conlaluce · 1 month
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conlaluce · 3 months
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au where Crepus is an undercover fatui and they met like this
(Diluc would be a toddler around this time. An incident,,, leads to Crepus ditching the fatui life)
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conlaluce · 3 months
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conlaluce · 3 months
I 1000% think that Kogorou believes Heiji and Shinichi are an item by the end of Murderer, Shinichi Kudo
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conlaluce · 3 months
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- i'm italian and this is hurting me - it's from a chicago dungeon
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conlaluce · 3 months
was looking through old discord conversations, found this gem
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conlaluce · 3 months
For all of the northerners that stood up for Texas during our freeze and said, "Don't make fun of them, they've never dealt with this before. Their infrastructure isn't made for snow and freezing."
This one is for you.
Where I live 108°F with 80% humidity with no wind is normal.
Pacific North West is dealing historic best waves 35-40°C or 95-105°F.
First of all. Don't make fun of them for bitching about the heat. Just like Texas isn't built for a freeze and our pipes burst, Pacific North West isn't built for heat and a lot of their homes don't have AC.
If you live somewhere with a high humidity like 80+ HUMIDITY IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. The "humidity makes it feel cooler" is a lie once it gets beyond a point.
If you live somewhere with a lower humidity, misters are nice to cool off outside.
Once you get over 90°F (32°C) a fan will not help you. It's just pushing around hot air. (I mean if you can't afford a small AC unit because they're expensive as hell, by all means a fan is better than nothing).
If you have pets, those portable AC units aren't safe. If your pets destroy the outtake thing, it'll leak CO2. Window units are safer.
Window AC units will let mosquitoes or other small bugs in. Sucks, but that's life.
Now is not the time to me modest. If you have to cover for religious reasons, by all means. If you don't, I've seen people wear short shorts and a swim top. It's not trashy if it keeps you from getting heat stroke.
If you do have to cover up for religious reasons, look for elephant pants or something similar. They're made with a breathable material.
Shade is better than no shade, but that shit it just diet sun after some point. Don't think shade will save you from heat stroke.
I know the "drink your water" is a fun meme now, but if you're sweating excessively you need electrolytes. Drink Gatorade, Powerade, or Pedialite PLEASE. I don't care if you're fucking sitting in one spot all day. That shit WILL save you from heat stroke.
If you're diabetic and can't drink Gatorade, mix water, fruit juice, and either lite salt or pink salt
If you can afford it, cover windows with thick curtains to insulate the house
If you have tile floors, lay on them with skin to tile contact. If you don't, laying your head on cool counters works too.
If the temperature where you're at is hotter than your body temperature, don't wear heat wicking clothing. Moisture wicking is safe though.
Check your medication labels. Many make you more susceptible to sun and heat
-Room temperature water will get into your body faster. This is something I learned doing marching band in high summer in Georgia, and it saved all of our asses. Sip it, don't gulp it, especially if you're getting into the red; same goes for whatever fluid you're drinking. And just in general drink during the day.
-If you are moving from an air conditioned space to an un-air conditioned space, if at all possible try to make the shift gradual. When my dad and I were working outside and in un-ac houses a few years ago, he'd turn the air down to low in the truck about ten-fifteen minutes before we got where we were going. This way your body doesn't go from low low temps to high temps. S'bad for you.
-If you can, keep your lights off during the day. Light bulbs may not generate a lot of heat, but the difference is noticeable when it gets hot enough. I literally only turn my bedroom light on in the evening when it gets too dark.
Don't be afraid to just like... pour water on yourself if you need to. The evaporation will cool you off.
Put your hand to the cement for 15 seconds. If you can't handle the heat, it'll burn your dog's paws. Don't let them walk on it.
Dogs with flat faces are more prone to heat stroke. Don't leave them out unsupervised.
Frozen fruit is delicious in water.
Wet/Cold hat/handkerchief on your head/neck will help you stay cool.
Pickle juice is great for electrolytes! You can even make pickle juice Popsicles!
Heat exhaustion is more, "drink water and get you cooled off." Heat stroke is more "Oh my god call 911."
