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Character Page [08]: Fisher King by glenthemes
🐟 ─── preview / code / guide / credits。
I vowed that when I caught all the fish in Hades, I would make a character page featuring them. Here it is in all its glory. Each fish, presented as an Olympian boon list with rarity tiers.
Disclaimer: all images and design aspects belong to Supergiant Games.
🐟 ─── features ‣
main character image: css glow spikes + bonus floating image
unlimited characters with custom color-coded types/tiers
detailed character profiles can be as long as you like
Hades loading screen icon & fade-in
custom links: in the style of current boons/passives list
lots (and I mean, lots ) of options for sizes, widths, colors, etc.
🐟 ─── extra note ‣
I’ve written an in-depth editing guide, but basic HTML knowledge is highly recommended if you plan to use this character page.
🐟 ─── terms of use / ask a question / tip jar ☕
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for all you writers out there:
donjon has tons of generators. for calendars. for demographics of a country and city. for names (both fantastical and historical) of people, nations, magics, etc.
this site lets you generate/design a city, allowing you to choose size, if you want a river or coast, walls around it, a temple, a main keep, etc.
this twitter, uncharted atlas, tweets generated maps of fantasy regions every hour.
and vulgar allows you to create a language, based on linguistic and grammatical structures!!! go international phonetic alphabet!!!
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Love is a double-edged sword. Design your one-of-a-kind pocket knife with Deejo today. Choose from hundreds of customization options like size, handle, finish, and blade design. And don’t forget to add a dedicated message to your knife’s handle!  What will you design?
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yesterday i reblogged a drawing resource that included how to draw hijabs - and it honestly wasn’t the best advice i’ve seen out there
now, i’m not an artist. but what i saw was a video that included hijab styles most of us don’t really wear and incorrect terminology surrounding niqabs and burqas (yes, there is a difference between the two)
so, i went searching and found a tutorial that i felt was better! these drawing guides and examples come from @/winchestermeg on twitter, and i think they’re really great 💕
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this has more relevant examples and correct terminologies, and is drawn by a muslim woman
enjoy, artists of tumblr!
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I like to think that the way his mandibles move at the end is a combination smile/deep breath, as he decides that /yes/, there's a chance Shepard survived. The way his chin tilts up, and his mouth opens ever so slightly, feels very determined. Like that's the moment he decides not to give up hope, if that makes sense.
I can only imagine what is going through his head in that moment. Everyone is gathered around, undoubtedly feeling a lot of different emotions, and now he has to do this symbolic thing. Putting the plaque on the memorial probably feels akin to zipping up a body bag, or closing the lid on a casket. But Garrus remembers what happened at the start of ME2, remembers having to mourn his best friend (who he was presumably already starting to fall in love with), only for the emotional whiplash of seeing her again on Omega.
So he pauses. Because Shepard is the biggest badass who ever lived, and if there's no Shepard without Vakarian, how can there be a Vakarian without a Shepard? He takes a deep breath, and smiles, because there is still hope.
I imagine it's also a very powerful moment for the rest of the crew. No matter how you play ME3, Garrus is pretty much the de facto 2nd in command (it's been too long for me to remember if it's in any way official). So for the others, who likely have been having mixed feelings about Shepard's fate, seeing Garrus refuse to place the plaque probably brings a rush of well needed confidence.
Kinda tempted to write a fic now, oops. Anyway, I hope this made sense.
garrus without his visor during the memorial wall scene. you’re welcome.
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im in love with her
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i forgot to mention in the rework post but if i had free reign over warframe canon i would put frohds ex wife in the game and she would probably gaslight gatekeep girlboss her way back into his will before pulling the plug and then accidentally end up inheriting his position as board chairman too. i think it’d be funny. she wouldn’t be a system boss but occasionally she’d send some robots after us or whatever while calling us up and being like “you know we should really just get together some time and talk yknow?? haha just for fun. make it a girls night. or guys night idk who you are but i’m really bored, this job sucks i really only just wanted his money but it was so funny seeing nef anyo have an aneurysm over not getting to be chairman that i just HAVE to stay you know? i cant just let him win.” also she always has like a glass of wine in hand. she’d kinda be like kela during dog days but instead of being zooted off her ass from industrial fumes shes just incredibly bored and would do anything to not have to sit in on another fucking board meeting so she causes problems for fun. she treats ambulas like a shitty little purse dog
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there’s only me  
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YOUR NAME 君の名は 2016 | dir. Makoto Shinkai
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The Shiny That Caught Sableye’s Eye
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I’m—I’m traveling around with the boner squad and I never get to just say—what I’m feeling—I have emotions! It’s not all abra-ca-fuck-you and what have you—I have a beating heart! I’m multi-dimensional! I’m a fully realized creation! FUCK!!
