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We’ve gotta talk, guys.
As you all were aware, we started doing weekly activity checks, with the first one happening last Wednesday. We were disappointed by the amount of inactivity seen during the last check, but we held our heads up and said “they know the consequences, they’ll get to it this week.”
You didn’t. 
Out of the 53 non-mod muses in this verse, 39 muses failed either this week’s or last week’s check. 17 failed the check two weeks in a row. As you all know, if you fail two weeks in a row without talking to a mod, your muse would be kicked from the verse. 17 muses are in danger of being kicked from the group as of today. That’s both incredibly frustrating and incredibly disappointing to this mod team.
This verse cannot continue without you all, as players, participating in this verse. Frankly, the mods do not want to continue putting in extensive work to this verse if nobody is going to be active. Even with the anonymous asks we’ve sent out in preparation for the motive, there’s been little interest. Because of this, we have an ultimatum:
The motive for Chapter 4 will be held off until after the next activity check. 
Chapter 4′s motive is highly, highly interactive and the mods have been working on it steadily for the past two weeks. 
We don’t want to finish the motive for nothing, as it feels like we’re doing.
If activity doesn’t pick up by the next check, Chapter 4 will not have a motive and CS will reach a bad end and close permanently.
It’s up to you to show us you’re interested in this verse. If you’re not, tell us. Don’t let us keep working so hard if you’re not interested. That’s not fair to us and we don’t want to do work that you won’t appreciate.
Signing off for now,
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"U-um." Elise nervously presents a painting of the two wardens holding hands, and a little heart over their heads. "I know this doesn't really make up for it, but, uh, I made this to tell you guys I-I'm Sorry. So here!" As soon as it's out of her hands, she begins to leave.
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Marionette didn’t know what to expect when she came to meet with Elise, she honestly wasn’t sure why she even came at all. She much rather be spending time with her partner than dealing with the prisoners. However, she was getting  a little bit bored so she couldn’t see why a little trip out wouldn’t hurt. When she saw the gift she tucked some hair behind her ear as she took the painting. 
To be honest, it looked like a fourth grader did it and overall was not all that impressive. However, she felt like something bigger was going on, for there is no other reason for Elise to do something nice to her. Yet nothing came..
“Uh… thanks?”
There was a hint of uncertainty in the Warden’s tone.
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Excuse me, Miss Marionette? Or Mister Chat? I was wondering if I could perhaps provide some entertainment at the festival with some traditional dancing? :shslfansandballet
“Normally I’d tell you to fuck off, we’ve got it covered,” the white-clad Warden said, “but I’m going to go ahead and say sure, go dance.”
Chat Blanc was getting into the spirit of things; he wore a white yukata that faded to black at the bottom with a pale golden pattern of stars dancing across the entire thing.
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Two weeks...       Two full weeks... 
          It’s been two weeks since you last saw the Wardens and that worried you. You’ve heard that other people have caught glimpses of the duo, but it seemed like the longer that this game goes on the more distant they become. You knew at the start that it was almost normal to see either one at least once a day or once every other day. 
          Now you were lucky to see them once in-between motives. 
Current time: 0750
          They were not the only people who were pushed away, as you thought to what Aisha and Hang spoke about during the last meeting. You never intentionally tried to push the staff away, yet you could not speak for your fellow prisoners. Even if the actions were unintentional, the damage was done. You knew a few of the others were trying to repair some of the damage, however, the progress seemed to be non-existent. The only good thing that seemed to happen recently was the return of everyone’s companions. 
          That seemed to irritate the Wardens, and it left you with an important question. 
                    ( Who’s side is Trixx on? )
          Everything that strange creature has done so far seemed to be towards helping you. Yet, you still find yourself wary of the help. For all you know, this was another elaborate trick of the Wardens. 
                    ( Another test? )
          You felt a vibration in your pocket as you were dragged out of your thoughts. A sigh escapes from your lips as you slowly draw the phone out. At this point, you never knew what could be coming next. The screen illuminated with SysAdmin appearing on screen.
