collegehunksnj · 11 years
Small Businesses Say ACA’s Aggregation Rules Unfair
Originally posted on wsj.com - http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2013/12/04/small-businesses-say-acas-aggregation-rules-unfair/?dsk=y
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Donna Baker of Adrian, Mich., owns an accounting firm, payroll company and retail store. Her husband, Kim, is the sixth generation owner of a dairy farm.
While the four businesses are separate entities, they count as one employer under the health-care law due to a technicality — Mrs. Baker is a minority stakeholder in the 1,800-acre property that her husband’s farm sits on, plus she helps out with some of the farm’s bookkeeping.
As a result, the Bakers are subject to aggregation rules in the U.S. tax code, which means they would be required to offer health-insurance benefits to their combined full-time staff — if it reaches 50 employees — starting in 2015, or pay a penalty.
“I’m just an investor in the farm,” says Mrs. Baker, who testified on the issue during a Congressional hearing Wednesday before the House Small Business Committee. “I am not running the day-to-day operations.”
The Bakers collectively employ just shy of 50 full-time workers, the threshold in which employers must provide health-care benefits to comply with the law. If they expand their headcounts in the coming year to 50 or more people, they would be subject to the mandate.
But while Mrs. Baker, 51 years old, says her payroll business is young and growing, she is hesitant to hire more staff. She says she’s already struggling to afford health benefits for existing employees at two of her firms and that having to start covering her husband’s eight full-time farm workers and future full-time recruits to any of their businesses would be too costly.
Wednesday’s hearing also included testimony from business experts such as Debbie Walker, an accountant for more than 35 years in Washington, D.C. She says it’s likely that many entrepreneurs won’t realize they are subject to the law’s aggregation rules – which apply mainly to entrepreneurs who own assets or have financial stakes in multiple businesses – until it’s too late. “The rules are just too complicated,” she says.
Here’s an example: Ms. Walker says if a mother buys a stake in her son’s dog-grooming business and then she invests in her neighbor’s hair salon, the two entities could be considered one employer under the law, depending on the amount she invested in each. It wouldn’t matter if the mother isn’t involved in running either entity, or even if the two entrepreneurs have nothing else in common but her investment, she adds.
“The calculations are complex and many small businesses will be caught unaware,” said Todd McCracken, president and CEO of the National Small Business Association, via email. Other business groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, International Franchise Association and the National Federation of Independent Business, have also expressed concern over how the aggregation rules apply the health law.
A spokeswoman for the U.S. Treasury declined to comment. During the hearing, Congresswoman Nydia M. Velázquez (D., N.Y.) said the aggregation rules are meant to prevent businesses from “skirting the law.”
One set of small-business owners most likely to be affected are franchisees such asStephen Bienko of Allamuchy, N.J.
The 36-year-old entrepreneur owns four junk-hauling and moving franchises along the East Coast, each with about 25 employees. But come 2015, the businesses will be considered one employer under the health law, making them all subject to the employer mandate.
Mr. Bienko, who currently offers health benefits to only staffers who work more than 40 hours a week, says he estimates it will cost him an extra $125,000 a year, if all those newly eligible for employer coverage by law elect to take it.
The employer mandate defines full-time employees as those who work more than 30 hours a week, so Mr. Bienko says he’s planning to cut his staff’s hours in the year ahead, as well as hire only part-timers going forward, to try and avoid going over the threshold. Still, he’s not sure the strategy will work because the law, when calculating the 50 employee threshold, counts two employees whose combined weekly hours exceed 30 as a full-time equivalent.
“We’re just so darn scared,” says the College Hunks Hauling Junk franchisee. “I don’t have a team of analysts who can assist in calculating my company’s health-care costs. I’m afraid of making a clerical error that could have catastrophic financial implications.”
David Barr, the owner of 23 Kentucky Fried Chicken franchises in Georgia and Alabama, is also concerned about how the law’s aggregation rules will affect his bottom line. All together, the businesses employ 450 workers and only 32 salaried managers are currently eligible for company health benefits.