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Image Description provided by @loveize
[Image description: an infographic showing the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The graphic is labeled "Heat Dangers: First Warning." Signs of heat exhaustion: faint or dizzy, excessive sweating, cool, pale, clammy skin, rapid, weak pulse, muscle cramps. If you think you or someone else may be experiencing heat exhaustion, get to a cool, air-conditioned place, drink water if conscious, and take a cool shower or use cold compress. Signs of heat stroke: throbbing headache, no sweating, red, hot, dry skin, rapid, strong pulse, may lose consciousness. If you think you or someone else may be experiencing heat stroke, call 911. End description]
Be safe.
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conlaluce · 3 months
The World Is Wide Enough For Two Detectives
Hakuba Saguru sat on a wooden bench in the park. His eyes were engrossed in reading a classic detective novel. The warm sunlight filtered through the lush green trees, casting spotted shadows on the ground. He relished the quiet ambiance, the occasional chirping of birds, and the distant laughter of children playing nearby.
As he turned a page, his attention fully captured by the intricate plot, a sudden commotion broke the peacefulness. A group of children and a familiar teenager, playing soccer in the distance sent the ball flying across the grass.
"Watch out!" a voice shouted.
But it was too late. The soccer ball that was kicked with a surprising force, flew through the air, went off course, and headed straight for Hakuba.
In the split second before impact, Hakuba looked up. He was startled and wanted to dodge it but it was too late to react. The ball smacked him on the side of his head with a solid thud, knocking him unconscious and sending the book flying from his hands as he slumped backward.
"Oh, I’m sorry! We didn't mean to hit anyone," a voice exclaimed as they approached the unconscious guy.
The voice belonged to Shinichi Kudo, a renowned high school detective, who was playing soccer with the neighboring kids. He dashed over to where Hakuba was and knelt beside him, concern visible on his face.
"Hey, are you okay?" Shinichi asked, gently shaking Hakuba's shoulder.
Hakuba groaned, his eyelids fluttering as he slowly regained consciousness. He blinked a few times, before focusing on Shinichi's concerned expression.
"What... what happened?" Hakuba muttered, rubbing his throbbing head.
"Mitsuhiko accidentally hit the soccer ball too hard and it hit you. I’m really sorry." Shinichi explained, gesturing to the group of children to come closer.
"Ah, I see," Hakuba said, gingerly sitting up and touching the sore spot on his temple. "Well, that's quite the unexpected turn of events."
Then, Hakuba was bombarded by the children talking.
“Are you okay, stranger-san?”
“I’m sorry, oji-san!”
"What if he takes you to the police, Mitsuhiko?!"
“Shut up, Genta. I won’t be.. Right, oji-san?”
“First, I’m not that old to be called ‘oji-san’,” Hakuba said as he picked up the book, he was reading earlier, from the floor. “Second, I won’t take you to the police. And lastly, don’t worry,” He said as he patted the little girl, “I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt much.”
The children were ecstatic by his answer and talked among themselves again.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Shinichi asked again, his worry evident.
Hakuba nodded, offering a faint smile. "Yes, thank you. Just a bit shaken, but nothing serious."
Shinichi breathed a sigh of relief, relieved that the stranger seemed to be okay. He glanced at the book in Hakuba's hand, noticing the title.
"Ah, 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' by Arthur Conan Doyle. Classic choice," Shinichi smirked
Hakuba looked down at the book and smiled, "Indeed, it's one of my favorites. I find the deductions of Sherlock Holmes rather intriguing."
That piqued Shinichi's interest.
"Ah, a fellow detective enthusiast, I take it?"
Hakuba chuckled softly.
"You could say that. I have a keen interest in detective stories and the art of deduction. My name is Hakuba Saguru, by the way." He said as he extended his hands.
"Nice to meet you, Hakuba-san. I'm Kudo Shinichi."
They shook hands, a mutual respect obvious in their gazes.
"Kudo Shinichi..." Hakuba repeated, the name sounding very familiar to him. "Wait, aren't you the high school detective who has been making headlines lately?"
Shinichi nodded.
"That's me. I prefer to keep a low profile when I'm not solving cases though."
Hakuba's eyes widened in recognition.
"Ah, now I remember. You're the one who solved the 'Moonlight Sonata' case, weren't you? Quite impressive, if I do say so myself."
"Well anyway, we need to go. It’s getting dark and I still need to accompany the kids on their way home. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. And do take care." Shinichi said as he told the kids they were going home.
Hakuba returned the smile.
"Likewise, Kudo-san. And thank you, I'll keep that in mind."
