cordespei-blog · 10 years
(I should get active on this blog again at some point..)
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
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(I know this is random but I just felt like doing this, thank you to everybody following despite my lack of activity here lately)
heartofwildfire | lionessofliterature
passiovita | quietambition
heartofintuition | intuitionofpsych
heartofmorality | moralbiology
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
"O-Okay." He said as he joined her on the bed. He tried taking deep breaths to help him relax, but he couldn't get the images from his nightmare out of his mind.
Fully awake now, she sat up after hearing what he said. “What? That’s it come on you can sleep here next to me.” She said, patting the space next to her on the bed.
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
Lucas tried to stand completely still, but he couldn't help but stand there slightly shaking. "Well, um.." He tried to wipe the tears from his face. "I-I just..had a really bad nightmare..about when my parents died.."
Rena slowly woke, feeling something. When she realized it was someone shaking her, she opened her eyes. She rubbed her eyes with her hand, trying to adjust to the darkness. “What…what is it? What’s going on? Is something wrong?” She said groggily, trying to get herself to fully wake up.
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
(For a starter, it looks like I just wrote basically half a story..)
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
It was late at night, Lucas was asleep in his bed. Cold sweat dripped down his face and he started to shake. In his dream, he experienced his parents death once again. Watching his parents die while protecting him and not being able to save them destroyed him. "No!" He shouted as he jerked awake from the nightmare. His shouting had startled his brother awake. He sat there in a sitting position, his heart racing and his face covered in cold sweat. He got up off of his bed and on impulse raced to Rena's room. He ran over to her bedside and tried to wake her up by shaking her as gently as he could.
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
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Reblog with your character's crush / love
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
"I believe so."
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"What the hell?! Did Orion seriously just cheat on mom by kissing a woman he doesn’t even know?!"
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
M!A Master Post
Sick as a Dog: Muse is ill for 24 hours (Anon specifies symptoms).
Can’t Sleep: Muse cannot sleep until another person says their full name, no matter how tired they are.
Help: Muse believes he/she is trapped in their current location for 5 hours.
Baby Bump: Muse is pregnant (Anon specifies how many months).
Baby Boom: Muse is pregnant with twins (Anon specifies how many months).
Flaming Youth: Muse is rebellious and easily angered for 8 hours.
Opposites: Muse switches from very angry/depressed to very happy/cheerful every other hour for 10 hours.
Darkness: Muse is blind for 24 hours.
Silence: Muse is deaf for 24 hours.
17 Again: Muse is in his/her 17 year old form.
Shaking Hands: Muse is suddenly freezing cold and can’t stop shivering for (Anon specifies time).
Spirit Animal: Muse is turned into an animal (Anon decides what) for 12 hours.
Hungry like the Wolf: Muse is starving, no matter how much he/she eats for 10 hours.
Sexual M!A’s:
Flesh: Muse is horny and wants to have rough sex(ex.being thrown against a wall and bitten)(Anon chooses time)
Drunk: Muse will stumble, and talk, slurred, as if they are quite intoxicated, along with hit on anyone, badly.
Truth potion: Muse has to tell the truth about anything asked for an hour.
Tell Me What To Do: Muse is a slave to Anon’s choice
Flustered: When Muse sees, (anon chooses), Muse will stutter, blush, and act like a complete klutz around the so called individual, for 3 hours.
S&M: Muse wants to have S&M sex (Anon decides if Muse is S or M and with who)
Whipped Cream: Muse wants everything with whipped cream on it for 3 hours
Heat: Muse will be put into a hot room. Muse is tied to a chair and has to stay in that room for at least an hour. (Under the watch of Anon’s choice)
Take It Off: Muse takes off an article of clothing every time their name is said.(Anon decides how long)
Wish We Were Older: Muse is into child’s play for 4 hours
Vulnerable: Muse is left tied up in a public place, for anyone to take advantage of. (Muse cannot be untied until the 5 hours are up.)
