coralinej · 2 years
Sometimes Thackery wandered over to the mall after work. Mainly, on the days where he didn’t feel like whiskers were going to sprout any second. It was nice feeling like they weren’t being watched. There were way too many people here for anyone to follow him around. Hopefully. The food from the diner was getting old. Thackery wanted anything green or fresh. He beelined to the food court for a signature smoothie and salad combo from the Garden of Eatin’. His mission was interrupted when the girl in front of him made a sudden turn and collided with him. “Woah!” When he saw the expression on the girls face, his surprise immediately shifted to concern. “Are you okay? You look very… frightened. I can help you hide from someone if you need.” Thackery straightens and scans the crowd before turning back to the girl in front of him. “I’m going to get a smoothie, if you want to join. Looks like you could use one.”
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Coraline took a deep breath, nodding her head. “I’m fine. I just thought I saw someone...who probably isn’t even here. Just another trick of the head.” She was having those little tricks more and more these days and it was getting harder and harder to tell them apart. She wasn’t going to tell him all that though. “A smoothie sounds really great though, so yeah, I’m down for that.” She started walking with him, trying her hardest to not look so embarrassed for making a fool of herself and sounding crazier in response. “Thanks, by the way. It’s not every day you leave home and befriend a crazy person at a mall, right?” She gave a small smile. “I’m talking about me, obviously. I’m the one who came off crazy.”
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coralinej · 2 years
continued from this. @frdzilla​
Coraline had really thought she was reading things right. She had thought that he...that he could...she was clearly wrong. Her insecurities were festering in her head the moment her words had left her mouth and his response just made them louder. The not good enough speech? That was the way others let people down. She should have know better. She should have kept her growing feelings buried deep down and never ever told him anything that could have brought them to the light. She was embarrassed, she wanted to scratch at her skin until it was red, and she wanted to hide in her room until she could find a solution that rid her of the way she felt now. Fred was such a good guy it was hard to picture him being insecure about anything, so she had to trust her gut when it told her this guy was not interested in her. “I...Do you know what a deadbeat is? A deadbeat is someone who doesn’t try to move forward. Someone who clings to their stupid home in Coolsville because they are scared of letting go of their stupid trauma because without that, they have nothing. They don’t have a personality or a goal for life because they think every second could be their last and they’re fine with that, because it feels safe to be stuck in their trauma because it is all they know.” She bawled her hands into fists, her nails digging into her skin as she talked. She wanted to throw up. She wanted to run. But for some stupid reason she kept talking. “I would be fine if you just told me you didn’t like me....like that....it’s hard enough trying to express this....but....I don’t like being talked to...like I don’t know anything....I know you have friends, Fred. You have a life outside of your mansion. You have the chance to do whatever you want and be happy because you don’t have to cling to your past like a stupid, selfish, kid. You can step into the light and have hope for the future. I just....I just thought I saw that we had....that there was more than....It’s fine. I’m being stupid. I should go....”
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coralinej · 2 years
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NATALIA DYER behind the scenes for Netflix Queue shoot
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coralinej · 2 years
It was weird to be here. It was weird to be anywhere but Echo Creek, really, and not feel like they were going to be scolded like a child for it. There was so much to explore in the nearby cities, and Melody wanted to see it all. They were overwhelmed in the best of ways with several bags hanging off of their left arm, chowing down on a cinnamon sugar pretzel in their right, not even noticing Coraline until she was walking directly into them. “It’s okay!” They were quick to assure her. They didn’t have a mean bone in their body, but they certainly couldn’t be mean to a pretty girl. “I don’t mind at all. I mean, not that I’m like… some weirdo that likes getting ran into or anything!” Now they were laughing nervously. “I just… gosh, hi, hello, don’t even worry about it.”
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Coraline was too caught up in her mind to notice how awkward they were being. That was probably best for them both since Coraline tended to be insanely awkward when she was out of her comfort zone. She was still very out of her comfort zone, but her anxiety and desire to not look weak in front of someone they weren’t super close to was stronger than anything. “I...I am still sorry. Hi, I...Yeah. You don’t come off as a weirdo at all. So I guess you’re not from around here then either, right?” She wasn’t trying to be mean, but a lot of the people in New Salem were weird....a weird she was not used to. “I’m a Coolsville person, myself.”
