so I’m ripping the voice clips from PLvsPW and darklaw’s unused “puzzle failed” clip is reALLY GOOD
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contradictory-puzzles · 10 years
Just so you know, you could make a profile icon for Layton and weigh by using those little pictures when they talk in a puzzle. Just a thought.
Duly noted! The issue is that said icons are a good deal smaller than the profile boxes.
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
Are there profiles for Layton and Luke, like in AA, and if there are, what's written in them?
Not for Layton, unfortunately, but Luke gets one.  It's focused on his relation to the current case, though, so it's mostly filled with spoiler-related info.
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
There better be references to the step ladder vs ladder debate I swear to gOD
(under the cut)
I don't think there are, sadly.  There are a few jokes/nods from each series, but that doesn't seem to be one of them.
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
How many trials are in PL vs AA and is there like an investigation part for a trial?
These sorts of questions are probably better directed to my (Bolt)’s side blog, contradictory-puzzles - C-R’s blog is more for general news and series questions, not specifics about games.  But we’ll answer this one under a read more:
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
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Direct-feed Zacharias poses!
One of the obvious drawbacks of the series move to 3DS is that we can't really get anything like sprite rips anymore, or at least not until someone reverse-engineers how the 3DS AA games store their models/animations. 
As part of my replay of PLvsPW I've been doing, I've been trying to do the next best thing - get clean shots of characters' poses.  Because while AA5's artbook was nice enough to provide all the tons of poses each character had, no such luck with PLvsAA's, which only does a limited number of shots for each character, as far as I know.
Of course, you can't always get what you want - I don't think there's ever an instance of Zacharias doing his damage animation without any dialogue.  (At least, there certainly isn't in the first trial!)
And a few missing frames that didn't fit into the 10-image limit under the cut:
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
You know, I’ve been replaying Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright lately and you don’t realize how few fucks Hershel Layton gives until you’re not playing as him.  An extra eyewitness arrives to accuse Phoenix’s client of murder? “It seems this trial is getting interesting, Mr. Wright.” Phoenix fucks up and the judge is about to sentence said client to death? “That’s a shame, Mr. Wright.”  Maya suggests they just ‘go find’ a (possibly fictional) legendary witch queen with no leads to start from? “A simple answer.  I quite like it.  How about you, Mr. Wright?”
It is a miracle that Phoenix doesn’t just snap and yell “HOW ABOUT YOU SOLVE THE CASE THEN FUCKER” except that if he did Layton would definitely wrap it up in like five minutes because he literally has everything in the case figured out and is just letting Phoenix play attorney to make him feel better
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
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Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney's European release date was just announced on Nintendo Direct to be 28 March 2014!
Two of the main original characters got English names as well: Mahone Catalucia is now Espella Cantabella, while prosecutor Jeeken Barnrod is now Zacharias Barnham.
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
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Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
"Every puzzle has an answer."
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
Just announced for 2014 in both NA and EU, “Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney”. Anyone got a hankering for Contradicting Puzzles?
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
It kinda sorta almost totally is.  =P
In the future I might be putting together some PLvsAA stuff for Court-Records' official site now that I have a capture card, and if so I'll update this blog as well.
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
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I got a 3DS capture card! Like, seven months too late for this blog.  Oopsie.
Still, here's a bunch of shots of some of the game's concept art from the bonus section.  400x240 isn't very high-res, so I recommend tracking down a copy of the official artbook if you want more.
However now that I do have a capture card, I'm planning to do a much better-realized playthrough blog of the Japanese version of Dual Destinies once that comes out next month.  I'll post a heads-up around here once it gets to be that time!
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
In the first trailer that was released, there was a song that started right before it shows Layton and Luke in London having tea. I enjoy that song so much, but don't want to search for it in fear of spoilers. Does the PLvsPW soundtrack have that track and if so, what is it called?
If you mean the trailer way back in 2010, I know what song you're talking about, but it's not on the OST.  Sorry.  (I'm bummed too, I loved that piece.)
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
PLvsAA - Full Soundtrack
It's all uploaded! You can listen to it all here.
