coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
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A lazy gesture in the general direction of the bar is either going to secure them ANOTHER ROUND, or give Kate a great excuse to go looking for the same.  A grin finds its usual home at her lips.  It’s all gonna depend on tall, blonde, and cranky’s answer : ❝ What’s a girl gotta do to see the badge, Officer ? ❞
The response is DEADPAN, only the slightest twitch of her eyebrows UP betraying any emotion at all.  She takes a sip of her water, briefly swiping her tongue over her teeth.
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❝ If a BADGE is all you’re LOOKING FOR, I hate to tell you this, but you’re gonna be going home DISAPPOINTED –––––––– ❞
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
Carol purses her lips & slides a sideways glance at the other woman before she pushes a hand through her own hair, moving it back off of her forehead.  ❝ Are you trying to IMPLY I wouldn’t KEEP A DATE ? ❞ she wants to know. 
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❝ Because I might be OFFENDED. ❞
@coldanvcrs   :   “i can make that happen.”
❝  don’t set yourself up.  ❞  hands slip into the pockets of her jacket,  keeping in casual stride with their resident badass.  ❝  we can’t know if you’ll be on earth in a year much less accept an invite to some may fourth scyfy nerd extravaganza. love, love, love watching you flex that star wars encyclopedia for a brain,  babe,  but maybe something more realistic would work best. i’m sure stark would be willing to host.  ❞
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
hey  —  in her defense carol’s at least seventy percent of jess’ impulse control.
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❝  m’sorry HONEY … i missed the part where we morphed into midwestern senators gunning for the old’n’gold days of casual 50′s social inequalities.  ❞  really,  kirk. that stings.  ❝  more like the mcdonalds parking lot with our people.  ❞  jess dusts off her hands,  leading them further into the facility with little regard to busted up junk. 
it’s nice  —  having someone around that gets it. rolls with the oddball commentary without missing a beat,  finds humor in horror yadda yadda  —  ❝  so about that kree junk i lured you in with,  any idea what it’s used for ?  ❞
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❝ I DO like their ICE CREAM. ❞
Carol follows after Jess as they move deeper into the building, keeping an eye out for any other unpleasant surprises even if she knows that Jess will probably SENSE danger long before Carol gets eyes on them.
❝ Potentially a POWER SOURCE.  Which doesn’t BODE WELL. ❞
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
BADGE CLIPPED TO HER BELT, Sharon snags her wallet next, not even bothering to snap the laptop shut despite her desire to.  DOES SHE LOOK TOO EAGER ?
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❝ THAT WAS A TEST, obviously.  — — Congrats, you passed. ❞  Half through the doorway she pauses, just enough to let that SMILE that’s been threatening like a storm cloud loosen.  Pitching up, Sharon plants a kiss on Carol’s cheek before shepherding her out into the hallway.  Her office door thumps closed and CLICKS locked behind them.  ❝ Let me buy you a hot dog, Colonel, you look jet lagged. ❞
Carol MAY or MAY NOT tip her cheek into the kiss that Sharon presses there before she falls into step with the other blonde as they begin to make their way down the hallway.  ❝ I’ve certainly had WORSE flights. ❞
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❝ From what I HEAR, I imagine you’ve BEEN BUSY. ❞
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
“Honestly, I’m not that clear on that myself,” Clark frowned as he scratched uncomfortably at the back of his head. “But they just seem constantly ahead of him somehow. That’s the best way I can think of how to explain it. I would’ve liked to look into him myself, but I’ve been tied up with all the LexCorp news. Among other things.” Other things beings well, the Superman side to all of this.
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“But that’s just the big picture stuff,” he tried to shrug off with a faint smile. “How about you? How was your - is it fair to call it your trip? Kind of feels like this here could be the trip huh?” He added with chuckle.
❝ Interesting. ❞  Definitely worth DIGGING INTO a little bit more if she can.  ( & she thinks she knows JUST THE PERSON to ask –––––– )
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❝ BIG PICTURE is a helpful JUMPING OFF POINT for someone who hasn’t been around much. ❞  Carol offers something of a smile.  That she comes & goes isn’t a SECRET.  That’s what happens when your identity is PUBLICLY KNOWN.  
