comingoutasawriter · 4 years
Cutting into corals older than human memory
Just to build an empty castle
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comingoutasawriter · 4 years
Ivy was very impressed by the dessert Belladona presented her with. It was a cheery spring green and smelled delivious. "Is this that Japanese desseert the councilwoman was talking about yesterday? Elinor did always love matcha."
"You can tell her she can ask me if she ever wants the recipe," Belladona looked with pride at the matcha souffle pancake piled high with whipped cream dotted with berries sitting proudly on her plate. Much too good for some snob who couldn't bake a cupcake, and had the gall to insult her baking.
"No" she pierced the fluffy dessert with a gtin, " but she's always welcome to ask."
"Would you really give it to her?" Ivy asked, eyebrow raised and fork poised on a rasberry
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comingoutasawriter · 4 years
But every accidental touch bounces off like hailstones on a memorial
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comingoutasawriter · 4 years
But every accidental touch bounces off like hailstones on a memorial
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comingoutasawriter · 4 years
Violence as a Vice
A part of me wishes I could be one of those full force pacifists with a deep disgust of violence that shakes their bones.
But I'm not.
I've found deep satisfaction in taking a swing, feeling that connection of flesh and bone at bruising force. The sensation of diggin in your nails so deep as to draw blood.
Dragging the knife down with a fury that could freeze oceans, weeping for mercy, and ready to shatter. The thought of it makes something in me sing where I should cringe.
I dream of peace, and cling to that. There is a sort of lurid charm to violence, but like all vices it must be tempered before it corrupts.
Understanding violence and using that to fuel your desire for peace. Im content with that. Someone more willing to extend a hand up than pulling back a fist to swing. Never attack someone who is helpless to retaliate. As always it's about the power. The trauma. A battle between warriors is so different from backhanding a child.
I'm finding that most interactions can be governed by the same principals. Good sex, good magic, and a good fight all involve consent and protection. To forego either shifts the balance of power and the repercussions.
The goal should always be peace. No casualties. No damage. No pain. Today that is a fantasy, but if we cannot make a perfect world even in our dreams then how can we remember what we're working for?
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comingoutasawriter · 4 years
"Belladona Suarez was a woman of 30 with the air of someone who lived through the crusades and has refused to give a single solitary fuck since."
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comingoutasawriter · 4 years
Really gotta put up that edit of For the Love of Art. The current version is cringy
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comingoutasawriter · 4 years
So the plan is Queer Cozy Mystery with fantasy elements. I got a witch who owns the local bookshop/cafe and now I need to come up with the dozen side characters necessary for this kinda thing.
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comingoutasawriter · 4 years
The fact that no one has mentioned Courtney Milan and her Brothers Sinister series is a travesty. All that historical romance tropiness without the icky cliches. Her tone isn't fanfic-y per se, but all of her female leads are complex interesting characters who fall in love with lots of snark and interest.
Also, Mercedes Lackey, who is technically a fantasy writer, but outside of her Heralds of Valdemar series most of her stuff is very romance focused. I personally recommend the 500 Kingdom series
do you have any recs for romance novels that are like fanfic (but with original characters obv) in that they AREN’T those books w a shirtless guy on the cover that middle aged women love? idk ngozi posted a bit about sport news reporters on her pillowfort and it made me crave more stuff like that
1) don’t diss the old-school romance novels and, cliche as it may be, don’t judge a book by its cover. Romance writers and readers are dismissed all the time in spite of being one of the most successful genres in sales and reader numbers, and I have a lot of feelings about that. 
2) if you want romance recommendations regularly, I highly recommend following the bookstore The Ripped Bodice on social media. They’re in LA and while I’m internet friends with someone who works there, I have never been there, but their recommendations are always on point. There may be some other romance bookstores out there, but I like them. 
Okay now a few recommendations. Some of these feel more like fanfiction than others, but I liked them, so maybe you’ll like them, too. I’m linking them to bookshop dot org listings, because that benefits small bookstores; I signed up for an affiliate program, so full disclosure I could get money back if you choose to buy here, but I would just use that money to buy more books to read and recommend; also you can probably get e-versions from your library using Libby or Overdrive or Hoopla or whatever:
Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston. 
Short summary: The son of America’s first female president and the prince of England totally hate each other. Wait, actually, the son of America’s first female president is a disaster bi who didn’t realize he had an enormous (reciprocated) crush on the prince of England. 
Why it’s good: Beautiful writing, like no straight people, political drama that’s like West Wing levels of stress, not Real Life levels of stress, and just the best romantic emails.
Nota Bene: I keep seeing this on YA lists. It is not YA. It’s aimed at younger adults, but it’s not aimed at 13-18 year olds. There is some actual sex in here and everyone is like 22. It could be categorized as New Adult. 
Also I can’t wait for her next book. 
ANYTHING by Meg Cabot. 
