap that would exist and members of the Bike Gang don't seem to be very aspirational, in a sense. They are like stuck in the Bike Gang since childhood to adulthood, and initially they're like worshipping them at the mention Jessie and James are Team Rocket now, like it's something they could never aspire to. If Bike Gang was a regular entry to Team Rocket, by this logic, they would all become at least TR grunts rather than be stuck like this. So it would look more like you need some effort and aspiration for "higher" crime, not just many years of Bike Gang resume. Also, in Shudo's commentaries through the book about anime background and what not, it was revealed (and also hinted on the show itself I think) adult Jessie wanted to be a radio host or tv star, etc, and she even worked (I think it was radio?) the job for some fleeting moment, but of course failed at it, something that was never framed as something James would have any particular knowledge of. It doesn't scream Jessie/James pals at Bike Gang -> Jessie/James pals at school -> Jessie/James join Team Rocket. There is like a giant hole and gap here that reasonably needs filling in. And the later backstory with Jessie trying to be a nurse kind of align well with it, shows she wanted to live a "straight" adult life at first. But yeah, one could only wonder what James was doing at that time. LOL.
Nah, seriously, nope. There was no conspiracy to "prepare" them for BW since Hoenn :P I mean, no, the showrunners don't plan THAT far ahead. Sometime they don't even plan far enough within one series :P It's evident, no? And it's not under consistent control anyway. BW had a different head writer who most likely influenced some of the ideas and direction, though it was interesting that at least they took some care to lay some ground/drop hints during the later portions of Sinnoh. But it was nothing big in any case. How this train runs just doesn't work that way, sadly it isn't as pre-planned. It's more like the stuff they went all out with in BW was actually something anime Team Rocket (as an organization) was always destined for, due to how differently they were always portrayed from their game counterparts (the world conquest goals) + the visible advance in modern tech which naturally influences the tech depicted in the anime itself (yet another inconsistency/something that can't and won't ever make perfect sense, for natural reasons, and I can hardly imagine the anime being received well if characters were still using visually vintage tv screens and 2000-esque tech panels). So going back, the stuff from Training Daze makes sense to me. Petty crimes are part of it but for fields agents specifically to be able to take part in these big science projects and larger thriller heists comes with the "worldwide organization for world conquest" territory/trope. In the anime it isn't just about profit and slowpoke tails. The military drill makes some sense.
Anyway, yeah... it all comes down to some acceptance, that in the end this is still a shitty episodic property to promote mons that follows its own shitty rulesets. And even then it mostly manages to screw up and underdeliver, even compared to some of its competitors and sadly people buy that :P So yeah, there is stuff to complain, even without being overly dissatisfied with the general lack of solid well-spoken continuity. That's why I don't mind some of the past break ups. Sure, they could have set it up consistently throughout many episodes with each failure contributing to consistent feeling of discouragement, with hints and foreshadowing, and cracks showing in their union, and then in the break up episode they finally crack under the weight, but... well... this is the show where the fight between Groundon and Kyogre was a one minute slide show at the time, so seriously, what are we talking about again :D With so little care for TR (after Shudo's time) it's a wonder I have this sort of "soft continuity" to begin with (not outright spoken, not outright consistently set up, but still sensible and somewhat plausible). For me it just all fell apart with distaste when it all fell apart on itself by chasing its own tail after BW, at which point it could no longer be "unspoken" "plausible" "fill in the blanks" because it directly - in a spoken outright way - contradicts itself on many occasions, with no consistent sense of "unspoken progression." You might say I should accept it if I accepted it back in Sinnoh etc, why shouldn't they break up on a whim or have a heated argument that lasts a minute and contributes to failure? Since it worked back then, why can't it now? Is this hypocrisy? Well, not exactly, because back then the writing was at least decisive and wasn't telling you they were also respected members of their organization while they were splitting up over being unsuccessful *while, in yet another episode, it was telling you they're actually considered failures.* Nah, back Sinnoh Hoenn it was consistent failure bad luck terribly beaten up stroke of events. BW was at least a consistent professional focus and trying to keep their shit together, aware of their history of failure, and it wasn't entirely without help because they got some tech and Zager's chopper for this. And they didn't break up at any time, the only time they did (and so many people believed it lol) was a ruse. But having these schizophrenic constant failure disaster / but also pro and boss likes us / but also we are said to be TR failures / and also let's break up on a whim because we fail / but also we're respected and have nice life in a place to call home and finances for nice food / but also we don't have money we poor we need extra jobs. It's like, wow, nothing adds up at all, no matter how much wiggle room you're willing to give it. The food part is particularly telling. Back then in the old days they were visible poor, they never really ate well, they didn't have a place to call home with a fridge and all that. BW clearly they had some supplies and the food/money just wasn't the subject, they were supplied by HQ. But then it's all over the place
Not sure if they ever reappear in the anime. If they ever do, please let it be without Ash and Pikachu, or even better perhaps, make some kind of reboot (a real one, clearly different universe, perhaps even characterization differences/backstories done anew) and establish their characters anew for new viewers and more seriously this time, in a storied format, not just episodic. The legacy of these characters can certainly be felt but they hardly ever reached their full potential.