          “Plaza, 10 minutes. I suggest you haul ass and start kissing ass.”
          With that, SysAdmin disappeared as you stood there confused. You had no idea why SysAdmin said what they said, all you knew was that you might get your answer at this next meeting. Taking the advice of the AI you started to jog over to the meeting spot.
Current time: 0800
         Just like every other time, the Wardens appeared right on time. The moment the duo appeared, everyone else went silent. Marionette glanced around the group, her gaze as cold as ever. You noticed that Chat Blanc seemed excited and you felt a knot form in the pit of your stomach. If HE was excited, that could only mean you were in for one really bad time.
          “Alright, everyone is here time to get down to business. First things first, the duel track and arena are now complete. You will find all of the equipment you need past Gate Four. Any questions related to that, either ask Minou or Hang.” 
          She started to explain, eyes surveying everyone as a persistent frown remained on her face. She glanced from the crowd to Chat Blanc and then back to you. 
          “Second off, tomorrow we will be hosting a traditional Japanese festival. Don’t even think for a fucking nanosecond that you earned this. We are only doing this at Chaton’s request. If anyone even remotely fucks this up, I will personally see to it that you will be punished so severely that you will beg for me to kill you. Understand? Too bad. Because we are done here.”
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The Wardens have decided to host a Japanese-style summer festival. According to Marionette, it was Chat Blanc’s idea.
The General Store is providing free yukatas in dozens upon dozens of colors, patterns and styles.
The festival will end on June 11th and, consequently, the motive will begin June 12th. IC, the festival will last one day.
The mods would like to remind you to read THIS POST and follow its instructions before June 8th. On June 8th, if you haven’t followed the instructions, your muse might end up with some unforeseen consequences.
The motive for Chapter 4 will again be an extremely interactive motive, but don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. It’ll be fun, free and horribly scarring.
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Hey guys! Zayne here again with an important announcement!
With applications closing on the 30th and the new chapter starting shortly after, we have another handy-dandy MANDATORY FORM for you guys to fill out!
This form will collect your muse’s statistics. Below, I’ve copied the description on the form, which will tell you all about it.
We're grabbing statistics from you to help with the Chapter 4 motive and any motives or events here on out that will use it. Each stat is a 1 to 10 scale and should be considered without their power. IF YOU PICK A 7 OR ABOVE FOR ANY STAT, YOU MUST GIVE US A CANON REASON/EXAMPLE FOR IT. This is to prevent people from simply giving their muses high stats so they'll do better. We want it to be realistic.
PHYSICAL 1 is like a completely non-athletic person. An average person's range would be 3-4. 10 is Warden-level strong.
RESISTANCE (heat/cold) 1 is someone who is extremely sensitive to a temperature (whether both or either). An average person's range would be 3-4. 10 is completely resistant and unaffected by even -40 or 130 degrees Fahrenheit.
RESISTANCE (hunger) 1 is someone who eats three meals a day, with snacks, consistently. A well-off person would be near this stat. An average person's range would be 3-4 (2-3 meals, no snacks). 10 is someone who eats little to no food (say a slice of bread a day) consistently. A person living in extreme poverty would be near this stat.
And that’s it! Head on over to the form and fill it out for us.
You have until June 8th to fill the form out! 
We’ll give you consistent reminders. If you don’t fill the form out, your muse will get a pre-determined set of stats.
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Hey guys, Zayne here to tell you applications are closing May 30th! If you want in on the verse (you need no knowledge of either series or what’s gone on in the verse so far), you’ll need to do it soon!
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Hello everyone, it’s Mod Cassie and I need to address a problem we had in Chapter 3. 
If you have not already figured out, the last motive was carefully planned out by the mod team and we were stressed out to determine who would best fit what day. We have seen an incredibly positive feedback for having muses die outside of being chosen for murder victims. This means we can do more involved motives and more story driven motives, but we also need to address what this last chapter brought to light, and that’s that, despite applying a muse and saying they could be killed, many did not want their muse to die.
