coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
@ all of my followers who use the mobile tumblr app!!!
please go to “General Settings” then to “Dashboard Preferences” and turn off “Best Stuff First”. This is killing artist exposure! Please, please, PLEASE, turn it off if you really do love the artists you follow! You’d be helping us so much! Please reblog this so that more people may know!
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
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My favorite thing is seeing how different translations convey eccentric phrases and figures of speech.
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
All done.
//Small draft spam for a moment (12) Sorry if I crowed anyone’s dash//
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
The Ghost didn’t need to see the other’s face to know he was amused, regardless of ‘Krosis’, as The man’s voice gave it away.
“A curiosity huh?” He rolls his eyes, reaching for a napkin of his own to wipe away the mess. 
“Well I hope I was a good subject.” He breathes out, though he can’t help the grin forming on his own features now that the ‘danger’ had passed.
🍕 from firstdragonbcrn (pure crack because I need Miraak flinging pizza in peoples' faces and he'd totally do it. Also hi)
The Ghost normally would’ve had such things simply pass through him, but for the moment, had aloud himself to be more solid so he could sit at the table.
Lucien let out a shocked sound of distress as the offending food hit against his face, and whipped his head around to see whom had dared even attempt to hit him!
“W-Was that… Truly Necessary!?” He gasps out, still in shock at the sudden assault. “What could I have possibly done to invoke such an action!?”
He wasn’t even mad… Just purely flabbergasted…
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
Hearing her words, he looked up briefly. Realizing she was intending them for him, he gives a curt nod and instantly adjusts his hands. 
“Of course Captain, Apologies.” He calls back, returning his focus to the task at hand.
Once finished, he made his way up higher on the deck to where she was to speak with her, while the rest of the men seemed to move to their posts.
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“Cargo is all loaded, Captain. I’ve been told to inform you We’re ready to set sail when you are.”
Blood on the Water |Closed rp 
Joining a pirate crew was one of the last things he’d thought the brotherhood’s listener would suggest… But here he was, out of the safety of the subway tunnels and city street’s he called sanctuary, under the blazing sun, tossing crates up onto the deck with several other crewmen… and a few women as well it would seem. 
Though he couldn’t be surprised, as the captain Herself was a woman. He was thankful she wasn’t the one he was sent to kill. She seemed like a level-headed customer, despite being a pirate, of course.
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Lucien could see his true target up on the ships deck already, and eyed him for a moment. He wasn’t anything special, But someone wanted the man dead, and that was LaChance’s job. 
So if that meant becoming a pirate temporarily, then so be it.
The assassin quickly returned his attention to the last of the cargo before him, so he wouldn’t get accused of lollygagging. 
He’d be boarding soon.
He just hoped he had what it took to make it on the sea…
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
She could not help the sigh of relief that escaped her lips upon seeing him there–alive. She cared too deeply about him–more than she could allow him to know at that moment, much more than what may be proper–to let anything happen to him.
“My lord, our family has been betrayed,” she says, rage seeping through in her normally-calm tone, “by one of our own, murdering brothers and sisters. Direct disobedience of the tennants. I feared you could be in danger, so I came to warn you. You’re the only one I feel I can trust right now.”
Indeed, she’d slipped from their Cheydinhall family unseen to warn and, if necessary, protect her Speaker. For her, it was also the safest place because she trusted him to do what was necessary to bring order–to send the traitor to the Void.
She didn’t notice that her hands slightly shaking until she sheathed her dagger and magic. She’d beem trying to remain composed but the rage of betrayal and sadness of losing family members was maddening.
She wanted an order to kill. To do
something. Anything.
The news she uttered was truly troubling, though he couldn’t say it was entirely a surprise, as he’d been suspecting that someone was stirring trouble as of late.
Still, it raised many questions for the Speaker.
Would they be able to find the traitor in time? How many had fallen? Were they of Cheydinhal sanctuary? 
If so that would mean The Listener would no doubt order a purification..
Once her weapons and magic was gone, he carefully took her hands in his own, hoping to offer a source of comfort for her. 
“Niliin... Can I ask what proof you have of this? Or what has brought you to believe that this is true?” Lucien asks as calmly as he can muster, despite the worries plaguing him.
“Please don’t take my questions the wrong way... I don’t doubt your words My Silencer, I never would, but The Black Hand will not be so easy to convince.”
An Assassin Among Assassins
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
Lucien had paid little mind to the students at first, figuring they’d do the same with him. 