Mr. Barr says he expects to have cover about 80 more employees in order to comply with the law in 2015, which could cost an extra $50,000 to $350,000 in annual premiums, depending on how many of those staffers sign up for coverage.
He says he’ll have no choice but to absorb the cost and may need to raise deductibles for his employees in order to reduce premiums, and adds that he thinks the new expense will put his businesses at a competitive disadvantage. “The law applies to me,” says Mr. Barr, “but not the guy across the street who has just one restaurant.”
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
Entrepreneur Gives Business Lesson at Centenary
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HACKETTSTOWN — Stephen Bienko admits to being a dreamer. Luckily, he dreams big. Then he builds what he dreams.
Bienko is the largest franchisee in the College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving brand, owning franchises in the New York/New Jersey area, plus Tennessee and Ohio. Now 36, Bienko started his first business at age 20, a health food store in his college dorm room.
Bienko shared some entrepreneurial advice with Centenary College’s senior Business Strategies students recently in a talk entitled “It’s not WHAT but WHO — How Entrepreneurs Discover Themselves.” Business Strategies is a final course for graduating accounting and business majors, given by Professor Lee Esposito.
Bienko, past owner of Parisi Sports Inc., was the franchisee who recommended and developed the moving component of College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving, which has since been adopted by the franchise. Before that, the company’s focus was junk hauling.
“Entrepreneurship will lead you down a different path than other people,” explained Bienko, illustrating his statement with examples from such successful start-ups as Nike, Apple and Google, of how they defined their businesses, who their customers were, and how they would serve them. The people who conceive such businesses often see what others don’t.
“When Twitter first came out, how many of you thought it was stupid?” he asked, in his straightforward manner. A sea of hands was raised. Reminding the group of how Twitter was used during the recent overthrow of dictators in Libya and Egypt and the revolution under way in Syria, he simply said, “Twitter changed the world.”
Bienko’s enthusiasm and energy gripped his audience as he stressed the importance of defining careers in terms of who they are, rather than what they want to be. “The ‘what’ can be anything — it doesn’t matter,” he explained, “But the ‘who’ never changes.”
There are endless possibilities for those who decide to build their own business.
“Businesses are like buses,” he said. “There’s another one coming in another hour.”
The life of an entrepreneur is different. “Once you become an entrepreneur,” Bienko asserted, “you become 100-percent unemployable. That is because you have decided to pursue your own ‘who’ rather than somebody else’s ‘what.’ ”
Bienko, who confessed to taking 45-minute showers “because that’s when the thoughts come,” said the same “who” principle applies in sales and when trying to secure financing for a business. “Sell who you are first; then pitch your product.”
Attending student Pecolia Everette said Bienko’s presentation, “was very motivational and encouraging. Getting the concept of ‘who’ and ‘what’ is important.”
Bienko’s most important advice for would-be entrepreneurs: “Be observant when something is there in front of you.”
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
Turning Around a Failing Franchise Location
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For many entrepreneurs, franchising presents an appealing business opportunity due to the unique hybrid of “big brand” support and small business skill. But this is not a sure fire way to success. Owning a franchise presents its own set of challenges, and failing locations are a harsh reality of the industry. But in failure there is opportunity. If you are a current franchise owner with a struggling location or an entrepreneur looking for a potential investment, there are several steps you can take to turn around a failing location.
  Reinvest immediately
To resuscitate a failing franchise, you must immediately invest in hard asset improvements. Take inventory of what the franchise already has, and figure out where improvements are needed. That may be a new vehicle, new crisp uniforms or even new marketing material. Choose what best fits your needs and budget. Making asset improvements right off the bat will also help improve company culture. Continue to make asset improvements during the first six months and build those costs into your development budget.
  Get to know the team
With franchises, the success is in the ingredients. Your team members are your most important ingredient. Thus, it’s important to know your team in full. Get to know the employees, understand their role, what assets they bring to the business and where they need to grow. Establishing a solid culture amongst team members is key, so you should not be afraid to make this process personal. Consider giving your top managers and key employees a copy of Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life by Dr. Spencer Johnson to help them determine who they are. This will also help identify team members’ strengths, and utilize them accordingly.
