#v; cordes sanglantes
shslfansandballet · 7 years
"I am... so done with everything. Everyone here is so easily manipulated and there was some stupid ghost haunting people the other night but apparently everyone's moved on now that they have their pets and can play some dumb card game. Give me solitare any day. Some of us are stuck with injuries cause of stupid people, the wardens hate us, we have no allies... I wanna go home... I need my boys... shame I dunno how to just stretch myself outta here..."
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sctsunai-archived · 7 years
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          The fact of the matter is that, considering his life, Yuuri was the worst one of the counterparts to be in charge of picking out a yukata for the festival. He’d never even seen one, let alone this many colors and patterns. They all looked like odd robes and he silently cursed his counterparts for forcing him to engage in the festival activities.
          Thankfully, Hang did not bear any ill will towards him for Yuugo’s stupidity, and gave him detailed instructions about how to put it on. He didn’t enjoy her giggles.
          That’s how he ended up later in a purple yukata that matched his hair, a pattern of pink sakura blossoms splaying over its cloth. The trim was a light pink, and the sash as well. He wouldn’t admit that it was a beautiful garment within itself. He was happy with it (but not with the hair pin that Hang insisted he wear).
          Sighing, Yuuri supposed this wasn’t too bad.
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Brie was trying to keep her upbeat attitude. She really was. But between her brother isolating himself lately and the somber atmosphere, it was getting so, so, so hard.
So instead she focused on keeping herself in shape. A feeling of dread was weighing down on her, and she was uneasy on what the next motive could be. She didn’t think she’d ever become a target... but she could no longer take chances.
She finished her morning workout and plopped herself underneath a tree in the park to catch her breath. With the decent weather it was tempting to take just a quick little nap, but she quickly shook off that thought - she didn’t want to disappoint the Wardens by not following their simple rules. So she distracted herself by looking up at the sky and the passing clouds.
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princeofthetide · 7 years
Sidon rubbed the back of his neck as he approached the Warden, he wasn’t typically one that went for asking requests even on a normal basis. As a prince everyone automatically sought to dote on him and he’d much preferred not to take advantage of said things. Granted this place definitely put him on an even playing ground he still preferred not to. But wanting to get into the festivities of the celebration, he found a slight problem with the clothing, hence why he sought out Marionette.
“Miss Marionette, I don’t have the right but I have a favor to ask of you.” He motions to himself and grins sheepishly, “I wish to partake in the festivities but even the largest garment doesn’t fit me. I was wondering if you could produce something or point me in the direction of someone to help design and make those traditional clothes.“ He only knew about making formfitting clothes and armor for a being’s intended as per his own customs. Everything else was new.
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silxntsamxrai · 7 years
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“This is rather sudden, but would you wish to accompany to the festival?”
  Flynn asks this, already donning a Yukata (though fastened incorrectly, he tried his best on his own). He didn’t feel right tackling the new and unusual on his own, Minako would know what to do.
“What festivities take place here..?”
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Hey guys, Zayne here to tell you applications are closing May 30th! If you want in on the verse (you need no knowledge of either series or what’s gone on in the verse so far), you’ll need to do it soon!
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wrxnchxd-blog · 7 years
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[ 🔧 ] -- Hiding would be what he had been doing the past few weeks, but that was putting it lightly. He didn’t help at all in the third trial, mostly due to the shock of losing so many people at once. But the Lombax couldn’t help but wonder if he had spoken up, if he had voted, would there have been a different outcome? 
Too many ifs. 
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He was supposed to save people. And yet, he sat by idly as an innocent was killed for a crime she did not commit. And he could do nothing to stop it. Motives will continue to drop, and the humans would keep on murdering each other. And Shato....
The Shadow that pissed him off to no end was trapped. That much he could see. He cared, probably a bit too much, for Blanc and the Warden cared about him. But ever since his human had died...he hasn’t seen not hide nor hair of him. Not even in the ims. Almost to the point where Shato wondered a bit if he had killed himself when no one was looking. 
“Dad...what would you do if you were in my shoes? Would you have done something different? Could you have done something different?” His tail twitched gently behind him and swayed back and forth. 
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“Someone tell me what I should do?” 
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fatedfairyking-blog · 7 years
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STARTER CALL: Like this for a CS Starter! Will likely be short.
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moresparkthanbite · 7 years
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“Hey Amelia...?”
Nora approached the other girl hesitantly, fidgeting with her hands as she considered how to phrase it. She didn’t want Amelia to think she was crazy... then again, the whole situation they’d been stuck in was crazy. Ordinarily she wouldn’t mention it--she’d pretend it hadn’t even happened, as a matter of fact--but it was weighing on her conscience.