And he’d been right for the most part. Most of the others only seemed interested in his listener, and spoke with them a bit, before moving on.
One student, a khajiit by the name of J'zargo, seemed bent on talking quite frequently with the listener, however, over the course of the first day. Though after they’d began making preparations for their little mission, he’d left them for a while.
At the back of the line, Lucien listened as his companion spoke to him in excited but hushed tones about all the new people They’d already met on their first day, and how excited they were to learn more.
“I’m gonna move up to chat with J’zargo again... He was trying to tell me about some scrolls he was working on earlier.” The listener grins, “Be right back!” 
With that, they sped on ahead, leaving Luci behind, who watched them go with a grin. 
It was a nice change to see the other in such good spirits.
A few moment’s later, another student joined by the spectral’s side, and he gave a nod in greeting, thinking that’d be the end of it, but was surprised when the other actually seemed to show an interest in him.
“No need to apologize.” He chuckles in response. 
“No, your quite right, I’m not. I’m a spirit of the void. A Ghost rather, of a man who lived 200 years ago... My summoner has a spell tome that allows them to bring me to their side, be it for advice, companionship, or aid in a battle.”
A Graven Image | Closed
New students came and went over the years. They would stay for a given amount of time, learn the basics of their chosen school, and usually leave. Even rarer were those proficient in a branch of magic, studying over years to perfect their craft. Vesper had always seem himself in the middle of these, but delighted in any new faces that came through the College during his time.
A line of new recruits had stood in the main hall, and Vesper had watched them from a distance. They seemed interesting; a different group of young mages. They were assigned Saarthal, and he was to go with them as the back up healer. Part of him mourned being able to study for the rest of the afternoon, but the mission promised greater secrets. 
While they traveled he exchanged a few words with a young Nord man about Alteration and enchanting, Vesper couldn’t keep his eyes off two figures behind them. At the back end of their small group, a hooded student and a conjured spectral figure followed carefully. He wasn’t one for conjuration, with people like Arniel Gane giving him the spooks, but the length at which the spirit was summoned was…fascinating.
Vesper excused himself to fall back with the two. He’d noticed the new student speaking quite personally with the conjured spirit, and so he took a gamble. Gently, pushing his long, mousy-brown hair from his face, Vesper spoke up.
“Ah, forgive me for being nosy, but…what are you, exactly? You’re not a normal re-animated corpse, or conjured familiar.”
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
Though he had the feeling he knew her answer, hearing it was still a bit of a surprise. Though as she briefly explained herself, he couldn’t blame her in the least.
Looking back up at her from this close, he could see the hints of Mer in her features, and felt sympathy for her. 
“That’s awful that they treat you in such a way...”
As she continued, his smile softened once more. Children were sadly so accustomed to punishment, rather than an understanding response...
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“Because I’ve seen others in very similar situations. You were scared, and angry for what those children where saying and doing to you... Besides that, in a way, you were defending yourself.” He offers in explanation.
“That and I- Well um, First, Can I use this on your knees dear?” He asks, motioning to the potion-soaked rage, waiting for her answer before speaking again. 
“That and I’m also a member of a group... a family of sorts, that is... accustomed to the art of murder I suppose you could say...”
Send Your Child Unto Me
“Nice to meet you Lily. What a lovely name.” His lips parted in a bright, charming smile. “I’m Lucien LaChance…But I suppose you could call me Luci if you’d rather…” 
He could give her that. Most children he’d met seemed to like the nickname. He’d hoped it’d give her a small sense of comfort not having to be so formal.
Lucien looked away when she broke eye contact, and continued to wipe her hands, only looking up after her question had been spoken.
At seeing the way she looked to the rock, his features went soft.  No doubt she was scared by her own actions, and even more-so, knowing he’d seen.
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“I won’t tell a soul, I promise… Had there been fewer people who would’ve seen, I may have even let you go through with it. It seems like he’s been bothering you for quite some time.”
He paused for a moment, before his eyes followed her line of sight to the motionless stone.
“I can’t help but wonder..” His voice came out softer, carrying with it a wonder he hadn’t felt in years. “Would you still do it? If Given the chance?”
He dug into his pack again as he awaited her answer, pulling out a healing potion and getting the cloth wet with it.
She’d have to drink some to get rid of the bruises, but for cleaning the gravel from her scraped knees, this was as good a cure as any.
Still, he’d wait til she’d finished answering his question, before asking to do so.
Lily wasn’t certain what she expected his answer to be.  
