compactrationale · 6 years
((hello everyone, lots of things have gone on behind the scenes and I will probably not post until it's over with. It's a huge personal matter ))
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compactrationale · 6 years
Nightmare anon. I wanted to say thank you for the advice. It hasn't changed my nightmares but it has made dealing with them far easier.
I’m glad it helped, even if just a little. Sometimes nightmares can’t be stopped, sometimes not even lucid dreaming makes the worst feelings go away, but reaffirming they never happened and everything is fine helps me a lot with dealing with the aftermath.
I hope they go away soon. I can’t say what the source of the nightmare are, since I don’t know, so I can’t help with that very much. I’d suggest talking to someone you trust about them if you feel comfortable, maybe you can figure out what’s stressing you so much that you have nightmares like that.
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compactrationale · 6 years
there's a huge heat wave in japan right now, isn't there? are you doing okay?
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stay safe, everyone...
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compactrationale · 6 years
Conan, how would you fall on a scale of 10 to negative 10? 10 being that you're very prideful, and negative 10 being that you are egotistical as hell (that's Kogoro oji-san, r-right?)
What would you define as ego or pride in this instance? They’re fairly similar, too, depending on what definition you pick.
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compactrationale · 6 years
Hey Conan, what do you do when you have a nightmare? I've had trouble sleeping lately and I'm not sure what to do.
If it’s something horribly realistic, I try to orient myself first, then go make sure everything is, well... in order. That everyone is okay. I probably won’t be able to go back to sleep unless I’m very tired, but at least it helps me calm down, along with slow and deep breaths.
If it’s more surreal, I normally don’t have to check on anyone, but sometimes I like to see if a friend is awake and speak with them, or maybe sometimes read something relaxing. I hear listening to peppy, happy or calming music helps some people, or playing a game that makes you feel happy.
I’m not the best at dealing with the problem, though... maybe speaking to someone you know well and trust about this might help more.
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compactrationale · 6 years
Conan, do you know if it's true that Shinichi and Ran kissed? Have either told you what happened?
Is it true? Yes. I don’t know what kind of kiss it was, though.
Have they told me what happened? No, I- er- overheard it from Sonoko-neechan.
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compactrationale · 6 years
(ive got around 11 more asks to respond to and i’ll try to get around to them this week but -gives brain dirty look- you never hecking know)
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compactrationale · 6 years
Conan-kun, who cooks better, Amuro-san or Subaru-san?
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compactrationale · 6 years
you ever think about how harry houdini tried to convince arthur conan doyle that spiritualism was a fraud by demonstrating all the tricks that spiritualists used during their seances and showing how it was all sleight of hand and smoke and mirrors, and doyle's response was "harry why didn't you tell me you had powers"? because i do. i think about that a lot. sometimes i think i'm houdini, sometimes i think i'm doyle
Honestly, when I read about that I didn’t know what to do with my life for about a week, and yet sometimes, when I see something I can’t explain right away, I find myself in Doyle’s shoes for a few moments.
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compactrationale · 6 years
Welcome back! ^_^ It's been a long time since I've seen you on my dash
(Thanks! Been busy, but also a bad case of art block and general exhaustion kept me from posting. Many apologies h)
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compactrationale · 6 years
sir are you aware that you are a detective?
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compactrationale · 6 years
Conan I seriously need to ask. Did Sherlock ever have a pet? I can't look it up myself because the best way to read Sherlock is to READ Sherlock... and no bookstores are close enough that have any of the books. And if they do have them they're used books that are in crappy condition
He makes use of a dog named Toby, but he never owned any pets!
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compactrationale · 6 years
Has Ran ever bought a lemon pie and said not to eat it... but you've had a monstrous craving for it?
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compactrationale · 6 years
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compactrationale · 6 years
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Okay, so, he’s dead,
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compactrationale · 6 years
(also, apologies for my perpetual absence, ive been occupied with an old personal project i finally got second wind for, a personal family loss, and been generally too tired after work to do much art... or even work on said project anyway. I’ll try to be more consistent, maybe queue some of my answers so this doesnt feel so barren)
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compactrationale · 6 years
Conan, what can you say about your classmates? (Especially about Maria-chan!)
If you’re worried about Maria-chan, she’s been adjusting very well to the class after Kobayashi-sensei’s efforts! She’s good friends with Ayumi, too. Genta and Takuma-kun took very well to each other, too...
All in all, they’re all pretty lively, like kids should be. The environment in class feels a lot more stable than when I first transferred...
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