What this means:
During the application process, we asked if your muse could be killed. We have a list of characters who can and cannot be killed and FOR ALL FUTURE MOTIVES we will be drawing from this list to see who can and cannot be killed by non-murder means. People can still volunteer to be affected by the motive, this is just in the event we do not have the numbers to create the desired effect. You guys loved not having to have an investigation for every death.
I know this may seem harsh, but we will say this: YOU’RE IN A MURDER VERSE. If you don’t want your muse murdered, you’re in the wrong verse.
We have very big and interactive motives planned for the second half of Cordes so for the sanity of the mod team, we will NOT be accepting requests to get excluded from motives. It is too much of a stresser on the mod team, especially if we get the request the day before a post goes up. Do you understand the frustration of carefully and meticulously planning every detail of a motive only to have it damaged and needing to be rewritten? So we are doing this for our own health and we have far too many other things to be doing than constantly fiddling with a motive list.
What this does not mean:
We will be keeping close track of who gets affected by the motive. Unless a mun requests to have more than one character hit, we will only hit one muse per mun. 
This also means that not every muse hit will die, some might be barely injured and some might end up with major injuries. It all depends on the situation. As we demonstrated with the poisoning, not every poisoned muse died or was left with lasting consequences.
We are not killing your muses without your permission. You gave us that upon applying when you said, “Yes, my muse can be killed.” We understand the frustration at not being alerted prior to what happened in three, but because of the option to pull out, we felt that after you had been reminded a lot, we didn’t need to alert you again.
From here on out, we will try our best to alert you if your muse is going to die to further the plot without being murdered by a player, but accept that while there may be four of us, but there’s many, many more of you, and it’s hard and stressful to run a verse this large.
It needs to be said: THE MOD TEAM IS ONLY HUMAN.
We will make mistakes. We will mess up. Understand that while we do, we do so much for all of you. We painstakingly organize everything in this verse. We plan even small, non-plot related events weeks in advance. We pull time out of our busy, stressful schedules to run this verse for you. We lose sleep to keep things going on time. Hell, we consult other verses to make sure we don’t do a motive that’s been done before or done the same way.
We spend sleepless hours running a verse for you and we need you to understand that we’re human. We have jobs, schools and families. We have emergencies and sudden, unexpected plans. We don’t always have time, but we make time for you.
So we ask you for this one thing: save us from one more big headache, one more night spent staying up until 4 am to rewrite an entire event because of a sudden unexpected dropout, one more day in tears because we’re so stressed trying to make this verse enjoyable for you.
Save us from this, because we don’t want to feel regret for starting this verse.
If you have any questions or complaints, feel free to private message Zayne or I with anything you have to say.
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          He did not care for Trixx’s methodologies as he found them too flashy for his taste. Yet, the other’s desire for attention served another purpose. It gave him the distraction he needed to trigger the next part in their plan. While the prisoner’s actions as of late served to make their job more difficult, it was still far from the realm of being impossible to achieve. He took a deep breath as he stared at the items that he had. They were hard to get without raising alarms but he finally had the items he needed to partially break this magical seal. He could sense it from when he first entered that this was no normal seal, and he could not fracture it completely in his current state.
          He slowly closed his eyes and placed his paws in the paste he made earlier and placed it ontop of the metal chain and started chanting. He only had one chance at this, if he failed then things could get very ugly. As he chanted on the door of each person who held a Miraculous Stone the following characters were being inscribed in bright green writing.
我呼籲偉大的古代力量打破腐敗的心靈所形成的印記。 打破你的羈絆,釋放你的靈魂,帶來新的重生 。
          Once the last character was drawn, the Miraculous Stones started to glow and heat up. The temperature was not unbearable and a moment later there was a flash of light. Once the light faded the characters stopped glowing and the Kwami were released. The Miraculous Stones once again lost all heat and fell back into their useless state.
          Clearly there was someone or something out there rebelling against the Wardens…the question was who.
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While Trixx and her partners released your pets, another entity released the kwami of the prisoners with Miraculous Stones.
The kwami do not possess their powers besides levitation. They cannot move through walls.
You still are unable to transform. 