Kitten/Pup Affection: Muse is a “kitten” or “puppy” to (Anon Deicdes), being submissive and has to crawl around on their knees, doing anything there Master(s) say. 24 hours
Name: Has an orgasm every time someone says there name.
Muse can receive as many M!A’s as the Anon’s want to give.
Cute M!A’S:
Lean On Me: With the help of ___ (anon’s choice) your muse will get through something that scared them (the anon can specify or leave it up to the mun) for 3 hours.
Here’s To Never Growing Up: Isn’t that just adorable. Your muse will experience puppy dog love with ___ (anon’s choice) for 2 days.
Thunder: It’s raining outside and your muse is stuck inside with ___ (anon’s choice) and when the power goes out they cuddle to keep warm.
Sweet Nothings: Your muse is full of nothing but happiness and positive things to say for 24 hours.
Ariel: Oh no, your muse has lost it’s voice! But they have to tell ___ (anon’s choice) how they feel! If your muse gets a kiss from the chosen person within 2 days they get their voice back, if not well you’ve seen the movie.
Pure: Sex? What’s that? Muse suddenly has the mentality of a three year old, and can’t understand anything ‘adult’. Anon decides the duration.
Dramatic M!A’S:
Burn: Muse is severely falling in love with (anon decides who and duration.)
Cough Syrup: (tw) Muse becomes extremely depressed and is not in a good mindset and begins to have thoughts of suicide. (Anon decides duration)
Memories: Muse has amnesia. (Anon decides duration)
Stay: Muse becomes extremely sick and may end up in the hospital for (anon decides illness and how long)
Jealousy: Muse will be jealous, of (anon chooses) for a certain amount of time. Anon chooses, for what reason Muse is jealous. Also for how long.
Baby: Muse is pregnant and due in ____. (Father specified by anon)
Sight: Muse is blind for ___
Hearing: Muse is deaf for ___
Ariel: Muse doesn't have a tongue for ___
Memory: Muse cannot remember anything for ___
Injury: Muse will be injured somehow (anon decides severity and injury) for ____
Fear: Muse will be terrified by something or someone (anon specifies who) for ___
Gemini: Muse will split into two different versions of themself for ___
Basket: Muse finds a baby in a basket and has to take care of it for ___
Love: Muse will be in love with (Anon decides) for 2 days
Cloak: Muse will be Invisible if wearing a special Clothing (Anon decides) for 3 Hours
Cough: Muse will be ill for 14 Hours
Remember: Muse will suffer Memory Loss for 4 Days
Gas: Muse will have hallucinogenic imaginary sights for one day.
Beer: Muse will talk like a Drunk and hit on everybody, lasts 3 Hours
Host: Muse will be a Gentleman/Lady for 34 Hours
Age: Muse will be a Kid for 10 Hours
Feels: Muse will be obsessed with an event or something that will cause them to express related emotions (Anon decides)
Phobia: Muse is terribly afraid of something or someone (Anon specifies)
Lurk: Muse will follow ______(Anon can specify who or what)
Answer: Muse will have to answer anything that is asked of him/her truthfully, lasts 4 hours
Noise: Muse will say everything they think, lasts for a day
Sick: Muse will be sick with a unique flu for (Anon decides. Anon may also specify flu symptoms, they can even be really odd, different from Cough curse.)
Command: Muse has to take commands by the next _______ people in their ask (Anon specifies)
Obsession: Muse will be obsessed with ______ (Anon specifies) for the next 12 hours.