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coralinej · 2 years
cooper was attempting to look around outside of coolsville and why he decided new salem of all places was still a little beyond him considering all thins spooky and a little creepy wasn’t his bag and he was perusing around the mall with a pretzel when thinking it was time to head back because hey, at least he gave it his best shot, when suddenly bumping into the brunette whom he was quick to realize that he actually knew, furrowing his brows a bit as he took a step back to look her over to make sure she wasn’t visibly hurt in anyway since she looked to be very shaken up. what did she think she saw? did he even want to know? “w-well you don’t seem to be hurt or anything, uh…you need somethin’ to drink? or eat, even?” he asks gently, holding up his pretzel a little lamely for his friend.
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registering that it was cooper did help her relax a little bit. he was a great comfort to her even though she never ever expressed that to him. then again, she would never visit a creepy farm in the middle of nowhere for nothing. his questions were bringing him back to reality and she sighed, taking a step back to run a hand through her messy hair. “i...no, that’s cool. i’m alright,” she said, trying to put her tough girl act one. “i just.....thought i saw someone i knew from my past....someone i don’t really get along with.” she scrunched up her nose. “nothing to worry about. what brings you so far from the farm, coop?”
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coralinej · 2 years
open starter location: colinsport mall
Coraline figured a change of scenery was good for her. She didn’t know why changing her scene from Coolsville to New Salem sounded like a brilliant idea, but hey, brilliant ideas only came to her in moments of extreme pressure. Right now, there was no pressure though. Sure, she was still trying to get herself together after her last Bedlam sighting, but she was determined to do something normal for once in her life. So shopping was something. This mall was a little...lame, but hey, there had to be some gems around there somewhere. As she walked through the mall she sighed, thinking that she spotted someone she knew, but really wasn’t too sure. Instead she just kept walking, trying to tell herself that it was nothing, but as she looked again and thought she saw the familiar jet black hair and sinister smile she turned quickly and ran right into someone. “Shit! I’m sorry I thought I saw....I don’t even know anymore.”
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coralinej · 2 years
He wanted to make sure she was comfortable first, that’s what mattered the most. Over the years it had become clear that Fred could have a good time anywhere. As long as he had at least some THC in his system and the music was decent he would be able to have as good a time as anyone. When he came to Coraline he wasn’t sure, never wanting to be the person that put her in a situation where she felt the way she did at Retroland. Fred still hadn’t totally figured that one out but knew better than to ask, she’d tell him if she wanted him to know. He wasn’t one to push. “Yeah, yeah, sure, of course. It’s nothin,” he said with a smile. She looked like she was having fun, maybe a little more than he’d thought but he would keep an eye on her just in case. Fred didn’t want to be overbearing, sometimes he just cared too much. “I’m having fun, for sure. All’s good, just wanted to make sure you where. Have you… How much have you drank?” He didn’t want it to come off wrong, trying to be as delicate with his wording as he could. 
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Coraline shrugged. She had lost count a while ago and in her drunken state she didn’t really see the big deal. “I’ve been having fun and celebrating the end of the year, silly! Who cares how much I drank? I made sure it was all straight from the bartender. Being nothing but safe here!” She gave him a lazy smile. “You don’t gotta worry. We are so good right now. Do you want me to get you a drink? You can try to catch up if your stomach is strong enough for it.” She was already ordering him something before he could say no. If he didn’t want it, that was just more for her. She was fine with it either way. She wanted to spend time with him and have a great night, but she knew to do that and to handle the crowd she had to give herself a little boost. Liquid courage. Maybe she would finally be able to get everything she has wanted to say to him off her chest. “You don’t have to worry about me, y’know. I had a crazy moment and I am very sorry for that. But...I am insane. I don’t know what else to tell ya. Being around me means you slowly loose your mind too. I’m insufferable like that.”
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coralinej · 2 years
closed starter @flyhighnol​ location: neverland
Coraline had never been at Neverland before. She thought the place was a little too...eccentric for even herself and she knew there was a lot of drama that surrounded it so she tended to avoid it on most nights. Tonight, however, she had been dragged out by a friend. She only wished she had gotten high before coming because the moment she was inside she had enough of the place. It just wasn’t her thing and while she used to think pirates were cool as a kid now it just felt....silly. She felt like she was turning into her mother the more she critiqued it, so she stepped outside for cigarette to clear her head. She was alone for a while until some guy had started getting too close for comfort. Raising an eyebrow, she took a drag of her cigarette and looked over at him. “Do you mind....? I really want peace when I smoke.”