  Tap the management’s expertise
Ascending on a failing business provides an important advantage: You have the opportunity to assess what didn’t work. Use the existing management team to help achieve this goal. Work with them to develop a growth plan and have them come up with a “right and wrong" log based on what happened previously. This will help paint a picture of the business before you arrived, and will also signal to your management team that you value their insight. Your management team is your front line and may just have the key to lift the franchise from its poor performance. Allow and trust the people who have previously worked within the franchise to establish what worked and what did not work previously so you can improve the business moving forward.
  Pay attention to community relations
A franchise is very much tied to its location. That’s why it is so important to focus on community relations. Establish or re-establish local relationships that were most likely negatively impacted during the business’ downturn. This may include the local chamber of commerce, non-profits and government. Meet with influential members of the community and let them know that you have taken over and need assistance reviving the franchise. A helping hand from within the community can be incredibly impactful.
  Evaluate the marketing landscape
For any consumer-based business, marketing is vital. That’s why it’s so crucial to evaluate all marketing completed or not completed and thoroughly understand the current marketing program. Compare current efforts to what the franchisor recommends and connect with a top performer within the franchise to discuss their strategy and spend. Make sure you connect with a fellow franchise owner whose location caters to the same financial, cultural and geographical demographic. This will help to give a sound overview and guideline of what needs to be done to achieve success within your own franchise location.
  For some franchisors, a struggling location is a sign of failure. For others, it’s a sign of opportunity. Just because there is struggle doesn’t mean there is no hope. Making calculated decisions about your business can greatly impact your bottom line. And ultimately, you can turn a failing franchise location into a successful business.
  Stephen Bienko is a serial entrepreneur and current owner of several franchise locations of College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving.
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
3 Ways to Make the Most of a Dead-End Job & Find the Hidden Career Potential
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As a GenY kid, you were probably rewarded for dreaming big, encouraged to aspire to do great things and pushed to go for that C-suite office.
But that go-big-or-go-home attitude can cast a shadow on other job opportunities that might not be as glamorous. If you truly want to become a hotshot executive one day, you have to start somewhere. And the difference between an ordinary employee and one who becomes a leader is the ability to see value in every position.
In this tough job market, don’t overlook potential opportunities in stereotypically less-than-desirable positions. Ask yourself these questions to help differentiate an opportunity from a dead end, particularly when you’re considering a position that may have not been your first choice or target.
1. Will you interact with customers?
You can use direct consumer interaction as an amazing opportunity. The chance to listen to customers and learn what they really think about a product is invaluable.
Take a retail job, for example. These positions are sometimes referenced as dead-end jobs for the unmotivated. In reality, there are only dead-end attitudes. (Click here to Tweet this thought.) As the direct point of contact, you’re the first to see the development and transition of consumer trends. This interaction can provide you with customer insight the CEO might not even know.
A position that requires you to communicate with customers or clients is an opportunity handed to you on a silver platter. Learn to translate that experience into knowledge, then use that knowledge to establish yourself as a valuable, in-the-know employee.
2. Do you have opportunities for growth?
People often write off certain positions because they don’t provide much opportunity for growth.Before you pass on a job, find out the opportunities for advancement. Businesses that offerstepping stones present opportunities for longevity and can propel your career forward.
The moving and hauling industry, for example, isn’t the most glamorous. At College Hunks Hauling Junk, we’ve worked hard to combat stereotypes about our field by providing a clear career trajectory for each employee.
Recent college grads are given the opportunity to learn about the inner workings of the business and can advance quickly. Our employees are brand ambassadors and have the responsibility of pitching and assisting our clients with their in-home servicing needs. From there, they can advance to assistant location manager and oversee 50 employees. If they do well, they can become a general manager with a six-figure salary.
3. Does the position provide additional training?
In today’s job market, skills are everything. A position that provides on-the-job training to help develop your skill set is incredibly valuable. The opportunity to hone and craft a skill set can help launch your career.
When assessing the potential impact of a job opportunity, don’t discredit the training that comes with the position. Your drive to build skills and a knowledge base is an attractive quality to employers and can help you develop a niche or specialty. Should you decide to pursue other opportunities down the road, the skills you learn in training can be used to differentiate you from other job seekers.
