Sorting people into Gryffinclaw Part 2
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Inej Ghafa is a Gryffinclaw. She is extremely brave to scale the buildings of an impenetrable palace in the books - and in Crooked Kingdom she fights on top of the roof of the tallest cathedrals, and makes a dangerous climb on a tightrope- and says she doesn't need a net.
For Ravenclaw, she's not book-smart or creative, but she is very wise and calculating.
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Hunger Games
Rue is a Gryffinclaw. She's young and incredibly strong to be resilient through everything they put her through. She's also incredibly loyal.
As for Ravenclaw, she's clever and observant.
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Sorting Characters from my fave shows into Gryffinclaw part 1
Nancy Wheeler: Gryffinclaw
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Nancy screams Gryffinclaw to me. She is the sort of person who does what's right, and what's the most logical, she's not impulsive. She's loyal and cares about family and friends, that's her calm Gryffindor side.
Nancy has a bold, determined, strong personality. She can use a gun and is a fearless fighter.
Nancy also has quite a contemplative, reflective, creative outlook on life, which reflects a Ravenclaw. Her Ravenclaw personality is also well shown in S2.
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Robin Buckley is also a Gryffinclaw. She is a lot of sass in one whole character. Robin has good comebacks and one-liners to any situation, and also I love when she spat in the Russian's face. That's a Gryffindor. Robin is also a leader- she's responsible for controlling the two.
Robin is also a Ravenclaw because of her love of learning and problem-solving. The Pig Latin was quite impressive. Robin is very witty and creative.
Not to mention she loves adventure.
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Bob is also a Gryffinclaw. He sacrified himself for Joyce, which is loyalty right there. He's also a big-ol softie.
Bob also thinks methodolically and with his mind.
Ok, controversy starts here. Lucy Pevensie is a Gryffinclaw, and I'm going to write a whole seperate post on this.
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Lydia Martin
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Lydia is characteristically book-smart, and she is also creative and sharp.
Not only this, but she reflects a Gryffindor in that she is quite the popular, bold, no-one mess with me girl, and this is shown in her fashion statements, and her personality.
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My Sorting Story
So a quick introduction to what Hogwarts house I’m in, and my fave characters.
Hogwarts House story: I’m having a bit of an identity crisis at the moment. I’ve been sorted into Ravenclaw about as many times as I’ve been sorting into Gryffindor, and am struggling to find the Gryffindor in me.  But I am a Gryffinclaw, hence this blog title.
Fave characters: 
The top one is Hermionie.
I also think Ginny is severely underrated, and love the book Ginny. 
Luna Lovegood is also amazing! 
So here I’ll be sorting people into Gryffindor, and describing with college style essays what Gryffinclaw is like. 
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