Reverse: Muse's personality will be extremely opposite for (Anon decides)
Extremist: Muse becomes an extremist for (Anon specifies and decides for how long)
Class: Muse will believe they are a high-class prostitute for (Anon decides)
Switch: Muse has to switch bodies with (Anon decides, but muns have to agree) for (Anon decides how long)
Power: Muse gains _______ (Anon specifies) as a power for 17 hours
Confess: Muse has to confess something they think of or feel toward anyone they speak to each time they speak to them for the next 5 hours
Enemy: Muse takes the appearance of someone they hate for 16 hours
Slave: Muse becomes a maid or butler to _______ (Anon decides) for 24 hours
Dream: Muse is able to trespass in the dreams and nightmares of others for 48 hours
Impression: Muse thinks they are a ______ (Anon pick an animal) for 15 hours
Gone: Muse loses _____ (Mun decides something or someone important) for 16 hours
Kiss: Muse wants to kiss everyone in their inbox for the next hour
Stalk: Muse thinks they are being stalked for (Anon decides)
Nightmare: Muse is plagued with horrific images and scenes both in sleeping and in waking for 3 days
Paranoia: Muse becomes extremely paranoid about (Anon specifies what and for how long)
Infatuation: Muse becomes /madly/ in love with the next person they see on their dashboard for 4 days
Hallucination: Muse sees things for (Anon decides)
Alarm: Muse keeps hearing an alarm go off but cannot figure out where for the next 18 hours
AU: Muse is stuck in an Alternate Universe with little recollection of their own universe for a whole week
Craving: Muse will have an unusual craving for (Anon specifies) for 9 hours
Mother: Muse suspects everyone has insulted their mother for 4 hours
Gender Bender: Muse is the opposite gender for ___.
Baby: Muse is pregnant and due in ____. (Father specified by anon)
Sight: Muse is blind for ___
Hearing: Muse is deaf for ___
Ariel: Muse doesn't have a tongue for ___
Memory: Muse cannot remember anything for ___
Injury: Muse will be injured somehow (anon decides severity and injury) for ____
Fear: Muse will be terrified by something or someone (anon specifies who) for ___
Gemini: Muse will split into two different versions of themself for ___
Basket: Muse finds a baby in a basket and has to take care of it for ___
Compulsion: Muse has OCD for ___ (anon decides primary source of obsession [number, clenliness, etc])
Love: Muse will be in love with (Anon decides) for 2 days
Cloak: Muse will be Invisible if wearing a special Clothing (Anon decides) for 3 Hours
Cough: Muse will be ill for 14 Hours
Remember: Muse will suffer Memory Loss for 4 Days
Gas: Muse will have hallucinogenic imaginary sights for one day.
Beer: Muse will talk like a Drunk and hit on everybody, lasts 3 Hours
Host: Muse will be a Gentleman/Lady for 34 Hours
Age: Muse will be a Kid for 10 Hours
Feels: Muse will be obsessed with an event or something that will cause them to express related emotions (Anon decides)
Phobia: Muse is terribly afraid of something or someone (Anon specifies)
Lurk: Muse will follow ______(Anon can specify who or what)
Answer: Muse will have to answer anything that is asked of him/her truthfully, lasts 4 hours
Noise: Muse will say everything they think, lasts for a day
Sick: Muse will be sick with a unique flu for (Anon decides. Anon may also specify flu symptoms, they can even be really odd, different from Cough curse.)
Command: Muse has to take commands by the next _______ people in their ask (Anon specifies)
Obsession: Muse will be obsessed with ______ (Anon specifies) for the next 12 hours.
