colossal-anger · 9 years
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i always love size different so ehem here we go~ reiereberu!
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colossal-anger · 10 years
Dream Sky
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colossal-anger · 10 years
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Here is a very well-drawn comic about Reiner and Eren, but keep in mind that it contains manga spoilers.
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colossal-anger · 10 years
Title: False Memories Pairing(s): BertholdtxEren Warning(s): spoilers for the manga, not a happy ending Note(s): Song that I listened to while writing: “Utsukushi…: http://youtu.be/kWUCdTngVjk
Found here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10640106/1/False-Memories
Eren ran out of the castle and into the forest. Tears poured down his face as he broke branches that were in his way. His pace quickened when he heard concerned shouting behind him. He needed to get away…. he needed to get away from everybody. They wouldn’t understand. They wouldn’t understand the feelings of hurt and betrayal.
After a couple minutes of blindly running he arrived at a cliff. He sunk to his knees and punched the ground as more tears fell down his face. He screamed but no sound came out. He punched the ground again and again until his hand became bloody. His heart was beating abnormally fast and he felt like he was being ripped apart from the inside. The pain fueled more tears and more agony. He felt like his entire body was on fire. It hurt, and there was nothing he could do to ease the pain. He looked down at his bloodied hand as it slowly healed itself. Once it healed, he moved it around  to make sure everything worked. He tried wiping the tears away but it was futile because more poured out of his sea green eyes.
He eventually rolled onto his back and stared at the sky. The sun was  setting in the sky. Different shades of red, yellow, and orange littered the sky. It painted a beautiful mural. It was beautiful, just like… just like…
"Bertholdt. Red and orange. Those colors…. Those are his colors." Eren whispered coarsely, ignoring the feeling of hurt that flowed through his body.
After a while, he sighed, unable to ignore the heavy feeling settling on his chest. It was hard for him to breath. He held a hand up and made a light fist.
'I can never have a happy ending can I?' He thought, thinking of all the memories of him and Bertholdt. The way Bertholdt used to hold him when he was sad. The way he fell asleep on the older one’s lap. The way he silently berated him for not practicing. The way Bertholdt got up early in the morning so he could help him train with the 3DMG.
'I remembered all those times so vividly. Those were good times.' Eren though, a small smile on his face. 'Although, some of the best were when we joined the scouting legion.'
Eren remembered how Bertholdt used to tell funny campfire jokes when they were out on expeditions. He remembered how he held him though the bad nights. He remembered waking up in the middle of the night with a pair of arms tightly wrapped around him, as if to ward the nightmares away. He remembered all the stupid but witty jokes he occasionally said. Was it all a dream? Was it all a lie?
The thought sent another stab of pain through Eren’s heart. Tears were once again were threatening to spill from his eyes. He held them back and sniffed.
'Was it all one big giant lie? Was he lying to me? Were the feelings… fake? False?' He choked and snapped upright. He stayed like that for a moment and wiped the few tears that escaped.
He stood up and looked at the setting sun. He held a hand in front of him.
"Bertholdt, I hope all the time we spent together was some big giant lie you constructed. I hope you genuinely feel the same. Whether or not the feeling is mutual, I love you. I always will," Eren sealed the speech by kissing his hand and blowing it away with the wind. He slowly limped his way back to the castle, the heavy feeling weighing him down. He stopped and glanced longingly at the sunset one last time before continuing on the path to the castle. 
'….I hope you know Eren, that all those memories created together. They were not a lie. It was true. It wasn't a story. I'm sorry I caused you all that pain. I'm sorry that I betrayed you. Eren, I love you.'
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colossal-anger · 10 years
ok this is hecka nsfw i repeat hecka nsfw and it’s unfinished and i wrote this at some ungodly hour in the morning months ago it’s berteren where bert is teaching eren some important things about anatomy during a camping exercise it’s almost 1k of words enjoy or not
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colossal-anger · 10 years
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colossal-anger · 10 years
Title: Tsumi no Ito Pairing: Bertolt x Eren Circle: yojoujan-naizou Language: English by MOY Moe Scanlations
NSFW at link!!!
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colossal-anger · 10 years
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from さいごのついろぐ by pra
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colossal-anger · 10 years
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i’m such trash goodnight
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colossal-anger · 10 years
What is your opinion on the English dub of SnK?
The voices are alright. There are some voices which I don’t really like.. Jean’s voice was weird. I don’t know whether I like it or dislike it though. We’ll see how that goes. Bertholdt’s voice though. W o w. Hehehe~ I’m not really a big fan of English dubbed animes to be honest but the SnK voice dub ain’t that bad! :)A VA I really liked in it was Carla's- Too bad she was only in one episode.
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colossal-anger · 10 years
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I saw THIS post and decided that drawing a comic while half asleep was a good idea.
Bertholdt connecting with Eren and being scared of that connection gives me life. They both just want to see their homes and I love it.
I hope everyone can read this…
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colossal-anger · 10 years
My Feelings Aren't An Act -- Chapter 4/? -- Taking Up New Interests
Pairing: Bertholdt/Eren
Summary: Eren realizes that he may have to fight his way into a certain brunet’s heart, so he decides to do the only thing that would allow them to grow closer.
Notes: Wooo so i finally got this chapter finished and wow I’d like to thank apollosshine for the wonderful fanart You have no idea how happy that made me like woo
Previous Chapter
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colossal-anger · 10 years
What is your OTP for attack on titan?
My OTP for Attack on Titan is BertEren even though I tend to reblog alot of Ereri stuff on my main blog. (There’s not enough BertEren around!) JeanEren, Eruren, Eruri and Ereri all run a close second. :D 
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colossal-anger · 10 years
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Eren was all tuckered out from training that night and needed someone big and tall to carry him back.
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colossal-anger · 10 years
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from (a) and (b) « artist has beruere, reiere and erejean
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colossal-anger · 10 years
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colossal-anger · 10 years
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