The reason for the kwamis being released right now is unclear. The timing seems to correlate with the pets. Is that the case?
The strange characters on the doors of the Miraculous holders no longer glow but they did not disappear.
Who are these creatures and what do they want exactly?
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          Your phone rings with the familiar beep of a video message. After the most recent revelation from the hurt staff and angered Wardens, you weren’t sure you wanted another meeting with any of them. Hopefully it wasn’t Hime this time.
          You were shocked when the one who appeared on the screen wasn’t anybody you’d ever met. Hell, it wasn’t even a creature you’d ever met. Upon the screen was a tiny creature that resembled a fox, big purple eyes shining with the barest hint of mischief. It snickered and waved to the screen.
          “Hey there, everyone. Remember me? Fox emoji? Human wardens? Helping you guys? Ring a bell?” The creature frowned when the camera wobbled, dipping a bit low. It floated lower and sighed. “Hey, hold that thing still! What are you guys good for anyway?”
          There was the sound of faint voices, possibly bickering, before it was silent again. All that was on the irritated face of the fox creature.
          “Anyway, I’m Trixx. That doesn’t actually matter, so scratch that. Hey, do you think Plagg’s listening? Hey, Plagg, you suck!”
          “Trixx!” a muffled voice groaned. Trixx just snickered.
          “Anyway, we can’t talk long. You know, evil Wardens and all that. Anyway, we know you guys kinda got the short end of the stick since you’re all stupid.”
          “Whatever, whatever. Anyway, we wanted to give you guys some comfort after all that, so we’ve got a present. Right about now, my sidekicks—”
          “—oh shut up! Anyway, you guys are getting your pets back! Uh, we’re gonna scale down anything over six feet because we’re only Kwamis, guys. We’re not like all-powerful beings who can warp time and space. That’s Tikki and Plagg and they’re nuts right now.”
          There was some skirmishing and then the camera dropped, hitting the ground by one of the large metal gates.
          “Seriously, you guys are useless!” Trixx said, flying down and sitting on the ground. “Anyway, pets incoming! Oh, and don’t forget that your Wardens aren’t totally  and there’s bigger forces at work and good beats evil and all that good stuff. See ya!”
          The video cut out and you were left with no further explanation, other than the obvious: someone or some things were out there trying to help you.
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Congratulation! Thanks to some outside help, you’ve been gifted with the return of any pets you may have had. Sounds great, right?
This extends to pets only. Things like cats, dogs, dragons, etc.
Things like Personas and creatures who could double as a muse are not pets and therefore do not count.
These creatures do not retain any magical abilities.
As Trixx said, she and her cohorts have shrunk down any creatures whose main body length exceeds six feet. These pets have been shrunk down in various sizes, but their main body is not over four foot.
When we say “main body” we mean the basis of their body, without things such as tails, wings, horns, tentacles, etc.
Height does not equal length. A quadpedal creature will have their length counted, not their height. A creature whose body extends six feet, whether vertically or horizontally, will be shrunk.
The creatures helping you have brought you a maximum of four pre-existing companions. If you didn’t have a pet before the verse, you’re not being granted one. They’re only bringing what you already had at home here.
A pet’s minor destruction of property (such as a dog digging a hole or eating a flower) will not mean a punishment for you. A pet’s major destruction of property (say that dog breaks through a wall or chews up a bunch of books in the library) will.
As they say: your pet, your responsibility.
If you’re unsure about whether the creature you’re considering falls under the category of “pet,” message a mod.
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With Chapter Three now over, the Cordes Sanglantes mod team decided that we are temporarily accepting applications again! Applications will remain open for the duration of the interlude as we set up for the next chapter. Do not worry about if you are just jumping in, we have you covered. You do not need to know what happened in Chapter One through Three for plot reasons, we have something planned. 
Just a reminder: no experience of group murder verses or knowledge of Miraculous Ladybug or Danganronpa is needed to join! We are more than willing to answer any questions you may have!
For returning members, just a reminder your eligibility to add in a new muse is subjected to your activity in prior chapters. More information on that can be found here.
