Note how in this argument, the importance of lived experience and material suffering is emphasized, but only for Israelis. The experience and suffering of the millions of people being starved and bombed to death doesn't count here. This continues the trend of Arab people's lives and wishes being discounted by zionists since the Nakba in Palestine, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon started 76 years ago.
not sorry i’m going to listen to israelis over any diaspora jew when it comes to i/p when they’re the ones getting rockets thrown at them and are trying to rehabilitate from a literal pogrom.
i can’t comprehend that anyone would think that their opinion on the matter is more important or more correct than israelis lived experience. all they accomplish is fueling the ongoing fire that is demonizing israel. and i’m not referring to listening to israeli organizations.
i’m saying id rather speak to a literal israeli person who is affected by the war, which might i remind everyone is beyond gaza.
everyone seems to forget displaced israelis, many of which have lost everything. i’m going to listen to them. i’m going to listen to the israeli archeologist and the israeli defense expert. hell, i’ll listen to the israeli high schooler over a random diaspora jew adult. i’d much rather learn about how they’re doing from them.
idk i’ve been seeing too many diaspora acting like this war has a material affect on us. (and when i say material i mean im not israeli so the antisemitism i face in new york is very different from the antisemitism israelis face (which is terrorist groups attacking them)).
ok i’ll shut up now byeee
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Take note of how Israeli apologists always believe that injustices of the past make it okay to murder enormous numbers of people in the present. This "two wrongs make a right attitude" is a sure sign that the person in question flunked their kindergarten level ethics class.
How old is the Jewish religion? How old is Islam? How old is “Palestine”? Which religion inhabited that area of the planet first?
You might want to learn what genocide actually is before posting the usual shite.
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Pure carbrain propaganda. Jeff B*zos only mumbles to himself about the toupee, he doesn't actually ask people about it.
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Profit is the passive income skimmed off the top by a capitalist, by using the power of their ownership to direct money. If workers own the producion and make money from it and keep it, that's just their income.
I fucking hate this "capitalism is when you make money, the more money you make, the more capitalism it is" mindset people have gotten. No, an artist selling their own work is not them engaging in capitalism, it's literally a worker owning their own means of production.
Remember capitalism is someone profiting off of someone else's labor though owning capital. It is not simply the act of profiting at all.
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highly recommend reading the full letter
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also, a friendly reminder, the world we live in now consists of an active genocide.
of warcrimes being posted on twitter by the official account of israeli government.
of people looking at children, women and men being bombed, killed, starved and butchered and saying it is okay because of a single terrorist group, THAT ISRAEL CREATED.
of westerners saying to look away from the slaughter happening in gaza because your mental health is more important than thousands of lives.
of israeli politicians straight up using propaganda from nazi handbooks to dehumanise palestinians, calling them less than human, less than the rest of us, animals.
and what one palestinian man posted on his social media hit me more than anything: “if we actually were animals, people would care.”
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WW2 was the start of the petroleum era, which means a shitload of energy to work with. Efficiency was no longer necessary in wealthy countries, so the question went from "How can we get more out of our resources" to "How much more can we get more get moregetmoregetmore?". Thrift goes out the window once you can snort a line of economic output directly into your brain hole.
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I find it insane how we created the most efficient form of transport and then proceeded to switch it for the most inefficient form of transport, like, what happened did we all just collectively go into shock after WW2????
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How to fix a suburb.
Step 1) build a transit line to a central location within it, one that people can walk to and from easily
Step 2) implement densification policies around the transit stop, such as infill housing, ADUs and low-rise apartments.
Step 3) allow for small businesses to open via mixed use construction, yard shops, and additional infill
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walkable cities also means sittable cities send tweet
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There's also the fourth gender of the conductor in striped overalls and hat, comin' 'round the bend, seeing the commotion off in the distance and blowing the horn, face aghast as the plight of the TiedToTheTracksGender person suddenly dawns on them, frantically pulling levers as the brake blocks clamp down, waste steam diverts from the cylinders, but the train is too heavy, the wheels don't have enough traction, there's not enough time, there's not enough time, there's not enought, ime there'sno tenougtimethere'snotenou
me and my friends joke that there are 3 genders, being tied to train tracks, tying someone to train tracks, and freeing someone from the train tracks, and i really want to know @amtrak-official’s take on this
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They're just salty I decided to get forcibly rendered into a soup-like homogenate by the rusted-out buick skylark down the block instead.
yes i go out of my way to drive safely around bicyclists, no i dont care about their human lives, i know the fucking perverts are desperately slavering to be slammed and crushed by the beautiful steel of an automobile, trembling and hot with death-drive that only the merciless fenders of my foreverially dealerplated altima can answer, and i simply refuse to give them release.
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[On the capitalism cooking show]
"What you really want is to broil that planet long enough that the civilization falls right off the bone. See how tender and systemically vulnerable that society is? That's good stuff right there"
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Both? Like, there's no way to have option 1 without a lot of option 2?
The US population probably isn't going to get a whole lot bigger going into the future, so if you want to redevelop the places we live to to be higher density, a lot of the land currently dedicated to sprawl needs to be written off. Like, turned back into rural or wild land. Unless you want to have two or three houses per capita.
Anyways, this is an oldish drama and a long divide in urbanist communities, but it is a question that fundamentally affects my respect for you.
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Don't get me wrong, when somebody says some shit like 'paying poor people less will make the economy better', the appropriate response is to laugh them out of the room and disengage. But if you can't leave well enough alone, or if the shitbrain takes are coming from someone you can't disengage with like a family member, might as well know how to do it properly.
The Facts and Logic^TM arm of conservatism paints itself as being above the corrupting influence of ideology, pure and untainted, despite the fact that they're actually taints. The thing is, they don't really know what logic is.
Logic is only a process. It can take you from one statement to the next, and it can ensure all the statements down a chain are consistent with all of the previous ones. But it never actually guarantees something is correct, because it never gives you the starting point for the chain.
In math and logic, the starting points are called axioms, and in ethics and politics, they're your values. There is no such thing as a "logical" value to hold, because they come before logic.
So when you hear somebody say that society would be better off if we let the children work in the mines for which they yearn, don't go after the process they used to arrive at that conclusion. Debating about whether child labor is effective will only validate the values that their argument originates from. Instead, identify that original value and let them know that it's absolute baldercrap.
- Putting more people to work is logical if the meaning of a life well lived is to maximize productivity and consumption.
- Gender essentialism is logical if "nature" is a good thing to obey
- Private ownership of the economy is logical if the only valuable part is the people at the top barking orders
Being a shitty person is logical if you choose to hold shitty values. Choose to care about and respect others, or I will show up at your house and write long blocks of text at you. You've been warned.
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🔥🔥 **SUMMER PRO TIP** 🔥🔥
It's not the heat that gets you, it's the burning fury of knowing that something could be done about it, but the systems of power that govern us choose self destruction instead
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