complexcobwebs · 2 years
forgot to get a sweet treat while grocery shopping this is the worst day of my life
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complexcobwebs · 2 years
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complexcobwebs · 2 years
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complexcobwebs · 2 years
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first song in 8 years from my chemical romance????
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complexcobwebs · 4 years
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complexcobwebs · 5 years
I finally made a tumblr for all my Sims 4 content! Please check it out 😻 I'll upload more content when I'm home (at the docs rn 🥴)
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ₓ $44,188
ₓ 30 x 20
ₓ 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom
ₓ Origin ID: SupremeSimQueen | Instagram: @SupremeSimQueen
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complexcobwebs · 5 years
Why do you think Michael Peterson is guilty? I honestly don't know what to think. Part of me is leaning towards innocent but I don't know.
I found The Staircase to be exceptionally bias and they just skimmed over a lot of evidence against Michael Peterson or just completely left it out. I think there was a lot of evidence that points towards him being guilty.
When authorities arrived, Kathleen’s blood was completely dry meaning she had been dead for a while. However, Michael had claimed that she was still breathing when he called 911 and that she died in his arms. Moreover, Kathleen’s brain had numerous red neurons. These indicate that oxygen failed to reach the brain and also indicate that Kathleen was dying for at least 2 hours. Neuropathologist Dr. Thomas Bouldin also testified that Kathleen had been dead for hours. What motivation would he have to lie about the time frame unless he killed her? The ludicrous owl theory also doesn’t fit with the time frame.
State Medical Examiner Dr. Deborah Radisch testified that Kathleen had numerous defensive wounds on her hands and arms which indicated she attempted to defend herself. Defensive wounds such as that are not consistent with a fall down the stairs. Furthermore, she had numerous contusions and abrasions on her face as well as the lacerations that killed her. Kathleen’s thyroid cartilage had been crushed indicating she had been manually strangled. There was blood spatter found on Michael’s pants and his defence tried to argue that it could have come from Kathleen coughing on him as she died, however, there was no blood found in her mouth, nose or nasal passage at autopsy so how else could blood spatter have gotten there? The crime scene was consistent with a brutal murder as opposed to anything else; the wounds to her head could not have been caused by simply falling down the stairs.
The crime scene was also staged by Michael. There was a bottle of wine and two wine glasses placed on the table. However, Kathleen’s fingerprints weren’t on either glass. The defence tried to suggest that Kathleen had too much to drink that night and stumbled down the stairs yet her blood alcohol level was extremely low; so low in fact that she wasn’t over the drink driving limit. Her body had most likely been staged too. She was found lying on her back yet there was a bloody footprint that matched Michael’s shoes on the back of her leg implying that at some point, he had stood on her or stomped on her. Luminol also indicated that some of the blood at the scene had been cleaned up.
There was circumstantial evidence against him too.
For example, Michael had deleted hundreds of files the day before Kathleen died; some emails that were retrieved were about the family’s financial difficulties. One email to his ex-wife read: “I am worried sick about them. It is simply not possible for me to discuss this with Kathleen.” The Peterson family was in extreme debt and I believe this was the motivation behind her murder. Michael was failing as an author and Kathleen was the sole provider for the family at the time of her death. Furthermore, Kathleen had a life insurance policy for $1.4 million with Michael being the beneficiary.
Michael was also having extra-marital affairs with men. He claimed Kathleen knew about them and was okay with it. However, Michael didn’t even tell his defence lawyers about this. How are we supposed to believe he told Kathleen when he couldn’t even tell his defence lawyers. I also think it’s too much of a coincidence that his friend, Elizabeth Ratliff, died under similar circumstances; she “fell” down the stairs and Michael was the last person to have seen her alive the night before. Her death was ruled an accident but after her body was exhumed, her death was ruled a homicide. The day she was found, Michael was seen running from her home but that piece of eyewitness testimony was just ignored.
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complexcobwebs · 5 years
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День рождения сильного и независимого мужчины.
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complexcobwebs · 5 years
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What you are seeing the oldest surviving film in existence. This film is called “Roundhay Garden Scene” and was shot on the single lens motion camera invented by Louis le Prince. 
The scene shows Louis’s son Adolphe, Louis’s in-laws, Sarah and Jospeh Whitley, and Annie Hartley walking around the Roundhay garden. Sarah Whitley died 10 days after this scene was filmed. 
 While many credit Edison with inventing the motion camera Le Prince actually invented one first, though he was never credited with the idea as he permits never went through and were lost. 
Louis le Prince disappeared on September 16, 1880 after getting on a train in Dijon, France. His body nor belongings have never been found and many wonder what happened to who some call “the father of cinematography” 
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complexcobwebs · 5 years
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Killers of American Horror Story and the Real Life Murderers Who Inspired Their Creation
R. Franklin and Richard Speck
Appearing in Season One: Murder House, R Franklin enters the house at night while it is being lived in by student nurses. He binds and stabs both of the girls present to death. This is practically identical to the real life case of Richard Speck who murdered 8 student nurses in the same way on one night in 1966 (the date in the show is given as 1968).
Tate Langdon and the Columbine High School shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
Also being portrayed in Season One, Tate Langdon is responsible for the fictional Westfield High School shooting in 1994 in which 15 people die. Langdon wore similar attire to the trenchcoats donned by Harris and Klebold. Also like Columbine, a large part of the shooting takes place in the school library. Langdon is additionally described as asking one of his victims if she believed in God and shooting her after she says “Yes”; similar again to claims made about what transpired during the Columbine massacre.
Doctor Oliver Thredson and Ed Gein
Doctor Thredson (aka ‘Bloody Face’) makes his appearance in Season Two: Asylum. His true to life counterpart is Edward Theodore Gein who was a serial killer responsible for the murders of at least 2 women in Plainfield, Wisconsin during the 1950′s. Like real life serial killer Ed Gein, Thredson has severe mommy issues. Also like Gein, Thredson murdered women and mutilated their bodies to create horrific household objects out of skin and bones.
James Patrick March and H.H. Holmes
James Patrick March and Henry Howard Holmes were both serial killers responsible for constructing ‘murder hotels’. Holmes’ ‘murder castle’ (built in Chicago in the 1880′s) served as direct inspiration for the Hotel Cortez, the setting for AHS’ fifth season. The true number of Holmes’ murder victims is unknown but estimates range from 20 to above 200. AHS’ James March is shown to be equally prolific and brutal, using the hotel’s concealed chutes and chambers to dispose of bodies just like real life killer H.H. Holmes.
I also did a similar post to this for Mindhunter, another favourite show of mine so check that out if it’s your thing too.
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complexcobwebs · 5 years
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complexcobwebs · 5 years
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complexcobwebs · 5 years
we’re all FOOLS just waiting to come across a fucking cat on the street. God Bless
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complexcobwebs · 6 years
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via weheartit
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complexcobwebs · 6 years
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complexcobwebs · 6 years
Insane BMX trick
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complexcobwebs · 6 years
Well I never
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