Okay this is a broad recommendation. I guess it doesn’t count her books for kids, because I haven’t read those. But! Meg Cabot writes a lot of great stuff and I love her. 
Most recent is No Judgments, so I’ll recommend that first. It’s a standalone book where a girl, Bri, who’s falling apart after several family crises rides out a hurricane in the Florida Keys. Unfortunately, the hurricane is way more severe than people thought, and pets that would’ve been okay being left at home for a couple days are going to be alone for weeks. Bri and a very hot man go around rescuing pets. They are smooching on the cover so I think you can guess how that ends up. 
Ok the next couple are ones that I’ve heard recommended, but that I haven’t read yet. 
The Kiss Quotient, by Helen Hoang, and her other books. 
A book about an autistic woman written by an autistic woman! I’ve heard it’s fun and sexy and good. It’s on my shelf; I got it at my local used bookstore in The Before Times. 
Jasmine Guillory’s books
Haven’t read them yet, but they’re highly recommended by a bunch of people. She’s generally writing about black couples, weddings, fake dating, and a touch of enemies to lovers. They also seem to be in a shared universe situation, so if you like being able to see characters in different books from different perspectives, this might be good for you. 
Recommendations from the bookseller I’m friends with when I was lamenting how I don’t think I’ve read any wlw-focused romance, in spite of being myself a wlw; I haven’t read them yet but look I have about ten thousand books on my to-read list:
Something to Talk About, Meryl Wilsner- not out yet but there’s some buzz around it
The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics, Olivia Waite. Looks like it’s historical, but I am intrigued. 
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comingoutasawriter · 5 years
So I've been working on this new story/universe called For the Love of Art, and I'm going to make a point of posting little character blurbs and sides here ala writblr. Maybe even some lil drawings. Stay tuned...
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comingoutasawriter · 5 years
Every time I think I’ve followed all the writers I can there’s always more out there
You sneaky little bastards
So I’m doing another writeblr boost.
Please reblog this if you’re a writeblr, particularly if you post about your original work and/or writing references!
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comingoutasawriter · 5 years
What do you mean most writers don't have their characters spring forth from their minds, fully formed --ala Athena -- who insist you write This One Scene at 2am?
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comingoutasawriter · 5 years
Ignorance is Bliss
And Bliss,
like any other vice,
will catch up with you
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comingoutasawriter · 5 years
Did I already reblog this from my main blog? Yes.  Am I doing it again? Yes.
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comingoutasawriter · 5 years
For the Love of Art
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So I’m writing a thing and y’all should check it out. It’s an unapologetically campy, fun, romance featuring an empath who’s not really an empath, a psychic who doesn’t know he’s psychic, bi as the default setting, a lesbian hacker who really likes fashion and bagels, way more information on a 19th century Austrian  painter than you would have expected, and much, much more!  
Here’s the blurb:
Danae leads a simple life.  Art conservator by day and partially reformed art thief by night.  Things get a little more complicated when Tariq, a security officer who’s been chasing her for years, comes to do security for the new exhibit at her museum.  If that weren’t bad enough. a new player in the game shows up, a fellow thief who went by Aurelius.  Things get even more complicated when connections to old jobs start to pop up,  and Danae realizes she has gotten involved in something much bigger than she first thought.
The First Chapter is already up on Wattpad if you want to dive in!
Special shout out to @thebibliosphere for inspiring me to just go ahead and write that fluffy, queer, poly-love-triangle, fantasy/heist  wish fulfillment we deserve.  Not sure I would have had the guts to do it if I hadn’t been following your journey with Hunger Pangs. I’ve had a rough couple of years and a rocky recovery these past six months, but this story is something I’m very proud of.     I should be updating chapters every other Friday.  So the second chapter should be up on May 31st. I hope you like it!
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comingoutasawriter · 7 years
Overcast Clouds, 8°C
314 White Dr
Breaking Stones Bones trickle like blood Down the stairs Sharp as glass Calcium caked marrow Can't build anything, Cracked open by her knife Like pearl geodes She sucks them dry, And thinks of home. Where green jewels drip From cellulose arms Little lungs worn on Slim tropical sleeves, You need to crack them open To see what they're made of.
Powered by Journey Diary.
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comingoutasawriter · 7 years
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Rules: 1. Each poem must follow the prompt. 2. Each post should be tagged with #divine poetry and #loganscove so that I can find them. You can also tag me with @loganscove  3. In order for you to be eligible for prizes, you must have all poems finished by June 10th, 2017, 4. Rules are subject to change as needed Prizes First prize: A set of soaps created by @frankiezaltar, a bookmark reading, a set of envelopes Second Prize: A bookmark reading, set of envelopes Third Prize: a bookmark reading.
In order to be elible for first prize you need to complete all 31 poems by June 10; second prize you need to complete 15 different poems by June 10, third prize one poem by June 10. Prompts May 1 - Three Haiku poems. 
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