❝ To be fair, I still have an APARTMENT here, so I guess that makes SPACE the trip.  It wasn’t as EVENTFUL as it seems things here have been.  So I think I’ll plan on being around for a while. ❞
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
“As much as I’d love to meet you on YOUR TURF, this is a little more convenient — ” Some times, it still felt a bit like a dream: like he’d actually died and gone straight to some sort of limbo, halfway between heaven and hell, where aliens existed and women saved the galaxy on their lunch breaks. “We’ve been — busy,” he settled on. “And while we’ve got people lookin’ out for the earth, I’m concerned. Threats keep coming, and those threats are getting more and more organized.”
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“But I guess that’s nothing new — not really.”
She offers a shrug of her shoulders because he’s RIGHT –––––– it ISN’T NEW.  But there are more numbers to help SAFEGUARD against those threats.
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❝ I’m just trying to get the LAY OF THE LAND, ❞ Carol tells him, rubbing the pad of her thumb against the condensation running down the side of her glass.  ❝ I UNDERSTAND if you’d rather not talk TO ME. ❞  The ISSUES that DIVIDED everyone are COMPLICATED & Carol can at least acknowledge that much even if ultimately she’d fallen on the other side of the line from Steve.
❝ But I trust your intel. ❞
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
BRIGHT - RED NAILS DRUM AGAINST HER GLASS, matching lips curling into something just shy of sharp - edged.
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❝ Yet here you are, without so much as a menu. ❞  Kate balances an elbow on the lip of the table, planting her chin in a palm with the relative ease of a woman who’s WELL - USED to taking up space.  ❝ — — You’re good, I’ll give you that. ❞
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❝ Who needs a menu when they’ve already dropped them in the FRYER ? ❞  Her hand curls around the glass atop its coaster as she surveys the other woman seated across the table from her.  
❝ Did you NEED something ? ❞
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
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IT’S AN ADMIRABLE QUALITY , for sure, but Maria isn’t about to let her know that. The soft sound of Carol hitting the back of one of her chairs fully EXTRACTS her attention from her computer screen. The deputy director pushes back, shoulder blades meeting the backrest of her own chair, hands settling atop the armrests. 
❛ UNSURPRISING, ❜ she notes flatly, brows flicking upward before her lips twitch. 
                        ❛ What brings you in, then? ❜
❝ So, I guess the FRUIT BASKET I sent to announce my arrival didn’t make it ? ❞  An eyebrow quirks in response & Carol crosses her arms loosely over her chest as she regards the other woman across the desk between them.
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❝ I’ve heard things around here have been EVENTFUL. ❞
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
cont’d ✸
❝ Unfortunately, no. ❞  
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Carol’s lips purse briefly, her gaze taking in the people around them before finally falling on Nebula once more.  ❝ I’m not on my way off the planet at the moment.  The length of my stay is UNDETERMINED at this point. ❞
@spacecyanide !!
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
Her eyebrows rise a little as he continues ––––––– it seems Carol has missed A LOT MORE than she originally thought.  But she supposes it’s one of the CONS of spending a lot of time OFF PLANET.
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❝ I’d heard a little bit about the GALA, ❞ she concedes.  The bit about a mob boss in GOTHAM & LEXCORP’S secret facilities is new.  ❝ So, what exactly is this mob boss doing that not even THE BATMAN can deal with it ? ❞
@coldanvcrs continued from here
“Yeah, it’s good to see you back,” Clark grinned brightly. “I hope you had an enjoyable trip.” He blew out of flatulant lound at the question, his expression distant. “Oh man…a lot.�� Holding out his fingers he started pressing them down and counted, “So, first there was this crazy robbery at the Met Gala, by hydra. They took this artifact - a lot of weird stuff happened that night. Then, Wonder Woman came out with her identity to well the world via SHIELD and the World Security council.
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“And now there’s this new this mob boss in Gotha stirring things up so bad that even the Batman can’t get a handle on them. Oh, and LexCorp is under investigation for their proported overseeing of two secret biotech facilities -  both of which blew up in the span of just the last few months.” He gave Carol a grimmace mixed smile. “So yeah, a lot’s been happening.”
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
❝ If I gave that impression, that’s MY MISTAKE. ❞  There’s the faintest hint of a smile curving up the corner of her mouth even as she watches the retreating back of that guy. 
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❝ Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of FREE TIME in my schedule these days, & definitely no time for THAT kind of STUPIDITY. ❞  
@coldanvcrs : “i wasn’t nice when i was your age.”