Part Three
Almost everything I forgot.
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One of these days I'll get someone to explain the appeal of Training Daze.
Years I've been on Tumblr, YEARS now, and I've never known an episode so cradled and cooed over in a bizarre, lock-step frenzy of undiluted praise, as if we all agree it's a blessing upon mankind.
Even the great Holy Matrimony!, too good for this sinful world that it was, never got that kind of senseless adulation.
And God rest its sweet, sweet soul.
I almost suspect this constant deluge of non-criticism serves as a shiny veneer coating the rather insalubrious reality, conditioning the entire fandom to swallow what it's spooning.
Because if everyone says it's good, it MUST be, right?
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Is it just another perfectly harmless coincidence that Hoenn, being the first region after Team Rocket's creator left, is also the one to wipe so much established history away?
1. Ash effectively starts all over again with no Pokémon, setting the pattern for every era to come.
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2. The entire past of Jessie and James is flushed down the shitter, making their connection much more shallow and conditional.
Prior to this, we knew they'd bonded long before as children, and so joining a crime empire didn't change anything.
But now? Well, if they only met as members, that's all their relationship is based upon.
They might have nothing in common otherwise, with completely conflicting personalities.
I mean, we can't really know if they'd stay together in the real world, can we?
No indeed, and let's be realistic: why would two complete strangers even want to be together?
What, just because they happen to work on the same team, that means they're gonna get married?
Ah come on, that's a bit of a stretch.
I work with loadsa people. I didn't fall in love with any of 'em.
Look, kids. One of these days you're gonna have to accept that people can be Just Friends without deluding yourself imagining all sorts of romantic fantasies.
Yeah. Shipping them is so silly, when you really think about it.
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The way her legs cover his belt gives the impression James is boasting some sort of Team Rocket onesie.
3. As part of this Brave New World, the Rocketshipping element all about disappears from the script.
At a push, you have The Bicker the Better and 'But Jessie, sweetheart', and that's it, in four series.
Five if you're counting the spin-off.
Compare that to no hugs, no hand-holding, Sweet Baby James and this hammer blow:
Max: And I thought you were just a nice old couple.
Jessie: No one's ever called us old!
James: An certainly NOT a couple.
Oh? I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that heavy-handed 'hint'.
Interesting that it started off as James openly rejecting her, but later developed into Jessie barely tolerating him.
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I wish I'd been in the fandom then.
I'd love to know how this mythos of Training Daze as a piece of perfect wonder gained ground in the old forums, fans welcoming such blatant disrespect with open arms.
Or how early PoCo shills silenced dissent.
Yeah, this does completely annihilate every fragment of Team Rocket lore that we loved and cherished.
Now here's why that's A Good Thing...
Well no, flower. You can have the Indigo universe or this atrocity.
Pick one.
Go on. Do it. Why is that an uncomfortable choice?
Why would anyone spare a moment for something so contemptuous of its own fanbase it feels able to tear up and trample upon the very characters we care about?
Eh, they might as well I suppose.
No-one ever answers back.
On the contrary, they'll rush to defend, excuse and celebrate every deliberate manoeuvre.
For example:
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Oooooooh! But what about the title?
The sub is called The Origin of Love of Youth!, which, I grant you, sounds promising, but mere words papering over shameless actions are no good to anyone.