In the end, a job is what you make of it. For anyone looking to develop a long and fruitful career, it’s important to embrace each position along the way.
Dream big and do great things, regardless of your title. Each level is a new learning experience. The only way to propel yourself higher up the ladder to is take in the wealth of knowledge from the very bottom and embrace the full experience.
Stephen Bienko is a serial entrepreneur and current owner of several franchise locations of College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving. You can find him on Twitter at @stephenbienko.
Brazen Life is a lifestyle and career blog for ambitious young professionals. Hosted by Brazen Careerist, we offer edgy and fun ideas for navigating the changing world of work. Be Brazen!
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
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This fall, College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving is all about giving back to local communities. In conjunction with St. Joseph Regional School in Newton, NJ, College Hunks helped sponsor a harvest festival and electronics donation drive this past Saturday, October 19th. The local community gathered to celebrate the school and children.
From 12 pm to 3 pm both children and adults enjoyed music, lunch, pumpkin painting and games. All while the College Hunks gave back to the children. For every pound of used electronics collected, College Hunks donated 5 cents directly to the school. They were able to donate a total of $3,000 during the event.  Old computers, phones, mobile devices and more were collected to help the fundraising. As an incentive for students, the class that donated the most electronics won a pizza party.
“The College Hunks are all about teaching children how to better the environment…all while having fun with their fellow classmates” explained College Hunks owner Stephen Bienko. The College Hunks team loved working with the students and informing them at a young age the importance of recycling and helping the community grow. 
This was St. Joseph’s second annual harvest fest and the first annual electronics drive sponsored by College Hunks. Stephen has stated, “We love the concept and hope to sponsor one annually in participation with St. Joseph’s. We’re proud to have been able to donate $3,000 to a small Catholic School like this.”
College Hunks Hauling Junk and College Hunks Moving is a national moving company, offering home movers, office movers, junk removal, donation pick-ups, and moving labor services. We operate all across the United States. Our organization and all of its employees are fully licensed, bonded, and insured. Our hunks are here to provide you with 100% stress-free service, no matter what your situation calls for. Be sure to check our website for a full list of services;
Kelly Jones
College Hunks Brand Ambassador
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
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Here are some photos of College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving North Jersey and Nashville owner, Stephen Bienko at Congress last week with the folks from the International Franchise Association.
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
Health Law Raises Issues for Small Businesses
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Small-business owners like me spent the summer sweating about the potential impact of policies from Washington. At the top of the list is the implementation of the Affordable Care Act .
While the employer mandate was delayed for one year, there are still serious concerns for small-business owners like me; in particular the requirement for employers with at least 50 full-time employees to offer health insurance to those working at least 30 hours a week — as opposed to the traditional 40-hour workweek. The impact of this future rule causes employers like me not only to limit the number of full-time employees hired but also to cut current employees’ hours to avoid the 30-hour threshold.
The reality is that if it isn’t reformed in some common-sense ways, the health care law will impose burdensome and costly mandates on small businesses, which create two-thirds of all new private-sector jobs.
I own and operate two franchised business units in two states and have 57 full-time employees. I bought my first franchise in 2010. I’m proud of my business: It creates products and provides services that my community loves. As a franchise small-business owner, both my livelihood and my ability to provide for my employees is directly linked to the health of the economy and federal policies made by Congress. While well-intentioned, the health care law poses a serious threat to my businesses’ ability to provide quality jobs for people in my community.
We see this playing out in our current economic recovery with the increase in part-time workers. Since March, we’ve added 791,000 part-time jobs compared to just 187,000 full-time jobs. Hiring a lot of part-time workers might seem like good news to some cheerleading a weak jobs recovery, but it’s bad news for those employees who were or would like to be full-time employees.
Thankfully, some in Congress are advancing smart, pragmatic bills to relieve small businesses like mine from these overly burdensome regulations, like the redefinition of a “full-time employee” from 40 hours a week to 30 hours a week in the ACA. I applaud Rep. Diane Black for her support of this legislation.