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coralinej · 2 years
Coraline couldn’t believe she agreed to this. Parties like this were not her scene and after Retroland she was content with staying home forever. But Fred had expressed wanting to go, so there she was, at this party. With him. Totally not a big deal. Except she was more anxious than ever and when they got there she went straight to the bar for some liquid courage. She drank fast so that she was drunk fairly quickly and when it all sunk in she was having a pretty good time. She wasn’t dressed up or anything and while that would normally bother her, right now she was totally fine. When he asked if she wanted a refill she clumsily raised her cup. “Yes. That would be the best thing in the world. You’re such a sweetie, Fred. And we don’t have to go. I’m having a great time. Are you having a great time?”
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who: @coralinej where: lava springs nye
He couldn’t believed she’d agreed to come with him. This seemed like the very last thing she’d want to do and yet here he was with her. Fred was in high alert though after Retroland, not wanting to send her into that sort of panic ever again. Maybe it was dumb to worry about her but he couldn’t help it. She was important to him and he never wanted to be the cause for her feeling like that. He’d do whatever he could to keep her safe, that was a promise. “How you feeling? We don’t have the stay all night either if you don’t want,” he said just wanting to check in with her since they’d been there a few hours already. “Do you want a refill?” He asked nodding to the cup in her hand then looking down at his empty one. 
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coralinej · 2 years
Fred was trying his best to keep up with what was going on but he had to admit he was completely lost. None of the details really mattered right now, not until Coraline was calmed down. He didn’t know how to assure her that nothing bad was going to happen but Fred was going to try his hardest. Emotional stuff wasn’t his strong suit, as he ran from his most of the time. That all changed when it came to someone he cared about though. “Coraline, hey, you’re okay. I’m here and I promise I am not going to let anything happen to you,” he said in a soft yet certain tone. If there was one thing he was sure of it was that he’d do anything and everything he could to make sure she was safe. “Why don’t we get out of here, yeah? We can go anywhere you want.” He held out his hand for her to take, his eyes locking in on hers. “Are you with me?”
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Coraline stared at his hand for a moment, her eyes still wild. The back of her mind knew that he was trying to help her and that he was doing what he could to get her safe, but she didn’t know if he could do anything. She didn’t know if he could actually keep her safe. She didn’t think anyone or anything could keep her safe from the Bedlam. Still, she had no plans on getting out of here alive and he was trying to give her one. So she took his hand and squeezed it tightly. “Okay...okay....we can get out of here...please....” Her legs felt like lead and she just wanted to do what she could to get out of there before she gave herself a heart attack, which she was sure the Bedlam wanted. 
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coralinej · 2 years
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Natalia Dyer for Puss Puss Magazine (2022)
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coralinej · 2 years
so perhaps cooper tended to lose track of time when it came to actually going out and venturing outside of animania, like he told himself he’d attempt to be better at. he hadn’t realized how much time had passed since his last visit, but for that he had coraline jones. she was great, didn’t judge him for keeping the rest of the town at arms like he had, and it was clear she had her own varied past as well, but they didn’t need to talk about it, either, they could just be there in each other’s company and revel in knowing that the other got it, and he was grateful for it, but he still found himself a little surprised when she’d come over to check up on him from time to time, still a little floored that someone else happened to taking a liking to him or his place, but he wasn’t going to go questioning it any time soon, either. he was willing to take hold of it for however long the universe would allow her to continue coming over. “n-nooo, not the sunlight!” he hisses out in a monotonous yet playful tone of voice as he answers the door, trying to hold back the small smile curving his lips as he feels himself become a little more relaxed at just the sight of his friend. “hi, core.”
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coraline rolled her eyes. “oh please. i know sunlight is your mortal enemy and all, but you’re a farmer. maybe more stuff would grow if you did it during the day.” she was joking mostly. she knew he went outside. she just didn’t know how he was always so pale. it was like the eighth wonder of the world to her. “you didn’t even ask what i got you. that is honestly so rude.” she made her way inside and sat on the old couch she knows he is too afraid to touch at times. she thinks it was his grandfathers or something. complicated, but just an old couch that was very worn in. “anyways, because i am such a good friend, i will just tell you what it is...” she dug into her satchel and pulled out a little present. “i even wrapped it for you for shits and giggles. but it’s a scarf. plum purple. it’s getting cold and i have started to crochet again like the little old lady i am. so...you’re welcome, coop.”