With a nod of farewell, Shinichi turned to leave, but then paused, as if remembering something.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small notepad and a pen. He wrote something on it and handed the paper to Hakuba.
"Here, Hakuba-san, this is my phone number. In case you need anything or if you ever want to talk more about detective or mystery-related things"
Hakuba accepted the paper with a grateful smile.
"Thank you, Kudo-san. I appreciate it. And I must say, it would be delightful to discuss detective mysteries with someone who shares the same passion."
Shinichi nodded, pleased. "Likewise, Hakuba-san. Feel free to reach out anytime."
With a nod of mutual understanding, they parted ways.
“Hey, hey, Shinichi-nii-chan?” The little girl tapped his arm to get his attention.
“Yes, Ayumi-chan?” The teen looked at the kid.
“Do you like Hakuba-niichan?” Ayumi asked with an innocent look on her face.
“What? Where did this come from?” Shinichi asked but the two other kids next to him screamed and that made him look over at them.
“You were basically,, uh what’s the word.. f-friting? Firting?” Genta murmured.
“It’s flirting, Genta.” Mitsuhiko looked at Genta before looking back at the teen. “Shinichi-nii-san, you were basically flirting with him! What was that small talk you did back there? We could have gone home after you made sure that he was alright but instead, you started a conversation!”
“Mitsuhiko-kun is right. And don’t think I didn’t see what you did after you wrote your number.. A heart! You drew a heart! That’s so cute of you, Nii-chan.” Ayumi said, excitedly.
“How did you– ugh, nevermind, I’m not even gonna question it.” Shinichi groaned. “To answer your question, hmm, maybe I’m a bit interested in him.” He smiled.
The children screamed in excitement.
“You tw– you three are such detectives.” Shinichi chuckled.
“Of course, we are! We’re your apprentices, after all.” He saw the smug look on all of the kids and laughed.
“Alright, alright. Calm down, little detectives,” Shinichi said with a smile. “It’s not like I’m going to confess my undying love to Hakuba-kun right now. I should get to know him further first.”
Ayumi giggled.
“But you like him, right? That’s so cute, Shinichi-nii-chan!”
Genta nodded enthusiastically.
“Yeah! And he’s really cool too! You two would make a great team.”
“Hakuba-san is very intelligent. If you’re interested in him, I’m sure there’s something special about him.” Mitsuhiko said.
Shinichi couldn’t help but laugh.
“You kids are really something. But let’s focus on getting home first, okay?”
“Okay!” The children happily skipped their way home as Shinichi laughed and just followed them.
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conlaluce · 3 months
when I was watching how hurtful it's for Shinichi to get his body back with an antidote, an idea appeared in my mind. a pretty simple idea. we all have noticed that Shinichi loves to pretend that he's fine and everything is tip-top especially when it's not. snd also we have Hattori who is a detective, his job is literally NOTICING DETAILS that can shed a light on what happened. detail by detail, he reveals the truth.
imagine Shinichi who is finally got his body back but still experiencing consequences of his decisions and his lifestyle (aka "if I'm not killed, then everything is fine. being half dead is also fine, drop it already"). consequences such as being permanently cold until his heart will get used to the size of a body, headaches because of that, an extremely strong fatigue (the amount of stress that was just taken from him after getting his body back and ending the existence of BO should be insanely big. his body immediately felt that it's time to rest). and no one notice that because they're busy with their lives and because Shinichi is hiding it pretty well.
until the day when Hattori shows.
he goes like "heya, Kudo! nice to see ya! ya look— you should lie down, you're about to collapse, I'm begging ya, don't be your usual stubborn ass or I'll just grab ya straight to your home."
because he notices. a little squint, a tensed body, a tired glance, a lowered shoulders' line. he's a detective. it's his job...
he's just making excuses.
and Hattori is the only one person who will immediately get an understanding how to help Kudo — just because he cares about him and pays attention to every little detail.
just imagine.