❝  wait. are you … are you implying that you’re nicer now ?  ❞  she witnessed a murder. captain marvel here verbally eviscerated someones casual sexist commentary like it was as natural as breathing air and that’s her nice. be still her heart,  ❝  are you holding any seminars  —  ‘cause you’d make a pretty penny teachin’ us about your version.  ❞
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
well damn carol now she’s going through a categorized list of embarrassing moments experienced in her presence and wondering which would list as top ‘ hush ’ stories.  ❝  hey,  i’m an open book.  ❞  laughably incorrect,  ❝  some pages are just boring. if puking on a rat made your list we clearly need to hang more and correct such an egregious error. ❞
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jess gives it a THOUGHTFUL hum,  as though taking her question into actual consideration while scrambling for her feet.  ❝  i’m no longer welcome at the tgif franchise. so … if we were planning on celebrating with their lackluster appetizers after we’re through here i’ve got some bad news. unless you were talking about the robos. oddly enough,  kind of the same predicament — ❞
❝ TGIF ?  BABE ––––– that’s a NEW LOW for you. ❞
Being in Jess’s company again reminds Carol how much she MISSES IT when she's spending months on end in the large expanse of A DIFFERENT GALAXY.  Not that she really has any interest in saying it OUT LOUD. 
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❝ What are our other MEDIOCRE options ?  RUBY TUESDAY ? ❞
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
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edit 001 of ? 
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
Carol rubs the crease of her forehead with her left middle finger, peering up at her new guest from under the brim of said hat.
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❝ Do they ? ❞  A slow, unconcerned drawl.  
She lifts her glass ––––––– water, with a wedge of lime pushed down into the ice –––––– & sips at it, deliberately crunching one of the ice cubes between her back molars.  ❝ What makes you think I’m not just here for the JALAPEÑO POPPERS ?  I hear they’re OUTTA THIS WORLD. ❞
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Sitting by yourself is usually the UNIVERSAL SYMBOL for ‘ leave me alone ’, but then Kate Kane’s never been much for SUBTEXT.  Besides, she’d recognize that well - broken - in paranoia from a mile back.  
So she slides into the vacant stool across, happy to interrupt whatever’s keeping that scowl riveted to a particularly pleasingly - angled face.  Look at that, she even brought her own coaster !  ❝ — — Y’know, undercover cops tend to belly right up to the BAR if they’re looking not to get noticed. ❞ 
@coldanvcrs !
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
Kyle knows that surveying it in person will be better to judge what everyone needs. He hopes that they can do something for them, but he keeps soaring trough the cosmos. 
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“We should be approaching it soon. You can’t miss it — as there’s rings around the planet.”
❝ RINGS ––––– got it. ❞
It’s hard to miss ANY PLANET when you’re flying through the VOID OF SPACE but he’s right.  It looms large, the rings at a tilt around the planet’s axis.  There’s something about this, being in space, that never gets old.
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As they break through the planet’s atmosphere, the devastation is clear.  ( & heartbreaking. ) 
❝ Where to first ? ❞
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
Carol watches with interest as Steve takes the empty stool.  If he’s feeling HESITANT to do so, it doesn’t SHOW.  She waits until the server drops off the second glass of water & has left earshot again to keep talking.
❝ You too. ❞  She MEANS it.
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❝ I hear a lot has been going on while I’ve been OFF - PLANET.  Figured you’d be MORE LIKELY to show up if I extended an olive branch & met you on YOUR TURF. ❞  She glances around them before her eyes meet Steve’s again.  ❝ This place doesn’t seem BUSY. ❞
( Fewer ears to EAVESDROP. )
@coldanvcrs cont. from here !!
Sitting with her probably wasn’t the best idea — but it sure as hell couldn’t HURT at this point either, right? Someone was quick to come ‘round with a second glass of water, but she was a lot more interesting than any glass. “Let’s start from here at this table and work our way back.” A pause. “It’s good to see you.” 
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coldanvcrs-blog · 5 years
cont’d ✸
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It’s BEEN A WHILE since she’s had her feet on THIS PLANET.  But it’s been clear even in the short few hours since she’s arrived that SOME SHIT went down.  She knows the BEST person to GET HER UP TO SPEED is none other than Maria Hill ––––––– Carol will get what she needs to know without any FRILLS. 
The corner of her mouth tips up & she crosses the threshold to drop herself into one of the chairs across from Hill’s desk.  
❝ Now, when has THAT ever stopped me ? ❞
@redvcted !!
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