First, whilst I suppose the translation is flawed, I'm not sure how this can be an 'origin of youth', given Jessie and James no longer meet in childhood, and are instead as old as they ever will be.
As for an 'origin of love', they've got some bloody nerve, kicking off the most openly Anti-Shipping region by burning the heart out of it, before finishing with James declaring he'd sooner die than marry Jessie.
And Pokémon, more or less over now, ended with them STILL not together, with every sign in between telling us it would never happen anyway.
Exactly what 'love' began here?
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I expect Training Daze was slipped into a side-series to contain a potential backlash, where it would all be quietly forgotten without overshadowing the rest of Hoenn.
That miracle unforthcoming, the crew were thus emboldened to insert their various affronts to public decency into the main run, so now you can just shut up and like what yer given.
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Yet this chilly Year Zero apocalypse leaves a vast wasteland in its wake, coercing fans to gobble up whatever comes along to plug the gap.
Accept Training Daze, and I'll presume you believe Crossing Paths! out of necessity, meaning Jessie is essentially a wriggling pervert with revoltingly warped desires, and if she asks you to come down the cellar then don't you be going.
'Cause yer won't come back.
As for James, you can go two ways:
• Left home at ten — ?????? — Team Rocket.
• Left home recently, and thus spent his life with Jessibelle, settled and uncomplaining, but doing a bunk once she put the banns up.
Take the first road, and there's a chasm of mysterious blackness in his background that remains unfilled to this day, and now never will be.
But opt for the second, and James chucked Jessibelle after leading her on for years, pissing off as soon as she wanted commitment, and was therefore as cruel and faithless to her as Darren the Div was to Orange Jessie.
Well cheers, retcon!
Hang on. I'll see what I can do.
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Every recollection James has is always of his time at home, where he's never any younger or older than his missing poster, as if all his memories come from one single year.
There's no proof he was there at a later date, but also none that he wasn't, since we never see him beyond that age.
So thanks to this bollocks, we now have live with Jessie being a depraved sicko chasing after snotty nerds (NERDS, MAN!!!) and James potentially mistreating women.
Hah! You don't wanna ship 'em now, do yer?
And you wonder why I hate canon balls.
Oh really? Proceed.
...WELL!...Well!...Well now.
See...what happened was...well OBVIOUSLY...they split up in the bike gang didn't they? And then... then they went...somewhere else...
AND THEN...then...they just so happened to join Team Rocket...at the exact same time.
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The first rule of propaganda is that a lie told enough times becomes the truth by virtue of repetition.
But the way this is regurgitated to shield a multi-billion dollar franchise goliath like poor defenceless PoCo from criticism is truly humiliating, for all concerned.
You'd imagine it was a well-documented fact given how often its rolled out, not an obvious Cope driving me fookin' insane!
How can it be a continuation if the sub's calling itself an origin?!
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They're using The Bridge Bike Gang to prop up a shitshow that erases it in the first place, meaning any 'evidence' the former provides can't even exist in this timeline.
Which doesn't matter, as there isn't any.
Nowhere in that adventure are Chopper or Tyra surprised to see them together, nor do Jessie and James make any reference to a separation.
In fact they've not a single unhappy memory of their time there.
And what kind of excuse opens more questions than it answers?
Believe it, and they both left the gang in a huff, disappeared off the earth for an unknown period, before being independently inspired to join the Mafia, which was handy.
Where the bloody hell were they in between?
What argument could be so awful they vowed never to make it up, to the point they couldn't abide the sight of one another, and stormed off, planning never to meet again, for all the rest of their years left upon earth?
What was it even about?!
And how much time are we talking about?
Weeks? Months? Years?
Well a full decade of missing time, according to the above, being as Duh Twenny Fyve and that.
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Ooh, but there's plenty o' clues during Training Daze, I'm sure. We just have to eke 'em out.
Ol' Fat Bastard Bullroarer Took introduces Jess to her new colleague, who — GASP! — happens to feature prominently in one of her multiple-choice Shameful Secret Pasts.
All together now:
It's a small world after all!
And that's enough to knock any girl off her crumpet.
Things Jess WILL say:
• Hmm. You seem familiar.