—Walt Whitman
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theyre... animorphs? idk they turn into a lion and a rabbit HFDLSJA
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(some) Ladies from Encanto
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I just processed that this is going to get at most 2 reblogs so I'm not finishing it, bone apple teeth here's my baldur's gate oc, Tavarius
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Okay let's do this, y'all get a virtual hug for letting me ramble abt this. Ft me being a slightly annoyed plant mom, but affectionately:
Some tips for not letting your plants die ✨🌱
You don't need any fancy tools. Seriously. Instead of buying some bs ph-meter that some bs tiktok talked about, invest in some nice big pots and soil
You don't even need a watering can for heaven's sake just wash and recycle a big soda bottle
The mini shovel can be handy for some stuff tho but that's it and those are cheap
Always use a slightly bigger pot than you may think you need. Roots need space to grow!!!
The pot from the store that the plant comes in? 8 times out of 10 is a nope
Those dumb Pinterest diys where you glue a magnet to a succulent pot and stick it on the fridge? For f's sake just use a plastic one it'll be better for everyone involved
In that same vein, learn to repot properly. Unless you need to change the soil for some reason like over watering which resulted in it not drying at all (it's okay, happens to the best of us) do not mess with the roots.
What you need to do it gently grab your plant from the base and slightly squish the pot until everything slides out like so:
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And then you put it in a bigger pot and add the extra soil needed
Also don't do this during winter, repotting should be done during warm months
Also also it's normal for your plant to stop growing for a little after being repotted
Quick tip for knowing wether your plant needs to be watered? Stick ur finger in the dirt. Come on don't be a coward why are you even here if you don't wanna get your hands dirty
In a similar vein, make peace with the idea that whatever space you're using when repotting or something like that, WILL become a mess. I once dropped a 10L bag of dirt in the kitchen. Fun ensued.
Imma be honest, most watering "hacks" are just bs. Just look up your plant's requirements and you're good to go. Try to get a feel of what you gotta do and also with some it's easy to tell when they need water cause their leaves get all floppy
Some plants need quite a lot of water and others are more forgiving with it.
I highly recommend polka dot plants if you tend to overwater and uhhh... succulents i guess if you tend to underwater? Also snake plants, you kinda have to actively try to kill those.
Not all plants like bright light so look up what yours need exactly
Orchids are the devil I'm sorry pal can't help you there
Tradescantia are pretty sturdy, grow fast, have really purple leaves aaaand don't need ridiculous amounts of light so maybe try that if you want something a little low maintenance. Put it in a big pot though they need space.
Maybe get a general fertilizer. Even the cheap ones are pretty good honestly but only use it during the warm months. Except orchids, they need something specific for them bc of fucking course they do.
Sometimes plants just die. It's fine. I've had a bunch of them wilt and die on me too, same for my mom who has been keeping them for like 3 decades.
Keep in mind some plants are just made to only live for one or two seasons. Others just get old and die out
If a plant is wilting to the point you're pretty sure it's gonna die you can try propagating to salvage some of it.
Cut off a decently sized branch with healthy leaves and put it in water (avoid submerging the leaves in water, only the stem). Change the water daily and wait for it to shoot roots and then you can put it in a pot.
Can't guarantee 100%, some just die out, it be like that sometimes
Also when propagating certain plants it's better to stick them directly into soil so definitely look that up
Water your plants with, and I can't stress this enough, COLD water.
Ok that's pretty much all my wisdom that I can think of. Also should go without saying, but this is 100% based on my and my mom's personal experience and stuff like where exactly you live, weather etc always come into play. Well, hope I manage to save at least one leafy child out there~
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