So this is one song i have been enjoying lately. It's called Haunted and it is by the Female-lead band called Diamante. I classify her as Rock as her music doesnt really speak metal to me. Enjoy her music as she will be posted again shortly with one of her older songs.
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So the game, i thought, gave me a kitten with no family [smokekit]. However, a female cat a few moments go JUST STRAIGHT UP WALKED INTO THE TERRITORY and curled up with Smokekit. I used master controller to find out why and check her family tree and BOOM. Her son is Smokekit. Im just like "Really? Really game?"
So heres a small bit with Her coming, and staying with the clan but not joining.
It was late, the tom kit was tired and he had gone to the nursery. Curled up in one of the beds, seemingly waiting for him, was an all too familiar shecat. Her pelt matched his, her tail stubbed the same. Her yellow eyes widened at the sight of her son. "Smokey!"she cried softly with joy, the young kit rushing over and immediately jumping in beside his mother. "Mom!"he cried with equal amounts of joy. His tail wiggled in excitement, as he nuzzled into her fur. Her ears suddenly pricked as the sound of paws on grass alerted her to the presence if others. Jumping up and standing over the young kit, she waited, eyes narrowed. The lean leader slowly slank forward from the shadows, his tail swaying. Stormpelt followed him, the shecat kept eye contact with the unknown shecat.
"You! You stole him!"the shecat accused, claws sliding out as she prepared to attack whomever grew too close. "You are wrong. He came and joined us willingly." Stormpelt responded, her voice was cool despite the subtle raise of her fur as she prepared for a possible fight. "Momma!" Smokekit said,,sliding out from under her and moving toward stormpelt. "I.. i did join them.. Upwalkers came and took me. When i wouldnt let them hold me. They brought me back and left me near their territory. I didnt know where to go.. s-so i entered the territory.. Stormpelt helped me when she got me out of the bush i was stuck in. And.. and Halfstar gave me a fish to eat!"he defended the two, his ears red as he spoke against his mother's accusation. The shecat stood still letting his words sink in, and slowly, she sat down. She took in a breath. "Very well.. I apologize for jumping to a conclusion. My name is Patches, im Smokey's mother."she said, a bit sheepishly. Halfstar chuckled, "Dont worry about it. I am Halfstar, the leader of the clan. This shecat here is Stormpelt. Id like to welcome you to my clan. And ask, if you'd join perhaps?" The shecat's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden invite. And she sighed. "Sorry, but, i must decline. I am not one for groups and i only came when i found a small bit of Smokey's- Smokekit's scent. I will stay, but only till my son is an adult. Then i will have to head home. I live down near the beach so, if yoy pass by, feel free to stop by. If you bring me some feathers, i'll give you some fish to take home."she offered. The shecat had a love for feathers and enjoyed decorating the burrow she had with them. They also made her nest softer.
Halfstar frowned at her declination. "Very well. You may stay until his apprenticeship. I am sure Stormpelt can help with getting a nest ready for you. Or, you can stay in the nursery with Smokekit."he says. "As for that offer, i'll accept. When hunting, we find feathers quite often around here. It'd be good to give them to someone who enjoys and uses them. Plus, our clan can use the fish to feed future kits so they grow strong."he accepts. He turns then, exiting the nursery.
Patches decided she would stay in the nursery, and would do some fishing at the nearby ponds to show her gratitude.
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As soon as the morning light had faded, Halfstar leapt onto the Highstone. His patched and striped pelt immediately spotted by Stormpelt whom was nearby. The shecat made her way over and soon sat beside the stone. Her tail flicking in anticipation. She was already close to the kit, and was excited that he would officially join the clan soon. Halfstar, seeing his deputy already gathered, chuckled to himself in amusement. He then turned serious and called for his small, newly formed clan, to gather. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the High Stone for a clan meeting!”