“I heard something... weird, the other day. Can I talk to you about it?”
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hisbleedingheart · 7 years
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He’s just standing by himself. How does one socialise in these events!? After a while, he eventuallly just decides to approach a random person, and starts to speak to them.
“...Are you doing well?”
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theredfool · 7 years
@silxntsamxrai - a starter for you l are you alright? 
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[text] Hey Flynn, can we meet up ? I sorta want to talk if thats alright. 
[text] meet me at the park. 
Her fingers gilded her phone’s keyboard. What was this? A feeling of unneeded Dread was on her shoulder and slowly flowed into her chest as she takes deep breathes. She quickly moves to the park, her shoes stepping against the ground covered with stone, and her hair bouncing.
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dxfiedfxte-a · 7 years
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Sitting alone in the courtyard at a table was Minato scrolling through random pictures he took with Fuuka when she was alive. To think that despite all of this senseless death an torture, Fuuka was still able to smile -- one of the very things he would still miss about her. That was just like her, to smile even in the most dire and unthinkable conditions involving this twisted game of murder, she truly was the light in his life. As much as he enjoyed his career, it was being with Fuuka that was the real highlight in his life...but now it was gone..she was gone. The last picture he took of her was when they were hanging out in his dorm room. It was a random picture but she looked at the camera from the side. 
Here he was sitting here -- a Shadow Of A Man who was just a lost cause trapped in his shell without a soul, he felt like he had no reason to live anymore, without Fuuka by his side he felt like mattered anymore. Sure he had a career to continue but that was only if he would actually make it out of here alive. After scrolling through pictures he finally found one where both were smiling, the fool stared at it for a long time trying to imprint the image of her smiling face in his mind forever. 
The sound of shoes tapping on the ground heading towards him caught his attention, he just slowly looked up before turning his head to face the other approaching him with a look of heartache still fresh on his face, he didn’t say anything and just stared.
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[{👻}] - “ . . . . ?”
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       [[🔥 ]] “So I came here and heard of some festival..? These Wardens must be trying to ease the minds of who came here against their will.”
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falsumes · 7 years
STARTER CALL: Like for a CS starter!
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We’ve gotta talk, guys.
As you all were aware, we started doing weekly activity checks, with the first one happening last Wednesday. We were disappointed by the amount of inactivity seen during the last check, but we held our heads up and said “they know the consequences, they’ll get to it this week.”
You didn’t. 
Out of the 53 non-mod muses in this verse, 39 muses failed either this week’s or last week’s check. 17 failed the check two weeks in a row. As you all know, if you fail two weeks in a row without talking to a mod, your muse would be kicked from the verse. 17 muses are in danger of being kicked from the group as of today. That’s both incredibly frustrating and incredibly disappointing to this mod team.
This verse cannot continue without you all, as players, participating in this verse. Frankly, the mods do not want to continue putting in extensive work to this verse if nobody is going to be active. Even with the anonymous asks we’ve sent out in preparation for the motive, there’s been little interest. Because of this, we have an ultimatum:
The motive for Chapter 4 will be held off until after the next activity check. 
Chapter 4′s motive is highly, highly interactive and the mods have been working on it steadily for the past two weeks. 
We don’t want to finish the motive for nothing, as it feels like we’re doing.
If activity doesn’t pick up by the next check, Chapter 4 will not have a motive and CS will reach a bad end and close permanently.
It’s up to you to show us you’re interested in this verse. If you’re not, tell us. Don’t let us keep working so hard if you’re not interested. That’s not fair to us and we don’t want to do work that you won’t appreciate.
Signing off for now,
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spottedcharms · 7 years
After the results of the trial came in, Marionette was less than pleased with the results. Nicolette was one of the few prisoners she actually liked and she was forced to execute the injured girl. She knew that some of the prisoners were lacking in the intelligence department, but, she didn’t think enough of them were to cause them to fail a trial. While they didn’t explicitly hold their hand this time, the answer was still painfully obvious. While only a specific few saw the details of the injury. It was still very evident based on how Nicolette was acting and speaking that she was telling the truth about how long she was in the kitchen. 
She let out a frustrated sigh as she looked at what was going on in the general IM channel. Seeing Hime and Hang interacting with the prisoners and the subsequent results. She pulled up a certain prisoners name once she was done watching the stupidity of the  IM channel. 
To: SupremeBitch
[AttackonLadybugs] Haou, if you are free... can you meet me in the Plaza in  minutes
AttackonLadybugs is typing...
[AttackonLadybugs]: Bring your deck too
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