Franchise owners along with the International Franchise Association, of which I am a member, have been consistent advocates for such common-sense reforms since the law’s passage. Ultimately, successful small businesses like mine need tailwinds, not headwinds.
Growing small businesses should not be rewarded with ever-rising regulatory burdens. We need relief, and we need it now.
Stephen Bienko is the owner of College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving. Reach Bienko [email protected] or on Twitter @stephenbienko.
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
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College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving franchisee,  Stephen Bienko, of Fairfield, NJ was honored today by the International Franchise Association with its annual Franchisee of the Year Award.  Franchise owner-operators representing 36 franchise systems were recognized today during the IFA’s 14th Annual Public Affairs Conference for their outstanding performance and the contributions they have made to enhance the growth and development of franchising.  Stephen owns the North Jersey location along with one in Nashville, TN and Cleveland, OH.
  “The franchising community is an important part the U.S. economy due to the hard work of franchisees,” said IFA Chairman Steve Romaniello, managing director, Roark Capital Group.  “The IFA is proud to recognize the outstanding efforts of Stephen Bienko with the Franchisee of the Year Award and thank him not only for their work to promote franchising, but for the contributions they make every day to showcase how local business owners propel the economy in communities across the country.”
  The Franchisee of the Year Award is a major component of the IFA’s Public Affairs Conference, which brings more than 400 franchise business leaders together in Washington, D.C. to carry the key messages of franchising to lawmakers on Capitol Hill.  During the two-day event, which began today and continues through Sept. 17, franchise industry leaders will meet with over 200 congressional offices about issues important to the future of franchising such as tax certainty, healthcare reform immigration and access to credit.  The Public Affairs Conference is a powerful way to help forward IFA’s advocacy efforts and further increase awareness about how franchising can contribute to economic recovery and job growth. The event is supported by founding sponsor ADP Small Business Services.  
  During their visits to Washington, IFA members are highlighting the economic impact of franchising.  According to a study conducted for the IFA Educational Foundation by PricewaterhouseCoopers on the economic impact of franchising, there are more than 825,000 franchised businesses in operation across the country, which is indirectly responsible for providing 18 million jobs and generating $2.1 trillion in economic output.
  “As Washington works to strengthen and renew our economy, lawmakers should remember that franchising counts in local communities all across the country, Romaniello said.  “With sound regulatory policies, franchise businesses can create the jobs necessary for sustained economic recovery and growth.”
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
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Our HUNKS had a great time helping out during Seton Hall University's Freshman move-in day yesterday!
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
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The summer is coming to a close and if you were planning a move, now is the best time to do so. Why not take advantage of the beautiful weather and the fact that the kids are off from school to help? This summer season College Hunks Hauling Moving is here to help you with all your moving needs. Whether you need trucks to transport, junk to remove, or just a few helping hands, our hunks are here to help. 
Moving can often be stressful, especially when you have to manage work, childcare, and other household chores. That is why the summer is the ideal time to make the transition. College Hunks Moving exists to make that transition 100% stress-free. 
To help you prepare for your summer move, here are some essential tips on what to do:
1. Plan to unpack before you pack. Often taking pictures of every room in your house with all your stuff can help serve as a useful reference later on. Also, be sure to label all boxes in full detail so that you don’t get confused looking for things later on.
2. Keep track of small items. Often when moving, some furniture needs to be taken apart. Make sure not to lose essential parts in the hustle and bustle of the move. You don’t want to have to spend thousands of dollars on new furniture later on because you lost some pieces. 
3. Be prepared for the heat. The summer is the best time to move, however it is also the hottest. Dress in cool comfortable clothes. Also be sure to stay hydrated. If you have our HUNKS or some friends helping you out, be sure to offer them some water!
4. Plan for traffic. People love to get out in the summer. If your move requires traveling a long distance, be sure to check your local traffic update. Move at a time when there is the least traffic along your route.
5. Care for your pets. If you have pets, moving could be traumatic for them. Often they don’t do well with strangers coming into the house and moving things around. To help relieve your pets stress and make your life a little easier, try to make accommodations for them. Ask a friend to watch them or check them into a pet daycare. 