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coralinej · 2 years
Fred had been laying low for awhile now. Life felt heavier than normal which meant it was about time for Fred to hibernate during the winter holidays. Everything else that had been going on with his personal affairs were something he’d tucked away. The last thing he had a clue about right now were dealings of his heart. The only thing that had been on his mind as of late was Tadashi, more specifically how empty this time of year felt without him. Fred knew he needed to reach out to Coraline, Rosie too, and make sure everything was well. That didn’t change the fact that he hadn’t been able to even start a message to either of them, not having a clue what to say. Words weren’t exactly Fred’s strong suit and that was no secret. Today was another day he was searching for escape, as if smoking weren’t enough to numb the memories of a lost friend. That was about the time when he quite literally bumped into Coraline. At first Fred was frozen, unsure what to say but her expression sent him past that and to concern. “Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he said gently, placing a hand against her arm to steady her. “You’re alright, you’re safe here, I promise.”
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Normally, when someone tried to touch her when she was like this, the first thing Coraline would do is swing. She almost got Wybie a few times without meaning to and luckily he was the only one who ever even attempted to get close to her while she was panicking because she was sure she would be sent to prison for her actions. When Fred touched her she just....froze. She kept breathing, panting really, as her mind battled with her fight or flight instinct. She was shaking so hard she was surprised she didn’t just collapse completely. The world was spinning and she couldn’t form any kind of coherent thought and she felt like she was going to fall into this deep void where no one could save her because she did this all to herself. “I...I’m not safe....” she looked at him with wild eyes, searching for anything behind his shoulder or in a reflection. “I’m...I’m never safe....she’s...she’s still out there...and she is...she’s gonna want revenge...of course she is going to want that....and I....I am just....here....just out in the open...perfect for the picking!”
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coralinej · 2 years
closed starter @frdzilla​ location: retroland 
Coraline was seeking Fred out this time. She was tired of the back and forth; the talking to her constantly before disappearing after saying something that could potentially change their dynamic if he would let it. She had started scouting at all of the places they have hung out and when that didn’t work, she set foot for Retroland. She never was a big fan of the amusement park, but she just had a strong feeling Fred was. She had started walking the area for a while, being shoved at by screaming children and blinded by the lights. She must have come during a rush because before she knew it there were so many people and so much shoving because she wasn’t picking her feet up fast enough and one of the strangers looked a lot like her mother and....well then she started running. She ran fast and she didn’t have any source of direction, but her panic was what brought her to Fred. She crashed right into him and looked at him with wild eyes. “I....” she couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t speak; she just felt like she was being hunted and that she was running out of time.
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coralinej · 2 years
closed starter @duskdrumming​ location: angel dynamite’s record store
Coraline liked herself a good record. She didn’t seek them out much, but she had a little extra money for once and she wanted to get the new Hex Girls album before it got too pricey. As she skimmed through the artists trying to find what she was looking for, her hands accidentally brushed another’s and when she looked up to apologize her eyes widened. “Are you in the Hex Girls?” she blurted out before thinking. “That was dumb. Of  course you are. I was just looking for your last album, swear to god!” She put a hand on her heart, looking like a total dork. “Sorry. You can go first and get what you want.”
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coralinej · 2 years
closed starter @courageouscooper​ location: bagge farm
Coraline tried to take some time out of her day to visit Cooper. She knew he was the most anxious guy she had ever met and while she did have a tendency to show up unannounced most of the time, when she remembered that fact she did try to text him a heads up. She really liked his farm and how far away it was from everything else. She knows it sounds stupid, but she feels safe there, and she hardly felt safe anywhere. Kicking at the dirt path she stopped and knocked a few times at his door before getting a good look around the place. Same old farm, same old Cooper set-up. It was nice that one thing could be consistent. “Open up scardy cat!” she called out teasingly. She adored him, but he really just needed to try getting out a little more. “I brought you something!”
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coralinej · 2 years
closed starter @w-lovat​ location: the pink palace
Coraline didn’t normally invite anyone over to her home. In fact, she was very dead set against it because of the dangers that came with it. But Wybie had been over enough and even though she still tended to go over to him instead of have him here, she was willing to make an exception this time since she had been the shittiest friend. Besides, they probably weren’t going to be there long. It was raining and nothing bonded them more than getting their raincoats on and seeing what was digging around the dirt. Coraline just liked the rain, really. It was refreshing and she loved mud even though she knew that was a niche thing to love. Wybie liked the bugs and it was a match made in heaven.
When she heard the knock on the door she finished zipping up her yellow raincoat and opened the door for him. “Sup slug,” she said nonchalantly, making room for him to come in. “I still have to get my boots on and smoke a little for the effect. Feel free to make yourself at home. But don’t open any doors.”
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