Here are some important links:
Locked Muse List
Have questions?
Application/ Submit
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Hey guys! Zayne here with some news.
As we head into Chapter Four, we are over halfway done with the verse! But unlike the last chapters, everything you do will effect your ending to the verse and it will be more inclusive and driven than ever. However, that leads us to our dilemma.
As you know, the week-long activity form has ended and all those who didn’t fill it out were kicked from the verse and group in preparation for the next chapter. Even many who filled out the form are inactive. As such, we have decided on three things.
ONE: those who have been inactive in the verse thus far will not be allowed to add more muses, whether or not they’d replace a dead muse. If you’re worried about whether you’re eligible, just message a mod and we’ll review your case. You can still swap muses to your heart’s content! You just can’t add more muses.
TWO: we are reopening apps to both replace those who were kicked and to make sure the verse has as many driven muns as possible to help you reach the ending that you deserve.
THREE: we will now be conducting weekly activity checks starting at the beginning of Chapter Four (not during the interlude). 
On a certain day of the week (we’ll announce the day later), the mods will comb your blogs for recent posts. If you haven’t posted in a week, you’ll receive a strike.
If, for whatever reason, you couldn’t post this week, you’ll have until the next activity check (a week’s time) to message us and explain the reason you couldn’t post and have the strike removed.
If you receive three strikes, that specific muse will be kicked from the verse, not all your muses. You will not be able to replace that muse or re-enter them in the verse.
However, if you miss two consecutive activity checks without informing us of a situation, your muse will be kicked. Once again, you’ll be responsible to come to us if there’s any problem, whether through Discord or the group blog’s ask box.
Those who tell us about a hiatus will be exempt from the activity checks until the hiatus ends. We will allow no longer than a month’s hiatus. If you do not have time for the verse at all, you need to make that known.
We understand that life gets in the way. Just let us know.
Once off hiatus, you must wait at least 2 weeks (if you had a 1-2 week hiatus) or 4 weeks (if you had a 3-4 week hiatus) to go on another.
Discord is not canon. Discord does, has not, and never will count for activity or canonicity. We’ve made this clear from the beginning but we felt the need to reiterate it.
We will not chase you down and badger you to post or explain your reasoning for not posting. That’s your own responsibility. 
We will message you a week after the activity check to inform you of a strike. We will tell you what strike you’re on. If you didn’t come to us prior to the strike, you cannot have it removed.
I know, I know, it’s harsh, but we tried to be nice about the activity in the group. We tried gently pushing you to post, we had surveys to see how we could help, we asked if you were still interested in the verse, yet many of you still don’t participate. We don’t know what else to do but crack down.
If you don’t participate and collaborate with your fellow muns, you won’t reach the good ending of CS. 
A murder verse is about teamwork. Remember that.
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Alright with Chapter Three now over, we are roughly at our half way point! With the future motives the mod team has planned, we need everyone’s help to make these work as intended. It’s come to our attention that the verse is lacking in activity. While we understand this is finals time for many people, including those on the Mod Team, we feel like it would not hurt to see who is still interested in Cordes Sanglantes.
What does this mean?
We are having an activity check to see who is still interested in the verse. This is mainly so we have an accurate list we can pull from for future events. We are also going to take this opportunity and ask for your honest feedback on how the verse is progressing and what we as a mod team could do to make this a more enjoyable experience.
About the activity check.
You will have one week from today to fill out the activity check form.
The form should take about five to ten minutes to complete.
We will be reblogging this post throughout the week and reminding you on Discord. However, we will not be hunting individuals down to complete this. 
Anyone who does not fill it out will be considered “uninterested” and therefore removed from the Masterlist and Discord. 
If you have any issues (such as being unable to fill out the form), please feel free to come talk to a mod.
Until the end of the activity check, we ask that nobody send in app for replacement or additional muses. Thanks~
Thank you for your continued support and we hope you will enjoy what we have coming. 
—The CS Mod Team.
