We're back this week with some delightful gay piracy! The crew is still taking some time to rest but they're preparing for their next job, seeking out information on two new opportunities that have presented themselves. Meanwhile, Thicket waits anxiously for word from the Azure Phoenix.
Chat is up, come hang out and we'll be live in 15 minutes or so.
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Hi there!
An influx of new followers means it’s probably time to post a little something about us again.
We’re Compass Rose Productions, and our goal is to make happy endings for people who don’t usually get them. What does that mean, though? Well, most media, especially until just recently, simply doesn’t let queer people, people of color, and disabled people (especially if there’s any overlap) have a happy ending at the end of their story. We want to change that, at least in the media we create, especially since our group is comprised of all three, and there’s certainly overlap.
Our two main public projects right now are Everyone Dice (our actual play tabletop rpg livestreams) and The Watchwood (the horror & drama interactive novel being written by Scott & coded by Erin). While we post updates to this Tumblr from time to time, the best place to talk to us about anything we’re working on and get updates on things is actually our Discord server! We also post pet pictures there, if you just wanna look at cute animals. <3
Thanks for stopping by!
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November is Indigenous Heritage Month here on Interact-IF!
This month, we recognize and celebrate native/indigenous authors, their heritage, and the love they’ve poured into their projects for this community.
Here are our featured authors for this month! Join us in supporting them by checking out their works!
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J, author of The Graves of Heirs
Carmine Ehrenreich is the villainess of your favourite series, The Graves of Heirs; the Queen of Apostates, she makes a pact with the elder god Deathe and tears the titular heirs’ lives apart. When the series ends with her death, you assume that’s that in the story of the possessed sorcerer and close the book.
Only problem is after you’re murdered by… something, you wake up to a proposition offered by Carmine herself; she hates the way the series ended and needs your help to change the story. Before you know it you are trapped in the position of the young Carmine in the horrific Ehrenreich Organization to learn the magic that turned her into a villain. Alongside the first of the heirs you must now make your way through a school year beset with magical mishaps, murderous teachers, and monsters that may or may not be hunting you down in the middle of the night.
Will you save the other students, or leave them to their fate? Will you help the heir, organize his death, or take the place of protagonist yourself? Hindsight is twenty-twenty, after all. You know how events are going to happen - what will you do to change the story?
Read more here | The Graves of Heirs demo | Ko-fi
Tags: fantasy, academia
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Roast, author of When it Hungers
When it Hungers is a cosmic horror story based on a world dissimilar to ours full of monsters and magic.
You play as a monstrous parolee in 1913, forced to work for a company that investigates magical and monstrous phenomena. You’re set on a conundrum of a case with no easy answers, plaguing a town like the mysterious illness that plagues your body and has stolen bits of your memories–that are slowly starting to come back.
Solve the case, survive, get answers.
Read more here | When it Hungers demo | Patreon | Discord
Tags: cosmic horror, historical
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Scott, author of The Watchwood
This is a story about trauma, recovery, and what family always should have been. It’s about the ghosts that linger in your head and learning to live with them. It’s about the people who love you, and how sometimes they have ghosts, too. It’s about moving forward, even when it’s hard, and even when it feels like you’re moving backward.
You are a member of the Grey family. Once, you were a child, and as children are wont to do, you broke the rules. You went somewhere you’d been told not to go, and something very bad happened. Something that has lived in your head ever since.
Your parents took you, and the three of you moved far away from your ancestral home. 22 years later, your grandmother, the Head of the Grey Family, has passed away, and you have all returned home for the first time.
This is what happens next.
Read more here | The Watchwood demo | Ko-fi | Discord
Tags: modern fantasy, horror
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Theo, author of Boundary Pass
Boundary Pass is an interactive suspense novel that follows the experiences of a park ranger in the winter of 2003. Set in an isolated mountain pass known for its body-count, struggle to keep the mountains from claiming another life.
Read more here | Boundary Pass demo
Tags: suspense
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Wanderhome Wednesday for September may have been unexpectedly postponed but it is still happening! Join us tonight at 4 PM Pacific time for more Wanderhome! Who knows what secrets we'll uncover next?
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This is tonight, everyone! Join us for Wanderhome Wednesday at 4 PM Pacific, 6 PM Central! We’re so excited to dive back in and share our journey through the Haethland with you all.
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Guess who’s playing Wanderhome again?
That’s right folks, Wanderhome Wednesday is back, and we’re going to be returning to the haeth on Wednesday, September 15th, and 4 PM Pacific, 6 PM Central. Join us and our traveling caravan as we continue to explore the stories surrounding this Monastery of the Fallen Star, tucked away within the coil of the skeleton of an ancient, titanic beast. What secrets does the monastery hold? What secrets does the skeleton hold? What secrets do perhaps even our own wanderers hold?
You can join us on our Twitch channel, and get more reliable & immediate updates (as well as just talk to us) on our Discord server! Find all our relevant links right here [link].
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Guess who’s playing Wanderhome again?
That’s right folks, Wanderhome Wednesday is back, and we’re going to be returning to the haeth on Wednesday, September 15th, and 4 PM Pacific, 6 PM Central. Join us and our traveling caravan as we continue to explore the stories surrounding this Monastery of the Fallen Star, tucked away within the coil of the skeleton of an ancient, titanic beast. What secrets does the monastery hold? What secrets does the skeleton hold? What secrets do perhaps even our own wanderers hold?
You can join us on our Twitch channel, and get more reliable & immediate updates (as well as just talk to us) on our Discord server! Find all our relevant links right here [link].
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The crew has ventured deep into the Sunken City in search of the generator. However they have discovered a small nest of Kruthiks in the room it resides in, in particularly one with a "big butt." Can the crew conquer this bugs bodacious bodankadonk? Or will they be bounced?