If you're looking for an actual download, it's out there.  If I were the kind of person to recommend where to find such things, and of course I'm not, I'd suggest the FFShrine forums and their excellent game music subforums.  But of course I'm not suggesting that.
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
PLvsAA OST on YouTube
Just a heads up that I'll be uploading the official PLvsAA OST to YouTube at my account here.  At the moment I've gotten through the Layton disc and am moving on to the Phoenix disc, with the cutscene disc to follow.
Once that's done, I'll be delisting my previous PLvsAA music uploads, since these are higher-quality.
(Incidentally, tracks 1-10 on Phoenix's disc are laid out as a suite, and so don't fade out/etc. as normal.)
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney Original Soundtrack
3-01: The Witches' Theme ~ Chase
Listeners will recognize this as a slight arrangement on the original trailer theme for the game back in 2010!
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contradictory-puzzles · 11 years
PLvsAA OST Tracklist announced
As you might know, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney is getting a full OST release on April 10th in Japan.  Divided into three discs for three parts of the game (Layton, Phoenix, and Animation), the release boasts an impressive 83 tracks!
Today, the official tracklist was announced.  As some of the titles could be seen as spoilery (locations, allusions to events - especially disc 3), I've put it under a cut.
If you're interested in picking up the soundtrack yourself, it'll be available at Amazon Japan and CDJapan.
Disc One: Layton
Walking in the Town ~ VS Arrange ver.
Puzzles 8
Mysterious Tale ~ VS Arrange ver.
Labyrinth City
Pinch! ~ VS Arrange ver.
Quiet Afternoon ~ VS Arrange ver.
An Uneasy Atmosphere ~ VS Arrange ver.
Suspicion ~ VS Arrange ver.
Lost Forest ~ VS Arrange ver.
Ink Factory
The Town's History ~ VS Arrange ver.
Professor Layton's Theme ~ VS Arrange ver. 1
The City at Night
A Quiet Moment ~ VS Arrange ver.
Suspense ~ VS Arrange ver.
Mahoney's Theme ~ Memory
Puzzles 6 ~ VS Arrange ver.
The Professor's Deductions ~ VS Arrange ver.
The Buried Ruins
Tension ~ VS Arrange ver.
The Story Teller's Tower
Puzzles 5 ~ VS Arrange ver.
The Hidden Garden
Disc Two: Phoenix
Defendant Lobby ~ Beginning Prelude
Ace Attorney ~ Court Begins
Logic and Trick
Cross-Examination ~ Moderato
Phoenix Wright ~ Objection!
Cross-Examination ~ Allegro
Announce the Truth
Pursuit ~ Cornered
Won the Case! ~ The First Victory
In the Shadows ~ The Witches' Prelude
Witch Trial ~ Court Begins
The Stake's Witnesses
Jeeken Barnrod ~ Labyrinth Knight
Mob Cross-Examination ~ Moderato
Logic and Baroque
Straying ~ Suspense
Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2012
Mob Cross-Examination ~ Allegro
Announce the Truth 2012
Theme of the United Front
The Court's Magician
Reminiscence ~ Bewitched Fate
Farce ~ Naive People
Reminiscence ~ Golden Revelation
Mist Belduke ~ Twilight Memories
The Great Witch's Judgment ~ Court Begins
Omen ~ Footfalls of Turnabout
The Ruler and the Alchemist
Seal ~ Locked-Away "Darkness"
Reminiscence ~ The Legendary Great Fire
Pursuit ~ Casting Magic
The Final Witness
Turnabout Sisters' Theme ~ Music Box ver.
Disc 3: Animation
The Witches' Theme ~ Chase
The Witches' Theme ~ Assault
That Case
The Story Teller's Theme ~ Parade
Judgment ~ Witch Trial
A Mysterious Fire
The Bell Tower's Arrival
Sorrowful Golden Statue
Rescue and Retribution
A Familiar Face
Into the Ruins
A Faint Voice
Garyuu ~ Roar
Confrontation ~ The Titanic Knights
Professor Layton's Theme ~ VS Arrange ver. 2
Sealed Memories
Garyuu ~ Creation
Mahoney's Theme ~ Truth
The Light of the Truth
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