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"Good morning, Hang. Would you happen to have any textbooks about medical care? Or medical supplies? And how much would all of that cost?" :shslfansandballet
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⟨I don’t carry books here, only journals and notebooks. I have first aid kits for sale though. It costs 4 credits per kit and it contains the basics.⟩
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          It’s been a quiet few days. The Wardens were rarely seen and given the results of the last trial you were not that surprised. There was anxiety in the air as each day passed. You remembered the Warden’s repeated reminder of failing a trial would lead to something bad, yet it’s been over an entire week since Nicolette was wrongly executed and Bridgette was allowed to leave and there still was not a single peep coming from either Warden. In another situation, you might have been glad. 
          Now, you were downright terrified of what was to come. 
                    ( We aren’t dead...what are they planning? )
          You gently bit your lip as you thought about what could happen next, everyone who was poisoned got the antidote and the bracelets were long gone. You knew that the punishment was not related to the last motive, yet...
          There was a vibration in your pocket as you pulled your phone out. All previous thoughts were disregarded as you opened the screen and saw SysAdmin appear. She seemed dull. 
          “Listen up, you dense motherfuckers. Get to the plaza in 15 minutes for a mandatory meeting. I’ll even provide a map since you incompetent fucks can’t seem to notice things right in front of your face.”
          You noticed something off about SysAdmin, however you could not tell what was wrong with the AI, though you would admit that the reminder of the failed trial was not needed. A sigh escaped your lips as you made your way to the plaza.
Current Time: 1600
           Once everyone assembled at the plaza, you waited for the Wardens to arrive. There was a quiet mumbling between everyone as you waited in anticipation for Marionette and Chat Blanc to appear. What you were not expecting was that the entire staff came with them. Most of them looked irritated, yet Hime seemed to be excited. You couldn’t help but glare at the little she-devil as memories of past punishments flashed through your mind. You knew better than to verbally lash out at her, especially given the presence of the Wardens. 
           “Good everyone managed to get here. Give yourself a pat on the back and let’s get started,” Marionette spoke up to get everyone’s attention. Just like SysAdmin, you could tell that something was off with the Warden. Unlike with SysAdmin, you were able to pick up on her colder and harsher tone as she stepped forward.
                    ( Is this because we got the killer wrong? )
          “For those who have not noticed, all Duelists should have had their decks returned to them. For those who are interested in getting into the game, you can buy starter decks and booster packs from Hang. We are putting the finishing touches on the Turbo Dueling track and Action Duel Arena. Expect that to be available in the next few days. This is your reward for finishing the motive.”
          She took a step back to be at Chat Blanc’s side once more. You saw that the others seemed to be interested and in some cases excited about the new development. 
                    ( That can’t be it. Ther— )
          “Did we say we were done with you dipshits?” Chat Blanc snapped as he glared at the group. The excited chatter quickly died down after; it seemed like he made a full recovery. You were not sure if that was a good or bad thing for you. “There still is that little part about how you guys all fucked up the trial. You are all a bunch of fucking hypocrites and should be thanking us that you still have your pathetic lives instead of killing you for failing a trial. But no matter, there is still that little detail about how to punish you. Hime if you would?”
          Hime stepped forward, clearly pleased with herself. 
          “Of course!” She tapped her chin as if in thought before grinning maliciously. “You are losing all help provided from any staff.” 
                    ( EVERYTHING? )
           Your eyes went wide in horror by what Hime was saying. It was hard surviving the last motive with the hospital gone, and now it sounded like it was never reopening. You heard that some more people got hurt trying to explore the jungle a few days ago and while the injuries were not too terrible, the thought of no doctors still scared you.
          “You know it would have been temporary if you didn’t make it sound like we were the villains.” It was Aisha who spoke up, her voice was quiet and unsure. “I want to help you guys, but not if this is the thanks we get. My surgeon, my nurse and I have worked day and night for you, yet your thanks is horrible, so we are not reopening the hospital.”
          “The General Store and Grocery Store will remain open. However, everything will cost credits to buy except for basic food, water, and hygiene. You will have to go through me if you want anything else.” This time it was Hang who spoke up. Her voice was stronger than Aisha, yet she couldn’t make eye contact with anyone in the crowd. 