• Eh? Have we met before?
• Well, well, well. Long time no see.
• Hey, James! It's me, Jessie! Whoa, I can't believe this! How've you been keeping?
• Oh! You again!
• EH?! You mean HIM?! Oh no, you can forget that!
• What? JAMES?!
It's coming, man. You'll see.
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BUT! But! James will say it! He'll know her, no problem.
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Not a flicker of recognition. At all.
Nor is there a single second of footage referencing this supposed Big Argument, proving it's an entirely fabricated excuse trying so hard to clean up after PoCo's tornado of death swept through the ship.
So why lie and pretend otherwise?
But whilst we're here, let's have a look at that definitely-not-cheesy thing James just said.
No one's carried me since my momma.
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Yeah. The mother you're talking about there isn't your real mother Ma James, is it?
Else you mean no one's carried you since your governess, three nannies and a footman, til he put his back out.
Again, Holy Matrimony! is no longer canon, thus neither is the rest of Kanto, for the simple reason Hoenn James's 'momma' is some rough, chain-smoking fishwife with six kids by eleven men.
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Actual documentary footage.
Well, it's the same accent, so I suppose that's something.
Although I will say, if you try to make it fit, it sounds like James did run off as a boy, even if his home was completely different.
So it doesn't work anyway.
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Note that the only way you can have both Indigo and Hoenn canon mixed into some no-doubt cosy Frankenstein freak, offering out milk and there-there hugs, is by accepting that Jessie and James will and can separate over the most trivial issues, thereby leading you to also tolerate, and even justify, all the other Team-Rocket-Are-Splitting-Up episodes to come.
And I don't know why any of us would, as every one of them is predicated on Jessie and James NOT being a couple, not a sniff of hidden feelings even, for walking away is perfectly easy when there's no emotions involved.
Hmm. I don't remember any split-up episodes during the first series.
Certainly not. And guess why.
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Now this was Nu-Thinking in its infancy, and yet to gain a foothold, meaning some attempt was made to rationalise the change.
But there's no explanation for how Crossing Paths! connects to Pokémon Tech., the bike gang, or even the Chansey School, given they've all to got to fit around Jessie's late-childhood crisis of Nurse Joy cosplay.
Perhaps it shows Training Daze did its job: buttering 'em up enough to take any punch to the gut, as long as it provided Feeble Emo Feelz in compensation.
Swear down, sometimes I think Pokémon only had a coherent narrative when it was gonna be a one-off.
Soon as that dream died it all went to pot.
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During Sinnoh, for example, we go from the Jessie of Noodles! Roamin' Off! telling James to eff off home and marry Jessibelle, to the Jessie of Where No Togepi Has Gone Before! who is implied to be sharing a bed with him.
Take them both as true, and she's a manipulative bitch and bloody abusive, with James as her sad-bastard simp.
And thanks to retcon magic, they always were like that now.
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Because of the Noodles! ending, we're expected to forgot the beginning, where James almost killed himself trying to bring Jessie back.
Seems the writing can't even stay logical in one episode, as according to this she longs to spend eternity with him, but as for her life?
Nah, some other bird can take the hassle.
Everyone says James's childhood was a vision of horror, for growing up the cosetted only son of two billionaires is exactly as traumatic as struggling to survive as a homeless, starving orphan.
And don't let them pesky peasants tell you otherwise.
But then you have Jessie ordering him back to it.
So either his home life isn't so bad after all, or it is, and she'll happily send James into Hell rather than suffer him a moment longer.
It's SO shippy tho.
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Oh look, another minger.
Like a Bay City Rollers tribute act with that collar.
If you were charitable, stooping to admit Dr. Shipman was 'alright', even then, does he remotely compare to James?
Should we limit it to the ugly, boss-eyed Kalos style, then STILL James is superior, because he retains at least a portion of his anime roots.
Besides which, I can never forget James was once better animated, whereas for Dr. Crippen, this mug is as good as it gets.
And it's shit.
But, let's give him his due, he seems to possess two fully working eyes, which puts him one up on Daz 'n' Ozzy, even if they are the Fish-Eyed stare of a psychopath.
Of course, bringing him back down to their level is having No Bloody Nose, just a bridge which...goes nowhere.