The tips above will get you going, the College Hunks will get you there. Stephen Bienko, owner of the College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving believes moving should be a stressfree job. “Our experienced employees can help customers with any task, no job is too difficult” states Stephen.  
College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving is a fully licensed and insured organization,operating nation-wide. Our list of services includes junk removal, home and office moving, donation pick-ups, and much more. For more information on services or to get an estimate, give us a call at (973) 287-3030 or visit our website at www.chhj.com.
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
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Size does matter! Don't you agree? 
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
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College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving is proud to have been a sponsor of this year’s SuperFit CrossFit Championship. PSE hosted the event this past Saturday, June 22nd, at Jenkinson’s Boardwalk in Point Pleasant. The championship exhibited New Jersey’s most fit athletes competing for a grand prize of $7,000. The event was a great success involving charities such as the Wounded Warrior Project and the American Red Cross.
College Hunks North Jersey’s own brand ambassador, Kelly Jones was present, stirring up attention in the sponsors’ booth. Stickers, t-shirts and other College Hunks gifts were being offered throughout the day. All in all, the event proved to be a great day of fitness under the sun; One College Hunks was glad to have been a part of.
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
There’s No Place Like Home
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In an effort to better local communities, College Hunks Hauling Junk and Moving is proud to be collaborating with various partners. College Hunks is a professional junk removal and moving company servicing the North Jersey area. With the ultimate goal to help better communities and provide environmentally friendly moving and junk removal services, College Hunks has teamed up with Furnishing Solutions of Morris Plains and Morris Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore to help families in need furnish their homes.
Over the past years, College Hunks has amassed a great amount of voluntary aid, giving back to the community by helping clean up our environment. Owner of College Hunks, Stephen Bienko, does not sit back when work is to be done. Having just initiated a new GreenUp program to help clean up abandoned properties in North Jersey, he continues to give back to the community and its people. College Hunks is the official delivery provider for Furnishing Solutions and Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore.
While College Hunks, Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore, and Furnishing Solutions focus on differing business ventures, they all have a common drive; Giving back to the community in an eco-friendly way. Currently, ReStore provides budget friendly services and supplies for families in need of housing. All proceeds go to Morris Habitat’s mission of building affordable housing. Furnishing Solutions, located in Morris Plains is a one-of-a-kind furniture and housewares resale store. Unlike other furniture retailers, Furnishing Solutions thrives on its large staff of local volunteers. All of Furnishing Solutions’ proceeds benefit Homeless Solutions, Inc. – their parent nonprofit organization servicing the Morris county community.
In partnering with such companies, College Hunks looks to further assist families and individuals who struggle to find housing. In an effort to simplify the stressful task of furnishing a home, College Hunks will provide door-to-door moving services and supply delivery based on pre-determined estimates. “We understand the difficulties and stress of supporting a family…College Hunks wants the Morris county community to know they are here to help”, explains Stephen Bienko. As part of our, 100% stress free service, College Hunks will furnish customers with a tax-deductible receipt at the time of service.
Everyone deserves a place they can call home. College Hunks is now operating in Mountain Lakes and the surrounding towns. If you know a family in need, would like to donate or volunteer, please do not hesitate and reach out to us.
Call- (973) 287-3030  Website- www.chhj.com
Twitter: @CollegeHunksNJ   
Facebook: facebook.com/CollegeHunksHaulingJunkandMoving
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
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Happy client after completing her move. It's like seeing double when you can notice both of these guys' pictures on the back of the truck also. Its like a game of finding two Waldo's!
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
College Hunks Hauling Junk North Jersey Prepares for Earth Day
The Official Release of The GreenUp Movement
Fairfield, NJ - March 19, 2013 – College Hunks Hauling Junk North Jersey owner Stephen Bienko prepares for Earth Day by scheduling a full day of voluntary GreenUp activities in Newark, New Jersey.