But that most assuredly wasn’t even in the realm of her pondered scenarios.  
He would have let her.
What sort of man would have allowed a child as herself to perform such a heinous deed?  Mister LaChance seemed no fool either, he knew full well what a blow to the skull would have done to the Imperial boy.  He  would  have been downed in an instant, death either coming on swift wings with the wind of her strike, or soon thereafter when he lay on the rubble, a halo of crimson seeping from his shattered crown….
The mental image made her shiver.
A war of guilt and selfish desire raging on in her young mind.
But her words remained soft, concise.  She would speak the truth.  After all…  If he was true to his word he had saved her from a most troubling scandal and punishments unknown.  Offering him her honesty was the least she could do.
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“I would.”
As he dug through his pack she took the chance to rub at her teary eyes with a sleeve, sniffling softly but slowly pulling herself together.  
“Over and over.”  She bit at her bottom lip, whispering, observing as he doused the rag in potion…   “He.. He deserves it.  Calls me mutt… Half vampire like the Gray Prince.  And he’s gotten the others to join in as well…”  In such close proximity one could see she certainly was half something, but the dark blood of a vampire certainly wasn’t it.  It was the blood of a mer that left her so strange on the eyes.  Pale skin and sharp features, the soft points of her ears peeking from the blanket of her midnight hair. 
Today they’d insulted her late teacher.  Called him evil and odd due to the nature of the arcane artifacts confiscated from his corpse, fueled by the rumors that already spread of the strange mage and his now orphaned apprentice.
She wished to go back to Skyrim and escape it.
But she’d settle for the boys blood.
“Luci?”  She returned her gaze to him, locking with his eyes.  “Why do you not scold me?  I should be in trouble. I was going to do something very bad.  Why don’t you yell?” 
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
“I know my skills, and I use them to do what must be done. Praise is not needed.” He shrugs calmly. “Simple as that. I do not mind being a sidekick.”
Not that the listener ever thought of him as such, but he didn’t need to voice the fact.
“Of course. But hopefully we can be friends as time continues.” He nods, before letting out a quiet chuckle.  “My listener seems to have a ‘world-saving’ hobbie of sorts... I think they figure working for the companions will give them a good head-start here in Skyrim.”
“I appreciate that praise, though most of it should go to my summoner. My blade is simply theirs.” Lucien smiles back, settling down at the table a few seats down from hers so she could have space.
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“And I’m glad to hear people are coming around… I know we sort of came out of the blue… I’m not surprised that some have found it hard to trust us at first.”
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   “You do not give yourself the proper amount of praise.” Aela answered, shaking her head a little bit. Although she made no mention of it, she was thankful for the space. There were few she trusted within close proximity of herself, and none of them included the newcomer nor the one before her. It was hardly something personal, but rather something done purely out of her own comfort. “Trust is something that is earned, not given.”
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
He thinks how to answer for a moment, before shrugging.
“I guess you could say I’m a Mercenary of sorts… I’m getting a bit to old for such things now though.” He sighs out, leaning back against the brick wall.  “I’ll likely look into something new by the end of the year.”
Not that he had any clue what he’d get into. His record was clean as far as the police knew, but He was so used to the action by now that finding something different wasn’t going to be easy.
Maybe he’d look into that hero association that everyone seemed to talk about as of late… That could possibly prove interesting.
(Cloud symbol) stuck in storm with Mukuru? (Modern!assassin Lucien?)
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Mukuru runs under cover from the storm now soaking wet and panting softly. She moves the hair from her eye and turns to look at the rain. “Man….I’m gonna be late…” she murmurs.
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
Gray listened to Lucien's words. "Rufio? Inn of little Omen? Family...?" He asked, the family part that he asked sounded like his voice cracked a little. As if family was a bit of sensitive subject to him. "Okay, got it." He then up and jumped so high that he burst through the ceiling of the Ayeleid ruin. He was going to go after Rufio.
Lucien didn’t miss the flutter in Gray’s tone, but didn’t press. 
“Sounds like you’ve got it all. I’ll find you next time you rest in a secure place.”
With that, the other was gone… Leaving LaChance blinking up at a hole in the roof.
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“Well… It seems I’ll never be bored with this one at least…” He murmurs with a chuckle, before leaving himself, through the way he’d came.
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
Lucien knew the child was still quite on edge, and couldn’t blame him for such.
Still, he was doing his best to make the boy feel welcomed to his new home, and had faith in the other occupants of the sanctuary that they would do the same.