And what's up with his neck?
Why is it so thin and elongated like a flamin' lollipop stick?
T.A.P's Law: Never trust a man with a long neck.
There's always a kink in it, like their souls.
Necks like that come from peering over walls to perv on silly women changing with the curtains open.
Conversely, never trust a man with no neck either.
That's from lurking in the bushes.
Is it, AGAIN, a coincidence that Jessie gets pawed off on to the most low-rate arse pickings possible?
What are you telling me? That Jessie is THIS worthless she goes for absolute biological crap, and since they don't want her, she is beneath them?!
And as she can't so much as stomach James, he's even worse than her?!
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You look pretty today, Jessie.
I like your ear.
I'm irked at how, in a way, Dr. Shite is close to reasonable, at least within the restrictions of Kalos, yet the 'artists' made sure to stay just on the wrong side of average.
Had that flat, lank rug, supplying a chip shop its annual grease quota in one flick, been coloured black, we could've worked with it, turd-polished him up as the 'tall, dark and handsome' stereotype.
But NO!
Instead, they go for a murky shade between brown and grey, i.e. sludge.
Calm yourself, ladies.
Had his eyes been truly brown, then this could fit with that same 'ideal man' cliché.
But I think they might be veering into red.
Somewhere along the line, him and Darren are in cahoots.
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I insult Dr. Hook relentlessly for this episode, but, all facial flaws aside, it's not his fault.
He never asked for Kalos Jessie to throw her screeching fruit loaf at him; for some utterly unknown lunatic to force herself into his life, expecting to take over.
You ought to able to save a bint without her turning out be an obsessive nut claiming to be 'in love' after five minutes.
Really, he showed her nothing but normal human consideration, never led her on, and all the way through, stayed loyal to his midget girlfriend.
He likes her so much his right eye's popped out.
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This is all on Kalos Jess.
She's the one abandoning her mates for a bloody stranger she knows nothing about, who might be a bloomin' serial killer for all she's aware.
Come on, every doctor's offed a few.
She's the one expecting Wobbuffet to take on some tarted-up single mother Wobba and her fatherless offspring.
But is he paying maintenance? 'Cause that's the real question.
She's the one not bothering to tell her friends she's safe, happy to let them go on believing her dead.
Oh, thanks a lot, love.
She's the one who knew James was robbed, beaten and alone, meaning he'd have NO ONE for the foreseeable future, and STILL wouldn't help until she had no other choice.
What a bitch, man!
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Imagine how this was for me.
Little T.A.P. idolized Jessie. That was who I wanted to be when I grew up.
What do you think it is to see someone you love, the lively, fiery and beautiful young girl, twisted into a selfish, dried-up and soulless husk of woman?
We're supposed to see her as a weak, simpering airhead, who's 'in love' (HAH!) with every dribbling chump in her line of vision, which is bad enough when you realize how far she's fallen from the early years.
Have you NO dignity anymore?
But the actual depiction, beyond that sugary superficiality, is of a cold, callous, truly repulsive monster, with such a lack of concern for James's welfare she had to be FORCED to help him.
And I find myself in a state of cognitive dissonance.
I don't consider Kalos Jess to be Indigo Jessie, because the only similarity between them is they occupy the same space in the universe.
Problem is that the passive, 'mainstream view' is that they are, and so, immersed within it, by definition I'm expected to see it that way too.
I'm pressured by the planetary weight of blasé fandom culture, to see this heartless, vindictive harpie as no different from the girl I once hero-worshipped, and, as usual, she now was this all along, forever rotten to the core, and unworthy of my devotion from day one.
And I hate that.
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As with Dr. Death, it would've been so easy to turn this around, scraping over the line of inadequacy with at least SOME redeeming elements.
If, at any point, Jessie had come to her senses, realized where her true heart lay, and ran back to James and Meowth, laughing at her own foolish fancies, I could've blamed it on brain damage.
If, having heard James's anguished plea for help, she'd dropped everything and rushed to his side, just as she did in Noodles!, this might count as the shippy-follows-anti-shippy rule, which I'd have suffered.
But do we get any o' that?
The ONLY reason she bothered to lift a finger to save her oldest friend was as she realized Dr. Fox didn't want her.