Reverse: Muse's personality will be extremely opposite for (Anon decides)
Extremist: Muse becomes an extremist for (Anon specifies and decides for how long)
Class: Muse will believe they are a high-class prostitute for (Anon decides)
Switch: Muse has to switch bodies with (Anon decides, but muns have to agree) for (Anon decides how long)
Power: Muse gains _______ (Anon specifies) as a power for 17 hours
Confess: Muse has to confess something they think of or feel toward anyone they speak to each time they speak to them for the next 5 hours
Enemy: Muse takes the appearance of someone they hate for 16 hours
Slave: Muse becomes a maid or butler to _______ (Anon decides) for 24 hours
Dream: Muse is able to trespass in the dreams and nightmares of others for 48 hours
Impression: Muse thinks they are a ______ (Anon pick an animal) for 15 hours
Gone: Muse loses _____ (Mun decides something or someone important) for 16 hours
Kiss: Muse wants to kiss everyone in their inbox for the next hour
Stalk: Muse thinks they are being stalked for (Anon decides)
Nightmare: Muse is plagued with horrific images and scenes both in sleeping and in waking for 3 days
Paranoia: Muse becomes extremely paranoid about (Anon specifies what and for how long)
Infatuation: Muse becomes /madly/ in love with the next person they see on their dashboard for 4 days
Hallucination: Muse sees things for (Anon decides)
Alarm: Muse keeps hearing an alarm go off but cannot figure out where for the next 18 hours
AU: Muse is stuck in an Alternate Universe with little recollection of their own universe for a whole week
Craving: Muse will have an unusual craving for (Anon specifies) for 9 hours
Mother: Muse suspects everyone has insulted their mother for 4 hours
Thin Ice: Muse strays onto thin ice and falls through unless saved. (Mun chooses whether they live or die)
High Tide: Muse is trapped in a cave with water that will fill it in 4 hours.
Pins and Needles: Muse feel as if someone is sticking needles in them for 2 hours.
Crawling Bugs: Muse becomes paranoid of bugs crawling on his/her skin and keeps hallucinating that there are bugs crawling on them.
Angel: Muse is and angel for ___
Demon: Muse is a demon for ___
Possession: Muse is possessed by a demon for ___
Broken: Muse is mentally broken and upset with themselves to the point that they harm themselves for ___
Mermaid: Muse is a mermaid/man for (anon specifies)
Add, reblog, share and give people all the feels~~~
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
runs up and hugs her bby tight
"Mom, are you alright?"
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
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It’s my name, not who I am.
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
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But Why? You were safe. Everything was fine.
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
Make You Feel My Love || Lea Michele
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
(I was gonna write this on my personal/main blog but nobody who follows me there cares to read (except my sister/rp partner) so I might as well write/post it here, has to do with when Lucas witnessed his parents death)
Lucas had no idea what was going on. There was a lot of fighting going on. Enemy warriors attacked the town and started killing people. He stood there in fear watching the fighting going on in the distance, his parents at his side. 
Before he knew it, they started getting closer, at a fast speed. He was so afraid that he and his parents were going to die. His mother turned to look at him. 
"Lucas, I need you to go and hide." His mother said.
"W-Why just me? Aren't you coming?" Lucas asked.
"Don't worry about us, just do what your mother said and go and hide." His father said.
"O-Okay." Lucas said. He was worried as to why his parents weren't coming with him, but he didn't have time to question it. The enemy warriors drew closer.
He ran as fast as he could to the closest hiding place. He sat down and attempted to catch his breath. His heart was racing and he tried not to panic. He hoped his parents would be okay. He moved to a position where he could still remain hidden yet still get a view of his parents.
He froze when he got a view. His parents were trying to fight off some of the enemies. He couldn't get himself to move. All he could do was stand and watch as they fought as hard as they could. He least expected to witness what happened next.
The warriors managed to get a hold of both of his parents. They both struggled to break free but had no luck. As if in sync, both warriors took their weapons and stabbed his parents with them. 
"No!" Lucas screamed, tears streaming down his face. He watched as his parents bled out and fell to the ground. Lucas turned around and slid down to where he was in a sitting position out of the warrior's sight. His heart raced and he tried hard not to have a panic attack.
The warriors walked away, Lucas looked to make sure they were gone. He ran from his hiding place over to where his parents were.
"Mom? Dad?" Lucas fell to his knees and moved back and forth between them, in hopes that at least one of them was still alive. Neither of them moved or responded. He realized it was too late, both of them were dead. He continued to cry, he wished that things didn't happen like that. 
"Why me?...Why just protect me?... Why couldn't you come with me?..."
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
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Hope Estheim! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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cordespei-blog · 10 years
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