We’re live in 15 minutes come and join us!
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Guess who’s playing Wanderhome again?
That’s right folks, Wanderhome Wednesday is back, and we’re going to be returning to the haeth on Wednesday, September 15th, and 4 PM Pacific, 6 PM Central. Join us and our traveling caravan as we continue to explore the stories surrounding this Monastery of the Fallen Star, tucked away within the coil of the skeleton of an ancient, titanic beast. What secrets does the monastery hold? What secrets does the skeleton hold? What secrets do perhaps even our own wanderers hold?
You can join us on our Twitch channel, and get more reliable & immediate updates (as well as just talk to us) on our Discord server! Find all our relevant links right here [link].
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Radical Catgirl Anarchy Version 1.1 and Olaf Hits the Dragon with His Sword Version 1.2 now available
This is a minor update that addresses portability issues in the previous versions of each game.
HTML versions no longer have an external dependency on Google Fonts API
HTML versions no longer require Internet access in order to correctly display Creative Commons logos
HTML versions now provided as zipfiles containing all required resources (i.e., rather than having to download the illustrations separately)
Radical Catgirl Anarchy and Olaf Hits the Dragon with His Sword are now available in EPUB format
The latest versions can be downloaded here:
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It's time for another new episode of Everyone Dice! I hope the fact we were off last week didn't BUG you. This session the crew will be dealing with an infestation of kruthiks before diving into whatever lost ruins might await them below.
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After a victory celebration, and acquiring a new contraption. The crew decides to head for the Imperium excavation site they saw in the Sandsea desert. What mysteries await them in the shifting sand? Come watch and find out.
Bonus Rye:
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The crew have emerged victorious over the lich Vir'Gal and you know what that means? It's time to celebrate! Laughs will be had, drinks will be shared, and perhaps even some smooching? Chat is open now and we'll be live in 15 minutes!!
Bonus Vee:
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I guess now is as good a time as any to reveal Twin Coves will have a character creator!
I personally love a good character creator in games and not being able to put a face to the MC while playing was something that bothered me. And I hope this will help allow players to better step into the shoes of the main character, Morgan Cooper. (See what I did there, Morgan Cooper? MC? And bonus points if you get the reference. Also, their name is changeable don't worry.)
The CC won't be ready by the demo release, but there will be two defaults to select from to give players an example.
The last image is to show some possible combinations, but there are more choices than these represent. I want to have a good variety of skin tones, face shapes, facial features, hairstyles and colors, and other details like piercings, eyeliner, freckles, glasses, etc. Even though the MC sprite will only be shoulders up, there are also a couple body sizes to choose from.
I'm excited about this new addition and I hope ya'll will be too!
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We’ve made an Itch.io account!
We created this account to help categorize games on itch.io, making your searching even easier!
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Though we still recommend perusing through the site on your own, as there are many hidden gems, we’ve created genre and other categories to make the discovery process even easier.
We’re still working through our stock, categorizing and cataloging, but we appreciate any shoutouts, category suggestions, and please please let us know if you think we’ve misclassified something!
We, unfortunately, cannot play through every single game we find. :(
Rules for suggestions
If you want to suggest games on itch.io, please make a collection on your account with tags specifying the genre, category, or other facets we are currently cataloging.
This makes it a lot easier on us when putting together our categories, and if you can add more games in there the merrier!
Once you’ve got your collection ready, just send us a message here on tumblr with your account name and collection and we’ll take a peek!
This will, hopefully, prevent multiple asks suggesting only one game at a time and, instead, will supply us with several games in one go.
You can find our itch.io page here -> Interact-if.itch.io
Ko-fi | Discord | Reddit | Featured Authors Form
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We’re playing an indie tabletop game called World of Wyldrvir! The creator, Bee, is running a one-shot for us tonight! And what’s more? We’re announcing our giveaway winners tonight!
Chat’s open, come join us!
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Is that heartbound thing just a shitpost or is it part of a larger project cause 👀👀👀👀👀
(With reference to this post here.)
The rules and mechanics presented in the linked post are made-up references to a nonexistent game system, but the general idea of it is related to an as-yet-hypothetical project I’ve been kicking around for the last several years about transhuman magical girls who serve as roving troubleshooters in a post-scarcity society that’s perpetually on the verge of accidentally blowing itself up because everybody has access to bullshit space magic and nobody is willing to take responsibility for it.
Basically, picture Paranoia meets Singularity Sky meets Puella Magi Madoka Magica, except those sources’ tedious grimdark horseshit is replaced with Star Trek style optimism and the big blow-up-the-world threats are a heavy-handed allegory for navigating the conflicting demands of self-actualisation versus collective responsibility. Super high player character mortality, but since you can just pop a player character’s gem out and slot it into a new body, getting killed is more inconvenient, like having a favourite outfit ruined, and would typically be played for low comedy.
(The magical girls still eventually evolve into giant incomprehensible god-monsters that project their own little microcosmic worlds where regular physics don’t apply onto their surroundings, but instead of being malevolent they’re just deeply weird, and play a role in the setting a bit like the Minds in Iain M Banks’ “Culture” universe. There’s this whole thing about how the microcosms they generate are their own self-definition pushing back against the pressure of humanity’s cultural consensus, and yes, to anticipate the obvious objection, I did 100% steal that concept from Heaven Will Be Mine.)
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if you have a couple of bucks to spare, consider throwing them to The Indian Residential School Survivor Society (IRSSS). they provide counseling and other forms of support to first nations people who are residential school survivors. this is a list of other charities that support first nations people, this list is a mix of charities and ways to learn more about first nation activism and history, and this is a link to a free online college course called Indigenous Canada
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