Whaddya yer see in him, Jess? He ain't even a man!
He looks about fourteen!
Meaning if Dr. Who HAD reciprocated, Jessie would've happily left James to fend for himself, potentially alone for life.
Yer fookin' evil bastard, Jessie!
Right at the end, she flings her bouquet from the balloon, for she's resigned to a loveless existence.
No wry smile, a shrug, or even philosophical attitude that eh, this is where she belongs, and alls well that ends well.
Nope, she resents coming back, and would leap at the chance to leave again, if anyone (and I do think it's anyone) offered it to her.
As to Kalos Jess, James is the lowest of the low, the pond slime company she settles for when nothing better is available.
He is the worst possible result, who she now can't even abide as a pal.
Oh charming, this is.
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I have only seen this episode once and I will never watch it again, because it broke my bloody heart.
This was it. This was when I realized.
They'll never be together. All your dreams meant nothing.
I had inklings before, but like an idiot I pushed 'em down, unwilling to acknowledge what my own senses told me.
Year upon year of implications and, God help us, 'deconstructions' but this was the episode where the writers' intent was finally out in the open.
And people STILL didn't see it!
Apparently no one thought this hateful, nihilistic tantrum was anything to worry about, even trying to spin it as a positive that she came back at all, despite what it says about her reprehensible attitude.
As sod James and his feelings.
All that matters is Jess gets some half-witted knob-wrench to take her on fulltime.
Meowth can be sold on like a cheap, hand-me-down handbag, whilst James can suck it up and do one.
It's not just the clanging, anvil-to-the-head message that Rocketshipping is dead that got me, it's that it was murdered in the nastiest manner possible.
If it'd carried on as usual, all their romantic interludes fading to nothing, replaced by the anæmic, brother-and-sister creepfest they have now, it would've been a sad, tedious end, but rendered almost unimportant thanks to interest withering away.
But they couldn't even do that!
Instead, it the clear message that James loves her, but Jessie doesn't love him, and thus misery.
Worse, she hasn't a single platonic feeling for James, or even crumb of pity, though this is supposed to be a fella who's stood by her for the last five generations.
Kalos Jess is in fact ice all the way down, without a speck of humanity.
It's not even 'Just Friends' now! 'Cause that was too much to ask for an' all!
How this is meant to gel with Hoenn James's disgust I don't know, but his delight on seeing her, after all she did, downgrades the once-proud, arrogant posh boy into a broken, grovelling snotdrip, hanging around hoping she'll 'settle' for him once she's out of other options.
Fuq's ache, James!
You can do better than her, love. Jessibelle wouldn't have cheeked yer like that.
And then, for utterly no reason at all, Rumishipping suddenly looked attractive.
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Remember how bad the montage was too? That gives you an idea of their opinion.
Although I suppose some of it's practicalities:
A. The 'art style' had degraded so badly by then that any 'best bits' from the first four regions wouldn't fit, instead emphasizing the collapse in quality.
The only answer would be to reanimate every single one, and they don't care that much.
B. A real collection of their finest moments would show Jessie as a warm, magnetic character, giving affection towards James and Meowth, which would somewhat undermine her modern portrayal.
Taken literally, imagine being James, running away crying, and the best memory you have of Jessie is almost dying of anaphylactic shock with her.
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You know how this was supposed to be the 'origin of love'?
Well, about that...
What, you believed 'em?
You thought, if they didn't plan on Jessie and James being together, they'd actually tell you?
What, and watch you walk away, you and that lovely bank account of yours?
Come on, they've gotta milk yer dry first.
Here's where Zero Tolerance becomes a winning strategy, because we're only in this cesspit thanks to fans putting up with the steady decline in standards.
• You liked the above picture, so you agreed with rewriting canon.
Or, you took a blowtorch to Kanto, melted it beyond recognition, and stuffed Training Daze into the gloop, meaning you accepted Jessie and James can split up.
But that was alright, as it happened offscreen.
No worries.
• You got tearful over the end of Noodles!, and thus overlooked them parting on-screen, with her telling him to marry Jessibelle, confirming that Jessie and James have no romance.
But that was alright, as she soon came running once he was in need.
Also no worries.