He made note that Mathieu’s eyes seemed to travel the room upon being seen. If the boy became an assassin someday, that’d be a useful skill. It did still leave a heavy feeling in Lucien’s heart knowing what Mathieu had been through, and just why he was so cautious.
As the boy moved out of hiding, Luci listened intently to him, before nodding in understanding.
“Here, we do our best to treat each other fairly, and consider each member of the sanctuary as part of a family.” He explains. 
“We may be simply ‘Cut-throats for hire’ to the public, but we’re certainly not animals. I promise no harm will come to you within these walls.”
It’d only been a short three days since Lucien had watched the young boy slay his father. He could still clearly recall the mans heart in the palm of Mathieu’s hand.
Not that Lucien could blame him. Those bruises didn’t just happen from running into doors. Everyone had a breaking point after all, even children.
In that short time, He wasn’t sure whether the child would want to stay long or not, but had given the offer none the less. 
Stepping into the sanctuary, he spoke to the matron for a brief moment, giving her the contracts in which were needed to be handed out to their initiates. He then wandered to the sanctuary’s library to replace some of the books he’d taken in his previous visit.
Things were pretty quiet without two argonian children running about any longer, but Vicente assured him they’d return once their training was over.
In the mean time, the speaker needed something to busy himself in the late night silence. Alchemy had become the easiest option. And that’s were the books came in handy.
Pausing in thumbing through one’s pages, he caught a glimpse at another figure not to far off, and gave a nod in greeting.
“Ah, Mathieu. Good to see you.” He hummed out, a smile tugging the corners of his lips. “I do hope you’re settling in well..?”
Mathieu jumped slightly when he was addressed- clearly he had been paying attention to Lucien, for the child had poorly hidden himself behind a chair to watch the elder assassin. On natural instinct, wide eyes examined the room looking for the closest exit he couldn’t be beaten to. In his mind he had been caught doing something he hadn’t- and the child had long since learned not to trust even the friendliest of tones.
And he certainly didn’t want to trust Lucien Lachance- not this murderer. The name he found all over various receipts stashed away within his father’s closet. Who only a few years ago, he had watched kill his mother while he hid beneath their bed with silent sobs. 
Yet also the same man who had whisked him out of the hell that had been his home in Bravil to the safety that was Cheydinhal. Mathieu hated to call this place safe- feeling as though he was betraying his mother’s memory in some way but…for what he had done in Bravil they would have strung him up outside the gates. Child or not- abused or not- he had cut out his father’s heart with the savagery of an animal. Cheydinhal- he was safe within the sanctuary halls, the blood that stained his hands washed away…physically.
The boy edged himself out of his hiding spot slightly- hesitantly returning Lucien’s smile. The brief fear that had been in his eyes had faded- but they held no joy in them either. For a youth, Mathieu’s eyes were almost impossibly dead and hopeless- but they had been that way when Lucien had found him.
“It has been fine, sir,” he said- his voice hardly rising above a whisper. “Everyone here is…nice. It’s…strange.”
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
😨 (for your oblivion!Lucien verse?)
😨 - Run head first into my muse’s chest(No longer accepting)
As a solid weight slammed very suddenly into him, Lucien let out a startled groan, but after a gasp or two, he’d recoverd the wind that’d been knocked free of his lungs.
Looking down to see who’d ran into him, he took a step back and offered a friendly smile to the stranger.
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“Are you alright? You should be a bit more careful. These streets are quite crowded today, and there’s no telling whom you might run into.”
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
😥 - Trip and fall right on top of my muse(no longer accepting)
Lucien was shocked to see the woman fall, but was even more surprised when she landed on him, knocking them both to the ground.
Once he’d recovered from the unexpected turn of events, he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder to get her attention.
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“Miss? Are you alright? That was quite a nasty fall.”
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
"Lucien, sir, I want you and Vicente to do horrible things to me. I'm smitten."
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“Hmm, Well I can’t speak for Vicente child, but as for myself, perhaps if you lift the anon veil, we could work something out.” He hums calmly in response.
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
//Small draft spam for a moment (12) Sorry if I crowed anyone’s dash//
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
reasons i haven’t replied back:
- i’m socially exhausted - i don’t have the time right now - i don’t know how to reply - i have a bad memory and got distracted - i’m having a depressive episode and don’t have the energy to socialise
not reasons i haven’t replied back:
- i’m ignoring you just because - i hate you - i’m fed up with you - i don’t want to be your friend anymore
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