Earth day is an annual event intended to increase environmental awareness around the world. College Hunks Hauling Junk supports this cause year-round by traveling across New Jersey cleaning up vacant properties infested with junk and garbage. On Monday April 22nd College Hunks will volunteer to clean up the following five vacant properties submitted by residents of Newark:
• Corner of 16th Street and 9th Avenue at 8:30am • 217 Fairmount Avenue at 8:30 am • South Orange Avenue and Gladstone at 10am • 364 Grove Street at 10am
• Corner of Dassing and Speedway at 12:00pm
These projects are all apart of the GreenUp Movement. GreenUp is College Hunks’ initiative to clean vacant lots and properties around New Jersey to improve the quality of life for all residents. People are encouraged to send photos of junk infested lots to College Hunks through Twitter and Facebook. College Hunks will then clean up these properties and responsibly dispose of all junk. In the beginning of April, College Hunks’ cleaned up a property in Newark. This project was posted throughout social media and gained support from the mayor of Newark, Cory Booker.
Every property cleaned through GreenUp makes the community a greener and cleaner place. Stephen Bienko, owner of College Hunks Hauling Junk and College Hunks Moving North Jersey explains how the execution of GreenUp defines the roots of his company. “We are masters of moving and junk removal, but are uniquely characterized by the positive environmental impact our services provide. I built my company around giving back in many ways. This GreenUp is just one more example of my passion for helping people and the community as a whole” By recycling and donating 70% of everything they haul, College Hunks has a positive impact on New Jersey communities and the environment as a whole.
New Jersey residents have shown great support and stand strongly behind the GreenUp movement initiated by College Hunks Hauling Junk North Jersey. They deeply appreciate College Hunks volunteering their time to help clean up their towns. Some residents have even asked to participate in these GreenUps and others have been paying it forward by doing their own green deeds. College Hunks Hauling Junk North Jersey leads by example by conducting GreenUp projects and encourages others to partake in environmental initiatives this Earth Day.
### For more information about this topic, please contact Casey Donnelly by E-mailing Casey at
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
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Here are some photos from our GreenUp event yesterday in Newark.
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collegehunksnj · 11 years
College Hunks Hauling Junk North Jersey Prepares for Earth Day
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College Hunks Hauling Junk North Jersey owner Stephen Bienko embraces Earth Day by scheduling a full day of voluntary GreenUp activities in Newark, New Jersey.
Earth day is an annual event intended to increase environmental awareness around the world. College Hunks Hauling Junk supports this cause year-round by traveling across New Jersey cleaning up vacant properties infested with junk and garbage. On Monday April 22nd College Hunks will volunteer to clean up the following five vacant Newark, NJ properties submitted by residents: 
    Corner of 16th Street and 9th Avenue at 8:30am
    217 Fairmount Avenue at 8:30am
    South Orange Avenue and Gladstone at 10am
    364 Grove Street at 10am
    Corner of Dassing and Speedway at 12:00pm
These projects are all apart of the GreenUp Movement. GreenUp is College Hunks’ initiative to clean vacant lots and properties around New Jersey to improve the quality of life for all residents. People are encouraged to send photos of junk infested lots to College Hunks through Twitter and Facebook. College Hunks will then clean up these properties and responsibly dispose of all junk. In the beginning of April, College Hunks’ cleaned up a property in Newark. This project was posted throughout social media and gained support from the mayor of Newark, Cory Booker.
Every property cleaned through GreenUp makes the community a greener and cleaner place. Stephen Bienko, owner of College Hunks Hauling Junk and College Hunks Moving North Jersey explains how the execution of GreenUp defines the roots of his company. “We are masters of moving and junk removal, but are uniquely characterized by the positive environmental impact our services provide. I built my company around giving back in many ways. This GreenUp is just one more example of my passion for helping people and the community as a whole.” By recycling and donating 70% of everything they haul, College Hunks has a positive impact on New Jersey communities and the environment as a whole.
New Jersey residents have shown great support and stand strongly behind the GreenUp Movement initiated by College Hunks Hauling Junk North Jersey. They deeply appreciate College Hunks volunteering their time to help clean up their towns. Some residents have even asked to participate in these GreenUps and others have been paying it forward by doing their own green deeds. College Hunks Hauling Junk North Jersey leads by example by conducting GreenUp projects and encourages others to partake in environmental initiatives this Earth Day.
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