• Now, we get to Kalos, after a full region of no shippy scenes between, and lo and behold, Jessie leaves James on-camera, openly pesters another man, and despises James so much she'll knowingly let him suffer.
But THAT was alright, as she... she... she came back didn't she? Thanks to the conventions of the programme.
No worries!
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From the day I learnt Cassidy and Butch were back, I KNEW it'd be terrible.
Not just as it always is, but announcing this on Christmas Eve, thereby parading it as a gift, was tempting fate.
When the sub aired, the one surprising element was people actually complaining about the substandard offering, for once.
Yeah, they'd cheered on every other travesty in this post, but NOW things were serious.
Yet strangely, I didn't find it so awful.
It's a bad episode yes, but there are worse out there, certainly in Galar, and the tone was so slapdash and stupid I couldn't take it seriously.
So why all the fuss?
I would guess many viewers were holding on this long, trusting it'd all be worth it one day, but every disappointment was like the tick-tick-tick of a bomb countdown.
And here's where time ran out.
Something about The Good, the Bad and the Lucky! set off so many explosions, as if THIS was the one, THIS had to be the prize, THIS must be what they'd waited for all these decades.
And when it wasn't, then BOOM!
Too little, too late, sunshine. They don't need to please you now.
Team Rocket are gone, and Tumblerries who wouldn't fight are shocked they lost the war.
Yet there are also daft fans out there STILL insisting the happy-ever-after will come in the very, very last installment, if you only wait another twenty years or more, watching and paying as you go, up to when future writers won't have to bother.
Why should they deign to please you when no kids will remember who Jessie and James are by then?
Maybe we did have the ending we deserved, given no one cared enough to make a stand.
And it's not that I begrudge anyone speaking out now.
I only wish you'd said something when it could've made a difference.
End of Part Three
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its-whitetomorrow · 1 year
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2 cuties 💕
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its-whitetomorrow · 1 year
Meh. Someone call me when they release a full-fledged side anime in the style of what they’ve been doing with these over-glorified short-lived YouTube videos or full score OST by Miyazaki for BW-SM period. Everything else sounds like they’re just doing this cheap tik-tok “fluff” and this live action series (about a regular person going back to play a game boy? really?) sounds like a freaking joke. What kind of brain washing is this? Next gen game = even bigger letdown graphically and engine-wise, is it? LOL.
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Man, between the announcement yesterday of a live action series, and now a collaboration with Hatsune Miku, Pokemon has been kind of unpredictable lately. 😂 Introducing Project Voltage!
Starting from Sept4 until Sept18, they will promote 18 artworks with the Pokémon Miku would choose if she was a type-specialized Trainer, and from Sept29, songs/music videos will be released from their Youtube channel, and will contain samples of music and sound effects from Pokémon.
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its-whitetomorrow · 1 year
He seems to be loyal and straight to the point with his tasks as long as they are considered regular ones but as soon as things turned out to be too interesting he started snooping around and withholding information. I can imagine his pokemon will have to rescue him from even bigger trouble once he losses himself in the research and/or figures out Gibeon's plans. Although, depending on what's the entire deal with GIbeon, Spinel might be actually the ideal candidate to have "in the know" other than the older guy, who clearly has some idea what's going on, I think, so what awaits Spinel for this course of action might be actually a promotion not punishment. But we really know nothing about it which makes this series very interesting indeed
What makes Spinel an intriquing villain to follow in Pokémon Horizons is that, he's very cunning, clearly doesn't mind crossing lines in what is ethical and all, but... his main partner Pokémon is a Pokémon that evolves through FRIENDSHIP.
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He is SHOWN to care for Umbreon. His Umbreon is shown to care for him. There's no hint of ill will towards either side. Spinel clearly, absolute certainly, cares for his Pokémon, Umbreon being the number one partner. This has me very intriqued on his character and makes me wonder what is ultimate motive in helping Gibeon is.
He seems information-hungry in how he tried learning whatever he could of the pendant when stalling for time to leave. When he made a breakthrough in figuring out Liko is the key (note, Amethio did not say a word about it), he snaps. Like he unlocked some huge information that makes him unable to control his collective coolness :D Idk, he just seems super intriquing to me and I am definitely interested in learning more about him.
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