Dusttail came over first, the small grey and black patched white kitten came sprinting over, Minkpelt walking slowly behind in slight irritation at how much energy the kit had. Once everyone had gathered, Halfstar spoke, “Smokey, you and Stormpelt spoke earlier about joining the clan and you decided you wished to join and eventually train as an apprentice and become a warrior. Starclan, along with each cat here, would like to welcome you. Please step forward.” The kit hopped forward, anxiously jumping from paw to paw though his shyness peaked out as he noticed each of the cats gathered stared intently at him. “Smokey, you have time to grow till you are ready for an apprentice name, until then, you shall be known as SmokeKit for the patches in your pelt which look like small clouds of smoke. You have formed a strong bond already with my deputy, and i hope you will have several similar bonds with the others and future members of our clan."The tom’s tail waved as the kit beamed happily, Stormpelt leading her clan mates in a small chant of the kits new name which resembled his former. It would remind him of his roots.
"Now.. Minkpelt, with her minimal herb knowledge has helped me in preparing for early tomorrow morning in which i will be leaving in search of new cats.. In case there is a problem, Dusttail will be accompanying me. Stormpelt, Minkpelt, you two will stay and keep watch over the camp and Smokekit. I will be leaving at sunrise.” The tom finished, with a, “meeting dismissed.” And jumped down, heading for his den.
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Now that its morning, lets really meet the cats. To the top left, we have Halfstar and his deputy, Stormpelt. To the top right, we have DustTail and Minkpelt. And lastly, we have the new kit whom wandered into the camp last night. His name is Smokey as he is yet to be named by Halfstar. [Storymode] ~~~~~~~~ It was late at night, no cat stirred except Stormpelt who was watching for intruders or predators who could potentially attack. The grey shecat's large ears stood on end, listening all around her for anything new, anything different. When the bushes rustled, she immediately went to check it out. Her eyes landing on a small kit whom had gotten stuck in tge branches. His stomach larger than the rest of him. A kittypet kit, she was sure. The kit shrunk under her gaze, least as much as he could, as the intimidating shecat's stare bore holes into him. With a sigh, she bent down and grabbed him by his scruff, lifting him out herself. She headed for their nursery and soon placed him in a nest. "Sleep here tonight. Halfstar will speak to you in the morning. Do you have twolegs?"she asked, the word 'twolegs' caused the kit to tilt its head in confusion. "Whats a twoleg?"he asked, now staring at Stormpelt intently, the kit's attentoon now grabbed fully. "An upwalker, a... no-fur?"she questioned further. He paused, thinking. "No. My upwalkers left me here earlier... i.. thought theyd come back but apparently not.."he muttered, puffing out his fluffy cheeks. The kit watched as Stormpelt turn to leave, "C-can you stay with me?"he asked, shufting his weight nervously from paw to paw. Stormpelt halted, deciding what to do. She turned once coming to a decision, stepping into the bed and lying down behind him. The kit immediately nuzzling into her fur. Stormpelt watched him as he fell asleep. Is this what being a queen is like? She questioned herself as she too lied her head down and began to fall asleep. The next morning, she was nudged awake by Minkpelt, whom was cooing over the kit at the same time. Stormpelt got up, careful to not wake the kit and followed Minkpelt out to see Halfstar. The leader sat waiting. Minkpelt went off, probably to hunt with Dusttail. Halfstar however, asked, "is he a kittypet? Does he have a family?" Stormpelt responded, "He told me his twolegs left him here. He doesnt seem to have a family either since he showed up alone." Halfstar tsked. "Hes large. I doubt hes much younger than an apprentice. He can stay. I'll give him his name tonight."the tom said, glancing in the direction of the nursery. "I want you on the hunting patrol. Minkpelt isnt too great of a hunter, and you are excellent at hunting birds. Maybe try and teach her to hunt a bit better."He said, and Stormpelt nodded, immediatrly trotting after Minkpelt by following the brown shecats scent.
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To add onto the previous, we also have Minkpelt [top left] and StormPelt. They are the two shecats of the newly formed clan.
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Welcome to Hallowclan. To begin, let me show our current members. Top left, we have Halfstar, the leader of our clan. To the top right, we have DustTail. He's one of our warriors.
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