(I'm writing it like a little post hope I'll finish it tomorrow)
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conlaluce · 3 months
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male rover you have to stop. your waist too small. your gaze too inquisitive. you smoke too tough. They Will Kill You
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conlaluce · 3 months
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Diluc sketch
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conlaluce · 3 months
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Dungeon Meshi - Senshi and Izutsumi Summer
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conlaluce · 3 months
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Pavo Lacrimae
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conlaluce · 3 months
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The ragbros brain rot got me
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conlaluce · 3 months
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heiji referencing his pick up line from fairy lips but i took too much liberty in translating that line
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conlaluce · 3 months
people need to realise that a poor little meow meow must be a character who has committed atrocities you cannot poor little meow meow a good guy that’s not how this works
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conlaluce · 3 months
giggling at the one person who reblogged with the tag #venti and nothing else. everybody go home this is a venti post now !! ragbros who
thinking about diluc and kaeya each having their own complicated relationship with religion. crepus is a devout believer of the anemo archon, to me, so he definitely took his kids with him to mass at the cathedral, if not every sunday then at least once or twice a month.
diluc learned to pray from his father; learned to give thanks to the god who gave this city its freedom, the god who blesses them with gentle weather and bountiful lands and protects them from tyranny. he believes wholly and truly in the anemo archon's grace; his father does, after all, and everyone says barbatos is great and benevolent and kind and helped found the nation he loves so dearly.
kaeya doesn't like mass very much, but he never says so. it makes him uncomfortable, especially in the beginning, worshipping one of the gods that his homeland has reviled - but he wants to fit in, he doesn't want to lose his place here. and surely, surely, it would be a dead giveaway to his "true" allegiances if he refused to pray to mondstadt's god. so kaeya closes his eyes and pretends to pray, because better this than losing another home. (better this than failing his mission, than failing in his duty to khaenri'ah.)
and then, diluc's 18th birthday passes. ursa the drake attacks. crepus dies. diluc leaves mondstadt. kaeya is left, alone, the only ragnvindr left (except there aren't any, really, because he isn't a ragnvindr anymore, he isn't allowed to be.)
the first time diluc's vision starts to go out, the light flickering and fading and dying, kaeya prays. for the first time, he doesn't pretend, he doesn't close his eyes and clasp his hands together just for show - he prays.
please. please. let diluc live. please don't let him die. he can't die. i know you hate me, but you can't let him die, he's one of yours, isn't he? he's a child of mondstadt. he has to stay alive. save him, please, please-
(i can't lose him too)
diluc's vision never does go out all the way. it always retains its light, even if only slightly. maybe the anemo archon really did protect him. maybe barbatos answered kaeya's prayers.
sometimes, when diluc's vision is weak, kaeya prays. surely, barbatos will at least grant him this. surely, barbatos wouldn't be opposed to keeping a child of mondstadt safe.
when diluc finally comes back home, kaeya closes his eyes and whispers a quiet thanks to his god.
diluc, on the other hand, no longer prays. hasn't, since that day.
he doesn't think he deserves to.
kaeya said something, that night, about khaenri'ans being sinners. a people who have been condemned by the gods themselves for their sins. he said it so viciously, so bitterly, so sincerely. like he believed it, wholly and truly.
if you're a sinner, then what am i?
kinslayer. a failure of a knight. a man who could not save anyone when it mattered most, who raised a blade to his own family. killer of his own father, and nearly his brother, too. he has learned to kill without feeling the slightest hint of remorse, to steal and torture and deceive. he has committed so many atrocities he can no longer count them all. his sins are far worse than kaeya's have ever been, will ever be.
if you're a sinner, then so am i.
diluc doesn't pray anymore. he's a little scared to.
and besides, no gods would save him now, would they?
not with all the blood on his hands.
some time after his return to mondstadt, diluc starts attending mass again. every sunday, he enters the cathedral with the rest of the crowd, chooses a quiet spot in the back, and waits for the service to begin.
he doesn't pray.
when everyone else's heads are bowed together in prayer, diluc lowers his head to show respect, but his eyes are open. his hands lie still in his lap. he stares at the wood of the pews in front of him as the sister leading the service offers words of thanks to barbatos. he does not pray.
does he even deserve to ask anything of the gods now?
and then diluc finds out the annoying bard that frequents his tavern is actually a god. is actually barbatos. not just any god - his god.
his god trusts him to keep his human guise a secret. his god tolerates him enough to become a regular at his tavern and beg him for freebies.
okay. this is fine.
(vaguely, diluc wonders if it is heresy to say no when your god asks you for something. repeatedly. but their dynamic has been like this for months before venti's true identity was revealed, and the god has shown no indication of wanting to change that. so, for now, diluc will treat him the same as he always has.)
sometimes, he thinks about asking. asking venti - asking barbatos - if he would forgive diluc of his sins. if he deserves to be forgiven.
he never does ask.
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