congolesebaddie21 · 4 years
Imagine the most incredible version of yourself. Close your eyes and picture her. What does she look like? Smell like? How does she laugh? What’s her energy like? What type of house does she live in? How does she feel everyday? How does she react when shit doesn’t go right? Now you’ve got the vision. Keep reminding yourself of it each day by closing your eyes, and connecting with this vision. Write it down. Because what you’ll start to see is that you will start to become the most incredible version of yourself that you imagined.
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congolesebaddie21 · 4 years
Love letters
(To everyone I’ve fucked)
Dear Shibly,
With consent of a drugged up and drunk 15 year old, you took my virginity. Thanks I guess.
Dear David,
Thanks for the lovely time, the patience, the fun nights. It was good while it lasted.
Dear Sympho,
Thanks for my first big O.
Dear John,
You were fun. Thanks for awakening my sexuality. Thanks for good times.
Dear Zed,
Thanks for the toxic relationship. Thanks for the arrest. Pro tip don’t pour whiskey into someone vagina. USE LUBE
Dear Gauthier,
Pro tip if you have to ask if a girl came then she didn’t.
Dear De Bruss,
Thanks for the whole experience. Thanks for the passionate, confident, nasty and sexy sex. Thanks for loving my body more than I did. You know you can still hit this.
Dear Endy,
Thanks for that degrading experience.
Dear warrior ,
Thanks for the toxic masculinity. I really enjoyed it ( not).
Dear Yves,
Thanks for comforting me on those lonely days/nights. Thanks for always being there to help me make those bad decisions.
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congolesebaddie21 · 4 years
You loved the curves on my body
You loved how my eyes wrinkle when I smile,
You loved the smell of my perfume on you sheets
You loved the way I cooked and brought you food
You loved that I got along with your friends
You loved the idea of an independent woman, a woman who wasn’t afraid to speak her mind
You loved that I helped out with some of you bills
You loved the way I kept you wanting more
You loved that I used to give without ever asking for anything in return
You loved my innocence
But did you ever actually love me for me?
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congolesebaddie21 · 4 years
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congolesebaddie21 · 4 years
Me too
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congolesebaddie21 · 4 years
Why is this me?
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