           “Now there is one last thing.” Chat Blanc glanced among the crowd looking for one specific person. Once he found them, he started walking towards them. He unzipped one of his pockets and pulled out a small box. You saw the Warden come towards you and you got out of his way, and you noticed a few others did the same. Once Chat Blanc reached Felix Agreste, he made eye contact with him. 
          “Felix, this is yours.” With that he handed the small bag to the other gently before turning around and walking back to Marionette’s side.
          “With that, you are dismissed.”
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Alright with Chapter Three now over, we are roughly at our half way point! With the future motives the mod team has planned, we need everyone’s help to make these work as intended. It’s come to our attention that the verse is lacking in activity. While we understand this is finals time for many people, including those on the Mod Team, we feel like it would not hurt to see who is still interested in Cordes Sanglantes.
What does this mean?
We are having an activity check to see who is still interested in the verse. This is mainly so we have an accurate list we can pull from for future events. We are also going to take this opportunity and ask for your honest feedback on how the verse is progressing and what we as a mod team could do to make this a more enjoyable experience.
About the activity check.
You will have one week from today to fill out the activity check form.
The form should take about five to ten minutes to complete.
We will be reblogging this post throughout the week and reminding you on Discord. However, we will not be hunting individuals down to complete this. 
Anyone who does not fill it out will be considered “uninterested” and therefore removed from the Masterlist and Discord. 
If you have any issues (such as being unable to fill out the form), please feel free to come talk to a mod.
Until the end of the activity check, we ask that nobody send in app for replacement or additional muses. Thanks~
Thank you for your continued support and we hope you will enjoy what we have coming. 
—The CS Mod Team.
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Alright with Chapter Three now over, we are roughly at our half way point! With the future motives the mod team has planned, we need everyone’s help to make these work as intended. It’s come to our attention that the verse is lacking in activity. While we understand this is finals time for many people, including those on the Mod Team, we feel like it would not hurt to see who is still interested in Cordes Sanglantes.
What does this mean?
We are having an activity check to see who is still interested in the verse. This is mainly so we have an accurate list we can pull from for future events. We are also going to take this opportunity and ask for your honest feedback on how the verse is progressing and what we as a mod team could do to make this a more enjoyable experience.
About the activity check.
You will have one week from today to fill out the activity check form.
The form should take about five to ten minutes to complete.
We will be reblogging this post throughout the week and reminding you on Discord. However, we will not be hunting individuals down to complete this. 
Anyone who does not fill it out will be considered “uninterested” and therefore removed from the Masterlist and Discord. 
If you have any issues (such as being unable to fill out the form), please feel free to come talk to a mod.
Until the end of the activity check, we ask that nobody send in app for replacement or additional muses. Thanks~
Thank you for your continued support and we hope you will enjoy what we have coming. 
—The CS Mod Team.
5 notes · View notes
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Alright with Chapter Three now over, we are roughly at our half way point! With the future motives the mod team has planned, we need everyone’s help to make these work as intended. It’s come to our attention that the verse is lacking in activity. While we understand this is finals time for many people, including those on the Mod Team, we feel like it would not hurt to see who is still interested in Cordes Sanglantes.
What does this mean?
We are having an activity check to see who is still interested in the verse. This is mainly so we have an accurate list we can pull from for future events. We are also going to take this opportunity and ask for your honest feedback on how the verse is progressing and what we as a mod team could do to make this a more enjoyable experience.
About the activity check.
You will have one week from today to fill out the activity check form.
The form should take about five to ten minutes to complete.
We will be reblogging this post throughout the week and reminding you on Discord. However, we will not be hunting individuals down to complete this. 
Anyone who does not fill it out will be considered “uninterested” and therefore removed from the Masterlist and Discord. 
If you have any issues (such as being unable to fill out the form), please feel free to come talk to a mod.
Until the end of the activity check, we ask that nobody send in app for replacement or additional muses. Thanks~
Thank you for your continued support and we hope you will enjoy what we have coming. 
—The CS Mod Team.
5 notes · View notes